If you don’t have your own home, what should you do? What to do if you don’t have housing: social rent If you don’t have your own home, what to do

What to do if life forces you to verify from your own experience the correctness of the saying “don’t swear off your bag”? Where to turn if left without a home and source of income? "Respublika" has prepared instructions for survival in the "concrete jungle".

Anatoly, a resident of one of the villages in the Belogorsk district, no longer remembers when exactly life turned its back on him. In the nineties, I got hooked on the glass, then I was left without a job, then my wife left, then I drank the house and ended up on the street. “He was homeless” until one of the neighbors took pity and took him to work. Anatoly helped in the garden, worked on construction, and in return received food and a bed for the night. Life was just starting to get better when an accident happened - Anatoly ended up in the hospital. Neither his “employer” nor anyone else needed him, the sick man. Anatoly will be discharged soon. He doesn’t know what to do next: he says that without housing, money and with the stigma of being “homeless,” he has nowhere to go.

It is not known exactly how many such people, offended by fate, are in Crimea: statistics on vagabonds are not kept. Just two years ago, before the winter cold, Crimean law enforcement officers carried out Operation Homeless: people without housing and engaged in vagrancy were sent to a reception center, where they were provided with lodging and food, but now such raids are not carried out. “We would be happy to help, but there is nowhere to put these homeless people,” says the press service of the Public Relations Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Crimea. “In August 2010, the Simferopol reception center was closed.”

“A homeless person is not a person without a roof over his head, but a person with certain convictions. Usually these people value the freedom not to work, the freedom to live without documents, without control, freedom from family, freedom to drink... A job where you have to obey some rules is hard labor for them, fulfilling social norms is an encroachment on freedom. If a person has realized the hopelessness of a homeless person’s life, he will begin to return to society, but he must realize... Those who want will always be given a helping hand.”

Work and money

At first glance, it may seem that no one cares about the person who is left alone with his misfortune. In fact, this is not true. Relatives deceived; while he was in prison, his relatives came to the rescue and discharged his troubled relative; signed the documents without carefully reading them and ended up on the street - in each case, government agencies dealing with social policy issues provide the necessary support. For example, at the Employment Service you can not only find out about vacancies, but also get free legal advice and, of course, apply for unemployment benefits.

“We help everyone who comes to us. I emphasize, everyone,” says Irina Boris, deputy head of the department of the Republican Employment Center. “You can limit yourself to free consultations with a lawyer, but if a person has documents, he can be registered, and then he will receive benefits.”

By registering with the Employment Center, you can receive other “privileges”, for example, one-time financial assistance. It is paid to socially vulnerable citizens in the event of a long-term illness, death of close relatives, natural disaster or other extreme life circumstances. Whom to help is decided by a special commission under the Crimean Ministry of Social Policy. “This year, the commission reviewed 103 citizens’ appeals and paid out 121 thousand hryvnias of financial assistance,” says Elena Semichastnaya, Minister of Social Policy of Crimea. – By the way, similar assistance is provided at the expense of district budgets under the “Care” program. To obtain it, you need to contact your local Department of Labor and Social Security.”

However, a person who, by the will of fate, finds himself on the street, hardly has a work book, a salary certificate and an identification code - at best, only a passport. What to do and what to count on in such a situation?

Roof over your head

The Ministry of Social Policy says: there are several social protection institutions for the homeless in Crimea, including non-governmental organizations. Thus, in Simferopol, since 2007, the “Center for Registration and Social Protection of Homeless Citizens” (formerly the Night Stay House) has been opened, which is financed from the city budget. As Galina Protasova, head of the social policy department, notes, today this is the only place in Crimea where you can not only live for free, but also get registration for six months. An individual assistance plan is drawn up for each homeless person.

“In the first half of the year, 236 people contacted the Center. Of these, 148 people received registration, 32 found work, 16 had their documents restored, 124 simply received accommodation and food,” says Galina Protasova. A tramp can stay in a rooming house for 24 days. During this time, it is possible to complete documents (or begin the registration procedure), find a job, find housing, and, if necessary, get a job in a hospital or nursing home.

For many who have become victims of life’s circumstances, days at the Center are an opportunity to take a break, collect their thoughts, relearn their relationships with society and change their life attitudes. Psychologists help them with this.
“First of all, we do not separate our guests from ordinary people. Yes, they smell unpleasant, they don’t know some basic things, but everything can be changed,” says one of the Center employees. – We teach them to make decisions independently, we constantly remind them that the problem will not be solved by itself, they need personal participation and personal responsibility. Figuratively speaking, in order for a door to be opened for you, you need to knock on it – more than once or even twice.”

The “Center for Registration and Social Protection of Homeless Citizens” has a capacity of forty places, and not everyone can get here. People who are under the influence of drugs and alcohol, with mental disabilities, infectious diseases and who have not undergone fluorography are strictly prohibited from entering the Center. Although no one is denied a cup of hot soup here. By the way, homeless people can get money for fluorography from public organizations that cooperate with the Center, but more on that later. So, crossing the threshold of the temporary shelter, the tramps fall into the hands of a doctor who examines them and gives permission to stay, and then they take a shower and receive clean linen. If necessary, the paramedic organizes consultations with doctors or additional examinations (the Center cooperates with the 3rd clinic and hospitals No. 2 and 7). “Center” employees also work closely with district police departments, the passport office of the Central District, and public organizations.

