Get a loan to buy a car. Advantages of a cash loan. Requirements for the borrower

The desire to purchase a new car, with a couple of hundred steel horses under the hood, periodically seizes every Russian. Financial capabilities are not always sufficient to buy a car and reach what you want.

When the problem of lack of money arises, motorists use special loan programs. The question of which banks give car loans does not exist today. Almost all credit organizations offer targeted loans in the field of car lending. A car enthusiast can only choose the most profitable loan to buy a car.

Many car dealerships and banks, in the competition for customers, announce that they can provide the most favorable car loan. Through the development of various programs, employees strive to satisfy the basic needs of customers as much as possible. And they are different.

Someone, having fallen in love at first sight with a new car in the showroom, wants to take out a car on credit within a couple of hours. Someone is ready to carefully analyze information about banking products in search of where it is more profitable to take out a loan. Someone will wait until they have accumulated their own funds to the maximum in order to get a car loan with a low interest rate.

There are several types of loan programs adapted to the capabilities and desires of buyers.

Where to get a loan - at a car dealership or at a bank? The decision depends on the type of lending chosen and the existence of a partnership between the store and the lending institution. Most car dealerships provide offices for bank employees. This allows you to quickly issue loans in a convenient and comfortable atmosphere for the buyer.

Criteria for choosing a loan to purchase a car

Which bank is the best to get a car loan from? Competition in the car lending segment is very high and continues to grow. To attract customers, banks have developed many products that differ in terms of car loan provision and requirements for the borrower.

In such a variety, it is not easy to figure out which loan is better. There are basic aspects by which you can evaluate existing offers and determine where it is more profitable to take out a car loan.

First of all, clients pay attention to the interest rate, since it is an indicator of the overpayment for the car and its final cost. By and large, it is the interest rate that determines which loan is more profitable. The lowest interest rate on a car loan that can be found today is 8–12%, provided by UralSib, Sovcombank and Bank of Moscow.

The next significant aspect is the availability and size of the down payment. Typically the contribution amount is 10–15% of the cost of the car. There is an inverse relationship between the amount of the down payment and the annual interest: the more of your own funds the buyer spends on the car, the less interest he will pay on the car loan.

There are banks that are ready to work with clients without this payment: VTB-24, AltaiEnergobank, AiMoneyBank. But experts do not recommend it unless absolutely necessary under such conditions. This is explained by the fact that the rise in price of a car will be very high, the rate on a car loan reaches 35–40% per annum, which is extremely unprofitable for the buyer.

Obtaining CASCO insurance for a car and borrower insurance are mandatory conditions for the majority of loan products. These procedures increase the cost of obtaining a loan, but if you have a full package of insurance, the annual interest rate is reduced by 0.5–1.5 points. The borrower is not always free to choose an insurer, and the companies offered by banks usually charge more for insurance.

Car dealerships strive to increase sales volumes and, for this purpose, together with their bank partners, launch promotions in which the cost of certain cars is reduced due to discounts or reductions in interest rates. By participating in such a promotion, you can get the cheapest car loan.

The so-called loan based on two documents is gaining increasing popularity among buyers. A tempting offer for people who waste time and effort collecting a large portfolio of documents. This option assumes that the borrower has a passport and any other document: TIN, international passport, driver’s license, etc.

Where is the best place to get such a loan? Banks’ risks for such products are higher, since the program superficially evaluates the borrower and his solvency. Accordingly, the annual interest and down payment will be higher. The most profitable car loans based on two documents are offered by Sberbank, VTB-24, Rosbank, and Bank of Moscow.

The bank's proposals need to be evaluated comprehensively, since the benefit of one parameter does not mean that the product is completely suitable for the borrower. What is the most profitable car loan can be determined by calculating the repayment schedules of the proposed options.

To ensure that the price of a car does not increase by more than 30%, it is better to take out a short-term loan with the maximum possible down payment.

Review of offers from major banks for car loans

Which bank can I get a profitable car loan from? Detailed information on the terms and conditions of car loans can be obtained on the Internet on the official websites of credit institutions. Below is a general overview of the largest players in the car loan market.

The data provided is general in nature, since almost every bank has several lines of car loans, the conditions for which can vary significantly. The contract with each client is considered individually, and its final cost will depend on many factors.

Noteworthy car lending products are offered by Agropromkredit, Energobank, Baltinvestbank, Tatfondbank, Sovetsky Bank, Bank Soyuz, Rusfinancebank.

