Cryptocurrency how to earn step by step instructions. Earnings on cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency and ways to make money on it Internet projects for earning cryptocurrency

Anatoly Shpakov

Master of Sports in Rugby. Fitness maniac. Travel blogger. Super dad.

Everyone around is talking about cryptocurrency, and many are probably jealous of those who once upon a time bought Bitcoin for $10 and are now in chocolate. There are people who think that they will have time to jump onto the last carriage of the “Cryptocurrency - Cloudless pension” train. Below I will talk about the most interesting and popular ways to make money on cryptocurrency, but it is not a fact that you will be able to increase your money.

1. Mining

Meaning: in simple terms, this is the extraction of cryptocurrency for a fee. You need to assemble a farm (a computer consisting of a dozen powerful video cards with special software) for the cryptocurrency you want to mine.

Pros: No.


  • Very high entry price.
  • Very long payback period for equipment.
  • You need to have a good understanding of technology and software.
  • Constant investment in farm upgrades.

Result: the pleasure is not cheap. It will take at least 1.5 million rubles to organize a more or less working farm that will generate income for you.

2. Cloud mining

Meaning: you buy power from other miners, but you don’t have the equipment yourself. Affordable mining for everyone.


  • Low entry price.
  • Return on investment in 4–6 months on some cryptocurrencies.
  • You don't have to be tech savvy.
  • A variety of tariff plans for mining different cryptocurrencies.
  • You can mine several cryptocurrencies at the same time.


  • Additional electricity costs (in some tariff plans).
  • Commissions for withdrawal of cryptocurrency.
  • Withdrawal only in cryptocurrency.
  • The invested money is frozen for a year.
  • Probability of data center failure.
  • Risk of hacking by hackers.

Result: quite a risky instrument with a high return.

7. Analogue of trust management

Meaning: investing your money in a certain community of crypto brokers who use your funds to play on the stock exchange and share their income with you every day.


  • Low entry price - $10.
  • Crazy profitability - 3.33% per day, or 100% per month.
  • The ability to withdraw interest in cryptocurrency or cash equivalent every day.
  • Daily interest accrual.


  • Personal account and all operations - only through Telegram.
  • Information about the project (its founders, etc.) is not disclosed.
  • You can only withdraw interest. Deposited funds cannot be withdrawn.
  • No verification other than linking Telegram to a phone number.
  • Perhaps this is a new financial pyramid like MMM, only on the cryptocurrency market.

Result: a very risky instrument, as there are signs of a pyramid.

Now there are many opportunities to make money on cryptocurrency, but all the ways are not as simple and safe as they seem. Assess the risks and your opportunities. And remember: the safest thing, as one famous character said, is to keep your money in a savings bank!

Anatoly Shpakov

Master of Sports in Rugby. Fitness maniac. Travel blogger. Super dad.

Everyone around is talking about cryptocurrency, and many are probably jealous of those who once upon a time bought Bitcoin for $10 and are now in chocolate. There are people who think that they will have time to jump onto the last carriage of the “Cryptocurrency - Cloudless pension” train. Below I will talk about the most interesting and popular ways to make money on cryptocurrency, but it is not a fact that you will be able to increase your money.

1. Mining

Meaning: in simple terms, this is the extraction of cryptocurrency for a fee. You need to assemble a farm (a computer consisting of a dozen powerful video cards with special software) for the cryptocurrency you want to mine.

Pros: No.


  • Very high entry price.
  • Very long payback period for equipment.
  • You need to have a good understanding of technology and software.
  • Constant investment in farm upgrades.

Result: the pleasure is not cheap. It will take at least 1.5 million rubles to organize a more or less working farm that will generate income for you.

2. Cloud mining

Meaning: you buy power from other miners, but you don’t have the equipment yourself. Affordable mining for everyone.


  • Low entry price.
  • Return on investment in 4–6 months on some cryptocurrencies.
  • You don't have to be tech savvy.
  • A variety of tariff plans for mining different cryptocurrencies.
  • You can mine several cryptocurrencies at the same time.


  • Additional electricity costs (in some tariff plans).
  • Commissions for withdrawal of cryptocurrency.
  • Withdrawal only in cryptocurrency.
  • The invested money is frozen for a year.
  • Probability of data center failure.
  • Risk of hacking by hackers.

Result: quite a risky instrument with a high return.

7. Analogue of trust management

Meaning: investing your money in a certain community of crypto brokers who use your funds to play on the stock exchange and share their income with you every day.


  • Low entry price - $10.
  • Crazy profitability - 3.33% per day, or 100% per month.
  • The ability to withdraw interest in cryptocurrency or cash equivalent every day.
  • Daily interest accrual.


  • Personal account and all operations - only through Telegram.
  • Information about the project (its founders, etc.) is not disclosed.
  • You can only withdraw interest. Deposited funds cannot be withdrawn.
  • No verification other than linking Telegram to a phone number.
  • Perhaps this is a new financial pyramid like MMM, only on the cryptocurrency market.

