Economic online game money taxi. Taxi Money game: reviews, secrets and withdrawal of funds. Small income and technical support

We will tell you how to play Taxi-Money without investment and make money from it, where to start participating in the game and what kind of income such a pastime can bring. You will also learn about possible risks and how to avoid them.

22.05.2018 Elena Zaitseva

It seems that spending time playing an interesting online game and getting real money for it is a dream. However, over the past 5 years, many Internet projects have offered this opportunity. But most of them turned out to be scammers who disappeared with the invested money.

But there are other projects - economic games that guarantee users passive income without deception and initial investments. Taxi Money positions itself this way. But do the developers' promises correspond to reality? Let's figure out whether it's worth registering in this game, and what prospects it can really provide.

How can you earn money?

The game simulates the life of an ordinary taxi driver. The idea is simple - buy one or more cars and make money on their use.

The “trick” of the project is that real money is needed to purchase cars and operate them. And even if you take out a loan to buy a car, you can only repay it by topping up your account.

The more expensive the car is, the more profit it will bring to the player. The price for the cheapest car is 199 rubles, for the most expensive - 79,900 rubles. You will also need to buy a license and then undergo regular inspection.

The user has the right to replenish the account independently or earn funds.

Ways to start the game without investment:

  • earn money by completing tasks in the KLIKS section - they pay about 0.018 kopecks for clicking on the suggested links and viewing sites;
  • attract referrals - if someone registers in the system using your link, you will receive from 7.5% to 20% of the amount of money entered into the game;
  • daily bonus - if you enter the game every day, then from 0.5 to 2 rubles will be randomly credited to your account.

But there is one more subtle point - the funds given as a daily bonus cannot be withdrawn. This money is credited to your shopping account and not your passenger account. This means that they are only available to pay for cars or upgrades in the game. You can withdraw only the money that the purchased cars “earn.”

Where to start - step-by-step instructions

Have you decided to try to earn real money on a virtual cab in Taxi Money? Read below how to act correctly to avoid common mistakes of novice players.

You only need to do 3 steps.

Step 1. Create an account and confirm your email

Registering with Taxi Money is easy. It is enough to indicate your profile login, email and password.

But there are difficulties with confirmation by mail. For example, I received the letter only the next day after the repeated request.

Without email confirmation, you will not be able to withdraw money.

If you do not receive the letter, check your Spam folder. If it is not there, then contact the administration.

Step 2. Choose a strategy

Upon registration, the administration will give you a car to start with. But you can’t work normally with its help - deductions for withdrawal are available only from cars employed in the taxi fleet, and “gift” cars are not accepted there.

You can earn money only after purchasing a car of the first or subsequent level. How exactly to do this, decide for yourself - invest your money, attract referrals, browse websites or save up a daily bonus.

Basically, the game will start after the first car appears in your garage. There is a lot of room for imagination here. In Taxi Money you can be either an active player (carry passengers yourself, tune and maintain cars, open your own business) or earn passively (rent a taxi or hire a driver).

And those who love non-standard scenarios can even become robbers and earn income from attacking other players.

For more information about possible strategies and secrets of the project, watch the video:

Step 3. Withdrawal of money

The player has the right to withdraw from the system any amount that exceeds 2 rubles. Only money received from referrals or earned by employed machines is available for withdrawal.

The user has 3 ways to withdraw money:

  • FreeKassaWallet - commission 5%;
  • Payeer - also charged 5%;
  • PerfectMoney - 6% commission.

And again, an interesting point - if the user doubles the invested money, then he will be charged a commission of 80% of the withdrawal amount. This can only be avoided by purchasing special tokens. For example, buying a token for 1,000 rubles, you can withdraw 2,000 without commission.

The exception is income from referrals. When you deposit income from the affiliate program, tokens in the required amount appear free of charge automatically.

How much can you earn - real player reviews

The project website says that invested funds bring from 23% to 30% per month.

