Chairman of the Board of Russian Agricultural Bank. RSHB Asset Management LLC team. History of the creation and development of Rosselkhozbank

Where, as a senior vice president, he was responsible for working with large state-owned companies.

Episode 1. Clearing frames

Patrushev took the place of Yuri Trushin and quickly replaced the heads of most of the bank's branches. “Criminal cases have been initiated against 11 of those whom we replaced,” he said in an interview with Vedomosti in 2014. In total, 1,500 criminal cases were initiated, 68 of which were against bank employees, the rest against clients. Patrushev estimated the total damage from their actions at 23.5 billion rubles.

The bank’s problems developed over a long period of time and were inherited by Patrushev, says Alexander Proklov, director of the ACRA bank ratings group. With him RSHB became more transparent, the principles of internal management and approaches to risk analysis changed significantly, the bank consolidated and rebuilt the principles of managing its branch network, he adds.

Patrushev transferred risk management, security and internal control services to the head office, and also reduced the powers of regional branches. Previously, without approval from the head office, they could issue up to several billion rubles, he complained in an interview with Vedomosti. “Our steps to centralize risks, security, and internal control allowed us to prevent possible damage in the amount of about 100 billion rubles in 2013,” he explained.

Episode 2: Clearing the Balance

Another problem that Patrushev’s team had to face was the need to create huge reserves for problem assets, says Proklov. The state has allocated capital for these purposes gradually over recent years. In total, since 2010 the state has issued RSHB 278.6 billion rubles, and contributions to reserves amounted to 403.7 billion rubles, as follows from the bank’s reporting under IFRS.

With the arrival of Patrushev RSHB focused on the problem of returning problem loans issued by the previous team and adding additional reserves, says Moody’s analyst Olga Ulyanova. And although this problem has not been fully resolved to date, the achievements are noticeable, she says: the share of problem loans (including loans under supervision) decreased to 18% of the loan portfolio at the beginning of 2018 from 27% at the beginning of 2013, and their coverage reserves during this time improved to 58 from 31%.

“The bank was unable to quickly build up a new, healthier loan portfolio - both unfavorable macroeconomic conditions and the state of the bank itself prevented this,” she explains.

Episode 3. From scratch

RSHB under Patrushev’s team, it became more stable in terms of its resource base: the bank replaced expensive foreign funding with customer deposits. “On the one hand, this was the bank’s targeted strategy, on the other hand, US sanctions also had an impact,” says Ulyanova.

Patrushev wanted to do RSHB more universal, so that it is associated not only with lending to the agro-industrial complex (Roskolkhoz, as it was called in the market), whose share in the loan portfolio RSHB in 2014 it was 80%, and before that it was 90%. The bank's strategy was to reduce it to 70%. By the end of 2017 it was 48%.

New team RSHB we will have to continue to solve all the same problems: clear the balance sheet, bring the bank to sustainable profits and reduce the cost of funding - although it has become local, it is still expensive compared to other state banks, adds Ulyanova.

Now the bank is at the stage where it needs to demonstrate an increase in interest margins and become profitable, notes Proklov. This is partly a matter of business model: on the one hand, RSHB retains its political mandate as a bank for lending to the agro-industrial complex, on the other hand, it should develop as a universal bank and in such a model should not be planned to be unprofitable, he says.

The Patrushev clan uses Rosselkhozbank for criminal business and robbery of its assets.

The decision of the Artemovsk City Court (Sverdlovsk Region) entered into legal force, which satisfied the civil claims of Rosselkhozbank OJSC against Agrofirm Artemovsky LLC and its owner Sarkis Eiryan for the recovery of overdue loans totaling 24.7 million rubles, as well as arrest collateral (production equipment of the company, which is used in the production process of raising broiler chickens).

Eiryan has repeatedly challenged court decisions in favor of the Russian Agricultural Bank, but Themis has invariably been on the side of the credit institution... Meanwhile, the management of Rosselkhozbank itself is squandering public money and engaging in raiding. In the Voronezh branch of Rosselkhozbank (RSHB), which lends to almost all large agricultural projects in the region, the second director is changing in less than a year - Alexey Bykov is leaving the position after seven months of work.