In Christ's bosom

A doctor’s office has been opened in the building of the Crimean diocese; activists of the Society of Orthodox Doctors see everyone for free. If they cannot help, they refer them to colleagues in Simferopol clinics.

“A homeless person usually smokes, drinks and takes drugs. We have access to rehabilitation centers, if a person wants, we send him for treatment,” explains Irina Denisyuk, an officer of the Salvation Army in Crimea.

“We help with paperwork, sometimes we even take you by the hand and go to various authorities. Sometimes we pay for expenses - for example, a ticket home to another region of Crimea or Ukraine,” says Irina.

“I can say for sure: you can only help the person who wants help and is ready to accept it,” says the Salvation Army officer.

Passport or equivalent document
-Work book or its duplicate
- Identification code
-Certificate of average salary for the last three months at the last place of work.

From the 8th day after registration with the employment service. For persons who are dismissed of their own free will without good reason or for violation of labor discipline, payment of unemployment assistance begins on the 91st calendar day.

Maria Makeeva

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The state actively supports citizens in need, and one of the forms of assistance is the provision of free apartments for living under a social rental agreement. IRR.ru will tell you how and where to turn for help.

How it works

A social tenancy agreement involves the transfer of residential premises for free use to citizens. In this case, the lessors are state and municipal authorities. Roughly speaking, this is the issuance of a free apartment, because you don’t have to pay for it and you can use it as if you were its owner - there are no special restrictions on use.

  • Citizens have the right to use common property. Please note that such property cannot be disposed of. For example, if one of the neighbors decides to buy out a common attic, permission for this will be asked not from the social renters, but from the owner of the property (state or municipal body);

In exchange for free use of the premises, tenants are required to comply with the simplest obligations:

  • Behave in accordance with generally accepted standards and do not violate the interests of neighbors: maintain silence, do not smoke and do not litter;
  • Take care of the apartment: keep it clean and tidy, do routine repairs on time;
  • Do not allow social premises to be used for commercial purposes. For example, it is prohibited to open a hairdresser at home.

The landlord's responsibilities include providing residents with utilities of adequate quality, carrying out major repairs in a social apartment and paying for repairs to common areas. If tenants violate their duties, the authorities have the right to evict a family or citizen without providing another premises in return.

In a special position

  • WWII veterans;
  • Citizens who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster;

Also, social rented apartments are available to low-income citizens. According to the rules, families with an average per capita income less than the current subsistence level in the region are recognized as such.

  • One of the family members suffers from one of the severe forms of chronic diseases: tuberculosis, mental disorder, malignant neoplasms. The full list can be seen in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N378 dated June 16, 2006;

To check the last condition, find out the size of the accounting norm in your region. It represents a minimum area limitation, and if the size of the apartment is less than this indicator, then the room does not meet sanitary standards. Then low-income citizens have the right to apply for social rent.

Let us note that low-income families with different composition can enter into a social rental agreement: a single mother with children, a married couple with children and a grandmother, a childless couple. It is important that all family members must be registered at the same address. Single low-income citizens can also enter into an agreement.

How to get an apartment under a social tenancy agreement

Be patient, because the process will be long - there are hundreds of people in line for free housing, and social housing in the regions, as a rule, is not enough. In addition, priority is given to victims of disasters, owners of emergency housing, orphans, the sick, etc., since these citizens are in dire need of living space.

The first step is to submit an application to the MFC () and get in line for an apartment. Take the following documents with you:

Read also

“To take or not to take?” - this is the question that everyone who is thinking about applying for a loan asks themselves. It's no secret that banks place stricter demands on borrowers and often resort to all sorts of tricks to earn as much money as possible. As a result, the person who took out the loan risks falling into a debt trap. Official statistics according to which 59% of the economically active population have debts to banks, and only 8 out of 40 million people are able to repay these debts on time, are no consolation.

Story 1: About how the bank imposes additional paid services

Denis, Nakhodka city

“I decided to apply for a loan in one of the most famous Russian banks, came to the branch, gave my passport to the employee, and inside was SNILS, and then the girl began to enter the SNILS number into the computer, which surprised me. Then the employee said that I would soon receive an SMS with a code that I would have to tell her. I asked why she needed the SMS, and then she explained that it was necessary to transfer my pension savings to a non-state pension fund.

As soon as I heard this, I demanded that the SNILS data be removed from the program and said that I was not going to transfer my pension savings to some fund. When I began to threaten that I would refuse the loan, the girl immediately promised that she would arrange everything without an agreement with a non-state fund. Then the bank employee printed out a huge number of documents in a very difficult to read font. I began to carefully study the papers, but due to fatigue, at the 50th minute I began to sign them without finishing reading them.

After two weeks at home, I decided to study the documents again and discovered a very interesting feature - a bank employee handed me a life insurance contract, which, of course, I signed. The insurance amount is 3200 rubles, it is issued for 8 months. If I suddenly want to repay the loan ahead of schedule, no one will return the money for the insurance.