Result: a very risky instrument, as there are signs of a pyramid.

Now there are many opportunities to make money on cryptocurrency, but all the ways are not as simple and safe as they seem. Assess the risks and your opportunities. And remember: the safest thing, as one famous character said, is to keep your money in a savings bank!

With the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, more and more people want to benefit from them. You can put your savings on the line and purchase expensive equipment for a mining farm, invest in coins and engage in trading on the stock exchange, or wait for big profits. Or you can choose one of the methods where no investment is required. Looking ahead, let's say that you won't earn many coins this way. But trying is not torture. So, let's find out a few sure-fire ways to earn cryptocurrency on the Internet without spending a single ruble.

Top 8 ways to make money on cryptocurrency without investment

1.Cloud mining without investment.

The principle of operation is simple: you join a common pool for joint mining of cryptocurrencies on industrial mining farms of the owners of the cloud service. The earnings of each participant directly depend on the power they provide.

Cloud mining

To increase your income, you need to thoroughly understand the principles of how cloud sites work. It is recommended to organize work on several of them at once. Many servers provide their participants with bonuses in real cryptocurrency for the purchase of new capacities. This is exactly what experienced cloud users do.

At first glance, working on multiple resources may seem time-consuming, but in reality it is not. All processes on cloud platforms are automated - from the actual mining to the withdrawal of funds to the wallet. Your task is to set operating parameters, select a pool and enter the account number.

2.Bitcoin faucets - sites that make money from advertising.

Their owners are interested in attracting a large number of visitors, because advertising prices depend on this. To this end, they use three reward systems:

  • distribution of coins for clicking on links, entering captcha, watching videos;
  • automatic cloud-mining;
  • systematic distribution of Satoshi (within a specified time frame).

As you can see, working with cranes is not difficult; even a child can handle it. It is recommended to choose several reliable sites offering the most favorable conditions and organize your work correctly.

3.Online computer games.

Resources that offer gamers rewards in cryptocurrency are no different from all other gaming projects. They also reward you for completing new levels, completing quests and other achievements. To receive any significant income, you will need to either attract referrals and earn money from the affiliate program, or spend a huge amount of time in the game. Here you need to be a real fan of the game or have your own gaming portal on which you can place advertisements to attract new onesplayers who will provide you with passive income.

Online computer game

4.ICO promotion.

Many ICOs recruit volunteers to promote their projects and pay out rewards in advertised tokens. To receive coins, you need to perform certain work ordered by the ICO initiators.

Due to the fact that it is becoming increasingly difficult to attract investors to ICOs of cryptocurrency startups (and the reason for this is the huge percentage of fraud in this sector), their organizers are ready to share part of their income with those who will provide them with an influx of users. As a rule, projects allocate from 2 to 5% of issued tokens for this. The attractiveness of a new coin depends on the number of attracted active users, since this is one of the main indicators that potential investors pay attention to.

Let's take the example of the Bacor project, which managed to raise $116 million in two hours. The reward for those who helped promote the project was about $1 thousand for several reposts on social networks.

5.Affiliate programs are one of the most reliable ways to earn cryptocurrencies without investments.

Be careful when choosing sites that offer referral programs. Payments for attracted users can be one-time or permanent (a small percentage of referral transactions). This method of earning money may appeal to people with a wide circle of online contacts, active users of social networks, owners of their own popular blogs and websites where you can place a referral link.

6.Tipping .

This method is not yet very popular in Russia; To participate in it you need to know English. The principle of earning money is the mutual encouragement of users who are members of large online communities. You can reward for anything: good advice, interesting content, etc. As a rule, people transfer small amounts of satoshi to each other, equivalent to several tens of cents. But those who have mastered this type of income well talk about good additional income.

7. Airdrops are the same ICO advertising, only working according to a specific system.

The more buzz created around a newly released coin, the more dividends its creators can reap. Therefore, they regularly distribute their tokens, which are essentially worthless, to people to attract new visitors to the platform.

The principle of distribution depends entirely on the imagination of the initiators. It could be:

  • reward for registering a new account;
  • reward for registering a referral;
  • distribution of coins to owners of other cryptocurrencies registered on the airdrop resource;
  • reward for completing certain tasks.


    This option for earning money without investments is not independent. It is often used by miners who want to increase the profitability of their business. But if someone tells you that even neophytes who know nothing about cryptocurrencies can receive large sums without attracting investments and a huge number of referrals, then you are being shamelessly deceived.

To reach a good level of profit in reinvestment, you need:

  • work on several sites for a long time;
  • be able to competently distribute the proceeds, reinvest them in new capacities, create favorable conditions for your money to make money;
  • monitor the market, track the exchange rate of military-technical cooperation and other currencies, know the principles of exchange trading, be able to play on exchange rate differences;
  • develop your own strategy, learn to analyze the situation and invest wisely.