The level of income depends on the cost of the purchased car:

Level Cost, rub. Monthly income, % Monthly income, rub.
1 199 23 44
2 479 24 114
3 1 290 25 317
4 4 990 26 1 276
5 11 990 30 3 520
6 24 900 31 7 480
7 49 900 32 15 840
8 70 900 33 25 960

The indicated yield is approximate. The gaming strategy developed by the user also plays a big role. This is partly due to the fact that some are able to earn money, while others are not.

Opinions about Taxi Money among users participating in the project were divided. Some talk about the absolute impossibility of earning money, others boast of an income of 30 thousand rubles per month or more.

Among my friends there are two who played Taxi Money.

Everyone's experience is indicative:

  1. One invested 1,000 rubles and bought 2 level 2 cars with it, but could not recoup them even after six months. As a result, after 9 months I withdrew about 600 rubles, completely disappointed in the project.
  2. Another contributed about 2,500 rubles 1.5 years ago and quickly developed a network of referrals. Now he says that his monthly income is at the level of 10,000 rubles and is constantly growing. At the same time, he receives profit not only from the affiliate program, but also from the gameplay itself.

Whenever I meet, my friends argue for a long time about the reliability and fairness of the game. They never come to a consensus.

It’s also interesting that when I studied reviews from other users, I came across a lot of complaints. But most of them were not on the level of income, but on the administration of the project. Users talk about unreasonable blocks for maintaining multiple accounts and using bots.

How to earn more

In addition to earning money by implementing the developed gaming strategy, Taxi Money offers users additional income opportunities.

The profit from the game will be greater if you purchase Taxi Money shares and attract referrals.

Buying shares

When purchasing their virtual securities, Taxi Money promises a return of up to 164.5% per annum. There are no limits on deposits.

There are 2 ways to make money on stocks:

  • purchase for speculation - by buying cheaper and selling more expensive, the user receives income in the form of the price difference;
  • receiving dividends - frequency depends on the type of share.

The user can choose from securities with payment once a month, week or day.

Taxi Money shares are used only within the project and do not have any official status.

In fact, the stock price depends only on the activity of the users themselves. The price of securities will rise as long as there is demand for them. Past performance does not guarantee that future performance will be similar.

Participation in the affiliate program

Attracting new users is one of the main ways to increase income in Taxi Money.

The project's affiliate program is two-level. This means that deductions come from both the referral himself and those invited by him.

The more attracted users and the funds they invested in the project, the higher the percentage of referral fees. The base rate is 7.5% of the top-up amount, the maximum is 20%.

But you shouldn’t try to cheat and create several referral accounts between each other. For such actions, the administration will block the profile without the possibility of withdrawing accumulated or earned money.

Possible risks

Despite the fact that the Taxi Money game has existed since 2014, it is impossible to talk about its absolute reliability and stability.

The project is built on the principle of a financial pyramid. That is, payments to current participants are made from the money of subsequent ones.

If new funds stop coming into the game, then there will not be enough resources to pay all users. It is also possible that the project will be closed at any time without payments to players.

How to reduce risks:

  1. Do not accumulate large sums in your account - withdraw funds as often as possible.
  2. Don’t transfer a lot of money into the project - let it be an amount that you wouldn’t mind losing if the outcome is negative.
  3. Play honestly - if multiple accounts are detected or bots are used, the administration has the right to block and delete the profile.

Pay attention to account security. Use strong passwords and do not share your credentials with anyone. Cases of profile theft are not uncommon, and an unprotected account is easy to hack.

The popular economic taxi game is actively gaining momentum and attracting huge audiences of users who want to increase their money.

No matter what anyone says about such projects, they work, and specifically from this game, I receive serious payments every day, gradually increasing my income.

How to earn a lot with Taxi Money?

