Bets and forecasts for the hockey Eurotour. Bets and forecasts for the hockey Eurotour Eurocup hockey schedule

Swedish Hockey Games 2018 are the fourth and final stage of the Eurotour 2017-2018. Based on the results of this tournament, the winner of the Euro Hockey Tour will be determined, but it is also important that the Swedish Games are the final stage of preparation for the 2018 World Championship, which will be held in Denmark.

As for the overall standings of the Eurotour, after the opening matches of the Swedish Games it is headed by the Finnish team. Two rounds before the finish, the Suomi team has 21 points. In second place is the Czech team with 20 points, the Russian team with 16 points is third, and the hosts of the Swedish stage are fourth with 15 points.

Euro Hockey Tour 2017-2018 – calendar: game schedule

The Swedish Games started on Thursday, April 26, with matches in Södertälje, Sweden, and Helsinki, Finland. The second game, at Hartwall Arena, was the only one of the tournament. In it, the Finnish team beat the Russian team in shootouts - 3:2, and the Swedes defeated the Czechs in regular time with a score of 3:1.

Over the weekend, the Swedish Games and the entire Eurotour will end with four meetings - all will be held in Stockholm, except the first. On Saturday, April 28, the Czechs and Finns will meet in Södertälje at 13:00 Moscow time.

Well, then - all the matches in Stockholm, at the Hovet Arena. On Saturday at 16:30 the hosts, the Swedish team, will host the Russian team. Finally, on Sunday, April 29, the team of Ilya Vorobyov will face the Czech Republic (13:00), and the Eurotour will close with the northern derby Sweden - Finland (16:30).

Composition of the Russian national team for the Swedish Games

Let's finish our story composition of the Russian national team for the Swedish stage of the Euro Hockey Tour. It is worth noting that the ranks of the national team were joined by hockey players from CSKA and Ak Bars, who missed the previous stage due to the fact that they played in the final of the Gagarin Cup. We also add that Ilya Vorobyov’s team has four hockey players from the NHL, all of them are forwards - Evgeny Dadonov and Maxim Mamin from Florida, as well as Pavel Buchnevich from the Rangers and Nikita Soshnikov from St. Louis.

The full composition of the Russian national team is as follows: goalkeepers - Vasily Koshechkin (Metallurg), Igor Shesterkin (SKA), Ivan Bocharov (Dynamo Moscow); defenders - Artem Zub, Dinar Khafizullin, Anton Belov, Vladislav Gavrikov, Egor Yakovlev (all - SKA), Alexey Bereglazov (Metallurg Mg), Nikita Tryamkin (Avtomobilist), Alexey Marchenko, Nikita Nesterov (both CSKA); forwards - Stanislav Galiev, Vladimir Tkachev (both Ak Bars), Mikhail Grigorenko, Maxim Shalunov, Kirill Kaprizov (all CSKA), Viktor Tikhonov, Alexander Barabanov, Ilya Kablukov (all SKA), Alexey Kruchinin (Traktor) ), Alexey Byvaltsev (Amur), Evgeny Dadonov, Maxim Mamin (both Florida, NHL), Pavel Buchnevich (New York Rangers, NHL), Nikita Soshnikov (St. Louis, NHL), Ilya Mikheev, Kirill Semenov (both Avangard).

The Karjala Cup 2017-2018 season, the schedule of which was drawn up taking into account the upcoming Olympics in Pyeongchang, delighted fans with spectacular matches. For the first time in a long time, the leading hockey teams of the planet had the opportunity to find out in a head-to-head confrontation which of them is currently better. The tournament turned out to be truly uncompromising, and even the outsider of the competition - Switzerland - did not look like a point provider, fighting with more eminent opponents in every match.

The 2017-2018 Karjala Cup traditionally took place in Finland from November 8 to 12. The tournament is held annually as part of the Euro Hockey Tour, as part of the preparatory stage of the national teams for the World Championships and Olympic Games. Each participant in the competition had to play three matches, as a result of which the final places in the table were distributed. The Russians' rivals were determined by lot, and it should be noted that fortune was unkind to Oleg Znark's charges.

The Russian team's schedule for the 2017-2018 Karjala Cup was as follows:

A total of 9 matches took place during the tournament, and on average fans saw 5.67 goals per game. The venue for all the ice battles was the Hartwall Arena in the capital of Finland, Helsinki. One match between the teams of Switzerland and Canada took place in Biel at the Tissot Arena. The games of the national teams were not accompanied by a full house, and the average attendance of the games barely exceeded 6 thousand spectators with the maximum capacity of the Hartwall Arena being 13.5 thousand people.

