How to update your credit history in BKI. How quickly is your credit history updated? After how many years will the data in the BKI be reset? When is bad credit history reset?

Refusal to issue a loan may not always be due to insufficient income. Sometimes bank employees say no because of a bad credit history in the past. What should a borrower do if several years ago he had arrears with banks, even if for a “valid” reason? Can a credit history be cancelled? And, most importantly, how to get a loan with an imperfect credit history?

How many years is information on issued loans stored?
Any action of the borrower, whether it is obtaining a new loan, early repayment or, conversely, the presence of delays, does not remain unnoted in the credit history. Banks send information to the document: previously with the consent of clients, and after changes in legislation - without fail.
Some borrowers claim that past arrears are not so critical, since the credit history is stored for 3-5 years. And then all data is canceled. In reality, credit reports stored by the Credit Bureaus have been there for at least 15 years. And, often, for a longer period. At least some borrowers who order a credit history check find information about loans issued in 1997.
Where did the 3 or 5 year data come from? This time criterion may have arisen due to the policies of banks. After all, many clients have overdue loans. And if at least 3 years have passed since the repayment of the problem loan, and then new loans were issued and repaid on time, then the bank may agree to lend the money. In other words, this is the period during which you can try to regain the trust of banks. But this does not mean that information about overdue payments will disappear from your credit history.

All the ways to get a loan with bad credit history
Every person has found himself in a difficult financial situation at some point. But this does not mean that all financial institutions will close their doors to them. There are several ways to get a loan with an imperfect credit history:

1. Correct your credit history by obtaining loans for small amounts and repaying them on time. In fact, this is the only way to prove to banks that the borrower has improved and is now ready to make monthly loan payments. Moreover, the bank may refuse a borrower who has been unscrupulous in the past. Therefore, there are several other ways:
- apply for a targeted loan for household or digital equipment in a shopping center - such loans are issued, in most cases, without checking your credit history. And even without proof of income. You only need to have your passport with you, and sometimes the amount for the down payment;
— get a credit card for active use. Many banks issue credit cards to clients who cannot boast of high earnings and an impeccable credit history. The limit on such a card may be small, and it may not be enough for a large purchase. But you can pay with such a credit card every day - in grocery stores, gas stations, and at any retail outlets equipped with terminals. If you repay funds withdrawn from a credit card during the grace period, you can constantly use the borrowed funds without paying interest.

2. Take loans from microfinance companies. The main disadvantage of such institutions is the high interest rate for using borrowed funds. Therefore, you should not be deluded by the simplicity of registration and the almost complete absence of documents (with the exception of a passport and one other document).

3. Contact credit brokers. The services of such a specialist in the lending market cost money - not a fixed amount, but a percentage of the required loan amount. But it is the broker who will help you get a large amount of credit to purchase a car, for example. No microloan or credit card will save you in such cases. But the broker will really help. True, they will take 5-10 percent of the loan amount for such work.

Advice for borrowers
1. The ideal option is to avoid delays. If they do happen, then you need to try to earn a good reputation with banks. And several timely repaid loans are a better option compared to one larger loan.
2. You should not take out loans, overpayment of which will be too destructive for your own budget. It is enough to spend a little more time to find the optimal conditions - a credit institution that issues loans with a bad credit history and at normal interest rates.
3. Correction of bad credit history must be done within the law. Attempts to obtain a passport under a new surname are usually discovered. And then the trust of banks will be completely undermined.

Many bank clients are already well aware of what a credit history is, where it comes from and how to find out your credit history. This is an effective and correct tool that helps financial institutions minimize their risks, and for respectable borrowers it serves as an excellent confirmation of a reliable reputation. Currently, there are 26 financial institutions in the financial market of the Russian Federation, which operate in different regions of Russia. But the undisputed leader remains one of the “pioneers” in this area - NBKI (National Bureau of Credit Histories).