Cryptocurrency wallet

How to earn cryptocurrency without investments: reviews from those who have tried

Studying the reviews of people who have experience making money on cryptocurrencies without investing money allows us to draw the following conclusion: there is no 100% way to get a quick and large income. No matter how much you would like to get “everything at once,” it won’t happen. In each specific case, you will have to spend time, study the principle of operation, delve into all the details, and assess the possible risks. But over time, getting a real return on the invested effort and skills is a completely feasible task.

The popularity of digital money has grown rapidly, it has become simply impossible to ignore it, so it is understandable that there is a desire to understand what various cryptocurrencies are and how they can be operated.

The virtual space around us is constantly expanding, covering more and more new areas of activity. Since 2009, in a virtual environment it has become possible to earn income by working with so-called digital currencies, first introduced in the form of Bitcoin by a certain Satoshi Nakamoto. Who is hiding behind this pseudonym remains a mystery for now.

Initially, it was hardly possible to imagine how popular the topic of how to make money on cryptocurrency would become in 2018 and in subsequent years. People were of little interest in digital money, what they are and why they are needed, and they did not immediately attract consumers. However, less than a decade has passed since people started talking about cryptocurrency as a completely worthy competitor to fiat money.

Some desperate forecasters even started talking about the fact that fiat money will be forced out of use by constantly “born” cryptocurrencies, if not completely, then at least partially. After all, using them is profitable, convenient and safer than using fiat money.

It would be hard to call such forecasts completely unfounded, especially against the backdrop of the incredible exchange rate rise demonstrated by the first-born among cryptocurrencies - Bitcoin. When it became possible to get a decent apartment in the city for one or two digital coins, many became interested in how to quickly make money on cryptocurrency in 2018.

The popularity of digital money has grown rapidly, it has become simply impossible to ignore it, so it is understandable that there is a desire to understand what various cryptocurrencies are and how they can be operated.

The essence and principles of cryptocurrency

Cryptographic currency began to be called that way in 2011, and Satoshi Nakamoto used the concept of electronic cash. Cryptocurrency is considered as a completely independent monetary unit, since it is impossible to influence transaction participants from the outside. The use of cryptography principles made it possible to turn digital currency into the embodiment of highly complex code. The use of blockchain technology eliminates the possibility of changing previously used information.

Each coin that exists exclusively in virtual reality is unique, since it (the code) is encrypted in such a way that it is impossible to counterfeit. To complete any financial transaction, the hashed code of the coin must be transmitted to the recipient.

To store digital money, virtual wallets or wallet programs installed on computers are intended, which transfer the entire blockchain to the medium. The use of wallet programs is therefore somewhat difficult, because the Bitcoin blockchain, which continues to grow inexorably, has already reached a volume of over 150 GB.

Therefore, most users prefer installing virtual wallets, which are easier to install and maintain.

As usual, cryptocurrency exchanges are used to locate a virtual wallet. These financial platforms work with cryptocurrencies, store and accumulate digital funds. Traders, as on a regular stock exchange, make money by playing on exchange rate differences.

There is a certain risk of losing access to a digital wallet if some insurmountable problems arise with the cryptocurrency exchange itself, but this type of risk has to be taken for granted for now.

Choosing a wallet to store your earnings

Not knowing how to make money on cryptocurrency as a novice speculator in 2018, you should be careful, since, unfortunately, the practice of blocking user accounts by unscrupulous exchanges is common. We are talking about pure fraud aimed at appropriating digital currency. Therefore, you should not take unnecessary risks by entrusting your funds to someone unknown. There is an official website of the system, so it is better, without cooperating with little-known exchanges, to use the Btc wallets provided here. On the Internet you can find other completely reliable services that have been tested by numerous users. Let's name our top three most attractive wallets:

  • Exodus. A desktop application installed on a computer can only be accessed using private keys. An additional advantage of this virtual wallet is that it provides ample opportunities on how to make a lot of money on cryptocurrency in 2018, operating with a dozen and a half crypto coins that it supports. Among them, naturally, the most popular today are Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Dash, Golem, Augur, OmiseGo, Dogecoins.
  • Cryptonator. It is good because it allows you to store not only the most popular cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Dash, Dogecoin, Latecoin, and others, but also fiat monetary units - dollars and euros, rubles and hryvnia. When making money on cryptocurrency in 2018, you can immediately withdraw your income to a bank card, if there is a need for it.
  • Jaxx. The wallet can work on media with any operating system, be it Windows, MacOS, Linux or Android. You can use your own computer to store all keys. A dozen and a half major digital currencies are available for storage. Using the built-in exchanger ShapeShift, having figured out the issue of making money on cryptocurrency in 2018, you can withdraw your accumulated funds without resorting to using other exchangers or exchanges.

Conducting transactions does not require the use of intermediaries or any significant time, but when transferring some cryptocurrencies you have to pay a commission. Its size directly depends on the speed at which the user wants to conduct the transaction. Expedited execution is associated with an increase in commission.