I registered for the project about a year ago. Activity in the game helped to achieve serious profitability, so that no one doubts my words, here are the payout statistics:

The usual economic game, which raises doubts among many people, brings in good money. I’m an ordinary user on the project, they don’t know the administration, and I have nothing in common with them. This article is not an advertisement, I am just sharing my success and revealing secrets so that everyone can earn the same.

You will definitely develop much more efficiently, if you use tricks and be active:

  1. You can start without investment.

I took advantage of this at the start. Instead of investing money, I decided to spend time and attract referrals. For beginners, a 7% deduction from deposits is established here. Some people invest 10,000 rubles, which brings 700 rubles to the referrer. It is not necessary to have a website; your first referrals can be collected from social networks and forums.

  1. Expensive cars are better.

As soon as money appears on the balance, it doesn’t matter whether from referrals or through the game, many players immediately spend it. On the one hand, this is good, but you need to try to buy expensive cars. For example, if you buy a rickshaw, you will have to wait almost 5 months until it is fully repaid. A Level 7 car pays for itself in almost 2.5 months.

  1. Payment points are available in the city.

Withdrawing money from the game is not available until payment points appear on your balance. They are presented in the form of rubles on the passenger account, but it is not necessary to attract referrals to receive them. A license to work in the city costs only 200 rubles, buy it and fulfill orders, replenishing your passenger account.

  1. Choose taxi companies with level 10.

When you apply for a job in the city, you need to send applications to company owners. Of course, it is better to open your own company, but it is expensive. Be sure to fill out your resume and send applications to at least 5 companies so that you can choose the right option later. You need to choose companies with level 10 to gain access to elite orders.

  1. Careful selection of employer.

In addition to the fact that it is better to choose level 10 companies, evaluate other parameters. For example, I never work for a company if they pay less than 50% of income, it’s simply not profitable. It is also better to choose a taxi company with all sorts of sweepstakes and promotions; there should be incentives for activity.

  1. Orders from the last page.

When doing work in the city, most players, without hesitation, take the first orders just to have time to take on them. This is not correct, since the last page offers more serious rewards. The list of orders is updated frequently (every 5 minutes), so it is better to try to take expensive orders.

  1. Income from the city goes only to the passenger account.

Everything you receive from orders in the city must be transferred exclusively to. Money for purchases or withdrawal can be obtained from the cars themselves; the most difficult thing is to collect payment points. Let’s also add that it’s better not to play games on them, you can lose everything.

  1. Don't expect payment points.

If you have already started playing and your cars bring in good income, but your passenger account is zero, don’t worry. You have time to develop your garage, buy new cars, use tuning, save up for expensive cars. Put everything you have accumulated into circulation and actively invite referrals or work in the city.

  1. Upgrade your cars.

Many players try to spend money exclusively on cars. Car tuning is also a profitable function, so it is also worth doing. To make sure of this, do the calculations. Just multiply the prices and income from installing extensions by 100 and compare. For example, wheels of the first level cost 196 rubles and bring 50 rubles.

  1. Improve your partner's qualifications.

This is an important point for those who started without investment and receive payment points through referrals. Increased qualification increases the percentage of deductions from deposits of invited players. At first it is 7%, and if you invite many participants, then income increases up to 30%. You need to qualify every month, it's free.

Among all, Taxi Money stands out. So far she has no equal if we evaluate all her positive aspects.

Only here a wide functionality is offered, really favorable conditions, the opportunity to develop and increase profits, and the project is improved. It’s profitable to play, and if the game is of high quality, then you don’t have to worry about stability.

is an economic game with money withdrawal, the creators of which promise real earnings to all participants. The project has existed for a long time and has managed to collect a lot of mixed reviews. Someone assures that they receive a stable income using a virtual taxi. Someone nervously declares that this is a scam, and only its creators make money from it. The site’s editors will have to take a balanced approach to all statements and find out: what is good about the investment project, what needs to be done to generate income, and in what time frame the investment will pay off (if it pays off at all).