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Get report

The formation of credit histories of clients of Russian banks reached a new legal level after the adoption of Federal Law No. 218 “On Credit Histories” on December 30, 2004, which came into force at the beginning of 2015. It was not flawless, and in the process of improving legislation in this direction, amendments and changes were made to the law. However, it was precisely this regulatory act that regulated the creation, activities and control of the regulator over the BKI - the credit history bureau. One of the first to be founded was the National Credit History Bureau.

The National Bureau of Credit History (NBKI) was created in March 2015 on the initiative of the Association of Russian Banks. This organization became one of the main shareholders of NBKI. Today, the National Credit History Bureau owns a huge database of credit histories, holds a license that allows for technical protection of confidential data, and develops a wide range of services for both borrowers and credit institutions. More than 90% of financial institutions cooperate with NBKI to one degree or another.

NBKI services for borrowers and lenders

The National Credit Bureau is popular not because it was one of the first. The company has maintained a high standard for many years, constantly updating its products and adding new services. In short, the main activities of the National Credit History Bureau can be listed in three points:

collection, storage, systematization of credit histories of bank clients, provision of credit reports to financial institutions (to assess the borrower and make a decision) or to the borrowers themselves (to verify the accuracy of the data); protection of confidential data (CI), use of modern technical systems; scoring, statistical, analytical reports, ratings based on credit history data, which facilitate work with clients and improve the lending industry.

But the National Credit History Bureau is not only about storing and providing credit histories (reports) upon request. The scope of the company's activities is much wider than that of other regional or less powerful BKIs. How different the NBCH service is can be seen from the comparison table.

NBKI has different cooperation schemes for credit institutions. Many of them allow you to score a client very quickly and reliably, semi-automatic assessment systems reduce the level of risk, and such useful products as verification of passport data, or checking cars for collateral in other organizations, can be obtained within a few minutes, online .

*the period for checking information, as well as making changes to the credit history at NBKI is up to 30 days

Services for borrowers at NBKI are practically no different from other bank credit institutions; the only difference is in the convenience of obtaining a credit history and the efficiency of work. At the National Credit History Bureau, there are six or seven ways for a client to receive a credit card; you can choose the most convenient one for yourself. Once a year, each user has the right to receive information free of charge. Please note that, depending on the chosen method, the cost may differ, since you will still have to pay for related services (for example, notarization of a signature, cost of a telegram, courier services, etc.). You can analyze for yourself how to get a credit history for money in the most convenient way.

Which banks does NBKI cooperate with?

The list of NBCI services for financial institutions is impressive. Many of the products of this bureau are unique, and the service is prompt and convenient. This is one of the reasons why so many banking and non-banking credit institutions cooperate with NBKI. It is not advisable to provide a complete list of banks here; it can be found on the NBKI website. Here are just the basic data:

NBKI cooperates with more than 1000 financial organizations throughout Russia; Of the TOP 100 banks according to the rating, all one hundred cooperate with NBKI; 93% of all banking organizations submit a request to the NBKI when issuing a loan.

Such popularity does not, however, prevent banks from cooperating in parallel with other bank institutions. For example, the Equifax company has very high ratings and indicators. The disadvantage of NBKI is precisely that it covers a lot of services and has many partners. In addition, many bureau services are quite expensive for banks; although convenient, they are not always justified or necessary. Some partners do not like the NBCH scoring system; it is too automated and does not take into account many subjective factors.

It is important for borrowers to know: all major banks (Sberbank, VTB, Raiffeisen, Russian Standard, Gazprombank, etc.) clearly cooperate with NBKI. The more reputable the organization, the more often “automation” occurs in the client’s assessment. That is, special NBCH scoring programs are used very actively, and it is this factor that can become decisive in making a decision on issuing a loan.

How long is data stored in NBCI?

