Postmen who pay. The best mailers for making money. Payments on Wmzona

Recently, the ability to work online has been gaining momentum. This is due, first of all, to the fact that a huge number of users are looking for . This type of work is profitable because you can pay enough attention to household chores and spend your free time profitably. If you are looking for a reliable source of profit, then this article is for you. After reading this article, you will learn what it is to make money on mail services and its main features. You will also get acquainted with the most popular email clients, with the help of which thousands of people receive good additional income. Take into account all the recommendations, and you will be able to achieve the desired salary level in the shortest possible time.

Features of working with mailers

First of all, it is worth explaining that mailers are specialized boxes (in other words, sites) that make cash payments for completing tasks of varying complexity, reading letters, surfing sites, etc. There are a huge variety of tasks offered by such companies. Therefore, every user will certainly find something he likes. In general, we can highlight These are the main ways to earn money:

  1. — viewing sites offered by the advertiser. Usually a certain time is given (a few seconds) during which you must remain on the site. At the end, you will be offered a small arithmetic task for confirmation, after which you will receive your payment. On average, the price of surfing one site varies from 3 to 5 kopecks.
  2. Reading letters- study of a small proposed text. Advertisers provide you with letters, after studying which you will need to answer one or more questions. There is no need to learn the texts, just read them carefully. After answering the question, you will be redirected to a site where you will need to spend a few seconds. The pay for such tasks is usually slightly higher than for regular surfing.
  3. Taking tests- an interesting way to make money on mail services. The name speaks for itself: you need to go to the appropriate section and study all the rules for taking tests. You will be provided with detailed instructions, as well as a list of questions with possible answers. By carefully studying the instructions, you will know where to find the answers to these questions. The method is quite interesting and does not take much time. Payment is charged from 0.2 rubles and above, depending on which advertiser you cooperate with.
  4. Completing tasks- a way to earn money that involves a huge selection of various simple tasks. For example, you may be asked to like, vote, register on many services, be active on the Internet, download files, etc. Payment here may vary, depending on the complexity of the proposed task.

To start earning money this way, you will need:

  • have stable access to the Internet;
  • have a desire to work and develop, as well as several hours of free time daily;
  • get acquainted with common mailers and choose the most optimal option (or better yet, several);
  • register a wallet in one or more payment systems (WebMoney and Yandex Money are popular);
  • create a separate work email (you will have to go through the registration procedure on many sites, as a result of which you will receive a large number of letters; it is important that work messages do not get lost among other mailings);
  • register with the selected mailers, study their rules and start earning money.

As you can see, there are few requirements, and they are absolutely simple. With the right and responsible approach, this can be a great start for you in the field of online earnings. Among the obvious advantages of working with mailers, it is worth noting that this does not require any special skills or knowledge. It is enough to be a confident PC and Internet user.

List of reliable email providers for earning money

To start making money on axleboxes, you need to familiarize yourself with the most popular and reliable services. Below you are offered a list of the largest sites on the Internet offering to earn additional income. Be sure to study all the features of these mailers, familiarize yourself with the working conditions they offer, and choose the options that are comfortable for you.

In this article we will talk about one of the most popular ways to make money on the Internet. We are talking about the services of mail sponsors, they are also called mailers.

First you need to choose the right mailer. After all, there are a lot of them on the Internet, and not all of them are trustworthy. You should register only on those sites where several tens of thousands of people already work. In addition, read reviews about the selected mailer. If people are satisfied with its work, then you can safely register on it.

So what is the job? You need to view advertisements online. You will be paid money for this. The point is that website owners need to increase traffic to their resources, so they turn to mailing services to have their site included in the database. And everyone can visit this advertising site and get paid for it. Of course, this work doesn’t pay very much, but you will get your first cents on the Internet.