Taxi Money is an economic game with withdrawal of funds

You can find a project not just by one, but by several addresses at once. It is mainly scammers who are guilty of changing the domain name and creating many clones of the resource. The creators of projects with a dubious reputation thus avoid negative reviews. Plus, the exact copy attracts no less participants than the original. You can find the game at the following addresses:


Having familiarized ourselves with the rules of participation, we understand that the creators of the economic game have cleverly settled within the framework of their own virtual world. They offer users to invest in the purchase of inventory and “recoup” the investment by completing various orders. Those participants who decide to earn money as a “private driver” must purchase a car that will generate income for each trip made. The player is offered several types of transport to choose from:

  • Chevrolet Spark - 199 rubles, orders up to level 1, income up to 44 rubles per month.
  • Volkswagen Golf - 479 rubles, orders up to level 2, income up to 114 rubles per month.
  • Mazda 3 - 1,290 rubles, orders up to level 3, income up to 317 rubles per month.
  • Volvo S60 - 4,990 rubles, orders up to level 4, income up to 1,276 rubles per month.
  • Mercedes C - 11,990 rubles, orders up to level 5, income up to 3,520 rubles per month.
  • Lexus LS - 24,900 rubles, orders up to level 6, income up to 7,480 rubles per month.
  • Nissan GT-R - 49,900 rubles, orders up to level 7, income up to 15,840 rubles per month.
  • Lamborghini Aventador - 79,900 rubles, orders up to level 8, income up to 25,960 rubles per month.

In addition to the vehicle, the game user will have to purchase a license for transportation, costing 200 rubles. It turns out that by buying the cheapest car for 199 rubles, and by paying for the right to use it, the player invests almost 400 rubles. It will be possible to gain profit only after 10 months.

Earnings in the game Taxi Money

For those who plan to earn more and faster, the creators of the game offer to attract referrals. Each invited participant will bring a certain income to the player. It is important to understand here that attracting traffic requires certain knowledge and experience. If the user does not know the secrets of advertising marketing, does not have his own client base or a promoted group on social networks, then he will not be able to master this type of passive income.

There is also the opportunity to earn money on the local securities exchange. The player invests in the purchase of shares and receives income in the form of dividends or through speculation (wait until the sale price exceeds the purchase price). You can invest any amount; there is no guarantee of profit.

As part of the economic game, there is an opportunity to earn money without investment. The user is offered 3 ways: viewing sites, completing tasks, reading letters. But! Payment for basic actions is so low that it will be possible to save 100 rubles only after 10-15 days of hard work.

Taxi Money - our reviews of the game

Reviews from our editors about the economic game are negative. Earning money from a private virtual cab service requires investment, takes a lot of time and has no guarantee of stability. Of course, there are statistics from the creators, but it is difficult to trust the published information. Plus, the site’s editors have information that the project’s service imposes sanctions on participants, unjustifiably accusing them of using bots. Proving innocence takes time and nerves. As a result, the player loses income, the period of use of the license is shortened, and the status in the game is lowered.

earnings in the game Taxi Money

Compliance of the content with what is stated on the site NO
Novelty of the material2 out of 10
Video tutorial NO
Text guide Yes
Feedback Yes
Accessibility for beginners Yes
Feedback with the author after purchase NO
Affordable price Yes
Possibility of real earnings NO
Return Guarantee NO


We strongly RECOMMEND using it only to earn money on the Internet! Also don't forget to share this disclosure. in social networks, to PROTECT YOUR FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES from this scam!

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After registration you will need to purchase a taxi: All cars are divided into levels. The higher the level, the more profit it will bring. The return on investment is about 3 months, then you will receive only net profit. It is recommended to buy cars from level 4 and above. Also, the amount of profit you will receive depends on your initial contribution.. For example, if you deposit 199 rubles into the first level, your monthly income will be 42 rubles. And if you buy level 5 for 11,999 from the start, then your monthly income will already be 3520. Agree, there is a difference.