The question of how long data is stored in the credit bureau often worries borrowers with “dark spots” on their financial reputation. Knowing about past delays, non-payments or legal proceedings, they try to correct or delete their credit history with NBKI. Various agencies and companies offer such services. These are, as a rule, ordinary scammers. Past mistakes can only be corrected in a legal way. By the way, the section on improving financial literacy in the NKBI gives some answers on how to correct a negative credit history.

As for the safety of data, these terms are clearly defined by law, and they cannot be changed. The client's credit history is retained for 15 years from the date of the last changes to it.

You can delete your credit history earlier if it was created incorrectly. For example, if the bank submitted data to the NBKI based on the borrower’s application, but ultimately refused to issue a loan, or if the CI was created by mistake in the name of the client (the full name matches, but the passport data does not match).

How often is the credit history updated at NBKI?

The credit history is updated when NBKI partner banks submit the relevant data to the bureau. Typically this occurs after the end of a new financial month. But not all banks fulfill their obligations regularly and on time. There are often cases when a borrower sees unclosed loans in a credit report, or the amount of debt does not correspond to reality. In this case, the NBKI cannot be blamed; everything depends on the banks.

But NBKI has the best service for borrowers in this regard. They respond as quickly as possible to a request or challenge to a credit report, check the information, and make changes to the credit report. The deadline is set at 30 days, but in fact it is possible to correct the CI in a shorter period of time. The bank must submit client data at the request of the NBKI within 10 days.

Scoring score from NBKI: what the numbers say

The most interesting and often incomprehensible for clients is the scoring service at NBKI. Scoring here is carried out in several ways:

socio-demographic (the simplest level, based on general data of the new client); scoring based on credit history when approving a loan application; scoring an existing client (allows the bank to change offers, increase the limit on a credit card, etc.); scoring for credit fraud is a new unique service from NBKI.

Most of all, clients are interested in scoring from NBKI when issuing a loan. NBKI provides it as a separate service costing about 300 rubles (this is its disadvantage, for example, when compared with Equifax - there such scoring is provided free of charge as an addition to the credit report). The scoring score is assigned based on the analysis of the CI. It can range from 300 to 850 points. The higher the score, the higher the client's level of reliability. The finished result looks something like this:

In addition to this picture, the user also receives a list of the four main reasons why the score was reduced. This could include, for example, lack of up-to-date account information, demographic data (age, marital status), delinquency and litigation data, etc.

But borrowers are primarily interested in what these numbers mean and what chances they have of getting a loan with a certain scoring score. As a rule, clients receive from 600 to 700 points according to the NBCI scoring system. Here's a list to give you a rough guide:

score less than 600 – banks will refuse to work with you; 600-620 – the loan amount can be up to 50,000 rubles; 620-640 is a good level, but the bank may impose additional conditions; 640-650 – average scoring score for Russian borrowers, suitable for applying for a small loan; for a serious loan, additional documents on income, property, etc. are required; 650-690 – good level, favorable rates, large consumer loans; More than 690 - you can count on a solid loan or mortgage, you are a reliable client.

Credit history includes information about what amounts you borrowed, whether there were any delays and whether you currently owe money to any bank. Of course, not everyone who has ever been in arrears or just took out a loan wants the data to be stored forever, so it is important to know how and when the data is updated.

What is credit history and where is it stored?

After you have entered into a loan agreement with a bank, it sends information about your agreement to the Credit History Bureau (BKI). BKI operates under a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and provides services for storing and issuing reports on credit transactions of citizens. In each region there is one or several credit institutions that are interconnected and quite quickly exchange information about the credit status of citizens. Banks and credit organizations are required by law to send information on the loan within 10 days after the conclusion of the agreement, delay or payment.

Each story includes the following information:

Your personal data and information about the bank or organization that issued the loan. The amount you borrowed. Loan term. Delays and early repayments of the loan. Legal proceedings with the bank.

Unfortunately, not all banks and organizations act promptly or simply forget to submit information to the BKI, so citizens are advised to independently find out what changes have occurred in your data and whether there are any errors in them, which happen quite often due to the newness of the system.

