PSB Bank official pursuit of gold. Gold debit card Promsvyazbank. Now you can tell the client what he should buy

Promsvyazbank and MasterCard launched the “Hunt for Gold” campaign, the prize fund of which is more than 30 million rubles. To participate, it is enough to be the owner of a Promsvyazbank MasterCard card and register on the promotion website; if the participant does not have such a card, he can apply for it directly on the website. The promotion will last until November 31, 2016.

Now that's actually a lot of material. I need an area the size of a farm, and you gave me the entire United States. So we'll shorten it a little. First, the polishing wheel gives the bronze a mirror finish. The sample is then introduced into a high-power electron microscope. David tells me that when we reach full magnification, we will have images of real atoms in bronze, something few have ever seen.

To be honest, this seems a little far-fetched. Zooming in a hundred million times allowed me to select not only the car, but also the bug crawling in the grass next to it. So turn the mag and let's see what happens when you zoom in.

After registration, the participant becomes a “hunter”, and a fragment of a map of Russia with prize geo-points is opened in his personal account. New places will appear on the “hunter’s” personal card after he has paid for purchases totaling more than 1,500 rubles or completed various tasks: applying for a new card, connecting to banking services, actively using Internet banking, or inviting friends to “Hunt for Gold.” The winners are determined online, and prizes are awarded in ruble equivalent to a PSB MasterCard card or bonus account (in case of winning bonus points). Each participant can win the promotion; in total, the “hunters” will take 3 kilograms of gold, 150 kilograms of silver and more than 200 million bonus points as prizes.

To see atoms, we need to find an area of ​​interest to sample. Now it's starting to look like an alien surface. Now what we're really starting to see is the microstructure of the grains in this bronze. And bright colors are things that have more tin, and things with less tin are things that are a little darker.

The microscopic structure of metals is uneven. Small features called grains become visible. The boundaries between grains are actually defects in the orderly arrangement of atoms. So you can't see atoms with this microscope?

“Customers have long been interested not just in “cash back”*, but in the gaming, competitive aspect, even in relation to finances and spending. Therefore, we focus on gamifying our promotions. “Hunt for Gold” is an educational campaign where participants search for “gold reserves” and learn new facts about Russia. This is a new level of gamification, where you are involved in the story as a card holder, but are not tied to a specific banking product,” notes Mikhail Kolomiets, director of credit products and customer relationship development at Promsvyazbank.

This giant room is the size of a shipping container? And why is it draped in crate shipping materials? They are designed to absorb and reflect sound because the microscope itself is so sensitive that if you want to talk, just the pressure wave from your voice is collected, it will give enough mechanical vibration to shake the thing around. We only need to shake things with an atom to make the image disappear.

In fact, the bronze chip itself is about a hundredth the thickness of a human hair. It's too small for us to see, so we have to install it on a carrier grid so we can handle it. By bombarding samples with X-rays, they were able to create dark images of this crystalline structure, but the idea that we would one day see actual atoms was beyond imagination.

More information about the terms of the promotion and rules of participation can be found on the project website


About Promsvyazbank

PJSC Promsvyazbank, Moscow (founded in 1995) is one of the leading Russian private banks with assets of 1.2 trillion rubles and equity (capital) of 153 billion rubles as of 07/01/2016 according to IFRS data. Promsvyaz Capital B.V. Company belongs to 50.03% of the authorized capital of the bank, 11.75% to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. 10% - NPF "Future", 10% - funds NPF "European Pension Fund", NPF "Regionfond" and "Doverie", 10% - Pichugov V.A. The bank has the following long-term ratings from international rating agencies: “BB-” by Standard & Poor’s (negative outlook), “Ba3” by Moody’s Investors Service (negative outlook), as well as an individual credit rating of “AA+” by the National Rating Agency (positive outlook). The bank's network includes about 290 sales points in Russia, as well as a bank branch in Cyprus and a representative office in China. In April 2015, the bank's shares were transferred to the highest level of listing of the Moscow Exchange.

How to make a client forget about the price?

If David's microscope is powerful enough, we should see regular rows of copper atoms with tin atoms packed between them. Each, every single point is an atom. Well, what can we find out about this? They appear to be a bit of an aerial photo of the planned community. The sample he orders, that is, the crystal structure, directly.