Important point. There is a 25% discount on replenishment. This means that, for example, for level 4, you will pay 2999 rubles, taking into account the discount, instead of 3999. And so on for each level.

In addition, you can also earn money in the game through a daily bonus, attracting referrals and using the clicks section. The button to receive a bonus is located on the left panel of the site, opposite the balance for the purchase (you will receive from 0.50 to 3 rubles per day). Referral deductions are 7.5%, but if you actively invite partners, the percentage will gradually increase to 30. In the clicks section you can view sites for money. This money can be withdrawn from the game or used to buy a car.
That is, in principle, you can start playing without investing, by earning your first taxi using a daily bonus and watching ads in the clicks section.

To replenish your balance, the following methods are available (and if the currency you use is not among those offered, you can always exchange it for another at the most favorable rate using):

How to work in the city in the Taxi-Money game

After purchasing a car from the first level (Mazda 2), access to taking orders in the city opens. The higher the level of the machine, the correspondingly higher the cost of the order. For example, the maximum order cost for a taxi of the first level is 80 kopecks, for the seventh - 10-11 rubles. Also, the higher the level of the machine, the less time it requires to complete the order. For example, a first-level taxi needs 2 hours to complete an order costing 80 kopecks. A machine, for example, will complete a level 4 order worth 3 rubles in 1 hour. The difference is significant. This is another example of the fact that it is better to buy a taxi from level 4 and above, it is simply profitable. All orders are limited to the "hack" badge. Money from such orders is transferred to your account for withdrawal. The following orders are available in the City ⇒ Take order section:

How to increase your income while working in the city

Each completed order allows you to increase the level. The higher the level, the faster, better and more efficiently the taxi will fulfill orders. What does it mean? With each new level, profitability increases, order fulfillment speed increases, and rest time decreases. That is, the levels are a kind of taxi pumping. Levels are purchased from a purchase account. The screenshot below shows what the level gives (in my example it is level 22) and what will happen after increasing the level. For example, income from an order based on two parameters from the player’s characteristics will increase by 5.5%. You can view the level and improve the player’s characteristics in the City ⇒ Profile section:

Passenger account in Taxi-Money

The game has a passenger account that limits the withdrawal of money. What is a passenger account? This is the score of the game. Withdrawing money from the game is possible within the passenger account. If you have, for example, 1000 rubles in your passenger account, you cannot withdraw more than this amount. If zero, then withdrawal is not possible at the moment. How the passenger account is credited: 40% of each top-up, 25% of each referral top-up, you can also earn money for the passenger account in the city, how to do this is written below. When ordering a payout, money is debited evenly from the withdrawal account and from the passenger account.

The most effective way to get money into your passenger account is by inviting referrals. As a rule, 7-8 referrals make enough passengers for a problem-free withdrawal. There is a whole section on the blog about ““. Moreover, it is very easy to invite people to the Taxi-Money game. The project is reliable, interesting and profitable, and this is what you need to make stable money on the Internet. Just try inviting someone and you will quickly see that it is much easier than it might seem at first glance.

Why do you need a passenger account? A passenger account is a one hundred percent guarantee that the project will not be closed, since the outflow of money will never exceed the inflow. In general, such points are the key to the success and longevity of the project. You can invest money without fear of losing it. Such projects live for years, and if you follow the rules, a decent income is guaranteed.

Moreover, in the game itself you can earn money for your passenger account!