Feeling deceived, I decided to immediately go to the bank branch to get my insurance money back. There they explained to me that I no longer have the right to terminate the insurance contract, since 14 days have passed since it was signed. To my question “Why wasn’t I warned about additional services,” I never received an answer from the bank employees.

When you apply for a loan, carefully study all the papers and do not trust bank employees. This practice is very common in our country,” Denis recommends.

Story 2: The whole truth about credit cards

Igor, Omsk city

“To buy a mobile phone, I took out a loan for 8,000 rubles, and successfully paid it off in three months. And then they called me from the bank and said that they had approved a credit card with a limit of 71,000 rubles. I didn’t order the card itself, so I refused at first. A polite employee began to convince me, saying that the card was already ready, that it was free and did not oblige me to anything.

It so happened that a few months later I needed money for treatment abroad. They withdrew the entire amount - 71,000 rubles. A month later I returned to Russia and made the first payment - 5,000 rubles. Over the next two months, I also regularly deposited 5,000 rubles and was completely calm because I did not violate any conditions set by the bank.

And then two months later the bank called and said that they had reduced the credit limit on my card to 38,000 rubles. And most importantly, they demanded to pay a debt of 30,000 rubles! At this point the conversation was interrupted. No one really explained on what basis the bank changed the terms of the agreement.

I was unable to repay the debt in such a short time and these 30,000 rubles became an overdue payment for which fines are assessed. If you deposit 5,000 - 6,000 rubles, then this amount only partially pays off the fine, and the amount of the debt does not decrease.

I wrote to managers and called the hotline several times, and the result was still the same. It turned out that the bank can indeed reduce the credit limit and demand early repayment of the debt, but I got the impression that this is being done on purpose, and such a scheme has existed for years to turn clients into malicious defaulters and drive them into a debt hole.”

Story 3: Dark Scheme

Yuri, Moscow

“For several years I received my salary through the bank, and as a “salary” client, I was offered to take out a consumer loan with a low interest rate - 17.9% per annum. Everything was processed very quickly, and when I arrived home, I realized that I had taken out a loan not for 30,000 rubles, as I wanted, but for 36,400 rubles.

It turned out that 6,400 rubles was the fee for insurance, not only for life, but also for death. They also insured property risks and risks when traveling abroad, although I told the bank employee that I was not leaving my home country and did not need insurance. And two additional cards were issued without my consent, and this service also turned out to be paid.

I had to deal with the bank, write a refusal of credit cards, and then go to the insurance company. In fact, most of the money out of 6,400 rubles was not returned to me, since these were one-time payments for insurance. If you count everything, it turns out that the real interest rate was not the promised 17.9%, but almost 30%. You need to read the contract very carefully, because financial managers slip in unnecessary insurance contracts, and then this leads to large financial costs.”

In conclusion, I would like to note that a loan is a very convenient and often the only way to help out in a difficult situation. But before you apply for it, it is important to choose a reliable and honest bank, calculate the real interest rate and carefully study the loan agreement. Experts unanimously insist that a bank loan should be taken only if it is really necessary. Some, on the contrary, take out a loan because “interests are low now” or “a family of two needs a third car.” Unfortunately, irresponsibility in such matters threatens a person with falling into a debt trap.

The state actively supports citizens in need, and one of the forms of assistance is provision of free apartments for living agreement social hiring . How and where to go for help? This is what today's story will be about.

How it works

Social tenancy agreement involves the transfer of residential premises for free use to citizens. In this case, the lessors are state and municipal bodies. Roughly speaking, this is the issuance of a free apartment, because you don’t have to pay for it and you can use it as if you were its owner - there are no special restrictions on use.

Terms of the social rental agreement:

  • The contract is concluded on the basis of perpetuity, that is, you can use the apartment as much as you like;
  • Changing the conditions that were the basis for concluding the contract does not lead to its termination;
  • Citizens have the right to use common property. Please note that such property cannot be disposed of. For example, if one of the neighbors decides to buy out a common attic, permission for this will be asked not from the social renters, but from the owner of the property (state or municipal body);
  • You can register other people in the apartment, and they are also allowed to live in the received premises;
  • Various transactions are allowed: the apartment can be sub-leased or even exchanged for another residential premises, if it is also provided under a social tenancy agreement.
  • The size of the allocated room must comply with regional standards. For example, in Moscow, a low-income family consisting of 2 spouses and one child will receive an apartment of about 60 m2 with two separate rooms.

In exchange for free use of the premises, tenants are required to comply with the simplest obligations:

  • Behave in accordance with generally accepted standards and not disturb the interests of your neighbors: maintain silence, do not smoke and do not litter on staircase landings;
  • Take care of the apartment: keep it clean and tidy, do routine repairs on time;
  • Pay utility bills in full on time;
  • Do not allow social premises to be used for commercial purposes. For example, it is prohibited to open a hairdresser at home.

The landlord's responsibilities include providing residents with utilities of adequate quality, carrying out major repairs in a social apartment and paying for repairs to common areas. If tenants violate their duties, the authorities have the right to evict a family or citizen without providing another premises in return.