There are also tasks on postal service websites. These jobs pay much more, but will require you to do some work. For example, you may be asked to click on an advertising banner on an advertiser's website, or to register under a specific name. One task can cost 5-10 cents, and it will only take you a few minutes to complete. You can calculate your potential profit yourself.

It is necessary to say something about the affiliate program of mailers. This is another way to earn money, which is much more profitable than the previous two. You need to attract new members to the site using your referral link. These users will become your referrals. Then you will choose: receive a constant income from the work of referrals or sell them on the exchange. It’s worth noting right away that selling referrals is very profitable. If a person constantly works and actively visits advertising sites, then his price will be quite high (several dollars). You just need to not miss the moment to sell, because this person may give up work after a while. Then its value will drop sharply. Therefore, try to sell referrals who are just starting to work on the exchange. And they need to be sold as soon as possible, before they lose interest in this work.

3 secrets of fast work on mailboxes

Performing tasks on click sponsors - this activity can be suitable even for beginners. By completing registrations, leaving comments on forums, visiting blogs, participating in polls and performing other tasks, everyone has the opportunity to make a profit.

It is unlikely that you will be able to earn a lot of money on tasks in the boxes, but you can get about a dozen dollars a day. To make it easier to complete tasks, there are 3 secrets to quickly work on email clients; using them, you will influence the productivity of your work.

1. Temporary Email boxes.

For most tasks, email is used. In order not to litter your mailboxes and not have to go through constant registrations, you can use special services. Thanks to temporary Email mailbox services, such as, you will receive as many mailboxes as you want, with a certain period of their existence.

The system will automatically generate an Email address, which will be deleted after some time. You set the operating time of the box yourself; if there is no such functionality, then simply extend the period.

2. Create favorites lists.

The second option to seriously save time and increase productivity is to create a list with favorite tasks. Each mailer has this functionality, thanks to which you can select some tasks that are easy for you to complete. Find as many reusable tasks with good pay as possible and only complete them.

3. Additional software.

A lot of useful and free programs have been developed that can make working with mailers easier, here are some of them:

— to perform click tasks, use AkelPad, with its help you can automatically record links for the report;

— quick change of IP address can be organized using Proxy Switcher;

— you can easily and quickly clear cookies using the CCleaner program;

— through the FastStone Capture program you can quickly take screenshots;

— do not fill out forms manually when registering, leave this process to the Roboform program.

It's difficult to get started online using options that are only suitable for professionals. It’s much easier to start with axle boxes, so this type of work is great for beginners. Try to make it as productive as possible and be sure to strive for development, because you can’t earn much by completing tasks.

We make money from mailers

As soon as newbies get tired of various click surveys, then many later have the idea that they are unlikely to be able to make good money from clicks on the Internet. In search of more substantial income, so-called mail sponsors immediately come to the aid of mini-makers. The whole point of this lesson is that you will need to combine mail and click sponsors, and due to this, earn a little more.

In general, making money from email clients is extremely similar to making money from clicks. The only difference is where you click. This can be either websites or mail. Some sponsors provide the opportunity to make a profit both by clicking on sites and by reading letters, which means you can do this while collaborating with only one sponsor.

In general, we can say that mail sponsors, or in other words, mailers, are sites that are willing to pay you for reading letters that will arrive to your mailbox, the address of which you indicate during registration, or to a special mailbox (its address will be presented on mail sponsor's website).

For any letter you read, Russian and foreign sponsors are willing to pay at least $0.0015. That is, it turns out that for 1000 emails viewed you will receive about $1.5. With a very strong desire, in principle, you can earn more, but even this may well be enough for you to satisfy some minor need. Accordingly, per month, if you work daily, you can read a maximum of 10 thousand letters, and in the end, your earnings will be approximately 15 - 20 dollars.

It is worth noting that this amount is paid mainly only by the best postal providers. It is also important to take into account the fact that many Russian and foreign mail sponsors set some restrictions on the withdrawal of funds - a minimum, often equal to the amount that can be earned in several months, and for many this is a problem. Of course, there are mailers without such restrictions, but they often turn out to be a real deception.

