​How to fix your credit history. How to fix your credit history How to fix your bad credit history at a bank

Age, salary and marital status influence lending conditions, and credit history influences the decision whether to lend money or not.

A good credit history is important not only in relationships with banks. This data is used by law enforcement agencies, insurance companies, and employers. A bad credit history is a sign of financial immaturity. Such a person will not be trusted to handle money, and insurers are unlikely to offer a lower rate.

How is a credit history formed?

Previously, each bank kept its own registers of loans and borrowers. Nowadays, all data is accumulated by credit history bureaus (CCBs) based on bank reports. Today there are 13 such bureaus in Russia State register of credit history bureaus. They help banks reduce risks and process loan applications quickly.

Credit history is affected not only by debts to banks, but also by unpaid fines, alimony, taxes, and utility bills. Provided that their recovery went to court. Information about such debts is transmitted to the BKI by the Federal Bailiff Service, providers, and utility companies. The credit history also contains information about.

Data in BKI is stored for 10 years. So you can reset your credit history by waiting this time.

If there is no way to wait or there is no credit history (this is bad, because banks cooperate primarily with borrowers who have already proven themselves), your financial reputation can be improved.

How to correct your credit history in case of a bank error

You can end up in debt due to a technical failure or the notorious human factor.

For example, you paid as expected on the first of the month, but the terminal broke down or the cashier pressed the wrong button. As a result, only the third one received money into the credit account. Two days late.

First of all, clear up your credit history. Perhaps the bank did not inform the BKI about the delay.

If you have already been listed as a debtor, contact the creditor first. The bank through whose fault the error occurred must update the data transmitted to the BKI.

If the credit institution does not respond to your request, submit an application to correct the error directly to the bureau where the incorrect data is stored. The right to this is enshrined in the Law “On Credit Histories”, and you can use it during the entire storage period of your credit history, that is, all 10 years. The application can be sent by mail or submitted in person at the bureau office.

The Bureau will contact the creditor and forward the claim to him. It is important that there is a bank oversight or a technical problem. If the debt arose due to the borrower’s carelessness, you will have to resort to other methods of correcting your credit history.

A decision on an application to make changes to a credit history is made within a month.

How to correct your credit history in case of technical delay

Many borrowers suffer from a lack of financial discipline. They don’t follow the payment schedule, put everything off until the last day, forget to leave money for it, and so on. As a result, penalties and a minus to credit karma. In this case, the significance of the delay plays a decisive role.

A delay of 1–2 days is usually not reflected in reports and is called a technical delay. After all, a person could get sick, go on vacation, or simply forget.

In case of technical delay, you should never ignore calls from the bank. How you communicate with him after the delay affects his loyalty. If the reasons for the delay are objective, the bank may delay reporting to the BKI. And vice versa. If a client avoids communication or is aggressive, information will be sent to the credit bureau immediately.

As a rule, after 5–7 days of delay, the bank tries to contact the client. First, the debt department of the credit institution itself works. At the same time, it is important whether the client makes contact, whether he answers calls, how he talks to the operator, and how he explains the delay. Ignoring such calls is a bad tactic. If the client avoids conversation, this is a reason for the credit institution to turn to collectors. But when transferring a debt, what is usually taken into account is not the period of non-payment, but the amount. If the debt exceeds 50–70 thousand rubles, collectors take over the matter.

David Melkonyan, General Director of the Moscow Legal Center "Vector"

Try to repay the overdue amount as soon as possible and strictly follow the loan schedule in the future. Do not try to repay the loan ahead of schedule: banks are more loyal to clients who are with them throughout the entire loan term.

But the main thing is to avoid even technical delays! Deposit money 2-3 days before the recommended payment date.

How to correct your credit history if the overdue amount is significant

Some banks consider a delay of more than a month to be a gross violation of the contract, while others have a negative attitude only towards delays of 90 days or more.

Small banks are more willing to cooperate with undisciplined borrowers. They always need clients and are ready to lend to citizens on individual terms.