Cryptocurrencies that demonstrate rapid growth in exchange rate, as was the case, for example, with Bitcoin, are characterized by an increase in commission sizes, as everyone is in a hurry to make a profit. You will have to decide on your own how to make money on cryptocurrency in 2018 and later without overpaying. Alternatively, you can limit yourself to small investments in other, cheaper coins.

How much money do you need

This is a rhetorical question. It is exclusively individual in nature. Some people have a monthly budget of $500, while for others this is a one-time trip to shopping centers.

To the question, how much money do you need to make money on cryptocurrency? We will answer this way: if you are a beginner and are just getting acquainted with the crypto market, then allocate as much as you don’t mind. It can be 20-50 USD. We do not want to say that you will definitely lose this money, however, the risks of losing your deposit for beginners are maximum.

Almost any science is learned through learning. In this case, the novice investor will pay for training with his own money. This primarily concerns trading in the cryptocurrency market.

Try to get a feel for the process of buying/selling coins with small amounts, say $20, and when your hand is full, increase your investment in this business.

Important: you don’t need to chase big money by placing cryptocurrency bets on the entire family budget. There must be an understanding of the market, not intuition or guesswork. When you understand that you are ready to show profitable trading not only in the upward direction, but also in the downward direction of crypto assets, you can expand your horizons.

Ways to make money on cryptocurrency

Choosing a wallet for storing cryptocurrency is important, but you should first think about choosing a way to earn money, that is, how to mine cryptocurrency in 2018. Currently, three methods are being considered:
  • Mining farm. It is created at home or they give preference to more industrial facilities, such as mining hotels, industrial premises, containers. It is no longer possible to mine with such profit on a regular computer as it was at the beginning of the spread of cryptocurrencies. Therefore, several more powerful ASIC miners are immediately purchased, focusing on working with the most expensive digital currencies.
  • Pool. There are certain similarities in how to make money on cryptocurrency in a pool with cloud mining. Using the combined power of many computers to generate income in 2018 is preferred by almost all miners, at least 90%, since mining alone is becoming increasingly difficult.
  • Bitcoin faucet. The level of payment for performing the simplest actions is very low, however, there is still interest in special resources that distribute satoshis (the payment units of the bitcoin system named after Nakamoto).
  • Airdrop. Sometimes startups, intending to attract investors and quickly promote the project, announce a free distribution of tokens, which you can take advantage of.
  • Investing in ICO. When a startup decides to enter the ICO market, looking for investors, the price of cryptocoins during the initial offering, for the most part, turns out to be low, and the demand for them may soon increase.
  • Participation in the Bounty campaign. On the eve of the ICO, it is customary to provide a certain reward to active participants who contributed to the dissemination of information. This way you can acquire a certain number of tokens.
  • Trading. Many exchanges are already actively trading cryptocurrencies, so if you have trading skills, you can make extra money on them.

When operating with cryptocurrencies, the earned funds are used, as in the case of fiat money, for:
  • long-term investment, which, given the rush of interest, does not seem justified, at least in the relatively short term;
  • games on sharp price fluctuations on crypto exchanges, so typical of young currencies.
What principles are the use of cryptocurrency based on?
Digital money differs from fiat money; its use is based on the following basic principles:
  • The digital monetary system is completely decentralized; for its functioning there is no need for the existence of special banking institutions. However, there is still an element of control over cryptocurrencies. Algorithmic control provides, for example, for reducing the number of coins in a Bitcoin block every four years. Another way of controlling influence is to use open source;
  • The absence of cryptocurrencies in the physical sense does not mean that they are not capable of fulfilling the role of money. But certain differences are observed. Since behind national currencies there are states that issue them and are forced through administrative measures to influence the exchange rate of fiat money. In this regard, cryptocurrencies have a much more marketable nature than any fiat money, since their value is determined solely by existing consumer demand. They will cost exactly what they are willing to pay for them. A fall to zero and a rise to incredible heights are not excluded. Therefore, it is difficult to find another way to earn the highest income on cryptocurrency;
  • decentralization of the issuance of digital currencies contributes to the lack of managerial control and intervention for the purpose of governance. Miners are engaged in mining, this is available to absolutely any user of Internet networks, and they are responsible for the issue of cryptocurrencies;
  • Bitcoin transactions cannot be canceled/returned, but for other cryptocurrencies this inconvenience is significant. Thus, all blockchain-based coins do not provide the opportunity to cancel transactions or return sent crypto units. Initially, no one expected such a boom in digital money. A refund is only possible for an unconfirmed transaction if an overloaded network rejects it due to a large number of requests;
  • Anonymity is one of the reasons for interest in cryptocurrencies, because it is impossible to track their owner. Therefore, it is difficult to find another means of not only hiding your capital so reliably, but also making money on cryptocurrency;
  • a combination of security and openness. Viewing of transactions is open and available to anyone who wants to track their status, but this does not negatively affect the security level of the blockchain.