In any case, the choice is yours. Many beginners are still satisfied with this kind of income, so perhaps you will like it too.

Reliable mailers

You can earn income on the Internet by using a mail service. However, their reliability factors should be taken into account. It is much more effective to enter into agreements with those who have already proven themselves in this field of activity.

Fear of missing out, a phenomenon referred to by the acronym FOMO, has become very common among Internet users. In Russian translation it means “Missed Syndrome”. It is expressed in restlessness and anxiety, irritation, as well as somewhat inappropriate behavior if a person who is accustomed to spending a lot of time on social networks is unable to access them.

The lifestyle of a modern person has fundamentally changed, if ten years ago people preferred to communicate, gathering in a warm company over a glass of wine or a cup of coffee, leisurely discussing current events and the meaning of life. Now, the world has moved into the virtual depths of the Internet, users are literally glued to the screens of PC monitors, tablets and mobile phones, there they chat, like, exchange information, constantly flip through an incredible number of pages of sites, in search of new information, entertainment, and sensations.

The Internet consumes time and thoughts, but spending many hours on it can be fully justified if you combine the passion for traveling across the boundless sea of ​​information with the opportunity to earn money. For those who are uncontrollably eager to view as many sites as possible, a very real prospect of earning income can be participation in specialized services that actively promote advertising, called “mailers”. Many have already tried the capabilities of the most popular resource of this kind - SEOsprint. The name of this mailer has become a kind of symbol of a special type of earnings based on viewing advertisers' websites. Some statistics indicate its popularity: more than 420 thousand users are active participants in the resource, thousands of people register daily, and more than 70 million rubles in payments have been made. Thanks to its excellent interface and guaranteed fulfillment of obligations, the service has become extremely popular. In various ratings dedicated to the effectiveness of earning money on the Internet, it occupies a leading position.

A significant problem with working on the Internet is the fact that some services are not so responsible in fulfilling their obligations, and performers suffer from the fact that, having completed a significant amount of work, they cannot receive material compensation for labor. In order to avoid such troubles, you should enter into agreements with those services that have already been tested many times by Internet users and have a significant number of positive reviews on various special forums. It is worth noting a number of other resources that carry out activities similar to SEOsprint and are extremely responsible in their tasks and payment of remuneration. This is - one of the oldest projects, founded back in 2004. The resource has an excellent referral auction. The service offers ample opportunities for earning money; active users can receive a daily salary. A special social network from WebMoney, called, also offers many paid tasks. The network is a whole collection of sites, which include a mailer, a bookmaker service, online games, a dating site and others. The resources and also have stable reliability parameters. The service appeared not so long ago, but has already proven itself from the best side. The site is somewhat inferior in terms of capabilities, but it fulfills its obligations responsibly.

Finding a part-time job online is easier than you think. Many systems have been invented that are suitable for work even by beginners. Easy work with a small fee, this is exactly what most users are looking for. But almost all professionals started with this, maybe someday you will join their ranks.

Simple earnings on the Internet using mailers will begin to bring you profit from today. What does this require? Electronic wallet, mail and some free time. There is no investment or training, orders on these sites are so simple that children are sometimes involved in completing them.

Earn money from mailers

Click sponsors, axle boxes, SARs, such projects are called differently, but their essence does not change. These systems are used to carry out various scams on the Internet. Some people order video views on YouTube, others need likes on social networks, and website owners ask for comments.

The work is simple, which is why it attracts so much attention. Millions of users work part-time on small jobs, despite low pay. In some orders, the payment is only a couple of cents, but it also takes little time to complete the order.

One of the articles on Next Invest told how much you can earn from mailers. It all depends on the efforts of the users. In addition, click sponsors have affiliate programs. Invite new participants there, they will work, and you will receive a percentage of their income.