In case of long or repeated delays, try to restore your credit history with a new, easy loan.

The worse your credit history, the more small loans you will need to pay off to fix it. But remember the golden rule.

Take only as much as you can give. Including overpayment of interest.

You should not submit multiple applications at once. For credit institutions, this is a signal that money is desperately needed, and another reason to refuse.

Most banks use an algorithm developed by FICO, where points are awarded for each answer (gender, age, education, presence of other loans, etc.). If there are less than 600 of them, the refusal comes automatically.

The interest-free period usually does not apply to withdrawals and transfers, and if the grace period is missed, interest is charged on the entire amount spent for the entire time from the date of purchase. The interest rate on cards is usually 2-3 times higher than on regular loans.

How to fix your credit history if the overdue amount is very large

Many people don't care about their credit history.

Imagine the situation: a guy received a summons to the army, took out a microloan, had a good party with his friends at the end and left to serve. The matter went to debt collectors or the court. The parents found out about the incident, their son was scolded, the loan was repaid, but the guy remained on the blacklist of credit organizations. A few years later he settled down, got married and wanted to register. But due to his youthful antics, he will most likely be rejected by all major banks.

Financial literacy is not taught in school.

If you have seriously tarnished your honor as a borrower, you can try to become an exemplary bank client, take out a loan secured by property, or contact a credit broker.

If you are interested in lending from a particular bank, but it is not yet cooperating, become its debit client. Transfer your salary to the card of this bank, or better yet, open a deposit.

Many banks, in addition to scoring applications, also carry out “behavior scoring.” This is an assessment of the client’s likely financial actions, which makes it possible to predict changes in his solvency. The bank will monitor the movement of funds in your accounts and, perhaps, in a few months it will offer you a line of credit.

You can also try taking out a secured loan. This is a loan in which you back up your promise to repay with property. For example, land, housing or a car. The main thing is that the collateral is liquid: a renovated apartment, a car no older than five years, and so on. The size of such a loan is usually about 80% of the value of the collateral property.

It is very popular now to turn to credit brokers. A broker is a specialist who selects a credit institution for a client based on his credit history. Of course, for a fee.

Credit brokers usually work with problem clients who just can’t get past the bank’s security service. They not only direct you to the right place (this can be either a bank or a microfinance organization), but also give advice on the preparation of a package of documents, terms and amounts of lending. In some cases, brokerages themselves act as lenders.

The services of a credit broker are more suitable for legal entities, since mistakes can be very expensive. Individuals with a sufficient level of financial literacy can easily get by on their own. You just need to spend time and understand the intricacies of various loan products.

Andrey Petkov, General Director of the “Honest Word” service

It's not as difficult as it seems. There is a lot of information and specialized services on the Internet. For example, on banki.ru there is a “Loan Selection Wizard”.

If you decide to engage a credit broker, choose very carefully. There are many scammers in this area.

Do not trust companies that give 100% guarantees and say that they directly influence the decisions of banks, or, on the contrary, intimidate that none of them will work with you. Run like fire from those who ask you to give back part of the loan approved to you.

How to fix your credit history in case of insolvency

According to Russians' debts to banks exceeded 12 trillion rubles The Central Bank, Russians took over 12 trillion rubles from banks in 2017. At the same time, an increase in loans with overdue payments was recorded. When a person loses money, gets sick or gets into trouble, the credit burden becomes unbearable.

Assess your strength soberly: do not take out more loans than you can service. Experts consider it acceptable to spend up to 20% of income on servicing loans.

If you take more than half of your earnings to the bank, the situation is close to a stalemate. In this case, it is reasonable to ask the bank for restructuring.

Restructuring is a procedure for restoring the client's solvency. It can be expressed in an increase in the loan term, a change in the interest rate, a change in currency or a deferment in payments. Contacting the bank with a request for restructuring is the first thing to do when financial difficulties arise.

Even if the bank refuses, you will have documentary evidence that you tried to solve the problem, that is, you are a victim of circumstances, and not a malicious defaulter. This may work to your advantage if the creditor goes to court.