How long will it take to update your credit history?

Data about your loans changes every 10 days after the last action on the loan, for example after:

Making a payment. Submitting an application for a loan. Restructuring and refinancing debt. Early repayment.

It will take quite a long time to wait for a complete update of credit data; according to the law, data is completely updated within 15 years after the last transaction. Upon reaching this period, the history of your relations with banks becomes clear. If you are not ready to endure for so many years, then you can take advice: take out small loans and pay them off on time; over time, your data in the eyes of the bank and other organizations that have the right to receive data will improve significantly, and you will again become a reliable borrower. Therefore, how long you have to wait for data improvement depends only on you.

How to get information about your credit history?

It is important to remember that every citizen has the right to independently check their data in the BKI for free in accordance with the law “On Credit Histories”. In order to find out all the data you are interested in, you need to send a request to the “Central Catalog of Credit Histories”, where you will be given information about which bank offices you should contact. After receiving this information, go to the Central Bank website and fill out the application form for free data. It is important to remember that when writing an application, you will be required to provide a special code, which can be obtained from any local BKI office. Please be aware that the data is provided for free only once a year; if you decide to check it more often, you will have to pay. For money, you can obtain information from BKI or banks that provide such services. The cost of paid information, depending on the region, reaches about two thousand rubles on average.

Article on the topic: banks that do not check the borrower's credit history

Advice: If you discover that there is an error in your data, for example, you have been assigned a loan that you did not take out, or it is in arrears, then you should not contact the BKI, since it is not responsible for incorrect data. In this case, contact the bank with which the problem arose and take certificates and “checks” with the data received, indicating that you are right. Contact BKI, they are obliged to make changes to the data and correct the error. Remember, not all banks conscientiously fill out and send your BKI data, because it’s stupid to wait 15 years because of an annoying misunderstanding.


There are two main ways to update your data in the BKI: wait 15 years or take out loans for which you can definitely pay off without delay. If you are sure that your relationship with the bank was cloudless and there is no need to worry, then it is still recommended to demand from the BKI complete and reliable information about all your payments and transactions at least once a year. Since it often happens that due to the fault of banks, annoying mistakes occur, which, alas, are not so easy to correct. Meanwhile, trust in you as a responsible payer will be lost, and you may no longer be given a new loan.

CI is a collection of data about the obligations of a particular person or company (CI subject). Over time, the situation regarding the fulfillment of obligations changes (for example, a loan is repaid), and the personal data of the CI subject may also change. When and how a credit history is updated, what is the reason for making such changes and what is subject to updating is written further in the article.

What is updated in the credit history

The credit history is updated in cases provided for by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2004 N 218-FZ “On Credit Histories”. According to this law, the information contained in any part of the CI is subject to updating (more information about the structure of the credit history is written here), in particular:

FULL NAME; passport data; information about loans taken and the procedure for repaying them, etc. Why is the credit history updated?

There are several main reasons for updating your credit history:

Updating personal information when changing your passport, last name or other data. Changes in the loan situation (mainly when a subject of credit history applied to a financial institution for a loan, repaid a previously taken loan in full, or, in agreement with the bank, changed the terms of payment of loan funds). Correcting your credit history in case of an error. Cancellation of CIs after expiration of the storage period or for other reasons.

To be sure that all information in the CI is reflected correctly, it is worth monitoring this. In particular, you can periodically order a credit rating. It contains all the necessary information on credit history, but does not spoil your credit history and has a number of other advantages.

When and how is a credit history updated?

Most often, updating the credit history of a particular person or company occurs with the help of different credit organizations. They (as the sources of the formation of the CI) are obliged to provide information to the credit history bureau within 5 business days from such moment for subsequent updating of the CI:

an event occurred that must be reflected in the credit history(repaying a loan, obtaining a loan, etc.); the credit institution learned about an event to be reflected in the credit history(presentation by the client of documents on change of surname, passport, etc.).

