Priority pass Rosbank conditions. Priority Pass card: free with a premium card. Official cost of card servicing

Priority Pass is a card with privileges for frequent travelers. It is issued separately or in addition to the main current account.

To receive all services in business lounges, clients must comply with a number of rules and conditions provided for by the international program and the issuing bank.

Conditions for receiving a card

There are several ways to become a member of the international Priority Pass program. The first is to submit an application yourself on the official website of the program.

The second method is to receive a Priority Pass as an additional service to the main or additional Premium card from Raiffeisenbank.

How to get a:

  1. Apply for Visa Platinum Premium Banking. Obtaining a Priority Pass card is free.
  2. Apply for MasterCard World Black Edition Premium.
  3. You can also get Buy&Fly Mastercard World Black Edition Premium Rewards. This program involves accumulating miles and exchanging them for necessary services, which include transfer to the airport, purchasing tickets or receiving services in the business lounge.
  4. Open the Premium service package. It is valid from March 31, 2017. With this package, a passenger can visit the business lounge no more than 4 times a year. After reaching the limit on passes to the lounge area, the package will be blocked.
  5. Open the “Premium-5” service package. The number of passes is unlimited, subject to the card service conditions.

To receive a Visa Platinum Premium Banking or MasterCard World Black Edition Premium card, you just need to have your passport and application form.

You can obtain additional information by calling the following telephone numbers:

  • +7 495 956-77-95 - for Moscow;
  • 8 800 700-88-55 - for calls from other cities of the Russian Federation;
  • +7 495 721-99-00 - hotline.

What will she give you

The Priority Pass card provides free access to business lounges while awaiting departure. As part of the international program, the client receives many opportunities.

Lounge areas serve customers regardless of air ticket class, company or frequency of visit.

The card holder and his companions in the business lounge automatically receive:

  1. Free snacks and refreshments. Lunches, dinners and breakfasts can be ordered in the restaurant (but not all business lounges provide this service).
  2. Internet is free. You can connect via phone, laptop or tablet.
  3. For work, business rooms offer the use of laptops. The cost depends on the tariffs established by the airport.
  4. Conference and meeting rooms are available for a fee.
  5. There is a charging station. Many lounge areas have several power outlets next to the chairs.
  6. Satellite TV (DVD), telephone and fax are free. Always the latest press and magazines.
  7. Shower. The option is paid. After payment, the passenger receives a shower set consisting of gel, shampoo, hair cap, disposable slippers, and towels.

The range of services offered, paid and free, may differ significantly. At the entrance, always check with the administrator what the business lounge can offer the passenger, whether there are spas and whether it is possible to order food in the restaurant.

Service Features

Raiffeisenbank has introduced additional conditions for premium card holders so that they receive full service from Priority Pass.

To visit business lounges an unlimited number of times, you must comply with one of the following conditions:

  1. You should make monthly purchases with the card in an amount exceeding 25,000 rubles. The balance on all plastic products from Raiffeisenbank must be at least 1,000,000 rubles. This amount does not always have to be kept, it should be such at the end of the current month.
  2. If the client does not pay with the card in the store or his purchases are less than 25 thousand rubles, then the balance on the card by the end of the month should be at least 2 million rubles.

If both conditions are not met, then maintenance will cost 5,000 rubles per month. This means that 60 thousand rubles will be charged only for servicing the card. It's much more expensive. It is more profitable to comply with the conditions necessary for free access to airport business lounges.

If all conditions are met, the bank provides cardholders with good service and additional privileges.

Raiffeisenbank undertakes to do the following for its clients:

  • replace an expired card with a new plastic product free of charge;
  • notify the client about changes in tariff plans a month before the introduction of new conditions;
  • replace the card free of charge if lost or stolen, but with a new number and expiration date;
  • organize a financial system and keep track of expenses if the client needs this service;
  • issue a card in any currency requested by the client.

Only the cardholder can use the card and receive all services. These services are not provided to third parties.

Benefits of use

In addition to the general services provided by the international program, Priority Pass allows you to receive additional services.

