Highest interest rate on deposits. Where are the highest rates on bank deposits? The best deposits in rubles

A deposit - or the so-called “deposit” - is money that the client places in the bank to protect and increase his capital.

The higher the interest rate on a bank deposit, the greater the potential income. The best interest rates on deposits are often offered during periods of seasonal offers or other special bank promotions.

Bank deposits for individuals differ in terms, currency and rate; there are also additional conditions (the possibility of replenishment, partial withdrawal without loss of interest, monthly payment of interest to the card, and others).

Both small and larger reliable banks in Moscow in 2019 offer several additional opportunities for time deposits and time deposits:

  • partial withdrawal and replenishment of funds on a deposit account gives the client the opportunity to use money without breaking the agreement with the bank;
  • capitalization is the monthly accrual of interest on the deposit account. That is, future interest is accrued not only on the amount of the initial deposit, but also on the interest already added;
  • automatic extension – automatic extension of the contract if the depositor does not withdraw the deposit at the end of its validity period.

To make the best deposit in rubles or foreign currency, consider these three points.

Depending on the currency used, time deposits are divided into ruble, foreign currency (deposits in euros, dollars, British pounds and other currencies), multicurrency (deposit funds are divided into parts and invested in several currencies). In 2019, the most favorable interest rate deposits in Moscow banks today are offered in Russian rubles.

Investing money in foreign currency is one of the popular methods of preserving and increasing your capital in the city of Moscow, even in times of crisis. Although rates on foreign currency deposits have decreased significantly due to exchange rate instability, you can receive income when the exchange rate against the ruble rises. This is how you can get the best income from your deposit in 2019.

Most banks in Russia offer foreign currency deposits in dollars and euros; deposits in other currencies are rare. You can compare currency quotes on our website in the "Currency Rates" section. However, there are few offers of deposits at good interest rates in these currencies, since the demand for them is low.

And yet, what kind of deposit should a pensioner, student or middle-aged person choose? Our “Deposit Selection” form will help you choose an offer with the best rate and conditions. With its help, you can search for offers on deposits with a high percentage of profitability from reliable banks, or focus on the most profitable offers.

In 2019, today, among deposits in banks in Moscow, the most favorable high interest rate in rubles is with the Confident Choice deposit in the bank Tavrichesky Bank (PJSC) - 8.70% per annum. The minimum deposit amount is 50,000 rubles with interest paid at the end of the deposit term. This is the best deposit in rubles according to our data.

Each person saves money for different purposes. However, what many people don't realize is that keeping your savings at home is not the best solution. Instead of generating income for their owner, they only lose their real value due to inflation. In addition, people often do not restrain themselves and spend money. However, deposits in Moscow will help you not only preserve your finances, but also increase them in accordance with the agreement.

Today this product is a universal investment tool. Unlike the stock or precious metals market, you do not need special knowledge or constant analysis of the economic situation. You simply find a suitable offer and sign the contract. Moreover, in most organizations there are no restrictions on minimum contributions, and if there are any, they are small.

The contract itself is very important, so you need to familiarize yourself with the text in person before signing it. To do this, ask the bank employees to provide a sample in printed or electronic form and carefully read all the points, especially those written in small print and marked with an asterisk. With the help of such tricks, unscrupulous organizations try to mislead a potential client and include conditions that are unfavorable for him in the agreement.

Description of important points

The main advantage of the service, in addition to a stable income, is reliability. Consumer accounts are protected by the state at the legislative level through a compulsory insurance program. Therefore, in the event of liquidation or revocation of the license, you will be paid compensation. However, it is limited to 1.4 million rubles, which does not prevent you from dividing the amount exceeding this limit and placing it in several organizations, eliminating various risks.

The next aspect we will look at is account types. The first one is urgent. In this case, you place funds for a certain period of time. Of course, you have the right to apply for early withdrawal, but with a high probability the bank will refuse to pay the accumulated interest. Moreover, this type of deposit is divided into savings and accumulative, which is intended for periodic replenishment (popularly called a “piggy bank”).

The second option - on demand - comes at a low rate. The thing is that it is not profitable for an organization to keep finances for itself, knowing that the owner has the right to demand their return at any time. Such a product is preferred by that category of customers for whom the fact of reliability is enough, and potential profits are of little interest to them.

