What to look for when considering promotions on bank loans. Other reviews about home loan bank Features of the seasonal offer

Traditionally, banks use the pre-New Year shopping period to attract new borrowers. Some offer promotions with lower rates, while others increase cash back on credit cards. Potential clients should carefully study them so that your expectations do not exceed the promises of credit institutions.

Not everyone will get a discount

At the beginning of November, two largest state banks launched a New Year's campaign on consumer loans. Sberbank announced a reduction in the interest rate on the loan to 11.9% per annum and an increase in the loan term to seven years. The bank's press release states that this proposal is due to the fact that by the end of the year the demand for loans increases by 60% compared to the beginning of the year.

Rosselkhozbank offered an even lower rate as part of the “Interest Leaf Fall” campaign - for consumer loans for up to a year. The minimum loan rate is 10.7% per annum. Both promotions are valid until December 31, 2018.

One of the conditions of the Sberbank promotion is that the loan amount must be at least 1 million rubles. Moreover, when applying at a bank branch, and not in an online bank, the minimum loan rate will be 12.4% per annum. Also, if the client takes out a loan for a long period - from five to seven years, then the rate will increase to 12.9% per annum. If these conditions are not met, the rate may be up to 19.9% ​​per annum.

Rosselkhozbank also promises a low rate only to salaried and “reliable” bank clients, as well as employees of the public sector and the largest enterprises of the Russian Federation. “For other categories of clients, the rate will be from 12.7% per annum, and for clients who have submitted an additional document on the ownership of a property or vehicle - from 11.7% per annum,” the RSHB press release notes.

The most important condition for participation in the promotion is the registration of personal life, health and job loss insurance.

In practice, this means that the actual cost of the loan may be even higher than within the bank’s standard offers.

Vostochny Bank also offers a holiday promotion for cash loans. According to its terms, the loan is provided at a fixed rate of 11.5% for an amount of up to 1 million rubles. and for a period of up to three years. On the eve of the New Year, Rusfinance Bank also announced a reduction in the interest rate on consumer loans. In particular, for “loyal borrowers who take out loans for maximum amounts.” However, the bank has not yet specified more detailed conditions and requirements of the New Year’s program.

New Year's promotions of some Russian banks: consumer loans

Cashback will end quickly

A number of banks promise increased cashback for New Year's shopping. As Ksenia Andreeva, head of the development department of debit cards, service packages and loyalty programs at Raiffeisenbank, notes, “in December, premium clients receive 10% cashback on spending on restaurants abroad.” In addition, new recipients of the “110 days” credit card will receive a New Year’s bonus - the opportunity to withdraw cash up to 600 thousand rubles. no commission or interest.

Svyaz-Bank presented a new loyalty card with cashback up to 10% and 5% per annum on the account balance.

Pochta Bank has proposed a New Year's promotion “All the best comes back”, which will last until December 9. According to its terms, clients can win up to 50% cashback, however, the maximum winning limit is 4 thousand rubles.

There are cards on the market with a cashback limit of up to 15 thousand rubles. Therefore, this promotion is unlikely to be classified as particularly profitable.

Citibank is also planning a similar promotion, promising to return 20% cashback, and the promotion will last until April 24, 2019. “A client who has issued the first major Citi Select Standard/Premium credit card and received a final positive decision through any sales channel automatically receives the opportunity to receive 20% cashback back to the credit card account,” said the Citibank press service.

The reward can be received within 120 days from the date of card approval. Moreover, the maximum reward amount will be when spending on purchases from 25 thousand rubles. per month. It is worth noting that within the framework of this promotion, the maximum cashback is limited to only 5 thousand rubles.

And Home Credit Bank launched a promotion on the “Polza” debit card, within which it will accrue 10% per annum on the balance of funds in the account and up to 10% cashback. It is important to clarify that to receive these bonuses you need to keep an amount of at least 5 thousand rubles in your account. up to 300 thousand rubles. (only 3% will be credited for amounts over 300 thousand), and increased cashback will only be for purchases from partners, for other stores - only 1%.

It is worth paying attention to the validity period of the promotion.

The Home Credit Bank promotion lasts only until the end of January, and then basic conditions will apply. That is, this card is unlikely to be very different from many cashback cards existing on the market.

Ak Bars Bank, in turn, launched a promotion for new recipients of the Emotion credit card, promising that 50 winners will receive one of the options in November-December: 15% cashback, a year of interest-free lending or free card servicing for the entire period of its validity.