Rosselkhozbank does not explain the reasons for his departure. Colleagues of Mr. Bykov say that his tough style of working with debtors “did not fit” into the bank’s policy. But the largest regional borrowers and regional authorities do not find any shortcomings in its activities. Independent observers also find no shortcomings in the work of the dismissed banker. The reason for the removal of Alexey Bykov, in their opinion, is his professional integrity. He simply did not accept the long-existing vicious system of work of the RSHB, with which the bank is saturated through and through!

"Laundering" bank

Rosselkhozbank has been showing colossal losses for a long time. As follows from Rosselkhozbank’s RAS reporting as of January 1, 2016, its net loss for 2015 amounted to 72.6 billion rubles. This is a record for him since 2008. By the way, a year ago RSHB also showed losses. In particular, in 2014 the loss of Rosselkhozbank amounted to 7.5 billion rubles. Experts are wary of such a significant increase in RSHB losses in just one year. And this despite the fact that Russia is pursuing a policy of anti-sanctions, closing its borders to European products and helping domestic producers.

It would seem that the Russian agricultural market should be on the rise, and the Russian Agricultural Bank should show a profit, but instead, the reports of this bank record only continuous losses.

“Our debts are heavy”?

Rosselkhozbank (RSHB) is “overgrown” with problem debts. As it turned out, the volume of overdue debts in its corporate portfolio according to RAS increased over the year from 165.8 billion rubles. up to 226.2 billion rubles. Delinquency rate - from 13.4 to 14.9%. According to Moody's estimates, as of mid-2015, only a little more than a third of the portfolio of problem loans was reserved. According to the bank's reporting, the coverage of overdue debt reserves was 87%, as of December 1, 2015 - 66%, as of January 1, 2016 - 78%. For comparison, at Sberbank this ratio as of January 1, 2016 was 190%.

Will the state help us?

It would seem that the Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank, Dmitry Patrushev, should make every effort to save the financial organization entrusted to him, but instead, the Russian Agricultural Bank continues to trivially “pull” money from the state. For example, in May 2015, the Russian government signed an order to recapitalize Rosselkhozbank by 10 billion rubles. This money helped the bank compensate for losses accumulated since the beginning of 2015 in the amount of 9.2 billion rubles.

At the same time, at the time of the request for an additional 35 billion rubles, in the Russian Agricultural Bank out of 1.4 trillion rubles. the bank's total portfolio is 429 billion rubles. (31%) accounted for problem loans, as well as those loans whose quality raises questions. A year earlier, the situation at Rosselkhozbank was no better. The thing is that in 2014, RSHB received 30 billion rubles from the state: 5 billion through an additional issue and 25 billion through the conversion of a subordinated loan from VEB. This helped the bank create reserves of 56 billion rubles, and the bank's capital decreased to 198 billion rubles.

It turns out that Dmitry Patrushev solves the problems of the bank he manages through subsidies from the budget. In fact, Rosselkhozbank has turned into a “financial parasite.”


Experts also have many questions for Dmitry Patrushev himself, who headed Rosselkhozbank in 2010 (at the age of 33). As it turned out, Dmitry Patrushev managed to study at four universities at once: the FSB Higher School, the State University of Management, the Diplomatic Academy and the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance. At the same time, experts do not understand how he had enough time to study at four universities and at the same time be vice president of VTB, where he worked before moving to Rosselkhozbank.

By the way, before Dmitry Patrushev came to Rosselkhozbank, an inspection was carried out by the prosecutor's office. Following his arrival, many leading managers left the bank, including a member of the board of directors (at that time) Minister of Agriculture Elena Skrynnik and Deputy Chairman of the Board Arkady Kulik - the son of the former Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government for Agriculture Gennady Kulik. According to experts, the fact that Rosselkhozbank helps the “Patrushev family business” suggests that the head of the Russian Agricultural Bank can be suspected of abuse of office.

Bank invader

It is worth noting that Rosselkhozbank prefers to take away the assets of debtors as entire holdings, which clearly makes this bank similar to ordinary raiders. As a rule, RSHB begins to bankrupt its debtors, without meeting them halfway and creating additional difficulties with loan repayment. However, the Antipins' agricultural holding began to have problems with the RSHB. In particular, Rosselkhozbank unexpectedly refused to Emerald Country the previously promised “short” loans for sowing, without which almost no agricultural enterprise can do.

The Antipins could have done without these loans, but decided to purchase new equipment. However, this time the bankers refused loans, and even demanded early repayment of part of the previously received loans. Experts believed that the RSHB’s attack on the “Emerald Country” followed the scenario of the “dashing 90s.”