In addition, the subject of the credit history can send a request to the BKI to update the CI if the credit history is disputed or there is a need to update personal data (forms for such applications, in particular, are available on the Equifax website).

Thus, the CI is updated upon the occurrence of events to be reflected in the CI, or upon the receipt by credit institutions and BKI of relevant information about these events.

Maria Kovalchuk

Banking specialist
Home Credit and BNP Paribas

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You have already forgotten that once or twice circumstances did not allow you to make regular loan payments on time, but then the situation was settled, when suddenly your application for a bank loan or mortgage is not approved with the wording “Unreliable payer.” Your reaction - yes, this happened a hundred years ago, why remember it! But if you think about it and count, it’s not a hundred at all, but much less. And here the question quite naturally arises: how long does it take for a credit history to be updated, is it possible to update it at all, and when can you go for a new loan so that you are not reproached for violating the payments of the previous one?

What is an update and how often does it happen: opinions

If you decide to complain to someone “about life,” and specifically about the fact that you were denied a large bank loan, you may hear a lot of advice, most of it useless. Without delving too deeply into the legislation, ordinary citizens have a personal understanding of how often their credit history is updated:

  • once every ten days;
  • once every three years;
  • once every ten years;
  • once every fifteen years.

What’s interesting is that almost each of them is right in their own way, but in order to take out a loan, you need a real update of your credit history, as specified in the law of the Russian Federation.

Transfer of data from banks and financial organizations to BKI

It is in this case that we are talking about ten days: exactly this period and no more passes from the moment of any action you take on the loan until it is entered into your CI database. However, this does not mean that if you have a negative credit history, you just need to take out a microloan, repay it and hope that in ten days you will become a welcome client in the lending department of large banks - alas, this will not happen.

The ten-day period is just the time during which your payment or late payment will be recorded, no more. Changing this information will not affect your credit rating in any way.

Three years of conscientious loan payments: what happens to CI?

Another common misconception is when a credit history is updated. Some clients, having once earned a negative CI, spend three years trying to correct it in all available ways:

  1. They take out microloans at fairly high interest rates and repay them on time;
  2. Purchase goods on credit, paying their cost to the bank as quickly as possible;
  3. They issue credit cards, actively use them and make required payments on time.

After three years, such a payer is absolutely sure that now the roads to the largest banks are open to him, but this, unfortunately, is not always the case.

If you are lucky and after three years of timely loan payments you were able to receive a large amount from the bank - this is not because the credit history is updated within the specified period, but solely because most banks requested CI for the last three years before the application was submitted!

What worked to your advantage in this case was that you thought you knew how to update your credit history and made a series of payments. If you just sit still for three years and hope that the history will be updated, there will be no result: not finding information about your payments for the last three years, the bank will begin to dig deeper and eventually get your negative credit history.

10 or 15?

Referring to the same article of the law, different people for some reason give different terms for how long it takes to update a credit history in the fullest sense of the word. Why is this happening? The answer is in the dates: until March 2015, the period during which the BKI was obliged to store the credit history of every citizen of the country was exactly 15 years, and therefore many, out of old memory, indicate exactly this period.

, which has been in force in our country since March 1 of last year, indicates a different figure - 10 years, and it is this that is the only correct and legal one. Therefore, if you have ever had a case of non-payment of bank loans or other overdue credit payments, and after that you did not take out microloans or consumer loans, did not issue credit cards - in a word, did nothing to improve your credit history - in ten years you can safely go to any bank and apply for a loan. True, the lack of a clinical trial is often also an obstacle to its approval, but that’s a completely different story.

Is your credit history updated? Absolutely yes. But the timing depends on what exactly you mean by the concept of update. In any case, if you have questions, it is best to ask them to a competent specialist who, moreover, will immediately suggest the optimal course of action.