"Legal Directory"

Applicants for a free apartment

In a special position

Free housing is provided to certain categories of citizens who are in a special situation. So the following can apply for an apartment:

  • Citizens with disabilities of group I or II;
  • Orphans who do not have their own home;
  • WWII veterans;
  • Citizens who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster;
  • Victims who lost their homes after a disaster or natural disaster;
  • Migrants from the Far North and citizens forced to leave their city due to disasters or military operations;
  • Some categories of military and public service workers.

Also social rented apartments are provided to low-income citizens. According to the rules, families with an average per capita income less than the current subsistence level in the region are recognized as such.

To make the calculation, the income of all family members for the last 3 months is summed up, wages, pensions, scholarships, etc. are taken into account. The resulting number is divided by the number of people, the final figure will be the average per capita family income. To find out the average cost of living for a family member, add up the regional indicators corresponding to each of the relatives: for children, pensioners and able-bodied citizens, different living wages are established. But this does not mean that they will give you an apartment - you can get housing if the family simultaneously meets one of the conditions:

  • One of the family members suffers from one of the severe forms of chronic diseases: tuberculosis, mental disorder, malignant neoplasms. The full list can be seen in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N378 dated June 16, 2006;
  • The housing in which the family lives is dilapidated, in disrepair, or is scheduled for demolition. The grounds for recognizing housing as non-compliant with safety standards are approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N47 of January 28, 2007;
  • The family does not have their own housing and has not entered into a social rental agreement;
  • The family has their own housing, or a social rental agreement has been concluded, but the area of ​​the existing premises does not meet established regional standards.

To check the last condition, find out the size of the accounting norm in your region. It represents a minimum area limitation, and if the size of the apartment is less than this indicator, then the room does not meet sanitary standards. Then low-income citizens have the right to apply for social rent.

Note that to conclude social tenancy agreement Low-income families with different composition can do so: a single mother with children, a married couple with children and a grandmother, a childless couple. It is important that all family members must be registered at the same address. Single low-income citizens can also enter into an agreement.

List of all our articles from the section "Legal Directory"

How to get an apartment

under a social rental agreement

Be patient, because the process will be long - there are hundreds of people in line for free housing, and social housing in the regions, as a rule, is not enough. In addition, priority is given to victims of disasters, owners of emergency housing, orphans, the sick, etc., since these citizens are in dire need of living space.

The first step is to submit an application to the MFC (multifunctional center) and get in line for an apartment. Take the following documents with you:

  • Passports and birth certificates for children under 14 years of age;
  • Marriage and birth certificates to determine relationship;
  • Documents confirming disability, illness, orphanhood, etc.;
  • Certificate from the place of registration for 10 years of residence;
  • Certificates of income for the last 3 months;
  • Certificate of absence or presence of residential premises and its characteristics from Rosreestr;
  • Housing inspection reports for 5 years.

Within up to 30 days, the authorities study the attached documents and make a decision, after which they notify the potential employer of the refusal or registration within 3 working days. Next, you need to wait your turn, sign a social rental agreement and move into free housing.

Video: Social tenancy agreement

What is a social tenancy agreement and how to draw it up correctly! What is definitely important to take into account.

All our articles from the “Legal Directory” section



Pershina Olga Evgenievna

Orphans are placed on the waiting list for housing only until they turn 23 years old. After 23 years of age, obtaining housing is possible only in accordance with the general procedure. You should contact the housing department at your place of residence/registration.\r\nР.S.: questions without a greeting to lawyers risk remaining unanswered. Free legal advice is provided by project lawyers in their free (personal) time and is voluntary and not mandatory.


Hello, please tell me. When I was 16 years old, my parents sold their house. I am registered in the Saratov region, I live in Moscow. Where and what documents should I submit. I’m waiting for my first child, I have no place to live. Please help.

Pershina Olga Evgenievna

Hello. Love, you can live at the place of registration. Nobody will give you an apartment in Moscow, for this you need to live at least 5 years in Moscow and you need to be recognized as needy (that is, not have living quarters). Do you have housing in another region? They will refuse you. All the best.

What to do if life forces you to verify from your own experience the correctness of the saying “don’t swear off your bag”? Where to turn if left without a home and source of income? "Respublika" has prepared instructions for survival in the "concrete jungle".
Anatoly, a resident of one of the villages in the Belogorsk district, no longer remembers when exactly life turned its back on him. In the nineties, he got hooked on the glass, then he was left without work, then his wife left, then he drank the house away and ended up on the street. “He was homeless” until one of the neighbors took pity and took him to work. Anatoly helped in the garden, worked on construction, and in return received food and a bed for the night. Life was just beginning to get better when an accident happened - Anatoly ended up in the hospital. Neither his “employer” nor anyone else needed him, the sick man. Anatoly will be discharged soon. He doesn’t know what to do next: he says that without housing, money and with the stigma of being “homeless,” he has nowhere to go.