“Squeeze” of assets “on a grand scale”

Rosselkhozbank has previously taken away assets from businessmen-agrarians. For example, the Samara branch of Rosselkhozbank took for debt all the assets of one of the largest market participants in the Samara region - the ALIKOR Group agricultural holding. The following assets became the property of Rosselkhozbank: Bezenchuksky Elevator OJSC, Podbelsky Elevator OJSC, Pokhvistnevsky Elevator OJSC, Koshkinsky Elevator OJSC, Alekseevsky KhPP OJSC, Zhito OJSC (flour mill), Samara Feed Mill OJSC ", a pig farm under construction in the Krasnoarmeysky district, an oil extraction plant on the basis of the Bezenchuksky elevator, as well as three dairy complexes for 1,200 heads and farmland plots with a total area of ​​about 200 thousand hectares.

Rosselkhozbank also acquired such assets as the Crimean fishing holding "Blue Sea", the largest meat producer in the Leningrad region "Parnas-M", sugar factories of "Euroservice", meat processor "Buryatmyasoprom", grain processing enterprise LLC "Zernostandart-Kostroma", OJSC “Mill plant in Sokolniki”, etc. It seems that instead of developing the Russian agricultural market by lending to farmers, the top managers of Rosselkhozbank are engaged in banal raiding.

Gang friendship?

Against the backdrop of how the Russian Agricultural Bank is taking away assets from ordinary farmers, rumors have emerged in the business community that Rosselkhozbank may be associated with organized crime and may support the business of “criminal elements.” The thing is that previously OJSC Russian Agricultural Bank was engaged in lending to businesses controlled by the notorious Tsapkovsky organized crime group from the Krasnodar Territory (aka the Tsapkov gang). Simply put, Rosselkhozbank provided loans to Tsapkov.

“Worthy” colleagues in the field

After Dmitry Patrushev became head of Rosselkhozbank, top managers of RSHB branches increasingly began to be accused of siphoning off assets. For example, the former heads of the Altai branch of Rosselkhozbank, Evgeny Rogovsky and Konstantin Gladyshev, are suspected of fraud in lending to one of the companies, which has accumulated a debt of 20 billion rubles.

Following the resignation of the Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank (RSHB) Yuri Trushin, who was replaced in this post by Dmitry Patrushev, a change in the management team began at the bank. As Kommersant learned, half of the old board and a number of department directors have already left the bank. Experts suggest that the core of the bank's new management may be formed from top managers of VTB and Rosagroleasing.

One of the bank’s top managers reported to Kommersant that the purge of management personnel that had begun at Rosselkhozbank was reported to Kommersant. According to him, last Friday three top managers left the bank: first deputy chairman of the board Stanislav Baranov (who also oversaw the treasury, securities and work with problem loans), deputy chairman of the board Arkady Kulik (Ruspres: son of Deputy Prime Minister for Agriculture Gennady Kulik, responsible for lending) and director of the problem loans department Sergei Kutseba. This information was confirmed to Kommersant by another former top manager of Rosselkhozbank. According to him, Mr. Baranov wrote a statement of his own free will, Messrs. Kulik and Kutseba were fired. “Two weeks earlier, the chief accountant of the bank, Oleg Nikonov, also wrote a statement of his own free will, Konstantin Kudakov, who was responsible for the branch network, personnel and economic issues, also lost his position, and Igor Baginsky, who was responsible for lending to small businesses and the population, was removed from the board,” - says the interlocutor of Kommersant. According to him, almost all top managers of Rosselkhozbank received offers of dismissal. Alexander Kosmodemiansky, an employee of the press service of Rosselkhozbank, said that he does not have the authority to comment on these issues, advising him to contact the head of the press service, Maxim Feoktistov. Mr. Feoktistov did not answer calls on his mobile phone last night.

Rosselkhozbank is 100% state owned. As of January 1, 2010, the bank ranked third in terms of capital (RUB 157.7 billion) and fourth in terms of net assets (RUB 951.4 billion). According to IFRS data for 2009, the bank's total loan portfolio over the past year increased by 31%, to 614.36 billion rubles. The volume of overdue debt increased to 6.85% against 4% at the beginning of 2009.