Russian national team performance

The “red car” came to the tournament in full force. Considering that many NHL stars will not be able to help the team at the Olympics in Pyeongchang, we will probably see the current selection of hockey players in South Korea. The schedule of games at the Karjala Cup for Russia was also not difficult, since a day of rest was provided between meetings with the main opponents (Finland and Switzerland).

Most of the collections represented only two KHL clubs - and. Eighteen stick masters were from these clubs, so there shouldn’t have been any problems with teamwork. The only problem for Oleg Znark was the absence of Pavel Datsyuk and Ilya Kovalchuk, whom we will definitely see at the Olympics.

Among the debutants of the national team, we note Nikita Tryamkin (Avtomobilist) and Mikhail Grigorenko (CSKA). The guys performed well at the Karjala Cup, which allows us to hope for their successful performance in Pyeongchang. “The Red Machine” needs fresh blood, youth and enthusiasm of young hockey players more than ever.

In the opening match against the Finns, everything initially went wrong: already in the second minute of the match, Joonas Kemppainen opened the scoring. At the beginning of the second period, Miro Heiskanen increased the Finns' advantage, but thanks to the efforts of Kaprizov and Plotnikov, the Russians won back even before the end of the second 20 minutes. However, in the third period, Atte Ohtamaa set the final score, marking the first defeat of the “red machine” in the tournament (score 2:3).

The match with Switzerland started nervously: after the first period, the Russians were losing 1:2. The second period did not bring any goals, and it seemed that Russia would suffer another defeat. At a time when critics were preparing to unleash all their anger on the coaching staff and hockey players, the “red machine” burst through. The third 20 minutes turned out to be extremely productive, and five different hockey players scored goals. As a result, the Russians were stronger with a score of 6:2.

The match with the Czechs was expected to be tense, but in fact it turned out to be just a walk in the park. At the beginning of the second period, the Russians led with a score of 3:0, and subsequently increased their advantage to a significant one. The final serena recorded the final score 5:2 on the scoreboard. It is noteworthy that the “red car” outplayed the opponent in all respects – from throw-ins to shots on target.

The 2017-2018 Karjala Cup standings look like this:

Final position

Team name

Number of goals scored/missed

Points scored



Thus, Russia took the final second place at the 2017-2018 Karjala Cup. In general, this result was quite satisfactory for Oleg Znarok’s team. Given the absence of NHL stars and a number of key players, the hockey players looked good compared to their opponents. This allows us to hope for a successful performance of the team both at the Winter Olympics and at the upcoming World Championships.

You can find the schedule and results of the Karjala Cup matches in the following video:

Euro Hockey Tour 2018/2019 is the 23rd edition of the hockey tournament, which will begin in November 2018. The best hockey powers in Europe will cross their sticks in the new edition: Russia, Sweden, the Czech Republic and Finland. They will compete for competition honors during four big rounds. Who will triumph this time? Finns, Swedes, Czechs or Russians? So far, the Russians and Finns are ahead in terms of the number of victories.

Euro Hockey Tour game schedule 2018 – 2019

Season 23 will last several months. The first matches of the championship will begin in early November 2018. The last fights will take place at the end of April next year.

The Euro Hockey Tour 2018 – 2019 match calendar will consist of four parts:

  1. Czech stage (Karjala Cup): November 2018;
  2. Russian stage (Channel One Cup): December;
  3. Swedish stage (Swedish Hockey Games): February 2019;
  4. Czech stage: April.

The exact dates will be published on the official competition page -

Championship teams

Hockey players from Russia, the Czech Republic, Sweden and the Czech Republic will compete for the championship awards. These are traditional participants of the Euro Hockey Tour.

Other teams can also show their results in the 2018/19 Hockey Euro Tour. In the last edition, in addition to traditional participants, hockey players from Canada, Switzerland and South Korea competed.

But the 2017–2018 season was unusual. On the eve of the Winter Olympics, the teams participating in the Olympic tournament needed serious gaming practice. It was this circumstance that caused the sharp increase in the number of Euro Hockey Tour teams.

It is quite possible that in the 2018/19 season the championship will be replenished with several national squads. Newcomers could be Germany, Norway, Belarus.

Euro Hockey Tour 2018/19 standings

All squads have the opportunity to be at the top of the standings. All participating teams achieved success at different times. And more than once.


One of the two most titled teams in the competition. The Finns have an impressive streak of five wins in a row, which they achieved from 1999 to 2004.

Suomi always fights for gold medals in the Euro Hockey Tour. This was confirmed by the latest edition of the championship, when Finnish players won a prize.