It is not known exactly how many such people, offended by fate, are in Crimea: statistics on vagabonds are not kept. Just two years ago, before the winter cold, Crimean law enforcement officers carried out Operation Homeless: people without housing and engaged in vagrancy were sent to a reception center, where they were provided with lodging and food, but now such raids are not carried out. “We would be happy to help, but there is nowhere to put these homeless people,” says the press service of the Public Relations Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Crimea. “In August 2010, the Simferopol reception center was closed.”

Psychologist Olga Vitchenko believes that what ends up on the street is not those who have nowhere to go, but those who do not want to live according to the rules accepted in society.
“A homeless person is not a person without a roof over his head, but a person with certain convictions. Usually these people value the freedom not to work, the freedom to live without documents, without control, freedom from family, freedom to drink... A job where you have to obey some rules is hard labor for them, fulfilling social norms is an encroachment on freedom. If a person has realized the hopelessness of a homeless person’s life, he will begin to return to society, but he must realize... Those who want will always be given a helping hand.”

Work and money
At first glance, it may seem that no one cares about the person who is left alone with his misfortune. In fact, this is not true. Relatives deceived; while he was in prison, his relatives came to the rescue and discharged his troubled relative; signed the documents without carefully reading them and ended up on the street - in each case, government agencies dealing with social policy issues provide the necessary support. For example, at the Employment Service you can not only find out about vacancies, but also get free legal advice and, of course, apply for unemployment benefits.

“We help everyone who comes to us. I emphasize, to everyone,” says Irina Boris, deputy head of the department of the Republican Employment Center. “You can limit yourself to free consultations with a lawyer, but if a person has documents, he can be registered, and then he will receive benefits.”

By registering with the Employment Center, you can receive other “privileges”, for example, one-time financial assistance. It is paid to socially vulnerable citizens in the event of a long-term illness, death of close relatives, natural disaster or other extreme life circumstances. Whom to help is decided by a special commission under the Crimean Ministry of Social Policy. “This year, the commission reviewed 103 citizens’ appeals and paid out 121 thousand hryvnia in financial assistance,” says Crimean Social Policy Minister Elena Semichastnaya. - By the way, similar assistance is provided at the expense of regional budgets under the “Care” program. To obtain it, you need to contact your local Department of Labor and Social Security.”

However, a person who, by the will of fate, finds himself on the street, hardly has a work book, a salary certificate and an identification code - at best, only a passport. What to do and what to count on in such a situation?

Roof over your head
The Ministry of Social Policy says: there are several social protection institutions for the homeless in Crimea, including non-governmental organizations. Thus, in Simferopol, since 2007, the “Center for Registration and Social Protection of Homeless Citizens” (formerly the Night Stay House) has been opened, which is financed from the city budget. As Galina Protasova, head of the social policy department, notes, today this is the only place in Crimea where you can not only live for free, but also get registration for six months. An individual assistance plan is drawn up for each homeless person.

“In the first half of the year, 236 people contacted the Center. Of these, 148 people received registration, 32 found work, 16 had their documents restored, 124 simply received accommodation and food,” says Galina Protasova. A tramp can stay in a rooming house for 24 days. During this time, it is possible to complete documents (or begin the registration procedure), find a job, find housing, and, if necessary, get a job in a hospital or nursing home.

For many who have become victims of life's circumstances, days at the Center are an opportunity to take a break, collect their thoughts, relearn their relationships with society and change their life attitudes. Psychologists help them with this.
“First of all, we do not separate our guests from ordinary people. Yes, they smell unpleasant, they don’t know some basic things, but everything can be changed,” says one of the Center employees. - We teach them to make decisions on their own, we constantly remind them that the problem will not be solved by itself, they need personal participation and personal responsibility. Figuratively speaking, in order for a door to be opened for you, you need to knock on it - more than once or even twice.”

The “Center for Registration and Social Protection of Homeless Citizens” has a capacity of forty places, and not everyone can get here. People who are under the influence of drugs and alcohol, with mental disabilities, infectious diseases and who have not undergone fluorography are strictly prohibited from entering the Center. Although no one is denied a cup of hot soup here. By the way, homeless people can get money for fluorography from public organizations that cooperate with the Center, but more on that later. So, crossing the threshold of the temporary shelter, the tramps fall into the hands of a doctor who examines them and gives permission to stay, and then they take a shower and receive clean linen. If necessary, the paramedic organizes consultations with doctors or additional examinations (the Center cooperates with the 3rd clinic and hospitals No. 2 and 7). “Center” employees also work closely with district police departments, the passport office of the Central District, and public organizations.

In Christ's bosom
The church is always ready to help the orphan and the poor: feed, clothe, cure, provide work. The Society of Orthodox Doctors has been working in Crimea for 10 years. Its chairman Tatyana Shevchenko says: “Our functions are much broader than helping the homeless. But if a person finds himself in such a difficult situation, we help with hospitalization and overnight accommodation. And to all people, regardless of religion.”

A doctor’s office has been opened in the building of the Crimean diocese; activists of the Society of Orthodox Doctors see everyone for free. If they cannot help, they refer them to colleagues in Simferopol clinics.

According to volunteer Maria Smutok, many churches have refectories. “Especially in rural and suburban areas. Any person will be given something to eat there. Maybe this is not always advertised, but it is true.” There is a free refectory, for example, at the Church of the Holy Prophet Elijah on the Yevpatoriya embankment.