Such large-scale personnel changes at the Russian Agricultural Bank followed the resignation of its chairman, Yuri Trushin, which was announced on May 24. The eldest son of the former head of the FSB, and now the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev, Dmitry Patrushev, who had worked in the first corporate block of VTB since 2006, where he was involved in interaction with government agencies, regional governing bodies and companies with state participation, was appointed Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank.

Over the past few years, such serious changes in the personnel of state banks have occurred only at Sberbank - and also in connection with a change in management. After the shareholders of Sberbank at the end of November 2007 approved German Gref to the post of president and chairman of the board of the bank instead of Andrey Kazmin, the first deputy chairman Alla Aleshkina left the bank, many members of the board announced such intentions. Having become the head of Sberbank, German Gref has repeatedly said that he intends to do everything possible to help retain the key top managers of the old team, however, out of the current 12 members of the bank’s board, only three are top managers from the old team.

“The almost complete forced change of top management in the case of Rosselkhozbank, on the one hand, is expected: the quality of the bank’s management was relatively low,” says Alexey Sizov, a consultant in the financial practice of Pynes & Moerner. “On the other hand, for a state bank, especially tied to working in In such a specific segment of the real sector, such large-scale and drastic changes are rather uncharacteristic.”

The main question after the departure of key top managers - who will make up Mr. Patrushev's new team - remains open for now. “Since during massive personnel purges the issue of filling key positions is quite acute, most likely Rosselkhozbank will buy out a number of key top managers from another large bank,” says Denis Taradov, partner at BDO in Russia. “It is possible that these will be people from the previous place the work of Mr. Patrushev - VTB - or the top managers of Rosagroleasing due to their experience in issues related to agricultural financing."

Svetlana Dementieva

JSC Rosselkhozbank, created in March 2000, is legally the main creditor of the agricultural and industrial complex of Russia. In terms of assets, it is one of the five leading Russian banks. Rosselkhozbank is a unique credit institution that is 100 percent owned and operated by the state. In times of crisis, the Bank's income decreased significantly, but thanks to the support of the main shareholder - the Government of the Russian Federation and the intensive work of the top management of Rosselkhozbank, the group retained a solid capital reserve and is confidently heading for a positive result.

News about the management of RSHB

According to official information provided by the press service of Rosselkhozbank, due to the fact that the former head of the Board of the Russian Agricultural Bank Dmitry Nikolaevich Patrushev was approved in the new Government of the Russian Federation under the leadership of D.A. Medvedev as Minister of Agriculture. There have been changes in the management team of the credit institution.

For approval by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the shareholders represented by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board submitted the candidacy of Boris Pavlovich Listov for appointment as Chairman of the Board.

The choice fell on Listov B.P. It is no coincidence that for more than 9 years he was invariably the first deputy head of the bank, and from May 18, 2018, he served as chairman of the Board of the Russian Agricultural Bank.

As soon as the Central Bank approves his candidacy, he will take office and under his leadership the bank’s priority goals will be implemented. Among which:

  • growth in credit volumes not only in the agricultural-industrial complex, but also in other significant sectors of the economy;
  • development of retail banking business;
  • introduction of high technologies of banking services.
TOP Management of Rosselkhozbank

The team of senior management of Rosselkhozbank, formed over the years, continues to work in full and will continue to exercise effective management.

Governing body

The board is directly involved in managing the organization, making collegial decisions and carrying out operational management. His task is effective management, income growth and minimizing financial risks. Members of the Board are approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, appointed by a collegial decision of the Supervisory Board, and their candidacies are presented by the head of the Board.


The General Meeting of Shareholders is the highest management body of Rosselkhozbank JSC. Once a year, after summing up the results of the financial year, a General Meeting of Shareholders is held. Important financial and personnel decisions are made there. It elects the composition of the Supervisory Board, which protects and represents the interests of shareholders.

The bank's shareholders are:

  • Russian state;
  • Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency".

Moreover, 100 shares, on the basis of which the right to vote and make strategic decisions are given, belong to the state, represented by the Federal Property Management Agency.

The Supervisory Board, elected on the basis of a decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders, is engaged in the development of promising projects and provides general management. His task is to strengthen the organization and ensure profits for the holders of the majority shareholding. The following execution bodies are under the leadership of the Supervisory Board:

  • Chairman of the Board;
  • Board members;
  • Deputy Chairmen of the Board.

Since September 2017, the honorary and responsible mission of Chairman of the Supervisory Board has been occupied by Arkady Vladimirovich Dvorkovich.

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