The atoms in our bronze are unusually well ordered. Our bell makers must be true masters of their craft. Okay, thank you for my tour to, to the invisible and to what was pure, purely theoretical. Mueller's lab has successfully captured many other images of atoms in gold and computer chips, oxygen, powerful magnets, and even glass.

I continue to try non-standard banking products...

What do banks usually offer to attract new customers who have long been accustomed to a standard set of products? Free service periods, quick card issuance, a second card as a gift, cashbacks and Applepay... Travelers are also lured by miles in exchange for money spent. But people always want something new, interesting, unusual.
Unusual things happen. For example, you can hunt for gold using your bank card. And not just take part in a draw for a bullion or ingot among all customers, as is usually the case, but play practically an online game: you spend money in stores, restaurants or gas stations, get turns for it, open points on the map of Russia and search ... real gold.
The game “Gold Hunt” was invented by Promsvyazbank and I’ve been playing it for almost a month now.
Now I’ll tell you about my successes in the game!

But even so, they've barely scratched the surface because they can only discern the outermost boundaries around atoms. If the outer boundary of a hydrogen atom, where the electron resides, were enlarged to a two-mile wide city, the single proton in its nucleus would be the size of a golf ball.

When will my winnings be credited to me?

Here we find elements at their most elemental, because every nucleus contains protons, and the number of protons determines which element is an atom. One proton is hydrogen; two protons, helium; three protons, lithium; four protons, beryllium; all the way up to element 118, with 118 protons.

In general, it’s a cool idea, people love to play and why not give them this opportunity, including with their bank card.
The promotional game started at Promsvyazbank in September for all MasterCard cardholders.
Naturally, I didn’t have a card, but I didn’t even have to go to the bank to order it. I just called by phone, sitting near a tent in the mountains, and a bank employee completed all the necessary documents remotely. Three days later, I received an SMS about the readiness of the card. I had just flown to Moscow for one day to prepare for a trip to Crimea and picked up the card from the branch, at the same time signing an agreement and setting up online banking. Everything is fast, simple, without unnecessary movements.
And in the evening of the same day I was already admiring the sunset, again sitting near the tent... But now in the Crimean mountains and with a map in my hands.
All that's left is to find gold)

The number of protons is called the atomic number, and it is the fundamental organizing principle of every table of the elements, including this one. They are filled with statistics and numbers that don't make any sense to the average person. You have an atomic number, which is the number of protons in the nucleus of each atom of that element. This is probably the most important thing about this tile.

They will do a much better job of marketing that table if the name and symbol match. And if you think about it, the name of each element is the least important piece of information you could have. The important thing is that they are real physical substances with properties and things you can do with them.

To start looking for it, you need a little - a Promsvyazbank MasterCard card, money on it and a short registration in the promotion.
Enter your full name, date of birth, email, mobile phone to which the card is linked and... go ahead!

After registration, the participant becomes a “hunter”, and a fragment of a map of Russia with prize geo-points is opened in his personal account. The opportunity to explore new places will appear on the “hunter’s” personal card after he has paid for purchases totaling more than 1,500 rubles or completed various tasks: applying for a new card, connecting to banking services, actively using Internet banking, or inviting friends to “Hunt for Gold.”

To make the whole table less abstract, he invites me to post the rest of his collection of pure elements. Well, this is truly amazing. It is a visual representation of each element that makes up this entire planet and everything on it.

What prizes can I win?

As we can clearly see, more than 70% of the elements on the table are metals, shiny, pliable materials that conduct electricity. Everything going on here, including the bottom part, is all metal. All that's going on here is non-metals. And in the middle these are, like, halfway between things that include, for example, semiconductors like silicon.

That is, the conditions of the game are simple: you spend money from the card as usual, and for every 1,500 rubles spent you get one turn. The more you spend, the more moves you make. Moves are needed to open treasure points on the map of Russia.
Each point is like a black box in the “Field of Miracles” - either nothing or a prize.
There may be points (cash equivalent) - 500, 1000, 5000 or 30000 points, silver - 1 gram, 10 or 500, gold - 0.25 or 2 grams! And there is also the main treasure - 100 grams of gold in one of the points.
The map of Russia is divided into districts and by clicking on any of them, you will see the proposed geo-points, which are chests with supposed treasure.