Public associations can also provide warmth, food, help with housing and work. For example, the International Christian organization “Salvation Army” has been making sure that Crimean homeless people do not starve or freeze in winter for thirteen years and can find themselves in society again.

“A homeless person usually smokes, drinks and takes drugs. We have access to rehabilitation centers, if a person wants, we send him for treatment,” explains Irina Denisyuk, an officer of the Salvation Army in Crimea.
An international charitable organization helps people get into the Center for Registration and Social Protection of the Homeless and other rehabilitation centers in Crimea and Ukraine.

“We help with paperwork, sometimes we even take you by the hand and go to various authorities. Sometimes we pay for expenses - for example, a ticket home to another region of Crimea or Ukraine,” says Irina.

At the Salvation Army, homeless people can have their teeth treated, wash themselves, and receive clean linen and warm clothes for free. Volunteers will find cheap housing or a dorm room for those interested.

“I can say for sure: you can only help the person who wants help and is ready to accept it,” says the Salvation Army officer.

What documents are needed to register with the employment center?
-Passport or a document replacing it
-Work book or its duplicate
-Documents of education and professional qualifications
- Identification code
-Certificate of average salary for the last three months at the last place of work.

When will the aid begin to be awarded?
From the 8th day after registration with the employment service. For persons who are dismissed of their own free will without good reason or for violation of labor discipline, payment of unemployment assistance begins on the 91st calendar day.

I have a question about a sore subject for many of our citizens - about registration. Where to register for people who do not own residential premises and do not have any relatives willing to register them in their housing?

My wife and I do not have our own property. We have been renting housing for more than 12 years, but we cannot register at our place of residence because the owners of the apartment do not agree to register us.

Due to the lack of registration at the place of residence, a lot of problems arise. Many civil rights and government services are tightly tied to the place of registration or the fact of its existence. It is impossible to take out a loan, open an individual entrepreneur or LLC, receive payments for a child, and so on.

At best, the authorities agree to carry out only registration at the place of stay - to issue half an A4 sheet with the corresponding entry. In this case, the passport is not stamped and all the problems described above remain unresolved.

Purchasing a registration is a direct violation of the law. Tell me, how can I still register at my place of residence if I have entered into a long-term rental agreement?

With respect, Roman.

Hello Roman. The regulations mention three types of registration: at the place of residence, place of stay and place of actual residence. Let's look at each of them.

Ekaterina Miroshkina


Types of registration

Registration at the place of residence is what we used to call propiska, although in fact this term has not been in the laws for a long time. This is a type of permanent registration where a person lives. It is confirmed by a stamp in the passport.

Registration at the place of stay is a separate type; it can only be temporary. It is issued regardless of the permanent one, for example, when moving to another region. In this case, they do not put a stamp in the passport, but issue a certificate. Temporary registration does not replace or cancel permanent registration. It seems to confirm that for some reason the person now lives at this address: he came to work or studies here. When a temporary registration is issued, the permanent one is not cancelled, it remains.

The place of actual residence may coincide with the place of residence, stay, or be a different place altogether. This happens if a young family is registered with their parents, but lives in a rented apartment in the same city. They are not required to register temporarily, but their place of actual residence does not coincide with their place of residence. They can enroll their child in kindergarten at their place of actual residence.

How does having registration affect the receipt of government services?

There are rules for registration at the place of stay and place of residence. Violation of them may result in a fine. According to the law, you need to temporarily register in a rented apartment, but also have permanent registration. It’s clear from your question that everything is fine with your temporary one, but due to the lack of your own home, you don’t have a permanent one. And this creates problems with obtaining government services.

In fact, there shouldn't be any problems, and here's why.

In almost all laws and regulations, public services are provided by different departments at the place of residence or stay. Very rarely, services or benefits are tied specifically to the place of residence: usually this concerns some kind of regional surcharges and guarantees.

Sometimes you can get the service at your place of actual residence, even without having registration at all. In such cases, fill out an application and indicate the actual address. For example, this is done when registering maternity capital.

No one can restrict you from receiving services just because you do not have a permanent place of residence. If the landlord has registered you in a rented apartment, you can easily open an individual entrepreneur, enroll your child in kindergarten, apply for benefits, get a job and receive a medical insurance policy. There are enough explanations from various departments on this matter. If you are denied somewhere, this is a violation of your rights and a reason for complaint.

There may be problems with the loan, but permanent registration is not the only criterion for the bank. If you are a solvent borrower, you can also get a temporary loan. But if the bank refuses you, that’s its right. Many cannot get a loan, even if they have an apartment and permanent registration.

Why does the state require registration?

Each person is assigned a set of services, and most often they are targeted. Clinics are allocated money based on territorial area, and places in schools and kindergartens are also reserved based on the number of residents. Subsidies, pensions, benefits - everything is targeted. The state needs to know where a person lives in order not only to control him, but also to help him.

Although this is also important for control. The tax office needs to know where to send the request for payment of penalties. Bailiffs are required to notify about restrictions on travel abroad. Courts need to understand where to send a summons to a hearing. And the police want to know who lives in a particular apartment and where to look for the person if he breaks something.