The virtual world of cryptocurrencies is growing and acquiring new facets. Today we can talk about the presence of digital currencies of increased liquidity and illiquid ones; they have different chances of becoming full-fledged financial units. However, the situation is changing so quickly that few are willing to risk making any long-term forecast regarding the prospects of a particular cryptocurrency.

When solving the problem of how to make money on cryptocurrency constantly, you can bet not only on the much more sensational Bitcoin, but also on other coins, such as Ethereum, Litecoin, Namecoin, PPcoin and Primecoin, the demand for which is growing.

How to Identify the Best Coins to Invest in

If we consider the currently used strategies for making money on cryptocurrencies, we can reduce them to several simplified options that allow you to decide on the area of ​​​​earning income on cryptocurrency in 2018:
  • invest exclusively in Bitcoin;
  • in Bitcoin and Ethereum;
  • create a portfolio of a dozen or more cryptocurrencies;
  • create a portfolio using division to evaluate investments in digital currencies into risky and reliable.
It seems that not all investors understand the essence and distribution capabilities of individual coins. In this matter, relying only on information from official websites and/or project presentations is quite risky, because it does not necessarily correspond to the harsh reality.

To find the right solution for making money on crypto coins in 2018, it is worth correctly using the current statistical data provided by such popular Internet resources as or The information is provided completely openly, the main thing is to acquire the skill to use it correctly to choose a cryptocurrency.

This material explains what is hidden behind the screenshots and the names of Internet resources. All this requires special attention when studying them.

When deciding how to make money on cryptocurrency today, we must not forget about the differences in criteria for long-term investing and trading on exchange rate differences. Therefore, to begin with, a beginner should decide on the indicators that are important in both cases.

We regard the TOP 10 as the most important of all criteria. Because behind it is the level of trust in this cryptocurrency on the part of all interested parties, first of all, in maintaining its value and relying on further bright prospects.

Behind each place in the TOP 10 cryptocurrencies are investors and traders of various calibers, miners united in powerful pools and ordinary users who have shown interest specifically in these digital currencies.

Exchange rate fluctuations are inevitable, but the likelihood of a quick and uncontrollable fall in the short term is hardly possible, since the foundation under the top ten cryptocurrencies is built very solidly. The influence of the market on the exchange rate of cryptocurrencies is the main factor causing a significant increase in their exchange value.

If the capitalization of a certain cryptocurrency has not yet reached a billion, then you need to consider the history of its formation. Inexpensive coins can easily soar in value two to three times in a day, but they can also fall just as easily.

If you don’t want to take risks, then when choosing ways to make money on cryptocurrency, it is better to work with more reliable and stable cryptocurrencies, with established capitalization.

Representation on cryptocurrency exchanges

To determine the popularity and demand for any of the cryptocurrencies, you need to refer to the TOP 10 exchanges on CoinMarketCap. Presence even in two or three lists gives reason to trust this coin in order to trade it. The digital currency market is very dynamic, leaders change quickly.

Today we can single out only four coins that are present everywhere, which means they are the most reliable. On the other hand, if a cryptocurrency is not currently listed on one of the exchanges, then you can count on a noticeable rise in its rate when added.

How to predict the course of movement of any coin based on trading volume? Very simple. If the volume grows, and at the same time the price of the coin increases, it means that the market approves of such a movement, and the cryptocurrency asset will continue to grow for some time.

However, if there is a low volume and at the same time the cryptocurrency rate decreases, the market is negative.
It is important to consider that if very large trading volumes are observed, this may be a harbinger of a trend reversal.

We look at the number of coins

The greatest interest in Bitcoin is visible in indicators such as market capitalization and current trading volume, which is usually taken over 24 hours. Moreover, the most popular are transactions paired with the dollar.

In relation to cryptocurrencies, the principle of exclusivity is exploited to the fullest. The issuance of digital money is planned in such a way that there are only a few of them, ensuring that each individual currency increases in price over time. Moreover, the developers of a number of coins deliberately intend to destroy some of the coins as the project develops, which should lead to an increase in the value of the remaining ones.

Take a look at the screenshot above. You can see “Offer” (17,080,762), as well as “Maximum Offer” (21,000,000). “Supply” refers to the total amount of coins currently in use by people.

The “maximum supply” is all the bitcoins that will ever be issued. That is, the emission of Bitcoin is limited to 21 million pieces.

We look at the price of the coin

The criterion is essentially related to the previous one, but is already significant in itself. Inexpensive cryptocurrencies have much higher prospects for growth, because it is easier for a one-dollar coin to reach a price of two dollars than for a thousand-dollar coin to reach two thousand.

As a rule, inexpensive coins are represented by relatively young projects that are developing and therefore more promising. The probability of their exchange rate rising is very high. Let's add to this the effect of a psychological factor, which can be considered irrational, but it works very successfully in most cases.