Most people probably think of calcium as white and chalky, you know? This is bone, this is chalk, this is, uh, this is milk. But it is a silver, shiny metal. This is where Theo's collection gets very interesting, as he combines pure elements with their more familiar forms.

Theo's desk and its wonderful collection is a powerful point. From about 90 elements found on earth, nature and man have received millions of different substances that make our world. But for me there is something even more amazing: the table organizes elements by atomic number, i.e. the number of protons in each atom, but the table's creator—a 19th-century Russian chemistry professor named Dmitri Mendeleev—knew nothing about protons or atomic numbers.

One move - one point. By clicking on any of them, you open the contents of the “black box”. Well, depending on your luck, somewhere there may be a treasure, and somewhere it will be empty...
By the way, each point is a non-trivial place on the map, with a certain history.
When you open any of them, you can see where you are and read a short instructive story about this place

Even the atom itself was not discovered. In one oft-repeated story, Mendeleev is said to have created 63 maps, one for each element known at the time. He distinguished them not by atomic number, but by atomic weight. So he didn't know about atoms, but isn't that atomic weight? How does he know weight if he doesn't know about atoms?

Can I search for treasures only in the region where I live or not? Can treasure hunting only be carried out in those regions where the purchase was made, or not?

So when they say oxygen is 16, it means 16 times the weight of hydrogen. Imagine if you have two containers, one of which consists of red marbles, one of which consists of blue marbles. If both contain the same amount of marble, but the blue container weighs twice as much, you can conclude that the blue marble weighs twice as much as the red marble, even if you can't see the marble at all.

On the second move I was lucky, I ended up on the bank of the Tikhaya Sosna River in the Belgorod region and found black caviar.
I was awarded 1000 reward points for it.

Well, on the 9th move I found the first treasure - 1 gram of silver. This happened on the Kuril Islands, on Iturup.
At the same time, I read about the world’s only economically profitable rhenium deposit on the Kudryaviy volcano.

Early chemists developed clever ways of calculating the weights of elements, even gases, relative to the lightest element: hydrogen. Therefore, chemists knew that different elements have different weights. But why, why not just one big line forever? You can see the hydrogen sticking out, just like today. The families he knew are now arranged in columns. It has lithium, sodium and potassium metals that explode in water. Next door are calcium and magnesium, which also react with water.

I cannot register for the promotion, I do not receive an SMS code, some of my purchases were not taken into account, etc.

That big block in the middle is metals that are safe to handle, such as nickel, iron, zinc and gold. As we go to the right, the elements become less metallic. These columns are headed by boron, carbon and nitrogen. In this area, some elements conduct electricity, some don't, and some can't make up their minds.

I found the next gram of silver in the Smolensk region, where Napoleon’s treasure is believed to be located - treasures captured by the French in Moscow and “lost” on the way from Russia to France

But next door is a more unstable crowd, led by oxygen and fluorine. The table derives its shape from the properties of the elements, such as relative weight, conductivity, and reactivity. This is true today, as it was in the time of Mendeleev. Although his diagram only showed the 63 elements known at the time, his understanding of the properties of the family was so strong that he was able to leave gaps in his diagram, bold predictions of elements yet to be discovered. And when they were eventually found, they completely matched his descriptions.

Kamchatka crabs gave me the third gram of silver.
By the way, it’s interesting that although a gram of silver is much cheaper than the minimum 500 points, the satisfaction when you find it is much greater. I wish I could find gold!

Of course, there were also empty chests along the way, but it was always interesting to read the descriptions of geo-points and learn something new for yourself. In general, I really liked this non-standard presentation of the idea of ​​a regular cashback.
At some point, I even caught myself thinking that until the next move I was 100 rubles short of the total amount, and I grabbed another packet of juice from the supermarket shelf...
Yes, keep in mind that prize points on the map are not repeated for different users!

Dozens of new elements have been discovered since his death, and incredibly, his diagram fits all of them perfectly, including a whole group that fits neatly at the end of the table: the noble gases. Where does this term “noble gases” come from? Are they rushing to save the girls?

They are similar to nobility in the sense that they do not mix with riffaff. They don't like to react to any other elements. By and large, it is impossible to form compounds with them. Noble gases such as neon and argon present a challenge to chemists, who prefer their elements to combine forces and react with each other. You can run an electric current through them, excite their electrons and get beautiful colors - that's how neon lights work, but noble gases don't react.