Where to get permanent registration if you have no housing

The Constitution guarantees every person the right to housing. This means that the state must help with housing for those who do not have a roof over their heads and cannot earn money for it. But this does not mean that the state should provide free apartments to everyone. Such programs work, but they concern the resettlement of dilapidated houses, low-income people, large families, public sector workers, liquidators, displaced people and those who have been in line for a long time waiting for an apartment.

The rest will have to take care of their housing themselves or wait years for help from the state. You can take out a mortgage, use maternity capital, receive a subsidy, buy inexpensive housing: a small house, a dorm room or a share in order to obtain permanent registration.

In a word, taking care of your own home is on the shoulders of the person himself. Owners of rental apartments are not required to provide you with permanent registration. For them, temporary work is sometimes associated with risks. And although registration in itself does not give ownership rights, letters from departments, demands from bailiffs and creditors may arrive at the residence address.

If you have a question about personal finance, credit history or family budget, write to: [email protected]. We will answer the most interesting questions in the magazine.

Was registered at the address of a house in disrepair. The house burned down. At this time I was in the village of freedom. upon release, register in the property of his wife. After the divorce, he was discharged. where to go about housing and registration?

Where to apply for registration in the Russian Federation if you do not have your own home?

Good afternoon Please tell me where I can go. I don’t have a residence permit, I don’t have my own home. What to do?

Where can you turn if a person from an orphanage has no housing?

Hello! My uncle is 42 years old, he is from an orphanage. No own home. Is it possible for him to get housing now?

If possible, please tell me how to do this.

Thank you in advance.

Where to turn if the administration does not provide housing to replace the one that burned down?

Our municipal apartment building, in which I had an apartment, burned down. Almost all the fire victims were given housing, but we were not, and I have no other housing. What should we do and where should we go.

Where to go to get social services? Housing? Hello, my name is Ekaterina, I am 28 years old, I live in the Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk. Three years ago, my mother and I were deceived by a black realtor and we were left without housing and registration, during which time I managed to give birth. And now you have to wander around...

March 24, 2017, 08:06, question No. 1583361

Solovyova Ekaterina Mikhailovna, Izhevsk

Where should I go, I’m on a waiting list and live in a communal apartment, they don’t provide housing? Hello! Help me please. What to do. I'm on the waiting list. I have been on the queue since 1983, the queue moves slowly in the fall. We live in a 2-room communal apartment 18 meters away. Me, my daughter, my son, husband, and my mother. There is no room for children of different sexes, there was...

04 September 2016, 16:54, question No. 1366598

Kadria, St. Petersburg

What should a single mother do if she doesn’t have her own home?

Hello! I have been living in Kerch for 7 years - I rent apartments, with a young child, I don’t have my own home, I register every six months at the center for registering homeless citizens, apartments are becoming more and more expensive, it becomes more difficult every time, please advise where...

How and where can you register if you don’t own a home? I am registered in an apartment that is being sold and they require my release. There is no home. Where can I register, at least temporarily, until I buy my own home?

16 November 2015, 16:43, question No. 1041691

Sergey, Nizhny Novgorod

Where to go if there is no possibility of renting housing?

I am a 26-year-old girl, at the moment I live in a rented apartment with a roommate who pays for it, I have a registration - it is registered in my parents’ apartment. I live in the Sverdlovsk region, Severouralsk village. Cheremukhovo. There has been no work for 1.5 years now. I am a member of the Central...

November 10, 2015, 03:39, question No. 1034661 Ksenia, Severouralsk

Where to turn if I have nowhere to live after the death of my common-law husband?

tell me, are there any support centers? I have a difficult situation; I lived with my husband in a common-law marriage; I’m walking now; I’m heavily pregnant; September 13, 2015, I buried my husband; my husband’s parents immediately stood out the door to my mother; I can’t go...

What measures need to be taken and where to go to get housing for a mentally ill person?

Hello, I ask for your help on this issue. My sister is not mentally healthy, she is disabled, group 2, and is capable. She is registered under a social tenancy agreement with her mother and sister, and she also has a young child (1 year 7 months). Everyone lives...

Many families today need housing, but do not have enough money to buy it.

The problem is aggravated by the protracted economic crisis in the country.

Is the situation hopeless or are there any ways to solve it? How to get housing from the state if you don’t have your own home? Let's consider what is provided by law to resolve this issue.

Options for solving the housing problem with the help of the state

First option- a program that provides a one-time payment for partial repayment of housing, construction of a private house or a down payment for the purchase of an apartment.

The subsidy is provided for the purchase of an apartment or the construction of a private house as follows: categories of citizens:

The subsidy is issued in the form of a certificate, which legitimizes the right to receive it. Young families can receive a housing subsidy free of charge under the following conditions: both spouses must be no more than 30 years old and the total area of ​​the purchased housing must be within generally accepted sizes.

Civil servant can receive a housing subsidy provided that he lives in an apartment that does not meet the general requirements. In addition, each category of civil servants (prosecutors, judges, emergency services workers) has its own budget programs. Most often, the housing subsidy is about five million rubles.