Passengers enjoy many other benefits from the bank that issued the Priority Pass card.

Additional services for premium packages are valid worldwide. The client can call the hotline at any time and receive reliable information from a qualified employee.

The Priority Pass program from Raiffeisenbank includes the following privileges:

  1. The client is helped to prepare documents for obtaining a visa.
  2. Currency conversion (works only at the exchange rate on the day the request is made).
  3. A personal manager is provided at the bank. You can trust him to solve current problems.
  4. You can withdraw cash in any country in the world without charging a commission. To use this service, the client must have a Premium Banking package activated.
  5. A concierge service is provided. This option allows you to book a room in a hotel or a table in a restaurant. This service also includes issuing air tickets for the desired flight. The concierge service allows you to check in for your flight without queuing.
  6. Free transfer 2 times a year to or from the airport.
  7. Travelers are insured. The total amount of the insurance policy is large enough for the client to receive proper medical care. The program includes expenses for inpatient care, testing, and even transportation of the patient to another country.

The Priority Pass card is a real travel assistant. It will provide comfortable conditions before departure and provide some privileges during the trip.

People who fly often are familiar with the tedious procedure of waiting in the waiting room for a flight. Crowded spaces and long lines at eateries are not for everyone. The Priority Pass card will help make your wait more comfortable. What it is and what advantages its owner has, you will learn from this article.


Card holders can change their lives for the better. Priority Pass is an international program of access to one of 600 VIP lounges at airports around the world. Regardless of the airline and class you will be flying, a pass to the lounge area (superior lounge) is a card and an air ticket for the flight of the current day. Card holders are guaranteed peace and tranquility in a separate waiting room, as well as low prices, subject to the purchase of an annual subscription. There is a separate range of business class lounges in more than 300 cities around the world.

Opportunities for cardholders

The owner of a Priority Pass card can invite friends with him to the enhanced comfort lounge to have a free snack, drink, and shower before the flight. But in some VIP rooms there are restrictions on the number of invited guests, as well as their age (not all of them allow children). Payment (if any) for the use of telephone, Internet, Wi-Fi, fax is paid directly to the VIP lounge staff. The list of free services available includes TV, the latest newspapers and magazines, and the ability to charge popular models of phones, smartphones and tablets.

Visits are recorded in one of two ways: through an electronic terminal that is installed at the entrance to the hall, or the card holder is issued a “Visit Card”. In the second case, the cardholder must check the correctness of the data specified in the coupon regarding himself and all the people accompanying him.

The administration of VIP rooms may limit the maximum stay time (usually no more than 4 hours) to avoid overcrowding. To increase the time spent in a comfortable lounge, you will have to pay twice for visiting the lounge. The fee for visiting VIP rooms is charged for each visit per person, based on the conditions of participation in the program. The program includes access to meeting rooms.

Access to the hall is available to persons with an air ticket of the same day, provided that it was purchased without a discount. Outside the US, you must also provide one for your current flight upon entering the lounge. In some European countries, access to VIP lounges is only open to tourists traveling in Schengen countries.

How to become a participant in the program

Great opportunities open up for Priority Pass program participants. How to access it? This card is not a means of payment, it is valid until the period indicated on the front side, and with the owner’s signature on the back side. The Priority Pass card is an application to Gold, Platinum, Infinity, Selective cards. Sometimes it is issued along with classic credit cards. But each bank has its own rules.

At Sberbank, only participants of the Sberbank-Premier program can receive a card, that is, clients who have issued a Platinum American Express card. The cost of annual maintenance is 15 thousand rubles. Subject to a pre-approved order, you will have to pay 10,000 rubles for the annual Priority Pass service. Banks Uralsib and Avangard issue the card for free. For the first, the service fee for 365 days is 6,000 rubles, and for the second, 3,000-5,000 rubles, depending on the type of main payment cat (GOLD or PLATINUM). In some cases, Avangard Bank employees may offer to issue a Priority Pass for free if Mastercard Standard turnover is large enough. Raiffeisenbank issues a card upon activation of the Premium package and charges RUB 3,000 monthly.