During the month of my hunt for gold, I spent a total of about 34 thousand rubles on my various needs, receiving 23 prize moves. Of these, 6 were successful, bringing me 3 grams of silver and 2500 points.
It’s just a pity that I haven’t been able to find gold yet. But there’s still more than a month until the end of the “Hunt for Gold” game, and 3 kg of gold and 150 kg of silver are scattered across the map, so... there are chances!
Silver and gold at the end of the promotion are converted into rubles at the rate of the Central Bank on the day the promotion starts and will be credited to the card. Regarding bonus points, they will be credited to the client’s bonus account in full.

If I have two MasterCard cards, which one will be used to keep records?

They largely refuse to combine with other elements. As it turns out, protons may determine the identity of an element, but electrons control its reactivity. And reactivity is a shell game. This is how the game is played. Imagine that these balls are electrons and the target is an atom. Electrons don't just pile onto the nucleus. Just like with a ball, where you land is in relation to the center.

The electrons occupy positions in what can be thought of as concentric shells. The first shell maxes out at just two electrons, and the next one maxes out at eight, then it goes up to eighteen. One atom with eight electrons in its outer shell makes one happy, satisfied atom.

The promotion runs from 09/01/2016 to 11/30/2016 and is aimed at attracting new clients to Promsvyazbank, as well as increasing the number of transactions with a bank card.

To hunt for gold you need a MasterCard from Promsvyazbank. If it is not there, then you need to contact the bank office and get a card. To participate in the program, you registered on the website HUNTING FOR GOLD

Then, as usual, I began to pay for purchases using my card. After that, I went to the site and began looking for treasures on the playing field. The map shows places where treasure may be hidden. Using the mouse, you need to click on the mark you like most and dig up gold, silver, points or empty space. To make one attempt or one move, you need to spend 1,500 rubles from the card.

But even if you did not win a prize, you will still be interested in playing. Because after activating the game tag, you will receive interesting information about what year and what exactly happened in this place.

The total prize fund is more than 30 million rubles.

This is 3 kg of gold, 150 kg of silver and 500 million points.

The main prize is 100 grams of gold in the amount of 3 pieces will be credited to the winner’s MasterCard card.

Second level prizes:

500 grams of silver 5 pcs.
10 grams of silver 5000 pcs.
1 gram of silver 150000 pcs.
2 grams of gold 100 pcs.
0.25 grams of gold 10000 pcs.
30000 points 1000 pcs.
5000 points 10000 pcs.
1000 points 225000 pcs.
500 points 300000 pcs.

On the website you can find out the rules of the promotion, and this is what I found out. A very interesting way to determine the winner. In fact, the prize is not assigned to any specific location. When the game tag is opened, the prize drawing algorithm is triggered and the winner is determined. Therefore, it doesn’t matter at all where you click the mouse. If you are lucky, you should be happy, if not, then it is not your day.

The formula for determining the winner is this:
Z=ROUNDBOTTOM(LN(LN(I/(T+1)+100))*10000000000;0) Where, I is the number of the move in the general numbering of the moves of the action, T is the second of the move, Z is the calculated numerical value.

Gold and silver will be credited to your card in ruble equivalent at the Central Bank exchange rate. Points can be spent on bank services, cellular communications or converted into rubles. The minimum amount of points that I can withdraw is 6250 points - 300 rubles for cellular communications.

At the moment I have made 9 moves and my winnings are 2500 points. Two wins for 1000 points and one for 500 points. If you have a Promsvyazbank card, be sure to take part in this game.

When it comes to gamification in Russia, 9 out of 10 marketers name “stuck” from Dixie and “monopoly” from McDonald’s. But there are hundreds of successful examples, and last year even the Runet Award in the “Game of the Year” category was awarded to a business project: the Promsvyazbank quest “Hunting for Gold.” Sostav took a look at the success of the best online gamification of 2016.

“The bank should pay me,” says every Russian who uses a card rather than cash for purchases. Cashback, miles, at worst bonuses. In any of the thirty largest banks you will find at least something from this set.

Most of all, clients are spoiled by fintech startups, which are ready to work for years at a loss just to gain an audience and sell themselves to investors at a higher price. Result: ordinary banks are leaving the price race and testing new instruments.

How to make a client forget about the price?