How to complete tasks?

The order instructions will help you ensure that you can complete the job accurately. Regardless of which box you register on, you will need to follow the same steps. To present an example, let's use the Seosprint project, since it has the most orders:

The best mailers for making money. Postal workers with auto earnings

1. After registration, go to the section with tasks and select suitable orders:

2. Click on the name of the task to go to a detailed description, as well as to begin completing the order:

3. In the example task you simply need to add a VK user as a friend. The report requires you to submit your first and last name. It’s easy to do, so click on the green button and add a friend:

4. Now you need to return to the page with the task. Instead of a button to start execution, a report form appears. We were asked for your first and last name, we send this data:

5. Information is needed to verify your integrity. The task is completed, until it is checked, you can complete as many other orders as you like:

All orders have different conditions, and the more difficult they are to complete, the higher the payment. For example, they may ask you not only to register, but also to be active (fill out a profile, earn some money, get a level increase, etc.). Naturally, you will be paid a little more for this.

The best mailers for making money

— Profitcentr;

The projects are somewhat different, in addition to the design. Somewhere there are more withdrawal methods available, somewhere there are additional ways to earn money, and some even offer automatic earnings (a browser plugin on Teaser, and mining on Wmzona).

Making money on the Internet with mailers becomes very profitable if you not only carry out orders, but also invite referrals. Most buxes have a rating system, so to increase royalties from invited participants, it is advisable to get a good rank:

There are users who are completely satisfied with making money on the Internet using mailers. They don’t need huge sums and don’t want to learn anything. They spend their free time doing errands and withdrawing their money honestly. Try to take on such a part-time job, it definitely won’t be superfluous.

Advertising has become an integral part of society. It is present in many ways in the media, interferes with watching your favorite TV shows, haunts us on the roads and streets, is replete with Internet pages, gets into our bags from the hands of promoters, and clogs our mailboxes. Advertising, in most cases, is annoying, but nevertheless, it continues to live in society, as an attribute that reminds us that there are certain goods and services on the market, and the companies that pay for their promotion are reputable and wealthy, as they spend untold amounts of money to this process.

There are studies that indicate that only 2-5% of people make purchases thanks to advertising in the current time. 5-20% of consumers remember information offered by advertising and use it in the future. Most people instantly forget about the information they receive; 25% can retain it in their memory for one day. However, budget items for advertising events of world-famous companies account for more than 50% of total income. Despite the insignificant percentage of direct consumer reaction, advertising is the most powerful lever of influence that determines demand. In addition, there are image aspects; if companies do not advertise their activities, they will not be taken seriously by the business community.

At the same time, there are companies on the market that cannot afford to spend huge amounts of money on advertising. They use simple, inexpensive methods. All Internet users are well aware that a huge number of advertising letters end up in their mailboxes. Some of them were initiated by the owner of the mailbox, who legally left permission to receive mailings on his favorite website; in other cases, the mail simply ends up with the famous SPAM, which is an illegal phenomenon on the Internet, but nevertheless intensively used by advertisers. In most cases, users delete SPAM emails from their mailbox without even looking at their contents, as they irritate them. However, it is likely that among such letters there could be those whose information content could be potentially used.

There is a way to make money on the Internet that allows you to use people on a voluntary basis to read advertising letters. The organizers of such activities are services that provide active advertising systems; in Internet slang they are also called “mailers.” One of the most popular representatives of such systems is the service; it has been on the market for 10 years. This project assumes that advertising information is distributed among its participants. There are hundreds of thousands of people who use the resource, so sending advertising emails can actively influence this audience. The reading process is stimulated by payment, and the advertiser expects that the information conveyed to the system participant in the letter will nevertheless have an impact on him, or will be transmitted with his help to users of other systems and resources.