How much does it cost

The Priority Pass card in Russia is also issued by Rosbank, Absolut, Unicredit Bank, and SNGB. In Ukraine, a card can be issued at Privatbank, OTP, VTB, VAB, Russian Standard, and Delta Bank has recently joined the program. Before applying for a card at any bank, you need to clarify the service fee. Practice shows that banks more often issue clients the first category of Priority cards. What is it? There are three main tariff categories:

  1. 100 euro annual fee, each visit of the owner or his guest is paid 24 euros at a time.
  2. 250 euros - 10 visits included, each subsequent 24 euros per visit per person.
  3. 400 euros per year - unlimited visit of the cardholder and 24 euros for a one-time visit by a guest.

But if you take the time and apply for a card at the “right” bank, you can find rates at which the card issue and all visits will be free. This is the best option for a large family.

Alternative way

The second way to receive a card is via the Internet, on the Priority Pass website. But, in addition to registering on the site, paying the membership fee and delivery costs, you will also have to link the new card to a regular bank card, from which funds will be debited. This entire procedure takes approximately 30 days. The amount of the membership fee depends on the tariff:

$399 per year - unlimited.

$249 per year - $27 for all visits starting from the eleventh.

$99 per year - $27 for all visits by the owner and his guests.

Scope of application

When issuing a card, a bank employee is required to provide a directory with a list of airports around the world where this program is valid. Having a directory can significantly reduce the time spent searching for the desired airport with a VIP lounge. But even if you don’t have a directory at hand, you can find out the list of airports in two ways. First, on the official website of the service, in the “Find you lounger” sign in the left column, you need to enter the country, city and airport. The second is through an application for gadgets with the iOS, Android, and, more recently, BlackBerry operating systems.

Interestingly, anyone can install the application. Many airports provide the opportunity to enter the lounge area at a rate of $10-20, on a “pay-per-use” basis for the application. When you first launch the program, it does not require you to enter any membership information. And you can use the application without an active Internet connection. Within the application, you can save your favorite bookmarks and view your search history.

On practice

The advantages of the card are obvious - the opportunity to relax between flights in a lounge with an increased level of comfort. But there are some nuances to participating in the Priority Pass program. User reviews on the forums confirm this. Firstly, each VIP room has its own rules: in some the number of admissions to the lounge areas is limited, in others you need to pay separately for guests. You can issue two cards in different banks in your name, then the guest will be allowed in for free. The second option is to apply for a card at Raiffeisenbank. When connecting to the Premium package, guests can be admitted to the lounge areas for free.

Secondly, in Russia, the card’s capabilities can only be used at Vnukovo, Sheremetyevo and Pulkovo airports. In Ukraine - Kharkov airport, Boryspil and Zhulyany. Much more opportunities open up at international airports. Forum participants actively share useful information. In Barcelona and Hong Kong, lounge areas provide free food, hot showers, drinks, and Internet access. The VIP lounge at Nairobi Airport is air conditioned, unlike the airport itself. The ideal use of the card is when traveling with children. In such cases, free places in the rooms with food and drinks are guaranteed.


If a tourist travels more than 3 times a year, and moreover with a family with two children, then applying for a card will significantly save the budget and allow you to comfortably pass the time between flights.

Priority pass is a club card for visiting business lounges (vip zones) at the airport. For those who fly frequently and want to do it in comfort. Only the owners can use the club card. Business class lounges are available only to club members, their guests or relatives. For others, access is available upon payment at the entrance or with a business class ticket. It is not possible to pay for a visit to the business waiting area at the entrance everywhere.