New Year's promotions of some Russian banks: cashback

Yulia Ivanova

In the article:

Life situations sometimes do not allow borrowers to fulfill their obligations to the bank. Loss of a job, loss of ability to work, decline in health and other difficulties can significantly undermine the client’s authority before the bank if he does not make required payments. The Bank treats these developments with understanding. Therefore, among its programs there is a Home Credit debt amnesty.

Loan debt amnesty - what is it?

You should not have any illusions or dream that after submitting a certificate to the bank, the borrower will be finally and unconditionally released from all obligations under the loan agreement. There is always an intermediate option - and in each specific case the bank considers the borrower’s situation individually.

The Loan Debt Amnesty campaign started in 2014. It works in such a way that the bank offers the borrower a one-time repayment of 20% of the total debt. After this, the bank does not demand that the debt be returned to it.

Time will tell whether the promotion will be valid in 2018. As a rule, the bank, based on specified criteria (the details of this list are unknown), selects a number of debtors and makes them this unique offer. Therefore, if you have an overdue loan, do not ignore the bank’s calls, maybe it wants you to take part in the Debt Amnesty 2018 campaign.

To be fair, it should be noted that not all banks practice complete write-off of borrowers’ debts and for most of them such an action is not acceptable. Many of them offer clients who find themselves in difficult financial situations debt installment plans, revision of the current terms of the loan agreement, or credit holidays.

Conditions of the credit amnesty

It would seem that this is the solution to the problem. But not everything is as rosy as the debtor would like. Negative consequences still arise for the borrower who was affected by the Home Credit Debt Amnesty campaign. Reviews about this procedure are easy to find on the Internet.

It is worth remembering that debt does not disappear. Yes, the borrower is no longer required to repay it. But formally, the debt continues to be registered with the client. In simpler terms, it is written off to the bank’s archives.

The operating principle of the amnesty action is as follows:

  • The borrower is asked to repay at least 20% of the outstanding debt;
  • Such an offer can come from both the bank and the borrower;
  • It can only be used if the overdue debt is more than twelve months old.

The borrower will not be given any documents confirming the absence of debt, the closure of the loan, or the absence of financial claims from the bank. This means that in all programs that will be available to employees of financial institutions (not just Home Credit Bank), this borrower will be owed a debt of 80% of the remaining debt.

A client who decides to participate in the debt amnesty campaign from Home Credit will not be able to obtain a loan. Moreover, we are talking about absolutely any form of it, from a credit card to a mortgage loan. No financial institution will take on the risk or responsibility of issuing a sum of money to a person who has committed such a delay.


Banking processes in Russia are such that complete updating of information in the credit history bureau occurs no more than once every ten years. This means that from the moment the amnesty agreement is concluded, at least one decade must pass before the client is given the opportunity to receive a loan from a bank. However, the debt amnesty campaign at Home Credit Bank finds its participants, which is confirmed by reviews on the Internet. This will happen in 2018 if the bank makes such an offer to its borrowers. Among them are those borrowers who cannot take advantage of the bankruptcy law, and certainly cannot continue to pay the loan, even under the terms of restructuring (many banks offer this scheme today).

Statistics show that every year banks write off significant amounts from their debtors. However, household loan debts are still at a high level.

New Year is the best time to give each other gifts. Financial organizations also do not deviate from this holiday tradition, and are preparing a number of interesting and profitable offers for the population. New Year's deposits in banks in 2019 are a wonderful opportunity to profitably invest private savings. Unlike other periods, the New Year holidays are considered the most successful time to open a special deposit.

If you are planning to invest your own funds profitably, you should not rush. To get maximum profit, it is important to first study all offers from major financial institutions. It is the large banks of the Russian Federation that prepare the most advantageous and profitable offers for individuals. New Year's deposits and holiday promotions will allow you to slightly increase your own budget without any risk.

Features of the seasonal offer

When analyzing banking products, it is very important to carefully study all offers on the financial market. The peculiarity of New Year's and other seasonal deposits is that they all have the main goal of attracting as many clients as possible. Thus, on the eve of the holiday holidays, many organizations offer a wide selection of loyalty programs, promotions and other bonuses that make deposits more profitable and profitable.

The most profitable deposits will be those that meet several conditions:

  • Several options for deposit terms. Short-term investments are considered the most profitable. If you wish, you can always extend or change the terms of your deposit, withdraw the required amount or take advantage of other seasonal promotions. If there is no possibility of prolongation, it is best to give preference to a longer deposit term.
  • Opportunities for small investments. The minimum amount allows you to open deposits even if you have a small amount of funds. The lower the minimum threshold, the higher the likelihood that you will be able to take advantage of one or more New Year's promotions in 2-3 organizations at the same time.
  • Remote opening or connection of seasonal promotions. Most of the largest financial organizations offer a convenient online banking interface, in which each client can independently, without visiting an office or branch, choose the most suitable investment offer.