The buyer will understand which bank will provide a profitable car loan by assessing his ability to have a sufficient amount for a down payment and studying the available offers. If a brand new car has already been selected, the store consultants will answer the question of where you can get a car loan, since each car dealership has its own partners among financial and credit organizations.

When you want to buy a car, but don’t have the funds for it, you can use a loan. Each bank offers its own conditions: terms, interest rates and payment amounts. The borrower needs to find out about all this in advance by studying the favorable offers on car loans.

Almost all car dealerships cooperate with banks, so customers can immediately process the goods. But first you should read the terms and conditions of the programs to choose the right one. Usually they have their own characteristics.

Features of choosing a loan

If you take out a car loan at a car dealership, the services of several banks are usually offered with their own conditions, terms and rates. Which is better to choose? You should not rush into this matter, but rather read through several suggestions. First you need to contact the bank that issues wages. The requirements for regular customers are quite acceptable. You just need to find out everything about a car loan.

The most profitable option is a car loan without interest, but there is no such thing. Provision of a vehicle is possible only for a fee. Even if there is no interest in the agreement, the commission is calculated using refinancing.

Advantageous loan

The most profitable car loans are those that have the following conditions:

  • low interest rate for the entire payment period;
  • A passport and a second document are required;
  • no down payment;
  • no need to provide 2-NDFL;
  • It is not necessary to apply for CASCO insurance;
  • any credit history;
  • flexible terms.

A car loan without a down payment is more profitable, but you still need to find a bank with such conditions. Although in this case there is a possibility of a higher interest rate.

State support

You can get a car loan on favorable terms from different banks. The state is actively involved in this. A car loan program was created to support motorists. On its basis, the state provides funds to banks that provide these services. The money pays off some of the loan, resulting in low rates for customers. The features of a car loan include the following:

  • you can purchase vehicles whose weight does not exceed 3.5 tons;
  • first payment - from 20%;
  • rate - no more than 2/3 of the Central Bank rate.

Down payment: pros and cons

A car loan without a down payment is more valuable. This determines not only the amount that will be overpaid, but also the rate. If the first payment has been made, then due to the remaining amount the overpayment will be small. The most profitable car loans have a down payment of about 10-30% of the loan amount.

The advantages of the service without a down payment are that you can get a car right away without investing your own funds. But since the overpayment and payment will be high, it is necessary to calculate the possibility of payment. It is advisable to use a proven rule: about 60% of the salary should be left for all needs for the family. If it's less, it's not worth the risk.

Where can I get a profitable car loan without a down payment? Such services for clients are available at HomeCredit, AiMoneyBank, and Loko Bank. To save on interest payments, you will need to contribute at least 20% of the price of the vehicle. It is also necessary to purchase OSAGO and CASCO insurance.

Features of a car loan without CASCO

The most profitable car loans are issued without CASCO. Although they are much cheaper, there are certain pitfalls. Even taking into account the advantages, there are more negative points:

  • large percentage;
  • the down payment is quite large;
  • in some banks - early repayment;
  • in the event of an accident, you will have to repair the car at your own expense, as well as pay compensation to the other party;
  • You won't be able to buy a used car.

Where can I get a profitable car loan without CASCO? It is offered at UniCredit Bank, Tatfondbank, Rosbank, and Credit Europe Bank. Whether to take out such a loan or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. You should take into account overpayments that will occur without insurance. You also need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances that will help you obtain a suitable car loan. A favorable percentage almost always plays an important role.

Credit history

Banks often issue a negative decision on providing funds for the purchase of a car, the reason for which is a bad credit history. But with a positive approach, the possibility of obtaining a car loan increases sharply. Regular customers are also valued. Even if the borrower is ready to take a responsible approach to repaying the debt this time, as expected, not all banks are ready to cooperate with him. But still there are some.

Some do not even take into account negative credit history. Only then there will be no low interest rates and flexible terms. You may have to provide collateral or certificates. Typically, a car loan is issued with the following conditions:

  • large percentage;
  • limited maximum price of the car;
  • short loan term.

Most often the car is in the bank. Lenders require the provision of other objects equal in value to the car. You will need a certificate of income, a copy of your work record book, and a down payment. The decision to issue a loan with a bad credit history is made individually, taking into account information about the client.

Car loan or consumer loan?