Features of using Priority Pass

  • priority pass card is not used to pay for purchases;
  • Together with the holder, his companions can visit the VIP lounge (the number must be clarified in advance in the selected waiting room);
  • it is possible to use the Digital Membership Card as an alternative to Priority Pass - transfer to third parties is prohibited;
  • fee per person for each visit;
  • upon presentation of the card, an imprint is made or the data is entered into the database, and a receipt is issued against signature;
  • visiting the halls with children may not be available - you need to check in advance;
  • the company is not responsible for the provision or non-provision of services, or for the conditions of the visit;
  • not missing your flight is the responsibility of the card holder; lounge operators are not required to announce flights;
  • alcoholic drinks may be provided free of charge or absent if this is contrary to the law of the country in which the airport is located;
  • alcohol and telephone use may be charged separately;
  • Only passengers of upcoming flights are allowed into the lounges, in some - only for 4 hours, after which additional fees may apply;
  • access to the halls of the Schengen zone upon presentation of a Schengen card;
  • in the US, a valid boarding pass is required for access;
  • The Priority Pass card is linked to a bank payment card, from which money for visiting VIP areas is automatically debited.

Airports participating in the program

The Priority Pass card is valid at 900 airports, 1000 lounges, in 130 countries - a comfortable wait for a flight in almost any country. Used as a pass to the VIP lounge. Visiting conditions must be clarified in advance - lounge areas have different conditions from dress code to maximum number of guests.

Available to the owner:

  • free food and drinks;
  • free alcohol (in some rooms, to be clarified);
  • Wi-Fi;
  • ability to charge gadgets;
  • comfortable furniture;
  • air conditioner;
  • office equipment;
  • the possibility of visiting the hall with a small group;
  • 24-hour provision of services regardless of the class of plane ticket.

Additional features (not available in every room)

  • mother and child room;
  • opportunity to take a shower;
  • gaming;
  • Possibility of visiting with children.

If any of this is important for you and your comfort, select a suitable room in advance. All information is available in the club application or on the website. Sometimes the general condition of the room may differ from the information brochure.

3 service packages for club membership

When registering for Priority Pass, you need to choose a suitable package of services, there are three in total:


Membership fee 99 EUR in year

Cost of one visit per person 24 EUR

Standard Plus

Membership fee 249 EUR in year

10 free visits available, the rest at 24 EUR


Membership fee 3 99 EUR in year

All visits to the lounge are free for the holder

For the guest - 24 EUR

You can get a card by leaving an application on the official website. This requires:

  1. fill in the form,
  2. make a contribution,
  3. indicate your postal address.

Or you can get it from one of the banks. In most cases, the service is included in the Premium package by default - you will have to refuse it if you do not need it.

Top 10 cards with Priority Pass: conditions and cost

To register using the Premium package, you must have sufficient financial resources and stability. Often the choice is made in favor of a bank whose client a person has been for a long time, which guarantees the operation of the banking service system and communication with managers according to expectations. Let's consider offers from Russian banks.

Sberbank of Russia

The Priority Pass card from Sberbank is available in the Premier package.

  • receipt: free.
  • Service from the 3rd month is paid - 2,500 rubles. monthly
  • service is free if the amount of remaining funds for the billing period exceeds 2.5 million rubles. (the balance is taken into account for all card accounts in total)


The bank included Priority Pass in the Orange Premium Club Premium program.

  • registration is free
  • 1 month preferential, no payment. From 2 months - 2,800 rub. monthly.

Conditions for beneficial use:

  • the total account balance at the end of the month should be 2 million rubles.
  • total balance 1 million rubles. and the amount of settlement transactions performed is at least 50 thousand rubles.

Bank Unicredit

The Priority Pass service is included in the Prime package.

  • subscription fee 3000 rub. per month.
  • with a total amount of residual funds for the billing period of 2 million rubles. - service is free


The service is available when purchasing the Premium package. Monthly payment 2500 rub., 30 000 rub. in year.

Payment is not required if one of the conditions is met:

  • the total balance on all accounts is not less than 2 million rubles;
  • the amount of monthly income is 150 thousand rubles. or more;
  • the amount of balances is from 750 thousand rubles, expenses on the main card are not less than 50 thousand rubles.

Alfa Bank

Provided free of charge when purchasing Alfa-Miles Signature. Visiting VIP rooms is paid separately per visit - 27 Euro per person.

VTB 24 Bank

The service is included in the Privilege package. Subscription fee 2,500 rub. per month.