January 2019

Lending to the population is one of the highest priority activities of financial organizations. Today, companies willingly issue several loans to one person. As a result, a person often places an unbearable financial burden on himself, fails to repay debts and spoils his financial reputation. How many years does it take to update a credit history? This issue worries those citizens who, for this reason, banks refuse applications for a loan.

What is a credit history?

Credit history is information about how much, where and during what period of time a person borrowed from financial institutions, and whether he currently has contractual obligations to them. Immediately after drawing up the loan agreement, the bank submits information about this fact to the credit history bureau. This organization has an official license to provide financial services to the population of the country and stores personal information about clients of commercial institutions.

Each regional center may have its own branches, but all information flows into a common database. Current legislation stipulates that banks are required to submit this information to the BKI no later than 10 calendar days from the date the loan is issued. In addition, if during the validity of the document there are delays in current payments or a complete refusal to repay the debt, this information is immediately sent to the credit bureau. Thus, the total set of information about a person’s financial solvency forms what is commonly called a credit history. It includes the following information:

  • personal data of the user and information about the company that issued the loan;
  • the amount of obligations under the contract;
  • period of validity of the document (loan agreement);
  • the presence or absence of delays or facts of early payment;
  • lawsuits, if any.

How long is a credit history kept?

How quickly does a credit history update for a specific person? As noted, any data on the status of the debt must be adjusted every 10 days from the date of the last monetary transaction under the agreement, namely:

  • repayment of the current contribution;
  • processing a loan application;
  • processes related to restructuring or refinancing of obligations;
  • early payments.

If a credit history is updated after such a short period of time, how long will it be stored in a single database? It takes a long time to wait for a full update cycle - regulatory documents allot as much as 15 years for this. This is what Federal Law No. 218 says. The countdown starts from the date of the last financial transaction made by a person. Consequently, if a citizen no longer takes out new loans from the moment the last debt was closed, then his history will completely disappear from the resources of the BKI only after a decade and a half. If for some reason this company is liquidated, all information stored on its servers will be retained by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation until a new successor appears.

Note! Only financial institutions and law enforcement agencies have official access to the database if they use this information in open proceedings on a specific person.

How to cancel a credit history?

Some citizens who have a bad credit history for some reason believe that if BKIs are companies whose activities are classified as commercial services, then the problem can be solved financially (for a certain amount of money, remove negative information and fill your “financial biography” with positive aspects) . This opinion is fundamentally wrong. The system has several degrees of protection and is specially designed in such a way as to completely eliminate the risk of database hacking, as well as fraudulent actions by unscrupulous employees with falsification of information.

Reference! There is only one option for adjusting your credit history - if the facts reflected in it are not proven or do not correspond to the actual state of affairs. Such adjustments can only be made by court decision.

There is another, less troublesome way, if a person is confident that he is right, and the information in the database is a random technical error. In this case, the citizen personally contacts the BKI and submits a written application, upon consideration of which an official investigation will be conducted. In accordance with the law, a month is allotted for this. Based on the results of the inspection, the applicant will receive a written official response, and if the bias of some facts is confirmed, they will be excluded from the client’s credit biography.

It is often possible to cancel negative events at the level of a specific bank. If it turns out that he is the one to blame for the mistake, sometimes it is enough to simply file an appeal with the company management. The situation is resolved on the spot - the organization itself will notify the BKI and make changes to the facts.

Experts in the field of finance and banking recommend that in order to correct your credit history, the first thing you need to do is study it very carefully. You can access it on the official website of the BKI, where there is a special application for this purpose. Information in the credit history bureau is stored on the principle of limited confidentiality - after registering on the server, the user will be able to access it.