One of the most accessible and popular banks in the country is Sberbank. On the eve of the new year 2019, the organization has prepared a number of very interesting and profitable promotions for individuals, each of which has its own specific advantages.

New Year's deposit 2018-2019 opens up a wonderful opportunity for its clients to arrange a holiday deposit at an increased interest rate. This offer is suitable for citizens with any income level, so you can increase your budget much faster, or simply save your own funds from inflation.

Bank employees recommend paying attention to longer programs - they not only provide higher interest rates, but also ensure maximum benefits. New Year's deposits in many banks can only be opened until December 31, 2018, so it's time to choose the most suitable offer.

Conditions of the most popular seasonal offer “Simply 7%”:

  • Deposit term - 5 months;
  • Possibility of early withdrawal - no;
  • Interest is calculated at the end of the contract.
  • The minimum deposit amount is 100 thousand rubles.

If necessary, you will be able to extend the contract under normal conditions.

"Home Credit"

From October 18, 2018, you can apply for a seasonal New Year deposit at Home Credit Bank. The conditions are quite acceptable and are much more profitable than similar offers from other financial organizations.

  • “New Year’s” from Home Credit Bank is a profitable deposit of personal funds for 90 days (3 months). The interest rate is 8%, and the minimum amount is only one thousand rubles. If desired, additional deposits of funds into the deposit account are allowed.

Please note that replenishing your account is possible only during the first month after opening a deposit. At the same time, expense transactions and early withdrawal of money are not provided. Clients can terminate the contract early - in this case, interest will be paid at a rate of 0.01% per annum. Upon completion of the contract, all interest is paid at the end of the term to the card (account) or in cash at the cash desk.

To draw up an agreement, you must visit one of the bank branches and present any identification document. Both regular or salary clients of the organization, as well as new investors can take advantage of the seasonal offer.

For those wishing to place a deposit for a large amount, the banking organization offers a wide selection of offers, including: “Investment” with an 8% annual rate (for 12 months), “Cabinet Plus” and others. For pensioners, there is a loyalty program and special promotions in the form of ruble deposits “Pension Plus” and “Quick Income”.


The New Year's promotion for all regular and new customers is one of the most profitable offers on the domestic market. “Key to Success” can be issued for any of three terms: 2, 3 or 6 months. Depending on the duration of the contract, the interest rate starts from 7.7% per annum. If you have been waiting for the most opportune moment to invest personal funds (from 100 thousand rubles), then it’s time to take advantage of the New Year’s offer from Rosselkhozbank.

Bank employees remind you that the promotion applies only to large amounts. When opening a deposit remotely, the minimum amount will be 100 thousand rubles. Moreover, if the agreement is drawn up directly at the office of a banking institution, the minimum amount will already be 500 thousand rubles.

For those who are not ready to invest large sums, the bank offers equally profitable promotions. Some of the most interesting proposals include:

  • “Replenishable” - deposit period of 91 days at a rate of 5.85-6%;
  • “Pension income” - the minimum amount for drawing up an agreement is 500 rubles, the interest rate is from 6.45%.

Promotions from other banking organizations

Other financial organizations are also preparing New Year's gifts for their clients. Before choosing the most interesting conditions and favorable rates, pay attention to other Russian banks:

  • "Promsvyazbank". Investments during the New Year period will be beneficial for all bank clients. “My Strategy” suggests placing your own funds at a high interest rate (up to 8.20%). Deposit transactions are not provided for; interest is paid into the account or in cash at the cash desk at the end of the contract term. There is a possibility of extension (up to 3 times).
  • "Primsotsbank". By the coming 2019, all bank clients will receive a profitable “New Year’s Stocking” deposit. The minimum investment amount is only 10 thousand rubles, which will bring investors up to 7.35% per annum.
  • "Saint Petersburg". Until January 31, 2019 inclusive, everyone will be able to profitably invest their money if they take advantage of the “Winter Petersburg online” offer. There are two investment options available for individuals: ruble (6.7-8.2%) and dollar (2.2-3.2%). The minimum amount for registration of an agreement is 10 thousand rubles or 500 US dollars. Placement of deposit from 6 to 36 months.

Video about bank deposits

Do you want to save money on a loan from Home Credit, get a mortgage at a reduced interest rate, or make a profitable deposit? The advantages of banking services of a financial institution can be appreciated by taking advantage of special offers from Home Credit. You will learn about the bank’s promotions and their timing from this publication.