In order to become a participant in this system, you must register. After this, a number of letters will be available in the “Mail” section. All advertising information that is present in them must be read, but more important is the process of going to the site page using the link indicated in this letter. Visiting the site should take no less time than that indicated on the timer located at the top of the page being opened. The task will be considered completed and subject to payment when the viewing time has expired, it can be 30-60 seconds. After this, you will need to click on the link number that corresponds to the control picture located next to it. Payment for reading the advertising letter is credited instantly to the account of the project participant who has carried out the specified actions.

09.26.2018 at 15:09

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In today's article you will learn how to make money with mailers. Every year more and more people think about making money on the Internet, and rightly so. You can earn decent money on the Internet and make this your main source of income.

At the same time, you will experience many advantages: no boss, work for yourself, more free time, work from home and much more.

There are a lot of ways to make money on the Internet, but in this article we will talk about the best email clients on which you can earn money without investment. I have collected only verified and honest mailers for you!

How much can you earn from postal services?

In almost every article I write, I write how much you can earn using one or another method under consideration, and today is no exception.

Since working with postal workers does not require special knowledge, anyone can earn money using this method. The pay here is not very high, I managed to earn an income 300$ per month. Everything, of course, depends on the individual qualities of the person and the time you are willing to spend on this work.

If you pay from 4 hours per day, you will be able to reach income 200-300$ per month. Also, each mailer has an affiliate program that can help you increase your income several times. Invite friends using your referral link and receive a certain percentage of their earnings.

Here are my affiliate program statistics from the VKtarget website:

In fact, the earnings from an affiliate program can exceed your own earnings, so I recommend taking advantage of this.

Earning money from mailers - preparation

Any job requires some preparation, even on the Internet. But don’t be scared, everything is very simple and rather these are technical issues that will help you avoid further difficulties. Do these steps once and forget about it.

1. Electronic wallet registration. All mail providers pay money to wallets, I recommend registering a Webmoney wallet, it is the most popular. Then you can transfer money from this wallet to your bank card.

2. Mail registration. Mail will be useful to you when registering with mailers. To confirm your account, you can choose any mail, yandex or Google service that is convenient for you.

3. Registration of communication means. Useful for communicating with other users; you can register any social network or instant messenger.

Like these ones 3 simple steps preparations that will help you start making money on mailers without pitfalls. If you've done everything, let's start reviewing mailers!

List of the best email clients for earning money without investments

I have collected for you only the best and proven email accounts on which you can earn money without investment. But first, I would like to fully understand your understanding of what postal providers pay for.

Executor- earns money from mailers by completing tasks and viewing advertisers’ websites.

Below you will see a list of the best mailers, I collected them from all over the Internet, all the sites discussed below consistently pay out money, choose the one you like and start earning money.

The site has a mobile version, so you can even work from your phone. An official mobile application will also be released soon, which will increase the convenience of making money from your phone. I advise you to pay attention to the affiliate program.


Postal workers(or mail sponsors) are sites created for the purpose of advertising and making money on the Internet by reading paid letters. It makes sense to define mailers as one of the types of sites for making money on clicks.

Below I will give several specific examples of the best mail sponsors of the RuNet with short reviews and links.

Types of work at postal services:

  • Paid letters— read the letter and follow the link in it (you may have to answer a simple security question). After the transition, the timer starts running (15-60 seconds) and after the time has elapsed, you receive payment to your balance.
  • Surfing (transitions to sites) And autosurfing— open a section on the mailer containing a list of links or a button to start viewing and go to advertisers’ resources, wait for the timer to expire and receive a reward.
  • Completing tasks— select the task you are interested in, read its description and complete it point by point. After this, you send the advertiser a report on the implementation and receive payment after verification (usually takes several hours). A variety of assignments are available (activity on social networks, clicks on advertising, registration, etc.) and the reward directly depends on the complexity of the task.
  • Attracting referrals— after registration, go to the “Referrals” section and find your unique link and advertising materials there. You pass on the link to your friends, acquaintances, or post it on the Internet on forums, blogs, and social networks. Everyone who follows it and registers will be listed as attracted by you and part of the administration commission for each of their actions will go to your balance for withdrawal.