When collecting a debt in court, you can ask the court for a deferment or installment plan. Having the opportunity to repay the debt in installments according to a convenient schedule or by gaining time, it will be easier to cope with credit obligations.

Anastasia Loktionova, Deputy General Director of the Rusmikrofinance group of companies

How to fix your credit history in case of fraud

You live, don’t bother anyone, and suddenly you receive a letter: “In order to avoid penalties, pay off the debt under loan agreement No...” What kind of loan? Where do the debts come from?

Request a credit history. Preferably in several bureaus at once. Having identified which credit institutions the criminals took loans from, contact this organization. You will be asked to write a claim or explanatory note and will conduct an inspection. As soon as the security service is convinced that you are not involved in fraud, the bank will update the information in the BKI.

If the bank doesn’t want to sort it out and forces you to pay someone else’s debts, contact law enforcement.


Credit history is an important indicator of a person’s financial solvency. Therefore, remember three important rules.

  1. Check your credit history regularly.
  2. If you identify errors in your credit history, including those due to fraud, contact the credit institution or BKI with a request to correct the data.
  3. Always maintain strict financial discipline. If you have ruined your credit history, try to correct it with a small affordable loan. In extreme cases, you can contact a broker or take out a loan secured by property.

When requests for a loan are rejected by banks, most likely the lenders are not satisfied with the creditworthiness of the potential client and have serious doubts about his reliability. Received refusals do not mean that you will no longer be able to get a profitable loan. There are several effective ways to improve your credit history and receive bank funds at a low interest rate.

Review of working ways to improve your credit history

Before taking action to correct your reputation, you need to understand the reasons for the banks' dissatisfaction and develop an action plan on how to improve your credit history if it is damaged.

The degree of corruption of the credit card can be judged from a special statement with information from the Credit History Bureau. The request can be submitted through the bank or you can clarify the information online using the Internet resource of the Central Bank, using the subject code, if it is known.

The following reasons may lead to the recognition of a clinical trial as unsatisfactory:

  1. Previous loans were not repaid on time, and the previous creditor took measures to collect the debt on its own, through the courts, or debt collectors.
  2. Past delays lasting more than 5 days. What matters is the amount of overdue payments and the number of delayed payments. If the borrower is chronically late in payments by 1-2 days for several months in a row, this also negatively affects the reputation.
  3. A one-time delay of no more than 5 days is unlikely to be a reason to doubt the client’s responsibility.

In addition to the reasons for which the person himself became the culprit, sometimes banks make mistakes. For example, technical errors when crediting funds lead to an automatic delay, which results in the formation of arrears.

Like any other document, a credit history may contain incorrect information due to errors in transferring data from the bank to the BKI. In this case, you need to contact the bank and request that the information be corrected.

The simplest and least expensive way to correct your reputation is to apply for a credit card from a bank that has minimum requirements for borrowers. You can get a credit card from a bank that is actively attracting new clients or promoting a new credit product. Getting an instant credit card is quite easy, and the application process takes little time.

It is important that from the moment of activation, for several months, the plastic holder actively pays with it and replenishes the balance in a timely manner.

If you have a choice from several available offers, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Duration of the grace period. For a certain number of days, it is possible to spend bank funds non-cash (in some cases, the issuer allows preferential cash withdrawals).
  2. Accrued interest - the lower the rate, the less interest you will have to pay on top of the debt amount.
  3. Availability of additional discounts, bonuses, the possibility of receiving income in the form of a cashback return of part of the costs.
  4. Cost of maintenance (annual and current).

If you quickly replenish funds spent from your card account, you can avoid interest charges, taking advantage of the free period. It is necessary to control the deadline for replenishing the balance within the interest-free period.

Of the well-known banks in the Russian Federation, the easiest way to get a credit card with a damaged reputation is from Tinkoff, Alfa-Bank, and Vostochny Bank.