Housing subsidies for migrants from the Far North , are provided under the following conditions: work experience in the Far North must be at least 15 years, and the subsidy is provided in the order of registration.

When preparing documents, it is best to use the help of qualified lawyers. A certificate for receiving a housing subsidy is issued for six months. If you do not use it on time, you will have to go through the entire procedure again. Each region of the Russian Federation has its own subsidy centers, which citizens can contact with any questions related to receiving housing subsidies.

Second option- receiving free housing for those in need of square meters. We will consider later who and under what conditions can purchase free housing with the help of the state.

Legislative framework of the issue

Article 49 of the Housing Code The Russian Federation states that low-income citizens have the right to free housing from the state.

To take advantage of this right, you must obtain the status of a low-income citizen. Each subject of the Russian Federation has its own procedure for assigning such status, although there are uniform norms for recognizing families or citizens as low-income for the entire territory of Russia.

Who can take advantage of this benefit and under what conditions?

Low-income citizens can take advantage of the benefit of providing free housing.

A family receives low-income status if the monthly income of each family member is less (it varies depending on the region of the Russian Federation). But this is not the only criterion for recognizing citizens as poor.

In this category families get there, falling under the following criteria (may differ in different regions of the Russian Federation):

  • accommodation under a rental agreement if the family does not have its own home;
  • the amount of income and property for a certain period does not allow the purchase of housing with the area provided by law for each family member;
  • unsuitability for habitation of the occupied living space;
  • living with people who have severe chronic diseases, which makes it impossible to stay in the same apartment (active forms of tuberculosis, epilepsy with frequent seizures, schizophrenia, etc.);
  • the family does not have property or rented housing, which in total is equal to the legal area for each tenant;
  • accommodation under a lease agreement, if the number of square meters per tenant is below the established standards.

Each region of the Russian Federation is empowered to independently decide the issue of providing free living space for various categories of citizens. Let us consider in more detail under what conditions certain categories of citizens can receive free living space.

Large families

A large family must first contact to the social security authorities at your place of residence to find out what they are entitled to.

As a rule, large families must comply with the following requirements to receive free housing:

  • treat the poor;
  • have a living space of less than 10 square meters. m. per family member;
  • live in a dilapidated or dilapidated house;
  • live for a certain period of time in the region where housing will be received (each region has its own period);
  • the family has not worsened their living conditions for the last five years (did not sell their home, did not register relatives there, etc.).

To receive this benefit you must provide the following: package of documents(may differ in different regions of the Russian Federation):

  • residents' passports;
  • birth certificates of children (over 14 years old - passports);
  • over the past six months;
  • rental agreement (if you don’t have your own);
  • title documents for your home.

Single mothers

On an equal basis with others, they have the right to free living space under the following conditions:

  • the mother is disabled;
  • one of the children - ;
  • the family is large.

Otherwise, free housing will not be provided.


An orphan has the right to receive payments from the state to purchase housing. Having become an adult, he must draw up a social rental agreement for housing. After 5 years of living in a rented apartment, he will become its owner.

To do this, he must write a corresponding application upon reaching 23 years of age and provide following documents:

Residents of service apartments

Housing can be given to an employee by an enterprise that has it on its balance sheet. In addition, upon liquidation of the company, you can obtain ownership of the official housing.

This happens if the property of the enterprise becomes the property of the municipality, and it decides to transfer the ownership of the apartment in which it is registered to a former employee of the company. As a result, the citizen acquires housing for social rent, and all that remains is to privatize it.

How does the process of lining up for free housing space work?

If a family has been assigned low-income status, it can register for housing. But for this it is necessary to collect various documents from several authorities.

In addition, it is necessary to simultaneously comply with a number conditions:

  • have Russian citizenship;
  • live for at least 10 years in the locality where the apartment will be received;
  • have registration at the place of residence;
  • not to worsen living conditions for five years (moving relatives into the apartment, exchanging or selling housing).

Usually you have to wait in line for a long time to get housing, so it would be good to take advantage of the existing benefits.

Right to preferential queue(and therefore a chance to speed up getting an apartment) have:

  • former pupils of foster families and orphanages;
  • victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident and natural disasters;
  • orphans;
  • disabled people with disabilities;
  • residents of houses in disrepair and subject to demolition.

An application for apartment registration must be submitted to the housing department of the local administration. It must be reviewed within one month from the date of its receipt.

List of necessary documents and certificates for registration:

Of course, this article does not list all the possibilities for obtaining free housing or housing subsidies. In addition, regulations may differ significantly in different regions of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is very important to learn about your rights in detail. To do this, it is best to contact qualified lawyers.

In addition, you can make some changes in your personal life. For example, get a job where they can provide official housing, become a civil servant or a law enforcement officer.

If you live in emergency housing, you should not expect that you will be given a new one soon. Usually the resolution of such issues is delayed. It is better to contact the local administration for clarification of all questions.

You can also ask the state to pay 30% of the cost of the purchased housing. There are many more options that can be given. Which one to choose is up to you.

State assistance to improve housing conditions for citizens of the Russian Federation is described in the following video:

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