Reading paid mail is not the main opportunity to earn income on such resources. It should be understood that the only real ways to earn extra money on mailers are completing tasks and attracting referrals, which you can read more about in a separate article.

Before you begin, you should take care of creating electronic wallet. I recommend that beginners work with Payeer , because all sites from the list below pay on it, and you can create it in 5 minutes. In addition, it is very easy to use. You can transfer money from Payeer to any other payment card or bank card at any time.

If you already have a wallet from WebMoney, QIWI or Yandex.Money, then that will also work.

The best mailers for making money

Now let me tell you about several interesting resources where you can earn a little extra money. Many users have already started earning from 200 to 500 rubles a day thanks to these projects.

1 place. SOCPUBLIC

A very popular site among mailers. Make money on SOCPUBLIC You can read letters, browse websites, and also perform simple tasks.

The “Letters” section can be found after registration in the left user menu.

If you go to it, you can see the entire list of available mail for viewing. There you can immediately see the name of the letters, viewing time and payment that we will receive.

If you click, the text of the letter will open, and at the bottom there will be a security question. The answer to this can be easily found in the text.

And as a result, the payment will be successfully credited to your balance.

In general, this is how work works on postal services. By the way, on SOCPUBLIC you can order a payment by typing even 2 kopecks. Payments are made instantly to WebMoney, Payeer, QIWI, Yandex.Money and Perfect Money.

2nd place. SeoSprint

According to many users SeoSprint is the leader among axle boxes. This is well deserved, since it really occupies a leading position in terms of the growth of new participants and payments, and in general it is very convenient for work.

There is also a section “Reading letters”.

If you check periodically, you can read quite a lot of paid mail throughout the day. Although I would advise you to pay more attention to completing tasks, and perceive such things as a bonus and do this when you cannot find tasks that interest you.

As you can see, the payment here fluctuates around 7 kopecks per reading, which is pretty good.

Payment can be ordered at any time on Payeer, WebMoney, QIWI, Yandex.Money. The minimum amount is only 2 rubles.

3rd place. ProfitCentr

On ProfitCentr you can find quite a lot of work, and the project itself is very similar to the previous one and it won’t be difficult to quickly find your way around.

The required section is called exactly the same.

As you can see, there are other sections and there are even more of them than on other sites on the list. That is why I decided that ProfitCentr deserves attention and recommend it to you.

By the way, you can combine work on all resources at once. If it ends on one, then something will definitely have appeared on the other.

4 Place. WMMail

Of course, I couldn’t miss the oldest postal sponsor of the Runet called WMMail . If all other postal services pay in rubles, here they pay in dollars.

Reading one letter here is paid in the amount of $0.0008 — 0.0015 , and the minimum rate for completing a task is $0.01 .

In general, the project is quite popular, and considering its age, it is also very stable. WMMail has been operating since 2014.

Earning money from mail services is mainly of interest to beginners, but to earn your first dollar or ruble on the Internet you need to find a reliable site. In this article I would like to help a little people who are taking their first steps on the World Wide Web and looking for the best email clients. I will give a list of good and, most importantly, paying sites, and also describe their main advantages. You just need to make a choice, register on one of them and get started.

I would like to immediately explain which mailer, in my opinion, is the best, so that you know why I am describing it. Based on these five points, I compiled my list; only the best mailers actually made it into it, and we’ll talk about them now.