When purchasing a car, the question arises: “What is more profitable - a car loan or a consumer loan?” To answer this, you need to read the terms and conditions of both services. They differ in terms, interest rates, and amounts provided.

Car loans have a lower rate - 10-17%. This is due to the fact that in this case banks risk less, because the car is presented as collateral during the entire lending period. But a car loan also has many disadvantages. The client needs to pay a high down payment, purchase CASCO insurance, and provide a deposit.

A consumer loan is beneficial for the following reasons:

  • there is an opportunity to purchase a car from a private person, and then you can save money;
  • no insurance required;
  • You can repay early without penalties.

What is more profitable - a car loan or a consumer loan - is up to the client to decide. After all, both banking services have their pros and cons. Reliance should be placed on personal income, repayment terms and other factors.

Selecting an advantageous offer

If you want to save money on purchasing a car, you should consider some nuances. Banks have many offers from which you can choose the most profitable car loans. It is advisable to use For example, if you have a car older than 10 years, then it can be recycled. This entitles you to receive a certificate that provides a discount on the purchase of a new car.

A low percentage is offered at Sberbank, VTB-24 and other institutions that take part in the state subsidy program. The client has the right to choose a Russian or foreign car, the assembly of which was carried out in Russia.

In addition to interest, you need to pay attention to other lending conditions that affect the purchase amount. Some institutions have application and early repayment fees. Many programs require insurance from a partner organization of the bank, for which you will also have to pay.

It is advisable to consider offers from several banks. It is necessary to first calculate the amount of monthly payments and the loan term. Only if you are completely satisfied with the offer can you choose it. You should find out how to get a loan more profitable. Typically, the overpayment is less if you conclude a transaction in a bank rather than in a salon.

It is necessary to clarify such details as the size of the down payment and the possibility of early repayment of the debt. Some banks charge a fee for servicing a loan and opening an account. This information must be obtained before executing the contract.

Broker services

In the financial services industry, there are credit brokers, or intermediaries. Although many do not want to contact such a specialist. But in vain. After all, he will help you choose the best offer among those presented. The advantages of working with a broker are as follows:

  • the program is selected based on the client’s wishes;
  • there is a search for a profitable program for a short or long period;
  • You can use interest-free installments;
  • the client does not need to independently prepare documentation;
  • The specialist advises the client on legal issues.

Brokerage services are paid after the loan is issued. The client has the opportunity to save significantly, since a profitable program will be chosen. Subject to cooperation with the broker, applications are usually given a positive decision.

Who is denied a profitable car loan?

There are situations when a profitable car loan is denied:

  • if there is not enough income to join a short-term program;
  • the car was manufactured more than 10 years ago;
  • the domestic car was manufactured more than 5 years ago;
  • the cost of the car is low;
  • CASCO is not issued;
  • the client does not leave the car as collateral.

If you want to purchase a used or inexpensive car, it is better to choose a consumer loan. This will allow you to save a lot and also avoid having to purchase a number of additional services. If you are planning to buy a new car, then car loans are perfect.

Wanting to buy the car of their dreams, drivers face a problem: where to get the money to buy a used or new car? Saving or borrowing from friends is time-consuming and inconvenient; it is much more profitable to take out a consumer loan for a car.

Is it necessary to apply for CASCO insurance? How much is the down payment? Why do banks require collateral? The article provides answers to these and other pressing questions regarding car loans.

Cash loan or car loan at a showroom?

Where is it more profitable to take out a loan for a new car - at a dealership or at a bank? Most borrowers are interested in this question.

Purchasing a loan at a car dealership has its advantages: customers can immediately complete the deal on the spot by choosing the model they like, and also receive discounts and dealer bonuses. But, as a rule, salons cooperate with a specific bank, and it is not possible to compare lending conditions. By applying for a loan “in a hurry”, the borrower receives the car here and now, but in the end risks overpaying.

Consumer loans for the purchase of a car from banks are very popular among clients. A quick decision (from 30 minutes) allows you to save the borrower’s time without overpaying for using the loan. In addition, car dealerships require CASCO insurance, and banks in 4 out of 5 cases trust clients without issuing an expensive policy. If desired, the borrower can connect to CASCO at a bank or insurance company after issuing a cash loan to purchase a car.