If difficulties arise in obtaining a card with a large borrowed amount, it is recommended to request a smaller amount (for example, 10-15 thousand rubles). The main condition is to maintain active movements on the card account - frequent payments and repayments.

Improving your credit history through a loan from an microfinance organization

Another effective way to increase your reputation by borrowing funds is through microfinance. As the name suggests, such institutions issue small amounts and for a short period of time. Within a short period, a person who has received a loan on the card and fulfilled the obligations several times will be able to significantly improve the information in his file.

There is a serious disadvantage of such a scheme of action - the overpayment through microloans in annual terms reaches several hundred. If the client is unable to repay the debt along with interest on time (for a month, the interest overpayment may exceed the amount borrowed), there is a high risk of the formation of a bad debt and serious problems with payment. If you are not sure of timely repayment of the debt, it is better to refuse microcredit.

It is recommended to borrow money for short periods - just a few days - and repay immediately. Through several such repayments, the CI will be successfully updated with new information, increasing the chances of issuing a truly profitable bank loan.

When using this scheme, it is useful to know that early repayment is considered as a minus for the client, and entries in the CI are updated once a month or every two weeks.

An accessible way to improve your credit history, suitable for those who planned to make expensive purchases in the near future. In these cases, the best option would be a trade loan or installment plan.

It makes no difference what type of expenditure was made. You can buy the necessary equipment, mobile devices, valuables. Having paid the cost of the goods, the person will update the information in the CI, increasing the chances of bank approval in the future. An excellent alternative is an installment card, actively promoted by various banks in close cooperation with retail stores.

The problem with a damaged history is familiar to every bank; for this reason, a special program is being developed that practically guarantees, after completing it, that you will receive a favorable offer.

Among the most well-known programs is the improvement of credit history at Sovcombank as part of the use of the “Credit Doctor”. Through multi-stage lending with the transition from minimum amounts to large limits, the history is gradually improved. Based on the results of participation in this program, a successful borrower has the right to count on receiving an optimal loan at a minimum interest rate.

An effective way to make a favorable impression on a financial structure is to open a deposit. This option requires the availability of a certain amount, which the potential borrower must keep in the bank for a long period of time, regularly replenishing it.

There is a successful practice when, after a certain period, the bank itself offers to issue a loan on an individual basis on especially favorable terms. Even if there are no special savings, a pensioner can easily open an account with the possibility of regular replenishment from pension savings and free spending. Success and benefits depend entirely on search activity.

Sometimes the borrower is not to blame for a damaged reputation. If an extract from the BKI reveals errors, it is necessary to request that the financial institution that entered incorrect data make an adjustment, and if it refuses, contact the BKI and the court.

Resetting incorrect data in CI through a court order most often occurs for the following reasons:

  • failure to process a customer payment;
  • error by the employee who provided the information;
  • actions of scammers.

Before going to court, it is mandatory to undergo a pre-trial settlement procedure through the BKI.

Due to the need for credit, many clients wonder how to correct their credit history. Today the Internet is full of offers to do this as quickly as possible without visiting a financial institution for a certain fee. Can you really improve your ki? How to do this correctly and where should I go for this? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

Correction of CI

Let’s answer the question right away: “ How to fix your credit history for free online?" No way. No other organization provides such services.

It is impossible to delete data from your credit history or erase it completely. A similar option is offered on the Internet, but it is illegal. The information about ki itself is stored on a digital medium and can be restored after deletion.

There is a legal way to fix your credit history. The process is lengthy and depends on the days of delay that the client has made. So if the delay is more than 90 days It will take up to three years to improve your credit history.

Ways to correct your credit history:

  • processing small microloans;
  • providing information about the borrower's open deposit;
  • provide information that you could not make payments under the contract for objective reasons (fire, robbery, loss of source of income, serious illness);
  • get a credit card for a small amount.

Having decided to correct your credit history with the help of new loans, you need to understand that the financial institution-lender will not offer you favorable lending conditions. The interest rate will be higher than that of other borrowers, and the amount itself will be small.