Indeed, owning dozens of inexpensive coins instills greater confidence compared to purchasing a small portion of an expensive coin for the same amount.

Now let's look at the criteria that are more significant for trading.


It is exchange rate fluctuations that provide the trader with a piece of bread and butter. Therefore, he may not opt ​​for a cryptocurrency with a large capitalization, presented on all exchanges, the rate of which changes slightly and uniformly. Such indicators are more conducive to long-term investing.

But a cryptocurrency, the rate of which exhibits fluctuations in a sweeping sinusoid or either takes off or falls at a peak, will be very interesting to a trader. After all, tempting prospects for obtaining high profits open up before him if the points for entering the market and completing contracts are correctly selected.

How can a trader balance risk and profit?

Correct calculation will ensure long-term and reliable operation. No one is immune from errors in forecasts, but preliminary calculations can be made to make assumptions more reasonable.

When betting on the growth of the price of your chosen cryptocurrency, which should reach the target level, it is worth looking at how much it previously fell over the course of six months or even a year, if you are extremely careful. A higher ratio between possible profits and losses would be preferable.

For investors who do not plan to make money on daily, weekly, monthly exchange rate fluctuations, but are thinking of purchasing for the long term (from six months or more), in principle, all of the above criteria are relevant (except for volatility), but there are also additional requirements.

In fact, investors making investments for long periods, not for a day, a week or a month, but for at least six months, can use all the criteria proposed for consideration, of course, with the exception of volatility. But they have to take into account another group of significant circumstances.

Who is behind the digital currency project?
Both Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies were created by enthusiasts working alone, like Satoshi Nakamoto, or as part of a small team of programmers. However, interest in digital money has grown, and reputable companies are getting into the game and starting to issue their own cryptocurrency.

The advantages of such a coin are obvious:
  • availability of financial support;
  • careful selection of qualified specialists;
  • thoughtful choice of business niche;
  • information promotion.
On the other hand, there is a dependence on third-party influence that is not inherent in cryptocurrencies. Indeed, if serious problems arise related to the main business of the parent company, they may well drag the coin to the bottom.

For long-term investing, an important criterion is to assess the competitiveness of a cryptocurrency in comparison with others, its technologies and approaches, and the availability of opportunities to correct known shortcomings. For example, Bitcoin and Ethereum have significant problems with the blockchain and have already manifested themselves several times.

A project that demonstrates the ability to overcome problems and further develop, expand the functionality offered to clients, may well climb to the top positions in the TOP of cryptocurrencies, replacing the current leaders. Having bet on a relatively young digital currency, the price of which is still relatively low, you can reasonably hope for a sharp jump in its rate, when the price will increase tenfold or even more

When is the best time to buy cryptocurrency?

Recently, the main cryptocurrency BTC, like other altcoins, has been showing negative dynamics. But the main thing here is not to panic when the cryptocurrency market collapses, but to be able to use even the most deplorable situation to benefit your wallet.

Important: remember that after each growth there will definitely be a correction (decrease to support levels).
If there is a decline in Bitcoin. Don’t rush to sell, analyze deeper to understand how low its rate can fall. After all, in the long term, BTC will definitely grow.
As for altcoins, they can be traded mostly chaotically.

Let's consider an example with the purchase of a Bitcoin asset against the US dollar on the service.

This is an hourly chart. In other words, one candle is formed within 60 minutes. First of all, you need to determine the trend. You need to buy at the beginning of an uptrend. To do this, we need to install the MACD indicator. It shows the market trend:

After installing this indicator, we wait for the desired signal to buy Bitcoin.

So, we have determined the trend; at first it was downward. Let's look at the MACD indicator. Its two curved lines should be below the histogram bars. The blue line should cross the orange one from top to bottom. The red bar should be formed above the zero mark. At the close of the candle, we buy the BTC/USD pair. We purchase Bitcoin either through an exchanger or on one of the exchanges.

For selling Bitcoin, the conditions become the opposite:

Don't forget to limit losses and take profits using Stop Loss (instructing the exchange system to close a position at a certain level when the price movement is unfavorable) and Take Profit (automatically closing when the desired profit level is reached).

What are Take Profit and Stop Loss?
Some cryptocurrency exchanges have a tool that allows you to limit losses. You can’t do without it in trading. We'll show you schematically how it works on a TradingView live chart.

The trader believes that the price of BTC/USD will rise upward and at the close of the bullish candle he buys (places a BUY order). To limit losses in advance, he sets a Stop Loss at 7525.0. This means that if the price goes below this level, then his transaction will be closed with a minimal loss.

Now let's try to explain why Take Profit is needed.

The trader, after analyzing the BTC/USD pair, is sure that now is the ideal moment for growth. He places a buy order (BUY). Immediately insures your deposit using Stop Loss. Now he needs to predict what level the price will reach. He believes that this will be the level of 7725.0. It is at this mark that he sets Take Profit. Upon reaching it, the transaction will automatically close in profit.