If a client cannot be lured by price, then you need to put pressure on emotions. A primitive approach is to send SMS messages to your base with an offer to pay by card more often in the hope of making more purchases than other clients and winning a Mercedes, a trip to the sea, or just money.

The scheme works, the costs of prizes and organization pay off. But there are also disadvantages:

If one in a million wins, people do not believe in victory and react weakly to your proposals

The message gets lost in the heap of similar promotions from other brands. Every year there is more and more noise, the “blindness” of clients is progressing

After several similar draws, Promsvyazbank launched a non-standard project - the online game “Gold Hunt”. To enter the competition for prizes, the user had to register on the website and apply for a Promsvyazbank card on MasterCard. After that, for every 1,500 rubles spent on the card, the player got the opportunity to open 1 cell on the treasure map.

The winnings were distributed randomly: the client could open an empty cell, or he could immediately find half a kilo of silver (almost 20,000 rubles) or 100 grams of gold (about 275,000 rubles). On average, every third move was a win - the player received at least 1 gram of silver or 500 bonus points.

The result was determined instantly, “metal” prizes were credited to the card in ruble equivalent, and points were credited to the bonus account. The transparent system and game mechanics yielded results: turnover on cards of existing clients participating in the promotion increased by 60%. Advertising on social networks and word of mouth brought the bank 20,000 new clients. The calculation on emotions was justified; screenshots from VKontakte speak for themselves:

Now you can tell the client what he should buy

The promotion was designed for three months, but no one wanted to stop the project on time, on which the bank made an annual plan for increasing card turnover. The “Hunt” was not only extended for another 2 months, but also began to monetize the excitement of customers to the fullest.

“Quests” appeared - that is, individual tasks for players. Participants could receive additional moves for connecting to Internet banking, downloading a smartphone application, and subscribing to social networks. Result:

6000 additional connections to Internet banking

5000 downloads of the application for quick transfers from card to card “Yumi Transfer”

3000 additional subscribers for VKontakte bank

And they will even do PR for you for free.

Additional moves were given for reposting from the “Hunt” website on social networks and for inviting friends to the game. Each new participant immediately received 6 moves as a gift even before the card was issued. Naturally, there were some successful ones among them. Inspired by success, the newcomer received motivation to get himself a PSB card and continue opening cells.

As a result, the participants made more than 150,000 reposts on social networks and brought 5,000 friends to the bank - if we talk only about those who eventually issued a card.

By the New Year, the name of the game rose to the top of Yandex and Google for the query “Hunting,” overtaking the name of beer and hunting the animals themselves. The number of participants jumped over the 100,000 mark, with 95% of them winning at least one prize.

The banking action became a bestseller and was nominated for the Runet Award in the “Game of the Year” category. Here the winner was determined by popular vote, so a new quest appeared in the project - support the “Hunt” and get 2 turns as a bonus. Result: 15,195 votes and a landslide victory. PR effect: publications by TASS, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Gazeta.Ru, and two hundred more media outlets.

But the main result is measured not by the number of views, but by millions of rubles of additional income. After all, thanks to the campaign, the bank managed to “return” more than 10,000 clients who used their card only to withdraw cash or to transfer salaries to another bank.

Game over?

Of course, this is not Dota or even Heroes of Might and Magic. The simple game begins to get boring after just a few months, especially since the net winnings of an ordinary client were less than 1% cashback. The solution is to develop a new promotion with different mechanics. Clients are already waiting for:

Promsvyazbank is one of the largest private banks in Russia. It has more than twenty years of history. Like many other serious financial organizations, Promsvyazbank offers its clients gold bank cards with the appropriate design. They are truly capable of emphasizing the high status and special privileges of their owner. At the moment, Promsvyazbank issues 4 types of such cards:

  • PSB-gold;
  • PSB salary card;
  • PSB Planet Gold;
  • Profitable debit card Gold.

The last three cards from the list are debit. We'll talk about them below. All these plastic cards are equipped with a chip, which ensures ease (no need to enter a PIN code) and security of payments. But each of them, of course, has its own characteristics.

Gold salary card from Promsvyazbank

Salary card PSB Gold- another “gold” banking product that is in significant demand. Promsvyazbank offers favorable terms of cooperation to companies and enterprises, and provides very wide opportunities to employees who become card holders. You can, for example, receive discounts of up to 40% when paying for goods in partner stores this private bank.