The new loan must be paid on time in full, avoiding late payments. A couple of such loans will allow you to significantly improve your credit history. Gradually, lending conditions will become more loyal, and you will move from a troubled borrower to a responsible one.

Is it possible to change data on the Internet?

You cannot change your credit history online. Only scammers offer such services. Such offers are made on the Internet under the guise of employees of banks, microfinance organizations or credit history bureaus. They claim that they have access to data from the BKI databases and will be able to make changes to the client’s report.

You provide your passport information, scammers order a report on it and, using computer programs, change the loan indicators in the received credit history document. However, the information in the BKI database remains unchanged. When you request CI again, the person will receive his damaged history in the same form.

You will have to pay quite a lot for a “corrected” CI: from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. Despite the considerable amount of money, many desperate borrowers who always receive refusals from banks want to correct their credit history online in this way. Be vigilant and choose affordable and legal ways to correct CI. We will talk about them further.

Applying for a microloan

There are microfinance organizations or MFOs operating in Russia that provide small loans (up to 30 thousand rubles) to everyone. To receive a loan, the client must have a passport and TIN. At the MFO branch closest to him, he fills out an application for the issuance of funds. Within a few minutes it is processed, and the person receives funds on his card.

Many microfinance organizations provide services to borrowers online via the Internet. A special application form is available on their official website. The client fills it out and receives a response within a few minutes. Now his task is to pay the issued loan within the specified period. This will make the ki good.

For example, an organization E Loan issues money to the first client without charging interest. The client receives a free loan of up to RUB 30,000. You only need to repay the amount borrowed. You can find out more about the conditions by following the link.

Three or four microloans repaid on time will allow you to gain a reputation as a responsible borrower. Now you can safely go to the bank.

MFOs rarely refuse to issue loans. In this case, the client's ki must be very damaged.

Taking out microloans will significantly improve your history in a short time.

Correction of CI using a credit card

A credit card from any bank can help you regain your reputation as a responsible lender. To get it in your hands, you need to submit an application online or contact the bank along with your passport.

The card is designed very simply:

  • on the official website of the bank, fill out an application for issuing a card, in which you indicate your passport details;
  • a specialist from a banking institution will contact you to clarify some questions or ask for additional documents;
  • After making a decision to issue a card, the bank employee will tell you how you can get the card in your hands.

Having received a card, a person must actively use it and repay the loan on time. Please note that this banking product has preferential conditions. Thus, the lender may not pay interest for a certain period (interest holidays up to 60 days) from the date of withdrawal.

To correct your credit history with a credit card, choose a credit card with a grace period.

The process of correcting your credit history is quite lengthy. It requires patience and responsibility, but after a few years you will be able to get a loan from any bank in Russia without any problems.

"Credit Doctor"

If you are wondering how to correct a bad credit history, then you can use the special “credit doctor” program. It consists of several stages, the precise implementation of each of them allows you to improve your reputation as a borrower.

Main steps of the program:

  • at the first stage you are credited with money in the amount of 4,999 or 9,999 rubles. You cannot use them, but you must accurately make the recommended monthly payment;
  • at the second stage, you are provided with funds on your payment card. Amount – up to 20 thousand rubles. You can use them to make non-cash payments. The monthly contribution must be paid without delay in the agreed amount;
  • at the third stage, the loan amount can be 40 thousand rubles. The conditions for using them and repaying the loan are the same as in the second stage;
  • at the last stage, the client is considered fully rehabilitated and is guaranteed a loan of up to 100 thousand rubles.

To apply for this program, you need to contact the nearest Sovcombank branch with your passport and TIN. The application can be submitted via the Internet, and the institution can be approached to finalize the contract.

Video: how to fix your CI

Correcting your credit history - proven and affordable methods! was last modified: March 13, 2018 by Victoria Melchuk

A credit history is spoiled by the illiterate behavior of the borrower himself, errors and inaccuracies in the transfer of data between the bank and the BKI, and the actions of fraudsters. In this article we will analyze your actions in each of these cases.