Best car loan offers

A loan for the purchase of a used or new car must be profitable for the client, otherwise the pleasure from purchasing the car will be incomplete. Below is a list of banks offering cash loans on favorable terms. Having received money from such a loan in a short time and on favorable terms, you can use it to purchase a car (both new and used).

Cash loan to buy a car from Alfa-Bank

Customers wishing to obtain a car loan are advised to pay attention to cash loan offers from Alfa-Bank. The lender offers favorable terms for providing a loan for any purpose:

  • quick decision-making on an application (from 5 minutes);
  • low interest rates for using borrowed funds (from 11.99%);
  • large amounts (up to 3 million rubles);
  • long loan term (up to 60 months).

Applying online is easy: filling out the application takes 5-10 minutes. When applying for a consumer loan in cash to buy a car, you do not need to provide additional certificates and documents (title for the car, CASCO), or pledge property (provide collateral or a down payment).

Consumer loan for used and new cars from OTP Bank

Buying a used car on credit (as well as getting cash for any purpose) is easy and profitable with OTP Bank - the absence of hidden fees and certificates makes the application process convenient and understandable for any client. Loans from OTP Bank are cash loans without a down payment or office visit.

Buy a car on credit on favorable terms from Vostochny Bank

Where is the best place to get it? Used car loan or cash loan? Vostochny Bank helps clients resolve financial issues by issuing loans up to 1 million rubles. Vostochny Bank credits loans on the day of registration, and a decision on the application comes within half an hour. A minimum package of documents is the best offer for borrowers. It is enough to have a Russian passport, SNILS (or any other document of the client’s choice). To apply for a loan to purchase a car (or other personal purposes), it is not necessary to inform the bank: consumer lending at Vostochny is non-targeted in nature when it comes to small amounts.

An interesting offer: a loan for 25-50 thousand rubles with a fixed rate of only 15% per annum. For large cash purchases - loans up to 500 thousand rubles (with the provision of a certificate of income 2-NDFL). Favorable conditions are available to all borrowers: there is no need to mortgage a home or take out a loan secured by a car; Vostochny issues large cash loans without collateral and at a low interest rate.

Car loan without certificates and guarantors from UBRIR

A car loan (and other purposes) from the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development is an easy way to get borrowed funds to purchase and realize your dream. Loans are issued to borrowers aged 21-75 years who have permanent registration in the Russian Federation and work experience of at least 3 months.

The fixed rate for the “Open” product (15% per annum) equalizes the interests of all borrowers who want to quickly purchase a car or receive cash. The loan amount depends on the client’s needs: it is possible to obtain a loan from 5 to 200 thousand rubles.

For large purchases - a loan "", "", for investors and clients - in the amount of up to 1 million rubles and from 15% per annum. It is more profitable to fill out an application on the company’s website: after processing the application, an SMS notification with a unique code will be sent to your phone. By showing the message to the manager, the client receives a low interest rate. For the guarantor, there are favorable conditions for the minimum wage: from 6 thousand rubles.

Advantageous offer for a car loan from Sovcombank

The bank is famous not only for issuing loans to pensioners, but also for favorable conditions on consumer loans. Citizens aged 20-85 with permanent registration in the Russian Federation and a stable income can become a Sovcombank borrower. The easiest way to apply for a loan is on the Sovcombank website. Clients can obtain loans in the amount of 5 to 400 thousand rubles for a period of 5 months. up to 5 years.

Conditions are calculated individually for each client. Special promotion: loan with a fixed rate of 12% per annum, for 100 thousand rubles. for borrowers over 35 years old. The repayment period is 1 year.

Cash loan for a car on the same day from Renaissance Credit

Renaissance Credit Bank offers clients attractive terms for loans from 30 to 700 thousand rubles. Buying a car or other expensive item is simple: just fill out an application on the company’s website and wait for a preliminary decision on the loan. An interest rate of 11.9% per annum will satisfy clients’ needs for borrowed funds on favorable terms.

The decision is made on the day of application. You can pick up cash on the date of application at any specified branch at the place of lending. Renaissance Credit even issues loans to pensioners for up to 60 months. The requirements for a permanent income are minimal: from 8 thousand rubles in all regions except Moscow and the region (from 12 thousand rubles).

Car on credit from a bank with state support from VTB

A cash loan for any purpose (including the purchase of a car) at VTB is issued for a period of up to 7 years. The maximum loan amount is 3 million rubles. The State Bank imposes certain requirements on potential borrowers:

  • age from 21 years;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • work experience at the current place - from 3 months;
  • absence of bankruptcy proceedings applied to the client during the year.