Having understood what the weaknesses are, you should choose from the proposed options those that will be most effective in a particular situation:

  1. If the delinquency is still active, you need to pay it off urgently. When the bank sues, it will be extremely difficult to eliminate this fact from the biography - there is unlikely to be an argument that can justify this act in the eyes of a potential creditor.
  2. If there are no arrears on existing debts, you should not allow them to appear. Mandatory payments must be made on time - in accordance with the schedule.
  3. To take out a microloan, you need to receive it using your personal bank details. When applying to an MFO, the requirements for the applicant are minimal, and a poor CI is often not an obstacle to approval of the application. Such loans can be quickly repaid and add another plus to your asset.
  4. Get a credit card - purchases are made with it and the balance is regularly replenished (here it is important to make mandatory payments on time and close debt obligations on time).
  5. If there are several debts, it is better to refinance them immediately - the terms for repayment will be more favorable. As a result, the debt amount will be repaid faster, and history will be replenished with a new positive fact.
  6. Debts on utility bills must not be allowed to arise. Debts of this nature can also reduce a person’s financial rating.

Video on the topic

According to statistics, every fifth person has applied to a bank at least once in his life to take out a loan. When visiting financial institutions, the borrower is required to provide a number of necessary information. First of all, these are the client’s passport data. They become part of the entire credit history, which also includes:

  • various financial obligations for the loan;
  • a complete loan payment schedule and complete information about its execution;
  • all terms for which loans and borrowings were issued;
  • the presence of existing court decisions regarding the execution of the loan and collection of debts from the borrower.

All information received is entered into the credit history bureau, which the bank always uses when issuing the next loan amount. This is quite enough to draw certain conclusions and decide whether it is worth issuing a loan to this or that person. Not every borrower can, so it is important to pay attention to each item from the above list.

The main reasons for a damaged credit history

Very often, clients who are faced with the procedure of applying for a loan at a financial institution for the first time spoil their credit history. The borrower is always given an agreement, which is the basis for payment of the full loan amount. But he does not always familiarize himself with this document in detail. Most people leave this important moment for later and, without thinking, sign the entire stack of papers. And when the first payment is due, the client often thinks that nothing bad will happen if he postpones the payment until the next month. This is where bad credit history begins. In addition, its main reasons include:

  • complete disregard for payments on an existing loan;
  • systematic violation of loan payment terms.

It is worth noting that failure to make payment within five days from the date of payment is considered the norm.

Advice: When drawing up a loan agreement with a bank, it is important to always read in detail all the clauses of the agreement. Credit history can be damaged not only through the fault of the borrower, but also through the fault of the bank.

Deadlines for resetting bad credit history

So, almost any of us can become a victim of a bad credit history. Not everyone is able to accurately allocate their capabilities and repay the loan on time. But as you know, any credit history is reset over time. But not everyone knows how long it is stored.

To begin with, it is worth recalling that loan history is stored in the BKI (credit history bureau). There is an opinion that the credit history in BKI is reset after 3 years from the date of conclusion of the agreement. But this is not true. Such false information appeared due to the policies of some banks. Any financial and credit institution tries to meet the client halfway. Often like this. Therefore, if the history has already been damaged, but over the past 3 years all payments have been timely, the bank is happy to lend a sum of money.

In fact, information in the BKI is stored for 15 years after the last operation. After this time, the entire credit history (both good and bad) is updated, and the old one is canceled. But there are also cases when the history for some reason was not reset. And this becomes clear only when the borrower decides to check the status of his credit history himself. By the way, absolutely any bank client can complete this procedure in several ways:

  • by means of a written request to the BKI to receive this information. To do this, you must provide documents proving the identity of the subject making the request for this information. Moreover, this option is suitable for those who are wondering how;
  • make an official request online on the portal of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This service is provided free of charge only once. For each subsequent request you will have to pay an amount ranging from 250 to 500 rubles;
  • Familiarize yourself with the CI online by first registering on the Credit Information Agency website.

Advice: if the last option for obtaining information about credit history is selected, then the client needs to find out his personal history code. It can be obtained from any financial institution that previously lent a sum of money.

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