Borrower's fault

Credit history can be ruined by late payments, microloans and frequent loan applications.

Delays can be open (current), if you are not paying the loan right now, and closed (historical). This is if you missed payments in the past, but then continued making payments. With a historical delay, the loan can still be approved. With the current one - never. The only way to correct delays in your credit history is to pay them off and cover them with properly paid loans.

Two fragments of NBKI credit history. Green squares indicate payments broken down by month. In the top example, the borrower repaid the money after a month. This is an insignificant period for a bank. In the lower example, the borrower paid the loan for 22 months - this period can be used to judge payment discipline. All other things being equal, the second borrower has a better chance of getting money from the bank.

As for microloans, they are considered “expensive” in terms of interest rates, and “marginal” in nature. Who will regularly repay loans of 5,000 - 10,000 rubles at 700% per annum? Only an unreliable borrower who does not know how to plan his expenses. Banks treat such borrowers with caution, do not issue large loans, and even refuse approval.

Many loan applications that you submit at the same time can negatively affect the bank's decision. they mean that you need money too much and are not particularly picky in choosing a partner. If you created 10 applications in a month and 9 were rejected, the probability of rejection for the 10th application is 99.99%. Exceptions: Applications for a car loan or mortgage if you apply through a car dealership or developer. Banks understand that you are preparing to make a large purchase and do not count applications to other banks as a negative signal.

An application that the bank approved and an application that the bank rejected.

Action plan

Active arrears need to be closed. Then you need to make 12 - 18 timely payments. They will “block” the negative impact of delays. We need to pause on microloans. And take as a rule no more than 1 - 2 microloans per year. It’s better to give them up completely. The application should only be submitted to three banks at the same time. We chose banks and filled out an application. We looked at the solution. If everything is negative, we wait a month and submit three other applications. This way you will avoid “automatic” refusals.


Errors and inaccuracies made by a person or computer can ruin your credit history. For example:

The borrower received several refusals from banks. To understand the reasons, I asked for a credit history. It turned out that the document indicated an open microloan, which the borrower had repaid long ago. The lender simply did not transmit current information to the bureau.

Another example:

The borrower, whose last name was Kuznetsov, was contacted by bailiffs demanding repayment of the overdue loan. The borrower had not even heard anything about this debt. It turned out that the borrower’s credit history included overdue loans from his namesake from another city. The borrower had to urgently deal first with non-existent loans, and then with FSSP employees. But I didn’t have to repay other people’s debts.

Action plan

Request a credit history. Check it carefully for errors. If there is inaccurate or completely unnecessary information, write a statement to the bureau that stores the credit history with errors. The Bureau will contact the bank that made the error. If the error is confirmed, the bureau will correct your document.

The right to correct an error is regulated by law: Article 8 of the Federal Law “On Credit Histories”:

Sample application for correction of credit history:


Credit scammers operate simply. They are looking for an opportunity to use someone else’s passport data to apply for a loan using fake documents, embezzle money, and pin the obligations on another person.
Be careful and careful with your passport and its copies. If you have recently lost a document, contact the police and report it missing. A certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs will in the future help you prove your non-involvement in fraudulent loans.
Also try to carefully monitor who and where makes copies of your passport. In extremely rare cases, attackers even manage to obtain a loan using them.

Action plan

If you see fraudulent loans and credits in your credit history, contact the banks and microfinance organizations where they did this. Prove your innocence. Together with an employee of the credit institution, write an application to the credit history bureau. Incorrect data will be corrected. The process may take 1 - 2 months or more. But the reputation of an accurate payer, as well as the savings on paying off someone else’s loan, are definitely worth it.