Let us repeat once again, there is no need to chase profit, set yourself the goal of earning 20-50 points from each transaction. As you can see, a beginner can make money on cryptocurrency even with a small investment. The main thing is to approach trading wisely.

How to properly distribute your budget between coins

The demand for digital currencies is growing, and new ones are constantly appearing. Some fail to attract attention and remain unclaimed. Others are becoming the object of interest of many investors, demonstrating growing capitalization. Therefore, it is important to form a balanced portfolio of cryptocurrencies. Make your main bet on top coins, and direct part of your investment to purchase promising ones.

The correct distribution of the budget between coins is different for everyone. We will show you what it can be.
Each crypto portfolio should be composed of 70% BTC, 10% ETH, 15% (Litecoin, Ripple, EOS, Stellar) and 5% (IOTA, Bytecoin, TRON, NEM).

In other words, to diversify risks and potential earnings, a cryptocurrency investor’s portfolio in 2018 should be formed from:

  • Top coins (80%).
  • Not as popular as BTC, but in demand and promising (15%).
  • Cheap (a dollar or less), but promising (5%).
The diversification of risks here lies in the fact that even if the coins from points 2 and 3 fall, the flagships of the crypto market (point 1) will cover the losses and allow you to make money.

Investing in top cryptocurrencies

Various strategies are used when investing:
  • enter a promising startup at the Pre-ICO, ICO stage;
  • buy little-known coins with low market value;
  • transfer funds to trust management, etc.
So, how can you make money on cryptocurrency in 2018 without taking too much risk? Choose cryptocurrencies from the TOP list, because the likelihood of their exchange rate decline is much lower than that of others. Let's try to look at the key features of cryptocurrencies, which are now considered as the undisputed leaders.
The firstborn, the founder of all digital currencies, created using blockchain technology. The SHA-256 algorithm is used with a limit on the number of coins of 21 million. The protocol is Proof of Work. ASICs and farms are used for mining.

The demand for Bitcoin has increased incredibly; it is offered by all cryptocurrency (and not only!) exchanges under the BTC encoding. The excitement around this cryptocurrency has caused unprecedented interest from both large investors and ordinary people. This, along with an increase in transaction fees, led to problems due to the significantly increased time required to complete them, which clearly does not suit users.

The Lightning update should seem to fix the problem with the duration of transactions.

After its introduction in 2014, Ether became an innovator among digital currencies, going for ICOs to attract investment and promote promotion. Hashing is done using the ethash algorithm. ETH is mined using mining.

Features of the project, launched by the company of Russian programmer Vitaly Buterin, are the following:

  • conclude contracts and track payments without resorting to intermediaries;
  • within the Ethereum blockchain - use your own created decentralized applications.
This Internet protocol (Ripple Protocol Consensus Algorithm) has attracted interest from many banking institutions interested in the highest security of transactions. UBS and Santander, for example, are already recklessly testing. Reputable institutions are also attracted by the fact that Ripple conducts transactions much faster than the popular Bitcoin, and the commission is much lower.

A lot of time has passed since the idea appeared and the first timid attempts to implement it in 2004. The basis of the network, launched in 2012, was a distributed database registry with all information about transactions and accounts. In exchange listings it is listed as XRP.

Bitcoin Cash
Separated from Bitcoin (a fork occurred). Since August 2017, it has been presented on exchanges as BCH, replenishing the wallets of users who owned bitcoins in a similar amount. The advantage of Bitcash over its older relative is ensured by an eightfold increase in the block size, the size of which is 8 MB. Thanks to this, transactions take place at a faster rate, and the commission for conducting them is set lower.
Charlie Lee, seeing that mining Bitcoin on a regular computer no longer brought any significant profit, created an alternative digital currency. Already in 2011 we had to solve the problem of high generation costs! The Scrypt algorithm is used. It was decided to release 84 million digital coins into circulation. Mining is carried out using the PoW protocol. The advantages of Litecoin compared to Bitcoin include:

One of the most actively developing and promising areas of our time is cryptocurrency, but how to make money without investments in modern digital finance? And is it even possible to receive a stable income without spending a penny on it? Such questions worry not only those who have just begun to get acquainted with virtual currencies, but also people who have already managed to study a lot of information.

Those who expect to get rich through electronic finance without investing their own savings in it must remember that this process is not highly profitable. When it comes to making money on cryptocurrencies, the amount of final revenue directly depends on the volume of investments. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to use more effective methods of generating income that require investment, you should give preference to them. This will guarantee a higher return on your actions.

First of all, having decided to make money on cyber currency, you should think about purchasing a wallet where digital finances will be stored. Users are able to choose between:

  • online wallets on websites specially created for this purpose;
  • special wallets on exchanges, although this method is not convenient for those who do not plan to make a large number of transactions;
  • programs for storing bitcoins and altcoins on a computer;
  • portable devices that look like flash cards.