Online assistant

On the website you will find current products on the market. Reliable information is collected here, which our specialists check and update daily. By comparing services according to their main parameters - and this is the interest rate, opening cost and commission, you can make the right decision, and the ratings section will help you in choosing an organization. the site is the largest financial supermarket on the Runet, successfully operating for more than ten years. All offers displayed on this page are the best or most profitable solely in the opinion of Banki.ru experts

When a person accumulates a certain amount of money, he thinks that it is more practical to store it away from home. And the idea comes to mind to open a deposit, and even at interest. Then the money will, as they say, work for its owner. The idea is not bad, but first you need to decide on a bank. Well, it’s worth briefly talking about the services of the most popular financial organizations in Russia.


Many people decide in the most reliable and proven organization. In any case, Sberbank is considered to be such. Here, potential clients will find several lucrative offers. You can make an anniversary contribution called “The Most Valuable.” It is opened for 175 days. Rate - up to 8% per annum. The client receives an insurance program as a gift.

There is also a “Save” contribution. It can be opened for a minimum of a month and a maximum of 3 years. Annual rate - up to 6.49%.

There are also deposits “Replenish”, “Manage”, “Give Life”, “Multi-currency”, “International” and “Savings”. It’s worth talking about the latter in more detail, since it is the most popular, since it is unlimited, and also replenished, with unlimited withdrawals and any minimum amount. The rate can vary from 1.5 to 2.3%.

Let’s say a person decided to open a deposit in Sberbank for a year and immediately deposited a million rubles into the account. Every month he replenishes it with another 20,000 rubles. As a result, over the course of a year he will accumulate 1,262,200 rubles, of which 22,209 is net income. True, with the same “Replenish” you will be able to earn more. After all, the rate is 6%. And with the same conditions, the final income will be 66,800 rubles.

VTB 24

Many people decide to open a deposit in this bank. There are also enough offers. But the best is “Beneficial” with a maximum rate of 8.55%. With an initial payment of 1,000,000 rubles, the income will be slightly less than 80,000 rubles. By the way, the interest can either be left on or transferred to the card. It's whatever the client wants. Another good thing about VTB-24 is that it provides automatic extension of the deposit and preferential conditions for early termination.

But “Profitable” is bad because the account cannot be replenished. Therefore, it is convenient for people with substantial income who can open a deposit for a large amount. But “Comfortable” and “Cumulative” are replenishable tariffs. If you report 20 thousand rubles monthly, then at the end the profit will be 62 and 78 thousand rubles, respectively.


This is another popular financial institution. Many people decide to open a deposit in rubles here. One of the most popular offers is the “Classic” tariff. The minimum deposit amount is 3,000 rubles. It is not replenished, but the maximum rate is 8.55%. By the way, you can open a deposit for a period from 31 to 1460 days. If you make a deposit for the maximum period and deposit an amount of one million rubles, then the total profit will be slightly less than 335,000 rubles. But this is too long for many. However, even if you make a deposit for 395 days, the resulting profit will be 86,000.

The “Amur Tiger” tariff with a maximum rate of up to 8.1% is also popular. There are three terms - 395, 540 and 730 days. The minimum amount is 50,000 rubles. Interest is paid every month and, at the end of the term, is credited to the debit card issued to the client after registration of the deposit. You can use it to pay for housing and communal services, mobile communications, and purchases in online stores. And by making transactions with this card, a person also helps protect the unique Amur tigers. Rosselkhozbank transfers part of the proceeds to the Center for the Study and Conservation of These Rare Animals.


It is impossible not to pay attention to this organization when talking about which bank is the most profitable to open a deposit with. The OTP has several proposals. The “maximum” tariff offers a rate of 8.3% for a period of 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. The minimum amount is 30,000 rubles; deposits and withdrawals are not possible. For the "Cumulative" tariff, the interest is 7.6%, for the "Pension" tariff - 7.4%, and for the "Flexible" tariff - 6.7%. There is also one with a rate of 6.5%.

Well, we can give an example of potential profit indicators. If a person invested a million rubles and topped up his account with 20,000 every month, then by the end of the year he would have collected 73,200 rubles on the “Accumulative” account. This is pure profit. In the case of the “Pension” plan, the amount will be about 83,000. And with the “Flexible” tariff, at the end of the term you will be able to earn 74 thousand rubles. “Maximum” is suitable for people with large incomes, since replenishments are not provided in its case.