How to earn money for a passenger account in the city

The first thing you need to do is go to the City ⇒ Licenses section and buy a license. It costs only 200 rubles:
Then, in the City ⇒ Labor Exchange ⇒ Resume section, create a resume. In it, indicate the required information, in particular, select the percentage of income from the order. If you get a job in a company with a 50% rate, if you earn 1000 rubles a month, the company will pay half of it to your account - 500 rubles. Also, different companies pay salaries at different times, some pay every day, others once a month, keep this in mind when choosing a company:
Within one or two days, your resume will be reviewed and hired. If this does not happen, which is unlikely, in the City ⇒ Labor Exchange ⇒ Vacancies section, examine the available vacancies and select the appropriate one by clicking on the “Respond to a vacancy” button:
After you are hired, in the “Work” section you will have access to completing orders called “Work”, money from such orders is withdrawn to the passenger, that is, points account. After clicking on the “Take an order” button, a page will open with the clients you will deliver. Choose a more expensive order price and be sure to take “Work” orders:
Each company has different conditions for paying salaries. One company pays wages every day, another once a week or once a month. After the company pays your salary, the money is credited to the passenger account, from which you can withdraw money to your payment systems.

As you can see, replenishing your passenger account in the city is very simple and effective.

Tips, secrets, tricks in the game Taxi-Money

1) You can start playing without investment. You can earn money on a first-level taxi through a daily bonus and by attracting referrals. But this is a very long time. It is much better to top up and start making profits instantly. Although, one of my referrals earns absolutely no investment: As you can see, 62 referrals earned my partner almost 4 thousand rubles. This is not the full figure of earnings; at the moment, only this amount has been earned by his taxi; a total of 60 referrals will allow you to withdraw from 12 to 15 thousand rubles. As you can see, you can earn money in the Taxi-Money game without investments.

2) If possible, try to buy expensive cars, because the more expensive the taxi, the faster it will pay for itself. For example, a taxi of the first level will pay for itself in 4.5 months, while a taxi of the seventh level will pay for itself in 2.5 months:
3) Be sure to work in the city. Buy a license, which costs only 200 rubles, get a job with the company, fulfill orders, replenishing your passenger account. The passenger score is a kind of points in the game. When completing “Work” orders in the city, your passenger account will always be at the same level as your withdrawal account.

4) Required fill out your resume and send applications to at least 5 companies so that you can then choose the most favorable working conditions. Different companies pay different percentages of your earnings, some 30%, some 60%. Also, one company pays salaries daily, another once a month. Take this into account when choosing an employer. Also, companies with level 10 have access to receive elite orders.

5) Choose your company carefully. It is not profitable to work for a company that pays less than 50% of the profit, so do not agree to a lower rate. It is advisable to choose a company that hosts various sweepstakes and offers bonuses and incentives for activity:
6) Most taxi drivers take orders on the first page, without even thinking that there are more expensive orders on the last page. Important: the list of orders is updated every 15 minutes! So, try to take the most expensive ones:

7) Invite referrals more actively and work in the city. Taxis bring good income, but the passenger account is zero, no big deal! Taxi-Money leader, the best game at the moment. For more than 3.5 years of stable work, the project has shown itself only from the best side. All payments are instant, the administration does not stand still and is constantly improving the project, attendance, and thus the influx of money, is always at a consistently high level. Taxi-Money is not just a game, Taxi-Money is a real business on the Internet! By investing money here, you can be as confident as possible that you will be paid your profit according to your passenger account. Moreover, the passenger account is a guarantee that the inflow of money will always be greater than the outflow, which makes the project almost eternal. Taxi-Money offers us a stable income on the Internet, you just need to adapt to the rules of the project.

So, you have a lot of time to develop your garage, buy new cars, use tuning, save up for expensive cars. Put into circulation everything that you accumulate and, Be more active in inviting referrals or working in the city. After all, it’s very easy to invite someone to such a serious project.

8) Upgrade and upgrade your taxi by purchasing goods in the store. Buying improvements is profitable. Don't spend all your money on buying a taxi, upgrade some or all depending on the profitability of the upgrades. For example, an energy drinker immediately ends his rest at a taxi:
9) Improve your partner's qualifications. By receiving qualification, you increase your referral commission - an increase of up to 30% is possible. The more contributions from invited users, the higher the available qualifications. Every 30 days you must confirm your qualifications: A game
I recommend visiting the following pages:

(Taxi Money) is an online economic game. The project opened in May 2014. Here are his statistics for the entire period of work:

To start playing you will need to buy yourself a virtual taxi (the minimum cost of which is 49 rubles). Each taxi you purchase will automatically generate income. You can start with just 49 rubles, and after a few months you can already achieve a net profit of several thousand. If you invest good money, you can immediately achieve excellent profits in the game.