So, for me the main criteria for the reliability of a site are:

  • Pays money- this is the most important thing, that is, he didn’t cheat anyone. Everything that I could earn on the Internet through honest work can be withdrawn.
  • Payments in Webmoney. One of the most reliable payment systems in RuNet, it works only with trusted sites. By the way, to start making money on mailers you need to use this system.
  • Has been working for a long time. This means the site is not a one-day affair, such an email service will not disappear in a couple of days. If it has been working for a long time, it means you can trust it.
  • Positive feedback from people. It is clear that everyone cannot be happy and there will always be someone who writes a bad review, I mean the bulk of users who speak normally about this mail sponsor.
  • A huge amount of money has already been paid. It’s always interesting to see how much money a site has already paid, because mailers that pay well especially attract our attention.

You may be interested in other ways to get money from the Internet, because you can earn money not only through mailers. I wrote about all the main options for working on the Internet in the article

The best email clients on the Internet - my list!

The first place is rightfully occupied by one of the oldest and most reliable sites, which has been operating for more than ten years and pleases me with timely payments. This is where I spend the most time, sometimes staying all day.

  • Pays in dollars.
  • The minimum withdrawal amount is only 0.1 dollars (10 cents).
  • Started working in 2004, to date more than 4,000,000 million have been paid.
  • The minimum price for reading one letter is 0.0008, and the maximum sometimes reaches $0.0045.
  • The main income comes from tasks, of which there are several thousand. The price of tasks starts from 0.01, but the most expensive ones cost 15 and 20 dollars.

Second, by a small margin, although some say that it is in first place, well, here you can argue that there is another excellent mailer. Before registering, you will be asked to answer several questions, this is a formality, but even one incorrect answer will deprive you of the opportunity to register. To do everything correctly, you immediately need to familiarize yourself with the rules of the system.

  • Pays in Russian rubles. ( .)
  • The minimum amount for withdrawal is only 2 rubles.
  • I started working in 2010, and during this time I have already managed to pay out more than 110,000,000 million.
  • The price of letters starts from 0.02 and can reach 0.065 rubles.
  • Here, too, the main profit comes from paid tasks; their price starts from 0.2 - uh rubles, and the most expensive one today costs 505.

The next mailer I want to talk about is older than the previous one, and although it paid out much less money, it certainly deserves our attention. Honorable third place.


  • Payment is made in Russian rubles.
  • The minimum withdrawal amount is 5 rubles.
  • The project started in 2006, and during this time it has already managed to pay out more than 37,000,000 million.
  • The price for reading one letter is from 0.02 rubles.
  • Tasks bring the highest income, payment starts from 0.15 rubles, the most expensive task I saw cost 110 rubles.

Next comes a site that also pays in rubles, it paid less than the previous ones, but it has a very user-friendly interface, simple and quick registration without any tests or answers to questions, and what makes me most happy is a very small minimum amount for payments. This is exactly what is important for a beginner who has earned some money and can immediately order a payment to make sure that the site actually pays.


  • The main payment currency is Russian rubles.
  • Only 0.02 rubles is the minimum amount for payment.
  • The site was launched in 2009, and in total it paid out more than 16,000,000 million.
  • The price of one letter starts from 0.03 rubles.
  • The lion's share of the profit is also on tasks, the cost of one is from 0.20 rubles, for the most expensive task you will be paid 300 rubles.

The last mailer that will be discussed pays money in dollars, it has a convenient and understandable interface for everyone, there is also a test during registration, but the minimum amount for payments is still less than on Wmmail, which was a pleasant surprise.


  • Payments are made in dollars.
  • An amount of $0.05 (5 cents) is the minimum payout.
  • Started work in 2004, during all this time I paid, frankly speaking, not much more than $160,000.
  • The price per letter starts from 0.0014, and sometimes the maximum is 0.0045 dollars.
  • As everywhere else, tasks are the main bread; there are more than a thousand of them. The price of tasks starts from 0.005, and the most expensive ones reach 15 and 20 dollars.

I would immediately recommend starting work on one of these sites in order to understand the specifics of making money and understand what’s what. Later, when you have more experience, you can register for the rest and try to increase your monthly profit. In fact, making money on postal services can bring good money, try your hand and you will succeed.

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