A certain part of Russians decide to open an interest-bearing deposit with this organization. Gazprombank has five proposals. They all relate to basic deposits. The first option is “Promising” with a maximum rate of 8.2%. The period can range from three months to 3 years. Replenishment is not provided.

There is also “Cumulative”. The rate is less than 8%, but you can top up your account, as is the case with the “Dynamic” tariff, the maximum rate of which is 7.9%, but partial withdrawals are still available. There is also a “Rentier” tariff (6.7%).

The most common option is “Cumulative”. Having invested a million, at the end of the year you will get about 74,000 rubles. But if you use the “Prospective” tariff, opening a deposit for three years, you will eventually be able to earn about 210,000 in interest.

Alfa Bank

Finally, let’s say a few words about this organization. Some people decide to open a deposit with Sberbank, while others are more impressed by Alfa.

The first offer is the “A+” tariff. The rate will be 7.3%. Having invested a million, at the end of the year you will be able to gain about 75,000. A similar tariff is called “Victory”. Only in this case the rate is 7.87%, and the final profit, accordingly, is about 79 thousand rubles. The deposit, by the way, can be opened for a period from three months to 750 days.

There is also a “Life Line” tariff. The bank transfers part of the income received from clients to the fund of the same name, which creates a culture of charity in society and financially helps children with serious illnesses. In addition to the above, clients are offered “Potential”, “Premium” and “Premier” deposits.

In general, as you can see, all banks have quite favorable conditions. A person will receive a profit in any case, and how large it will be depends on the amount of his contribution and the chosen tariff. Before going to a particular financial institution, it is better to familiarize yourself with all the popular offers and calculate the possible income from interest.

Perhaps everyone who is thinking about investing money is looking for a deposit at a high interest rate. It is the interest rate on the deposit that is the first criterion by which deposits are compared with each other. However, such a comparison would be incomplete. It is also important to take into account such a factor as risk.

Attention: the most up-to-date information on current rates and conditions - (updated weekly).

As you know, the state Deposit Insurance System guarantees each depositor of a bank participating in this system the safety of savings in the amount of up to 1,400,000 rubles. However, here's what a potential investor needs to remember.

  1. The most reliable bank is not only a large bank, but also the least risky. Lending institutions with state participation are least prone to risk - and our people are accustomed to trusting the state somewhat more than private business. It is no wonder that it is banks with state participation that lead the ratings in all respects, including the volume of funds raised on deposits. In addition, the leading banks have a wide (Gazprombank, VTB24) or very wide (Sberbank) network of branches throughout Russia - it is not surprising that they also “win” in terms of accessibility for depositors. Therefore, people for whom such parameters are the main thing choose Sberbank, Gazprombank, Rosselkhozbank, VTB.
  2. Private banks from the Top 50 are the choice of people who, trusting private capital to a greater extent, prefer high income on deposits. The fact is that these banks vigorously issue loans at not the smallest interest rates, due to which they can attract deposits at a high interest rate (higher than competitors with state participation). Among the most popular banks in this group we can mention Home Credit Bank, Russian Standard, and MTS Bank (places from 18th to 38th in the ranking of Russian banks). Now let’s look at what the banks mentioned above offer their depositors in February 2019 .


Perhaps this is the first bank that almost every Russian thinks about out of habit. Now Sberbank:

1 seasonal deposit “Catch the Profit” - from 7.1% to 7.65% per annum;

8 time deposits in rubles and dollars (up to 5.75% on the “Save” deposit in rubles);
- 6 deposits for owners of the “Sberbank First” and “Sberbank Premier” service packages - “Leader Save”, “Leader Replenish”, “Leader Manage” and “Special Save”, “Special Replenish”, “Special Manage”. Rates in rubles – from 4.70% to 6.85%, in US dollars – from 0.90% to 3.40%, in euros – 0.15%-1.0%.

3 online deposits in rubles and dollars (rates are higher than on time deposits, on average by 0.25%);
- 3 pension deposits.

Thus, it cannot be said that Sberbank attracts deposits at a high interest rate, because Sberbank’s deposit rates are low. But the risks are low, the choice is wide, and the conditions are flexible. A choice of replenishable and non-replenishable deposits is possible, with different interest payment schemes (at the end of the term, monthly, etc.), and the minimum amount (from 10 to 1000 rubles) is “achievable” for any person.