The most reasonable option is to use online services. But it is safest to store money on devices, since the absence of a constant connection to the Internet will allow you to avoid attacks by scammers.

How to make money on cryptocurrency in 2019 without investments?

When starting a conversation about how to receive digital money without worrying about the lack of initial investments, it should be noted that users will have to choose from a fairly limited number of options, none of which guarantee high returns. There are 3 main approaches that those who want to earn money can use:

  1. various online faucets;
  2. all sorts of games, quizzes and casinos, many of which are closely related or similar to the faucets mentioned above;
  3. various services offering to receive Satoshi for completing tasks and filling out questionnaires.

Ideally, you should try all 3 approaches listed above to determine which option is best for you and increase your earning potential. Additionally, once you have the opportunity to spend your first earnings, you can try to invest your profits in:

  • cloud mining;
  • all kinds of projects - hype;
  • trading.

All of the above proposals are associated with risk, but if you choose wisely, they are highly effective and profitable.

Earning cryptocurrency on the Internet without investments in 2019

Anyone who is trying to figure out how to make money on cryptocurrency without investment should definitely try cybermoney mining using faucets. Such services are special sites that earn people registered on them Satoshi for clicking on the links provided and solving a captcha. In general, the process of earning currency is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to choose a convenient, reliable service;
  2. Next you will need to register;
  3. the next step requires specifying the wallet where the profit will go;
  4. after which you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements and the correct procedure for extracting cryptocurrency, if this has not been done previously;
  5. then all that remains is to begin the process of earning money;
  6. and the last action is to withdraw the earned amount.

It is worth noting that profit often depends on the frequency of logins to the site and user activity. Maintaining activity and regular visits is necessary even in cases where the selected faucets operate automatically and do not require the assistance of their owner.

Most faucets allow an increase in profitability for an additional fee, therefore, a reasonable action would be to invest the received satoshi in doublers and improve the faucet.

It is impossible not to mention that you should not count on huge revenue, but if you use several services at the same time and do not forget about constantly increasing profitability and looking for new ways to earn money, very soon the return will reach significant volumes.

How to make money on cryptocurrency without investments: the best companies

The best way to earn income in cryptocurrency is through a variety of quizzes and games on the Internet. Anyone who wants to try this approach will certainly find a competition that suits them. Users are offered to choose between a huge number of styles and genres, including:

  • quests;
  • online casino;
  • card games;
  • quizzes;
  • tests;
  • farms;
  • simulators, including a mining simulator.

The big advantage of sites offering to earn money by playing is the ability to do without unnecessary expenses. This even applies to online casinos, since almost all services of this type offer bonuses for registration and have built-in faucets, the principle of which has already been described above. As a result, players get the opportunity to open new levels and place bets by spending cybermoney received earlier on the same site.

Among the disadvantages of the described method, it is worth mentioning the inability to make a profit fully automatically and the restrictions that set the minimum withdrawal amount.

Bitcoins for completing tasks

The next approach to getting your first crypto money is to register on special services that allow you to earn money by completing simple tasks. Usually they consist of registering on individual portals, watching videos, writing comments, or simply following the provided link. Taking tests and filling out questionnaires will be a little more difficult, but this type of task brings in significantly more revenue.

The main disadvantage of the described method is the fact that the best companies offering this type of income are located abroad. Therefore, users are required to know a foreign language or, which is quite inconvenient, to have a plugin that automatically translates inscriptions in foreign languages.

Otherwise, the indicated online resources do not contain anything unusual; registered users are required to:

  1. select a task;
  2. execute it;
  3. provide evidence of fulfillment;
  4. get bitcoins.

Withdrawal to a wallet is usually limited to the minimum amount that needs to be accumulated.

Alternative options

When talking about earning crypto finance, it is impossible not to mention several options that require little investment.

First of all, it’s worth talking about hype projects, which involve investing in small projects on the Internet with a quick payback and receiving enormous profits. Those who decide to use this method need to remember that they are often created by scammers who make money from lovers of easy money.

Another option for generating income on autopilot is cloud mining. It consists of paying for the capacity of a remote farm and making a profit from the use of paid equipment. That is, cloud mining is investing in someone else’s farm and making a profit from its work. At the same time, the user has the opportunity to independently choose the equipment and cyber currency that will be mined.

Earning cryptocurrencies without investments automatically

Many people would like to know how to get cryptocurrency, how to earn it without investments, but the whole truth about the methods described above lies not only in what you need to do to mine cyber finance, but also in the fact that most of the online services that currently exist do not is distinguished by reliability and durability. Therefore, before registering on another site and trying to extract revenue, it is worth visiting specialized forums and reading the reviews of those who have already tried the chosen option. This will help you avoid annoying mistakes and increase your profitability. It would also be useful to have a high-quality antivirus that can protect your computer from viruses and Trojans that may be hiding on the next portal. This precaution will not cause any difficulties, but will help to avoid big troubles.

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