Free if one of the following conditions is met:

  • non-cash payments in the amount of at least 55,000 rubles.
  • receipts to the account from 120,000 rubles. monthly
  • the balance on all accounts is at least 2 million rubles.

Otkritie Bank

For each visit to the VIP lounge, Visa Platinum and MasterCard holders will need to pay $27 per visitor. For Visa Infinite holders - free


The service is included in the “Premium banking” package - you can earn free visits for yourself and guests by gaining five stars.

For compliance with one of the conditions - one star:

  • for every 500,000 rub. on any ruble accounts;
  • for every salary 100,000 rub. received to the account from a legal entity;
  • for every credit 3,000,000 rub. from Raiffeisen Bank;
  • for every 10,000 euros in foreign currency accounts or in the form of a deposit;
  • for every RUB 50,000 spent.

If there are not enough stars, the subscription fee is 5,000 rubles. monthly. The first month is free.


Priority pass is available only to owners of the Premium package of services.

Free registration for Mastercard World Elite, World Signia, Black Edition or Platinum "Gazprombank Premium". Paid maintenance: In the 1st year - 15,000 rubles, from the 2nd year - 25,000 rubles.

Bank Avangard

The annual fee for servicing with a classic credit card is 600 rubles. - €25, with premium, Platinum class - 5500 rub. - €200 — Free receipt when spending over 20,000 rubles. or when applying for a Premium credit card


If none of the proposed options from banks suits you, you can order a card with postal delivery on the Priority pass website by selecting the desired format and paying the fee.

  • you receive a card even if you do not use Premium services in the banking system
  • unlimited visits only in the “Prestige” plan

Additional terms of use

  • To cancel Priority Pass, you need to write an application or wait until its expiration date.
  • To renew, you need an application for re-issue or an application for automatic renewal of membership until written refusal.
  • If a transfer to a third party is detected, the card is closed and the owner is deprived of privileges.
  • For damages due to inappropriate behavior or appearance, you or your companions may be fined and asked to leave the venue.

Sitting at airports waiting for your flight can be a stressful and often expensive experience, as you have to buy overpriced food. Those who have access to business lounges can avoid this negativity.

There are three options to find yourself in the lounge area:

  • become the owner of an elite division airline card;
  • buy the right to enter, which is not always available;
  • get a Priority Pass card.

Let's consider the last option. Let's find out what privileges arise as a result of owning this card.

Opportunity to be in the airport VIP lounge. Conducting meetings. Rest. Spa salons. Internet connection. Free snacks and alcohol, plus other options. The service has been operating since 1992. Currently, about 130 countries are covered.

The offered card should not be considered as a payment instrument. It only confirms that one belongs to a peculiar club of the elite. With its help you take part in the Priority Pass program. This provides access to the lounge area provided that you have the card itself and an air ticket departing on today’s date.

VIP lounges have their own rules of stay. These may be restrictions on dress code, time spent in such places, age, etc.

Tariff plans

Using Priority Pass is a paid service. There are 3 levels of ownership of this card, which determines specific restrictions:

  1. Standard– annual maintenance is 99 euros. Each visit to the lounge area costs 24 euros. The same rule applies to guests. You will have to pay for each one.
  2. Standard plus– annual maintenance costs are determined in the amount of 249 euros. It includes 10 free visits for the card holder. Visits over the limit are paid at the rate of 24 euros for each entrance.
  3. Prestige– a yearly subscription will cost 399 euros. The number of free visits to VIP rooms is not limited in any way, but this does not apply to guests. Each invitee will cost the same 24 euros.

Registration of Priority Pass

There are two ways to receive a card. One of them involves accessing an official resource on the Internet. All you have to do is order and wait for delivery.

In the second case, Priority Pass is issued through a bank. It is often issued as a bonus to bank products in the form of premium cards. The processing time takes from 5 days to 1 month. The map is accompanied by a directory that lists airports related to the Priority Pass program.

Using the Priority Pass card

A ticket and card must be presented. The ability to visit the VIP zone applies only to its owner. Visits from guests are limited and children may not be permitted to enter.