If borrowers do not receive wages on a VTB card, then one passport is not enough for the application. At the client's choice, it is allowed to provide SNILS, a copy of the work book, a 2-NDFL certificate, a certificate on a bank form.

By submitting an application online on the bank’s official website, the client will receive a preliminary decision on the loan in the form of an SMS notification within 15 minutes. You can get a loan to buy a car (or other purposes) at the office, after submitting the remaining documents. Favorable conditions in the state bank (from 14.9% per year) and a high level of customer confidence prove the lender’s competitiveness and leading position in the field of lending to individuals.

To get a loan to buy a car, it is not necessary to draw up a CASCO agreement and call guarantors. Most banks issue loans based only on the income of the future owner of the vehicle. An online application allows borrowers to apply for a consumer loan in cash at a convenient time, saving time and interest on use.

Not everyone who wants to buy a car will immediately have the money to pay for such a purchase. Therefore, car loans are today a very popular and affordable way to buy your own car.

What are the features of a car loan?

A car loan is a targeted loan for the purchase of a car. You can get a car loan from a bank on the condition that the car will serve as bank collateral. Based on this, the bank reduces risks and charges less interest on the loan.

Typically, the rate on a car loan is lower than on a cash loan. But if the loan is not repaid, the car is repossessed by the bank and sold to repay the loan.

Most often, the bank requires the borrower to insure the car under the CASCO program. In case of theft or damage to the car in an accident, the bank will receive insurance. The car owner must renew the insurance annually, otherwise the bank will apply penalties to the borrower.

Until the car loan is repaid, the car passport must be in the bank. If you need it, then you need to contact the bank and resolve with it the issue of how it can be obtained and when it needs to be returned.

Where to get a car loan?

There are many different banks in Russia. But after 2014, a large number of financial and credit organizations stopped issuing loans for the purchase of cars, replacing them with consumer loans with simplified conditions.

It can be noted that few rating banking institutions offer such a targeted loan in 2017. In most cases, interest rates on car loans are the same as on personal loans. Although before the difference was quite noticeable.

Name of the bank

% per annum

Loan amount, rub

Issue date

For which cars?

During what period is it processed?

Down payment, % of the cost of the car

"Eastern Bank"

100 thousand rubles. - 10 million rubles

From 1 to 5 years


100 thousand rubles. - 10 million rubles

From 3 to 10 years

During one week

"Alfa Bank"

100 thousand rubles. - 5.6 million rubles

From 1 to 6 years

150 thousand rubles. - 1 million rubles

From 1 to 7 years


50 thousand rubles. - 3 million rubles

From 1 to 5 years

Within one business day


Up to 3 million rubles


Up to 10 million rubles

The most attractive conditions are offered by Noxsbank. But only residents of the Volgograd region can get a car loan from this bank.

Alfa-Bank also offers quite attractive lending conditions. Here you can refuse CASCO insurance. If you do not receive a salary through this bank, then you will be given a car loan at a rate of 15.5% per annum.

The conditions of "VTB 24" are the most balanced in terms of rates and requirements for the borrower. But in this bank it is necessary to pay a down payment of 20% of the entire cost of the purchased car.

Car loans from Raiffeisenbank are ideal for borrowers with high earnings living in large cities of Russia.

Speaking about how to get a car loan from Sberbank, it is also necessary to note the rather favorable conditions of this bank. The interest rate here is one of the lowest. Almost every Russian citizen can get a car loan here.

If you receive a salary from Sberbank, then the bank will make a decision on issuing such a loan within 2 hours. If the client is able to make an initial payment of 30% of the cost of the car, then the bank will not require a certificate of income, a copy of the employment record, or the presence of guarantors.

Getting a car loan with bad credit

If you have previously been late in repaying other loans, this will most likely have a negative impact on your credit reputation.

Before you get a car loan with bad credit, you should contact a credit bureau for a reference. If it indicates that you have arrears, you need to pay them off urgently. If any erroneous information about the overdue payment is indicated, you must contact the bank to resolve this issue.

To improve your credit history, you can take out several small loans and repay them on time and in full.

You can also submit applications to small or newly opened financial and credit organizations. Such institutions are looking for clients and agree to impose conditions that are not too harsh on borrowers.