This bank offers several deposits on different conditions (we can say that VTB’s are about the same as Sberbank’s):

Seasonal deposit “Time of Growth”, opened until April 30, 2019 for 180 and 380 days, with a maximum rate of 7.60% (if opened online - 7.70%). For purchases over 75,000 rubles on the VTB Multicard, the deposit rate may increase to 9.2% per annum.

3 deposits opened in bank branches - Comfortable, Savings and Profitable at rates from 2.50% to 7.16% per annum in rubles, from 0.01% to 3.56% in US dollars, in euros - 0.01 % -0.96%.

3 deposits opened remotely in Internet banking - Comfortable-online, Saving-online and Profitable-online at the same rates, but with a lower initial investment amount.

Savings deposit with flexible terms in rubles. VTB Multicard owners have the opportunity to open a Savings Account at rates from 4% to 8.5% per annum, and the interest rate depends on the monthly amount of purchases on the Multicard.


This bank has a variety of deposit offers: there is an investment deposit, including investments in mutual funds (up to 8.2%), savings deposits for various purposes in rubles (up to 8.0%), dollars (up to 3.25%) or euros (up to 0.40%). A deposit for pensioners is also offered at 6.8%-7.5% in rubles, 1%-2.05% in dollars and 0.01%-0.35% in euros. Thus, the rates of this bank are approximately at the same level as the rates of Sberbank and VTB.


Rosselkhozbank offers a wide range of deposits. Almost all deposits can be opened remotely (maximum rates - up to 8.55% in rubles, 4.50% in dollars), 2 pension savings programs (up to 6.85%). Some deposits are standard savings accounts, the maximum rate for which reaches 6.45% in rubles, 3.40% in dollars, 0.65% in euros. The interest rates here are higher compared to some other banks, and the placement conditions are wider - interest at the end of the term or monthly, with/without replenishment, with partial withdrawal/without withdrawal, that is, for every taste.

Russian standard

This bank offers 6 deposits with a variety of interest payment schemes: the depositor has plenty to choose from. Rates on deposits in rubles - from 6.0% ("Universal") to 7.5% per annum ("Maximum Income +", "Pension!"), and in foreign currency - up to 1.0% on the "Maximum Income" deposit . Capitalization is not offered in most deposits, and the conditions are not the most flexible - this is the logical “payment” of the investor for high income.

Home Credit

Home Credit offers: two foreign currency deposits: up to 2.50% in US dollars and up to 0.5% in euros, several ruble deposits with different conditions: from 5.5% to 8.0% per annum, 2 deposits for pensioners can be opened in Russian rubles (from 6.2% to 7.7% per annum), another deposit in rubles can be opened at 7.7% per annum, with an amount of 1 million rubles. There are options for capitalization, partial withdrawal and replenishment by a certain amount. Thus, Home Credit is a good choice for those who want a good income and place funds for a period of 2 to 24 months.


MTS Bank offers 9 deposits in rubles/dollars/euro, including investment and pension. Rates in rubles for this bank range from 5.0-7.8%, and in foreign currency - from 0.01% to 3.30% per annum. You can choose a deposit with the most flexible conditions at a good interest rate. An additional 0.25% to the base rate can be received by clients opening a deposit in the Internet bank, as well as salary clients - with a deposit amount of 50,000 rubles or more.

Thus, it is most profitable to deposit money in one of the private banks. Especially if the deposit amount does not exceed 1,400,000 rubles, since such a deposit will be fully insured.

Deposits at high interest rates in Moscow are issued, as a rule, by banks specializing in consumer lending (Russian Standard, Tinkoff, Home Credit). But at the same time, you should very carefully study the conditions regarding replenishment, early withdrawal, etc., in order to make your deposit not only profitable, but also convenient in terms of using money.

Updated February 2019.

All banks are interested in attracting as much depositors' funds as possible to their accounts. For this purpose, a wide range of deposits appears. High interest rates are not always accompanied by ease of account management. Before choosing a banking program, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, and consider further possibilities for using the deposit.

In this article:

Choosing the right investment

Despite all the differences, deposits can be divided into three groups, depending on the capabilities of account management: profitable (without the ability to replenish and withdraw money), replenished and with the ability to use funds.