At the entrance, information is read from the card. An airport employee either issues a ticket or enters data into a log. The card holder signs on the slip, which can also be done via an electronic terminal. A copy of the slip must be saved.

The cost of a visit to the VIP lounge is confirmed by a receipt or a corresponding note in the registration log.

At which airports in the world is the Priority Pass card valid?

The program providing access to VIP areas is constantly expanding. Currently, its coverage extends to several hundred airports. The full list can usually be found at the moment when the card is issued by a bank employee. If for some reason this does not happen, one of two ways to obtain such information is possible:

  1. Go to, click on the FIND A LOUNGE link (on the world map), enter the required data and get the necessary information.
  2. Install the Priority Pass application for mobile devices and get the desired result.

Availability of VIP lounges using the Priority Pass card in the Russian Federation

Based on official information, the Priority Pass card in Russia applies to business lounges in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad. In the first case, these are Domodedovo, Vnukovo and Sheremetyevo, in the second - Pulkovo and in the third - Khrabrovo.

Which banks issue Priority Pass?

Obtaining a card is available at one of many banks, but we will only touch on the main institutions of this type.

Sberbank Premier package – the right to issue a card for free. Costs associated with annual maintenance amount to 30 thousand rubles. There are no limits on visiting VIP lounges, which eliminates the need to charge the card holder for entering the “recreation area.” There are limits for guests. They depend on the specific hall.

Priority Pass is issued to holders of premium bank cards. Service during the first year is provided on preferential terms - 15,000 rubles. For subsequent ones you will have to pay 25,000 rubles.

VTB 24

Receiving a card is guaranteed by the “Privilege” package with a monthly service of 2,500 rubles. Compliance with certain conditions provides free passes to lounge areas. With a guest – 4 passes, separately – 8.

The card becomes available as part of the Orange Premium Club program. The first month without payment, and then 2800 rubles. Another bonus of the first month is visiting the VIP room, 2 times free.

Alfa Bank

Registration of an Alfa-Miles Signature card automatically results in a free Priority Pass. However, visits to the lounge area are paid. Each costs $27.

What are the conditions for obtaining Priority Pass cards from different commercial banks? Let’s say that in order for Sberbank to issue you such a card with unlimited access to airports, you need to issue an American Express Platinum credit card, which costs 15 thousand rubles. per year, or 10 thousand rubles. on special offer.

Avangard issues Priority Pass even in addition to the Classic card, which will cost you only 600 rubles. per year, but only on condition that over the past 12 months the average turnover on the card for each month should be above 20,000 rubles. Also, from this bank you can receive a Priority Pass card as a bonus if you apply for a Gold or Platinum category credit card, the cost of annual servicing of which will cost only 3,000 and 5,000 rubles. respectively.

Uralsib attaches such a card only to its Aeroflot Bonus Mastercard World credit card, which will cost you 6,000 rubles per year. Raiffeisenbank can also provide a Priority Pass card, but only to those clients who have activated a premium service package, which costs 3,000 rubles. monthly.

All of the banks we mentioned above, except Sberbank, issue Priority Pass for the initial tariff plan, which costs 99 USD per year on the official website.

Where to use your Priority Pass card

The Priority Pass card is in no way related to payment cards; by and large, it is an ordinary membership card and can only be used with an air ticket. The card has a limited validity period, which is indicated on it. To get into the VIP room, you need to show your card to the employees of this room, who will provide you with some documents and ask you to review them, which will indicate the date of the visit, the number of people, the name of the airport, and so on.

After you sign this document, you can go to the VIP room. If you used paid services there, then the cost of these services will be deducted from you at the end of the current month, that is, directly from the credit card with which you were issued Priority Pass, money will be withdrawn according to the tariffs.

Also remember that one Priority Pass card is not enough to get you into the prestigious lounge of any airport, since the employees of this lounge look, first of all, at you and your behavior, that is, if you behave rudely, you will undoubtedly , will be refused. We can say that there is a kind of dress code at the entrance.

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