There are other advantages of the Promsvyazbank gold card that all potential clients would do well to know about. Salary card holders have the right transfer from them up to 10 thousand rubles at a time without commission. Plus, at any time the owner at his request, a loan can be provided without proof of income in the same Promsvyazbank - the borrower in this case will only need a passport.

PSB Planet cards for active people

Those who travel a lot and often should take a closer look at PSB Planet Gold cards. They exist in two variations. Some clients will be interested in the gold debit card of Promsvyazbank PSB Planet Gold, while others will probably prefer a credit card. However, in appearance, these two products are no different from each other.

The main feature of PSB Planet Gold debit cards is availability of so-called bonus miles. That is, for every 100 rubles spent on travel (we are talking about expenses on air and railway tickets, trains, cruises, hotel reservations, etc.), 1.5 bonus miles are returned to the owner. He can spend it next time. PSB Planet Gold has significantly fewer restrictions than many other similar travel cards.

During the first year the client is served free of charge Moreover, the card can be freely used abroad. However, no matter where you use PSB Planet Gold, it is worth remembering the limit on cash withdrawals. Specifically for these cards it is 600 thousand rubles per month.

Income card Gold

Worthy of special mention is profitable gold card. Promsvyazbank created it for those who want to receive interest on the deposit of their finances, and at the same time have constant access to them. The card can be used all over the planet, in all places where VISA and MASTERCARD operators operate.

All clients who have become owners of income cards can, even in foreign countries, receive bank support and use the “Emergency Cash Issue” and “Emergency Card Replacement” assistance services. Customers are also automatically connected to the PSB-Retail remote service system. It's a simple and truly convenient way to manage your own money and accounts online. PSB-Retail allows you to perform about four hundred transactions directly from home.

Funds from an income card can be withdraw from ATMs of third-party banks for a 1% commission. Wherein 5% per annum is charged on the balance(but provided that there will always be more than 50 thousand left on the account). After just a month of use, the first interest will be accrued!

The promotion runs from 09/01/2016 to 11/30/2016 and is aimed at attracting new clients to Promsvyazbank, as well as increasing the number of transactions with a bank card.

To hunt for gold you need a MasterCard from Promsvyazbank. If it is not there, then you need to contact the bank office and get a card. To participate in the program, you registered on the website HUNTING FOR GOLD

Then, as usual, I began to pay for purchases using my card. After that, I went to the site and began looking for treasures on the playing field. The map shows places where treasure may be hidden. Using the mouse, you need to click on the mark you like most and dig up gold, silver, points or empty space. To make one attempt or one move, you need to spend 1,500 rubles from the card.

But even if you did not win a prize, you will still be interested in playing. Because after activating the game tag, you will receive interesting information about what year and what exactly happened in this place.

The total prize fund is more than 30 million rubles.

This is 3 kg of gold, 150 kg of silver and 500 million points.

The main prize is 100 grams of gold in the amount of 3 pieces will be credited to the winner’s MasterCard card.

Second level prizes:

500 grams of silver 5 pcs.
10 grams of silver 5000 pcs.
1 gram of silver 150000 pcs.
2 grams of gold 100 pcs.
0.25 grams of gold 10000 pcs.
30000 points 1000 pcs.
5000 points 10000 pcs.
1000 points 225000 pcs.
500 points 300000 pcs.

On the website you can find out the rules of the promotion, and this is what I found out. A very interesting way to determine the winner. In fact, the prize is not assigned to any specific location. When the game tag is opened, the prize drawing algorithm is triggered and the winner is determined. Therefore, it doesn’t matter at all where you click the mouse. If you are lucky, you should be happy, if not, then it is not your day.

The formula for determining the winner is this:
Z=ROUNDBOTTOM(LN(LN(I/(T+1)+100))*10000000000;0) Where, I is the number of the move in the general numbering of the moves of the action, T is the second of the move, Z is the calculated numerical value.

Gold and silver will be credited to your card in ruble equivalent at the Central Bank exchange rate. Points can be spent on bank services, cellular communications or converted into rubles. The minimum amount of points that I can withdraw is 6250 points - 300 rubles for cellular communications.

At the moment I have made 9 moves and my winnings are 2500 points. Two wins for 1000 points and one for 500 points. If you have a Promsvyazbank card, be sure to take part in this game.

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