Instructions for correcting your credit history

  • Request a credit history.
  • Check that all fields are filled out correctly - personal data (full name, passport, addresses). Make sure there is no information about loans that you have never taken out. Please note the payment schedule for each invoice. It is important that this information corresponds to reality; there is no information about delays that you did not allow. If you find erroneous information, file a report with the credit bureau. Attach proof that you are right (scan of your passport, bank statement). Your document will be corrected.
  • If you have been late, taken out too many microloans recently, or created dozens of applications that were not approved by banks, act this way: stop actively searching for a loan. Close the arrears and try to pay your loans on time for at least 6 - 12 months before contacting the lender again. Close as many credit accounts as you can. Start with the smallest.
  • When the quality of your credit history stabilizes, do not submit more than three loan applications per month. Frequent applications show the bank an urgent need for money and they refuse.

If, due to life circumstances, you have developed a bad credit history (CI), due to which you cannot get a loan or credit, then it’s time to correct it.

Correcting your credit historytransmission of new positive information about the borrower to the credit history bureau. New information will characterize you as a reliable and responsible borrower.

I will help you, and we will correct your credit history using several credit cards and the qiwi website.

There are two ways to correct CI

The first method is suitable if your credit history is damaged as a result of an error by a bank or microfinance organization (MFO) when transmitting information to a credit history bureau. In accordance with Art. 8 Law “On Credit Histories”, you have the right to challenge, in whole or in part, the information contained in your credit history by sending an application to the appropriate bureau to make changes or additions to this credit history. Having received your application, the bureau is obliged to conduct an inspection within 30 days, requesting additional information from the bank or microfinance organization. At the time of verification, a corresponding note is made in the credit history.

If the information in your credit history is incorrect, the bureau updates and corrects it. In this case, the bureau is obliged to respond to you in writing within 30 days from the date of receipt of your application.

If the information in your application is not confirmed, the bureau will refuse to make changes to the CI. This refusal can be appealed in court. But if you are reading this, then this is clearly not your path. Go ahead.

The second way is to correct your credit history through your active actions, through which we will create an image of a reliable and creditworthy borrower.

What does a credit history look like?

First, let's take a look at what bad credit histories look like and my good one, whichI received it electronically from NBKI.

Another photo of a bad story:

In the screenshots we see that there are green, yellow, orange and red indicators for on-time payment.

As we can see, in these two credit histories the late payments are more than 120 days; if you count the red squares, it becomes clear that in some places there have been no payments on loans for more than one year. The worst case is when there is a black (dark gray) color in the credit history, this means a hopeless debtor.

From this we can conclude that if the credit history is black, then this is bad, very bad.

We begin to correct your credit history.

What do we need to fix CI? These are 2 - 3 new credit cards, banks that use scoring from one credit history bureau, for example, we take the “National Bureau of Credit History”, on the website we find out that some of the banks that use NBKI scoring are Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank, Renaissance Credit Bank and other.

Why do we need credit cards from banks that use the services of one bureau? It’s simple, we will create a positive story twice as quickly, which will always be visible from one report, and not from different reports from different bureaus.

Step 1 - draw up cards.

Bank's name Card name
Alfa Bank 100 days without %
Sovcombank Halva installment card
UBRD Credit card
Eastern Express Credit card
Tinkoff Platinum credit card
HomeCredit Benefit
QIWI Bank Conscience

Step 2 - register on qiwi.ru.

Now I will show you using the Tinkoff card as an example. In the search, type “TCS Bank” and click.

1. Choose what we will transfer using the card number;

2. Indicate the number of your Tinkoff card;

3. Indicate “Loan repayment”;

4. We indicate that payment will be made by card;

5. Select another linked card from the list, not Tinkoff one.

6. We indicate the transfer amount, for example, 100,000 (one hundred thousand) rubles. The commission for such a transfer will be 750 rubles. Click pay.

What did we just do?

We began to correct our credit history. We took out a loan on one card, for example, from Promsvyazbank in the amount of 100,750 rubles, one hundred thousand of which were transferred to the Tinkoff card, and 750 rubles is the qiwi commission for transferring money.

We have started an interest-free 50-day period on our Promsvyazbank card.