Taxi Money: withdrawal of 10,000 rubles. (video)

Be sure to clean before registering cookies . This procedure is simple and will take very little time.


Taxi Money registration

So, once on the main page , click Registration:

The registration form opens, come up with a login, enter a name, a valid email address, come up with a password, agree to the rule not to create more than one account, enter the verification code and click Register:

A confirmation email will be sent to your email address, please follow the link:

Congratulations, your Taxi Money registration is complete and you can start playing and earning money!

Now you need to top up your balance. In the vertical menu, click the corresponding icon:

and choose a method to replenish your balance (on the first replenishment the bonus will be 25%):

I chose Yandex. money and decided to top up by 1000 rubles. (my bonus was 250 rubles). Having previously opened Yandex. money, click Pay:

Yandex. money generates an invoice for payment, click Pay. Transfer completed successfully, click Return to the store website.

The money was instantly credited to the account:

Earning Taxi Money (Taxi Money)

Finally we can buy our first taxi. In the top menu, click Buy taxi:

And choose the cars you want to buy:

With my one thousand two hundred and fifty rubles, I decided to buy 2 gazelles (at the first level you can have one car, but you can go through it very quickly, but at the second level you can have 2 cars):

and so on 2 times in a row. As soon as we bought the cars, they went straight to our garage. By clicking the “My Garage” button you can see all your cars and the total income from them:

We also have safes in our garage where our money will be stored once it is collected (you need to make sure they don't overflow and you should purchase a new safe if necessary). We will subsequently withdraw the money we earn from these same safes.

So how can you finally start making money from Taxi Money?

Basic earnings in Taxi Money (Taxi Money) of course in the city! Click City:

and we get to Taxi Money City:

So, to start earning money, we must either get a job or create our own company. Creating a company is expensive (the initial version starts from 8,900 rubles), so we just have to look for work. To get a job, you first need to buy a license. It costs 200 rubles. for one car. Click Find a job and then My profile:

and press Buy a license

Select the number of licenses (the larger the number, the higher the cost). We can only buy one for now:

Now we start looking for work. Let's go to Labor Exchange and press My resume:

Fill out the resume form and publish it, potential employers will be able to read your resume:

Now, in order not to wait for someone to respond to our resume, we go to the section with vacancies and select the one you like:

Look for great deals and apply for vacancies. If your application is accepted, then go to the work tab and take the order.Choose the most profitable order for yourself and click Take order, all earnings Taxi Money (Taxi Money) has started :

I chose this one and off we went! Hooray!

In the work section you can view the time your taxi is working on the order, and after it is completed, deposit the money in the safe.

After completing the order, your taxi should rest.After your taxi has rested, you can take the order again:

Sometimes there is a situation on a project when there are no orders (everything has been taken apart):

So, if instead of the inscription you have Take order written waiting for new orders, please be aware that the list of available orders is updated every five minutes, and if, for example, at 11:28 you were unable to take an order, then refresh the page at 11:30 and be the first to choose a suitable order!

Car improvements in Taxi Money

Click on a car in your garage and a list of its improvements will become available to you; all improvements are designed to increase your earnings Taxi Money (Taxi Money):

Don't forget to receive a daily bonus from the project (a very nice thing):

I got:

The game provides loans for the purchase of new cars. In the left vertical menu, click credit:

Affiliate program Taxi Money (Taxi Money)

The game has a full-fledged affiliate program. Invite your friends and acquaintances to the game and you can receive from 7% to 30% to your account for purchases and from 25% to 40% to your account from all deposits!

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