Another option is to apply for a loan from microfinance institutions, pawn shops or financial companies for which the client’s credit history is not important. But interest rates in such organizations are much higher than in banks.

How to improve the reputation of a borrower

You can also increase the likelihood of getting a car loan if you have a negative credit history in the following ways:

  • find a guarantor with an excellent credit reputation;
  • submit a certificate to the bank indicating a high level of income or ownership of expensive valuables;
  • provide collateral;
  • make an advance payment of 50% of the cost of the purchased car.

Getting a car loan online

After this, the bank will issue a preliminary conclusion on the possibility of issuing a loan to you. But you will still have to come to the bank in person to provide the required package of documents and sign the agreement.

Car loan - to take or not?

A car loan has many negative aspects, but there are also positive aspects. It is necessary to carefully analyze all possible offers from banks, their loan programs, calculate the overpayment and other mandatory expenses for car loans and compare them with the overpayment for a simple consumer loan. You also need to take into account the possibility of government support when purchasing a domestic car.

To understand this sea of ​​nuances and conditions of loans from different banks, do not be afraid to seek the help of professional loan brokers.

Take care of your credit reputation. After all, if it’s bad, then getting a loan for a car will be much more difficult.

Car loans can be provided for both new and used cars. It is better to buy a used car at a car dealership, because it is guaranteed not to be stolen or damaged.

For example, you have made the decision to take out a car loan. And you start to think - Where is it better to get a loan for a car - at a bank or a car dealership? Both options are possible, but events may develop differently, depending on the specific situation.

Let's say you went to a car dealership because you already... There you made a down payment (10-15% of the cost of the car), paid.

Car loan from a bank on favorable terms

Now you need to choose the bank that offered the most favorable conditions - compare the conditions and rates for a car loan. Take a calculator and do the math.

Then you go to an eligible bank to apply for a car loan.

By the way, if your salary still does not allow you to purchase an expensive car on credit, take your wife or husband with you. The bank can take into account the income of both spouses.

To receive an express loan, the application review period is 1 day, but remember that an express application will cost you many times more. The shorter the review period, the more expensive the car loan.

The classic processing time for a regular car loan application is 7 banking business days.

If your application is rejected, just go to another bank and start over.

Which bank to get a car loan from?

However, in order to protect yourself from unnecessary worries, you can take a different route: initially, go straight to the bank and submit an application.

You can do even wiser: before you take out a car loan from a bank, it’s a good idea to get information on car loan terms directly on the Internet.

Here is a list of banks offering car loans (branches of these leading banks, as a rule, are located throughout Russia):

So, your loan application has been approved by the bank. Now is the time to go to the car dealership, especially since the bank leaves plenty of time to visit the car dealership: a car loan application approved by the bank is valid for 3 - 4 months. Therefore, there is time to choose a car to your liking, make a down payment and pay for insurance.

Car loan calculation

Under various car loan programs, the bank can offer you amounts from 40,000 to 5,000,000 rubles at 12% - 19% per annum.

The amount of the down payment on a car loan significantly affects its cost - they contributed 15% of the cost of the car, - they received a loan at 13% per annum. We paid 50% of the cost of the car and received a loan for the car at 8% per annum.

The most unfavorable loans for you are those without a down payment and proof of income (car loan light - based on two documents). Car loans are most often given for a period of up to 5 years.

If you take out a loan:

  • for 3 years - the interest rate will be approximately 12.5%,
  • take it for 5 years - the loan rate is already 1% higher.

Let's calculate and calculate a car loan based on average statistical data:

  • Let's assume you have saved 250,000 rubles.
  • We looked at a car at a car dealership that cost 1,500,000 rubles.
  • We decided to take out a car loan from a bank for a period of 3 years.

Let's make an approximate calculation of the cost of a car loan:

Loan term = 3 years.
Cost of the car = 1,500,000 rubles.
Down payment = 1,500,000×15% = 225,000 rubles.
1,500,000 - 250,000 = 1,250,000 rubles - we borrow from the bank for 3 years at 12.5% ​​per annum
12.5% ​​x 3 years = 37.5%
Total: 1,250,000 + 37.5% = 1,718,750 rubles - the estimated cost of a car on credit excluding insurance costs.
Overpayment on a car loan = 1,718,750 - 1,250,000 = 468,750 rubles.

To take out a car loan or not to take out, as well as what conditions to choose for yourself - the decision is up to you!

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