It’s easy to choose the highest percentage, but what to do if you urgently need money? This is where savings programs with the right to partially/fully withdraw money come to the rescue. Having cashed out some of the funds, the client does not close the deposit, and in some cases does not even lose interest.

If you have available funds, income can be increased by increasing the amount of the deposit, thanks to the right to replenish it. A standard “income” banking product, as a rule, does not include such an opportunity. Its functions are to capitalize interest from month to month until the end of the contract term without the ability to manage and use funds ahead of schedule. Standard deposits have the highest yield, depending on the amount of the deposit and the investment period.

The conditions for making deposits in different banks are relatively equal:

  • You need to choose a specific offer.
  • Deposit an amount not lower than the specified minimum.
  • Present an identification document.

Below are the most profitable deposits in Moscow banks, depending on their capabilities.

Income deposits

  • Bank of Moscow “Correct answer”

Interest rates up to 11% in rubles.

Deposit - from 100 thousand rubles.

  • BinBank

Annual interest is up to 10.75% in rubles, 3% in US dollars, up to 2.45% in euros. Opening - from 10 thousand rubles, 300 $ and 300 €.

  • PromSvyaz Bank "My Benefit"

Interest rates up to 10.5% in rubles, 2.2% in US dollars, up to 1.15% in euros. Opening - from 10 thousand rubles, 300 $ and 300 €.

  • Alfa Bank

Interest rates up to 10.29% in rubles, 2.59% in US dollars, up to 1.12% in euros. Opening - from 10 thousand rubles, 500 $ and 500 €.

  • UniCredit Bank

Interest rates up to 9.5% in rubles, 3.5% in US dollars, up to 1.5% in euros. Opening - from 100 thousand rubles, 1500 $ and 1500 €.

  • VTB 24 "Profitable"

Interest rates up to 9.2% in rubles, 1.95% in US dollars, up to 0.8% in euros. Opening - from 200 thousand rubles, 3000 $ and 3000 €.

Deposit calculator

Deposit amount

Interest rate (%)

Deposit term (months)

Monthly interest

Reinvested withdrawn

  • Gazprombank "Perspective"

Interest rates up to 9% in rubles, 1.5% in US dollars, up to 1% in euros. Opening - from 15 thousand rubles, 500 $ and 500 €.

Replenishable deposits

  • Bank Trust "Accumulative"

The annual rate is up to 10.65% in rubles, 2.45 in US dollars, up to 1.7% in euros. Opening - from 30 thousand rubles, 500 $ and 500 €.

  • PromSvyaz Bank "Maximum Opportunities"

Interest rates up to 10% in rubles. Deposit - from 300 thousand rubles.

  • Gazprombank "Accumulative"

The annual rate is up to 8.8% in rubles, 1.4 in US dollars, up to 0.9% in euros. Opening - from 15,000 rubles, 500 $ and 500 €.

  • VTB 24 “Accumulative”

Interest rates up to 8% in rubles, 1.85% in US dollars, up to 0.7% in euros. Opening - from 200 thousand rubles, 3000 $ and 3000 €.

  • RaiffeisenBank "Personal Choice"

Interest rates up to 8% in rubles, 0.5% in US dollars, up to 0.01% in euros. Opening - from 50 thousand rubles, 3000 $ and 3000 €.

  • Sberbank "Replenish"

Interest rates up to 7.1% in rubles, 1.85 in US dollars, up to 0.91% in euros. Opening - from 1000 rubles, 100 $ and 100 €.

Deposits with early withdrawal

  • Bank Trust "All inclusive" with the ability to top up your account

Interest rates are up to 10.4% in rubles, 2.35 in US dollars, up to 1.4% in euros. Opening - from 30,000 rubles, 500 $ and 500 €.

  • Gazprombank. Product "Dynamic" has an additional opportunity to replenish deposits.

Interest rates up to 8.7% in rubles, 0.95% in US dollars, up to 0.55% in euros. Opening - from 15 thousand rubles, 500 $ and 500 €.

  • Rosbank "Optimal"

Interest rates up to 7.6% in rubles, 1.1% in US dollars, up to 0.2% in euros. Opening - from 50 thousand rubles, 2000 $ and 2000 €.

  • UniCredit Bank. Deposit "Universal" allows you to top up your account.

Interest rates up to 7.5% in rubles, 0.25% in US dollars, up to 0.25% in euros. Opening - from 10 thousand rubles, 300 $ and 300 €.

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