Home Credit Bank products with promotions*

Home Credit special offers apply to:
  • Conditions for issuing cash loans.
  • Receiving credit cards.
  • Debt repayment.
  • Placement of deposits.
  • Opening accounts.
  • Charitable purposes.
  • Cultural events, etc.

To receive information about the bank's promotions, subscribe to the news of the credit institution:

  1. On the main page of the site in the top banner in the “Online Application”, “Loans”, “Loans” or “Deposits” tabs.

The specified page with special offers also opens when you click on the tab on the right “Special offer of the Bank”.

2. On social networks. Direct links to official bank accounts can be obtained on the Home Credit website. You can also find the profile of a financial institution through the search engines of social portals. To do this, just enter the official name of the organization Home Credit Bank or Home Credit Bank in the search bar.

3. On the Home Credit official website page with promotions.

From the main page you can go to the “Other services” - “Promotions” tab.

4. In the “Ask a question” tab on the Home Credit portal on the right or the link of the same name at the top

6. To receive news on loan offers, follow these steps:

  • Open the “Loans” tab – “Find out about a special offer from the Bank.”

  • When you click on the link, a page with a questionnaire opens. Fill in the following fields:

Your date of birth;

Mobile phone;


  • Check the box to agree to receive information from Home Credit Bank and process personal data.
  • Click "Show Result".
  • to the specified phone number and enter it in the free field.
  • Click on the “Show result” button again.

Home Credit: offers for loans on special terms*

The financial institution provides the following lending benefits:

  • Refund up to 10% of expenses for purchases in online stores. Making a profit is possible in the period from 02/01/2015 to 02/01/2016.
  • 3 free operations to withdraw cash from an ATM. Validity period: from 02/01/2015 to 02/01/2016.
  • For purchases in special categories (tourism, technology, etc.) – a bonus of up to 4% is added to the card. The duration is unlimited.
  • Decrease in interest rate. Conducted from 02/01/2015 to 02/01/2016.
  • Cancellation of loan maintenance fees. Participation can be taken from 02/01/2015 to 02/01/2016.
  • Up to 50% discount on cash withdrawals. Duration: from 02/01/2015 to 02/01/2016.
  • "SMS Promotion". Notifications are sent free of charge from 04/02/2015 to 07/31/2015.

Promotions in Home Credit Bank*

The credit institution notifies about promotions in the following categories:
  1. Salary projects:

Increasing the lending limit from 400 thousand rubles. up to 500 thousand rubles The duration of the promotion is unlimited.

  • Opening a “Quick Income” deposit in Internet banking with a rate of 13%. The duration of the promotion is unlimited.
  • Opening a “Key Interest” deposit with a rate of 12.5% ​​on the deposit for 3 months. Dates: from June 11, 2015.

3. Debit cards:

  • Accrual of income on the balance in rubles – 10% on the “Good News” card. The duration of the promotion is unlimited.
  • Accrual of bonus points for purchases with the Polza online card in the following companies: Booking, Yves Rocher, Holodilnik.ru, MediaMarkt, Tekhnosila, Tutu, Otto, M.Video, etc. Bonuses are awarded at any time the card is used.

4. Premium standard cards World MasterCard Black Edition:

  • CashBack – refund to the card up to 5% of purchases in the categories: “Sports”, “Theatres and Cinema”, “Beauty salons and gifts”. The promotion lasts from 04/01/2015 to 06/30/2015 inclusive.

5. Promotions:

  • “Children and Money”: books for financial education of children. The Home Credit website provides the opportunity to download a tutorial on family finances for children online for free. Conditions are valid for the first 2000 participants.
  • “Extend your deposit”: for owners of “Pros Only”, “Pros Only (Prime)”, “Ten” deposits in rubles. Promotion period: from October 1, 2013 to January 9, 2016.

6. Premium Visa cards.

  • When shopping at the Azbuka Vkusa store, you will receive a spice grinder as a gift. Time: from June 1 to June 30, 2015.

Does Home Credit conduct debt amnesty campaigns?

From time to time, Home Credit Bank, as part of its customer loyalty program, announces debt amnesty promotions. Participation in the project is subject to the following conditions:

  1. A bank client has an overdue debt.
  2. Violation of deadlines occurred without, for example, due to loss of employment or change of position to a lower paid one, due to illness, etc.
  3. Payment of 20% of the debt amount in one payment.
  4. Amnesty can be expressed in the following forms:

Typically, banks do not disclose information about debt amnesty in public sources. The circle of persons participating in the promotion is determined by the credit institution by internal regulations.

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