The heiress of the “Red Car” is one of the leaders of the future draw. The Russians have won gold more than once. It is very likely that Russia will again celebrate triumph in the Euro Hockey Tour 2018/19. In any case, the fans sincerely believe this!


The Scandinavians are not very lucky. The tough Vikings managed to become the best only four times. But this does not mean that the Swedes are playing carelessly. Tre Krunur won silver six times - the same number of medals for the Russians and Finns. Another thing is that fortune is not always favorable to the Scandinavians.


Only twice have hockey players from the homeland of Jaromir Jagr and Dominik Hasek won the trophy. The seasons 1997/98 and 2011/12 were victorious for them. Three more times the Czechs came second. At the same time, the team from Eastern Europe received bronze most of all. The Czechs managed it eight times!

Eurotour 2017 – 2018 is the 22nd edition of the international hockey tournament, which will be held from November 8, 2017 to April 22, 2018. In total, up to 7 national teams can take part in the competition: Russia, Finland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Canada, Switzerland and the Republic of Korea. The upcoming draw will be an important part of their preparation for the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. Therefore, hockey players will give their all 100%!

Eurotour match schedule 2017 – 2018

The 22nd edition of the hockey competition will take place from November 8, 2017 to April 22, 2018. Spectators will again see 4 stages, which will take place in Russia, the Czech Republic, Finland and Sweden. So far, the exact dates for the three rounds of the Euro Hockey Tour are known:

  • Karjala Cup: November 8 – 12, 2017;
  • Channel One Cup: November 14 – 17;
  • Hockey Games Oddset: February;
  • Carlson Hockey Games: April 19 – 22.

Stages are a series of matches. During each of them, all participants will play 3 games.

Championship teams

In the Euro Hockey Tour 2017/18 calendar, spectators will see fights with the participation of Russia, Finland, the Czech Republic and Sweden. Canada and Switzerland will also join the traditional teams of the tournament. At a minimum, they will play at the Karjala Cup 2018. Another potential participant is the national team of the Republic of Korea. There is information that the Koreans will play at the Russian stage of the competition. Sports journalists also suggest that fans may see the US ice team in the new edition of the championship.


One of the most titled Euro Hockey Tour teams. In total, the Finns were winners of the Eurotour 8 times. The last time the Suomi team became the best was in the 2013-2014 season.


The host country of the future Olympics is actively preparing for home competitions. One of the tasks of the host side is not to lose face in those sports where the natives of the Land of Morning Freshness are not strong. That's what hockey is. The Korean national team will participate in the Olympic hockey championship for the first time. The Euro Hockey Tour will be a tournament that will help them get a taste of big hockey.


The Russians, like the Finns, have 8 victories in the tournament. It is especially gratifying that the domestic squad is the current winner of the competition.

A separate topic is the composition of the Russian national team at the Eurotour 2017/18. Legionnaires from the NHL will not come. Therefore, at the Euro Hockey Tour, fans will see the most competitive lineup that will have to fight for Olympic medals!


The Maple Leafs once participated in the Euro Hockey Tour to recruit hockey players competing in European championships. The situation with the NHL team made us remember the previous practice. The Canadians will definitely compete in the Czech round of the competition and, possibly, at the Channel One Cup.


Constant participant in the competition. However, Tre Krunur only won the championship three times. This happened in the draws of 1998 - 1999, 2006 - 2007 and 2015 - 2016. The Scandinavians have something to prove!


The team with the least number of victories. The Czechs became the best only in 1997–1998 and 2011–2012. At the end of last season, Jaromir Jagr's compatriots showed the second result. Fans of the Czech team were waiting for triumph...


One of the rapidly progressing teams, which is predicted to have a great sports future. The Euro Hockey Tour is a great opportunity for the Swiss to loudly make themselves known!

Eurotour results in the 2017/18 season

Winning the Euro Hockey Tour has never been considered a major achievement. This is, first and foremost, a preparatory tournament, the main goal of which is to test newcomers and practice new tactical schemes.

However, winning any competition is always nice. Therefore, national squads will still strive for triumph. So far, the favorites of the championship can be called the “old guard” - the teams of the Czech Republic, Russia, Sweden and Finland. Canada doesn't count. The Maple Leafs only have a big name. Their “fangs” and “claws” will remain overseas. Compared to them, the Swiss look even stronger.

The last championship was triumphantly won by domestic hockey players. Oleg Znark's team celebrated their triumph ahead of schedule, after defeating the Czechs during the 3rd round of the tournament - Oddset hockey games. This victory was the 8th for the national squad. Russian hockey fans hope for new success!

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