Now we have minus 100,750 on our Promsvyazbank card, and plus 100,000 on our Tinkoff card (supposedly our own money).

In order to cover the qiwi commission (750 rubles), we need to go to the qiwi machine within 14 days and deposit 1,506 rubles into our qiwi account or directly onto the Tinkoff card. If you deposited it into a qiwi account, then transfer this money to the Tinkoff card. After 14 days, we have -100,750 in Promsvyazbank, and +101,506 in Tinkoffskaya. And what was Promsvyazbank doing at this time? And the Bank transmitted information to the credit history bureau that you used a credit card in the amount of 100,750 rubles, indicated when your next minimum payment was due, etc. After 14 days, you log into qiwi and transfer money from the Tinkoff card to Promsvyazbank in the amount of 100,750 rubles, taking into account the commission it will be about 101,506 rubles. As a result, our loan on the Promsvyazbank card was closed in 14 days, but at Tinkoffskaya they did not get into the loan. Promsvyazbank will transmit information to the NBKI that you closed 100,750 in 14 days. And now all this needs to be repeated only by transferring money from the Tinkoff card to Promsvyazbank.

In a month you can get closed loans of 100,000 from two banks, and this looks very good on your credit report.

For example, my credit history

By transferring 40 - 50 thousand a month, I now have an ideal credit history, and the turnover on the card was almost 800,000 rubles, thanks to this I was able to get a car loan without any problems.

Your expenses: qiwi commission only. Use the cards for no more than a year, since the first year is free, and from the second they charge a card maintenance fee of 200 - 300 rubles per year. Once you have decided that enough is enough, simply block the card.

This method of correcting your credit history, firstly, is absolutely legal, since you take money under a loan agreement, and what you “spend it on - don’t spend it” is not the Bank’s concern, and secondly, this is a 100% method, unlike any fraudulent advertisements about “correction of credit histories for money”, since it is impossible for a third party to correct your credit history stored in the bureau. Either you will give 20 - 30 thousand to someone to correct the CI, or you will correct it yourself for 9000 in 6 months.

List of banks where you can issue credit cards:

Banks where you can issue credit cards online
Bank's name Card name
Alfa Bank 100 days without %
Sovcombank Halva installment card
UBRD Credit card
Eastern Express Credit card
Tinkoff Platinum credit card
HomeCredit Benefit
QIWI Bank Conscience

It is better to apply for a card to several banks at once, because... there is a possibility of refusal due to bad credit history.

Due to the tightening of requirements by the Central Bank for Banks and the deterioration of the Russian economy, Banks have become more demanding of clients wishing to receive a credit card, and if you are refused a credit card, then there is an opportunity to improve your credit history in another way - take and repay microloans from microfinance organizations (MFO). This will also cost money, but it will be worth it, especially considering that some MFOs have an interest-free period.

The best part is that Federal Law No. 189-FZ dated June 28, 2014 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Credit Histories” and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” established that all MFOs are required to transmit information about the borrower to at least one credit bureau, his contract and the discipline of its execution.

Thus, if you take out microloans and repay them on time, this information will be reflected in your credit history and will improve it.

How much is it. On average, MFOs for new clients have a loan rate of 1% per day of the loan amount, for regular clients it can be reduced to 0.5% and, at the same time, the initial amount, as a rule, is no more than 10,000 rubles.

Let's do the math. The first time you take 10,000 rubles at 1% for one day, you will pay 100 rubles for using the loan, the second time you take 15,000 at 1% and you will pay 150 rubles, the third time you take 30,000 rubles at 0.75 % and pay 225 rubles. Let’s assume that all this took us a week, in total for three days of using various amounts we will pay 475 rubles, information about your loans totaling 55,000 rubles will be included in your credit history.

In a month you can make a turnover from 200,000 to 300,000 rubles, paying for it from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles, which I think is not bad.

Microloans are more convenient because you don’t even have to leave your home, everything can be done via the Internet, you can receive money on a card, Qiwi wallet, Yandex money, etc., and you can return it via the Internet.

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