Converter of cents to rubles. Online currency calculator works with current rates

Currency converter is a convenient service that allows you to quickly and conveniently carry out various currency transfers from one currency unit to another. There are several options to make the conversion. You can convert currency into electronic money, use:

  • special systems,
  • bank cash desks,
  • credit cards.

To obtain preliminary information and estimate the profit or possible losses from the transaction, it is recommended to first use a currency translation calculator. With its help, you can see the winnings of exchanging rubles for, or exotic types of currencies.

Benefits of using a currency converter

The advantages of using the service include:

  • saving time and getting results quickly;
  • the ability to quickly assess possible losses or profits;
  • obtaining accurate data that takes into account various aspects.

Features of using the currency calculator

If you decide to compare the data obtained, you will see the difference in them. This is due to the fact that they offer their own, which differ from the official one. Therefore, before making a transaction, use the online currency converter that is available on our website or the selected financial institution.

The difference also depends on the country in which the exchange will take place. Each state has its own financial institution that reacts to the exchange rate of the national currency. Indicators in online services are displayed taking into account the financial policy of the state.

To get the result, you must fill in all fields and, if necessary, specify additional monetary units. After this, the result will instantly appear in the required fields. We offer to obtain data not only at the official rate, but also taking into account the best offers.

You can not only use the exchange rate calculator, but also look at basic data from various banks, compare them using the table or graphs presented on the site.

On the website portal you will find a convenient and understandable online currency converter, designed specifically for our visitors. With its help, you will instantly convert amounts in dollars, euros and Russian rubles to the Belarusian ruble and back. It is also possible to convert different foreign currencies between each other.

Currency converter (NB RB):

Belarusian ruble (BYN) Australian dollar (AUD) Bulgarian lev (BGN) Danish krone (DKK) US dollar (USD) Icelandic krone (ISK) Kazakhstan tenge (KZT) Canadian dollar (CAD) Kuwaiti dinar (KWD) Kyrgyz som (KGS) Moldovan Leu (MDL) Norwegian Krone (NOK) Polish Zloty (PLN) Russian Ruble (RUB) SDR (XDR) Singapore Dollar (SGD) Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) Pound Sterling (GBP) Czech Koruna (CZK) Swedish Krona (SEK) Swiss Franc (CHF) Yen (10 yen) (JPY) Euro (EUR) Turkish Lira (TRY) Chinese Yuan (CNY) Iranian Rial (IRR) New Zealand Dollar (NZD) Belarusian Ruble (BYN)

The online currency calculator works with current rates!

It is very important that the service for transferring different currencies uses the most current rates. We took care of this - our free online currency calculator receives fresh information from exchanges every day. Due to this you:

  • you can always be sure of the truthfulness and accuracy of the conversion results;
  • Easily determine which currency is the most profitable to transfer your money to.

The online currency converter in Belarus is used not only by economists, businessmen and bank employees. The help of this simple and practical service will also be useful to ordinary people who are planning any purchase, going abroad, etc. Use it!

By default, the Currency Calculator makes calculations at the current exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Central Bank of the Russian Federation) between US Dollars and Russian Rubles.

You can change the date of exchange rates by selecting any day you need. To change the date, click on the link on the date, an additional menu will open. The database contains information on all exchange rates officially established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation since 1993. The date selection menu only shows those days on which exchange rates have been officially set. Fresh exchange rates are downloaded daily from the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

You can change the main currencies using the currency drop-down menu. It is convenient to change the main Currency by clicking on the line with the name of the currency in the lower table.

All calculations (cross-rate and totals) in the table on the "Calculator of all currencies" tab are performed automatically when the values ​​of the main currencies change.

You can not only make calculations for currency conversion, but also view Currency Rates for the selected date on the “Currency Rates” tab of the table.

For ease of use, you can configure the Currency Calculator. Settings allow you to disable currencies you do not need, change the order in which currencies are displayed, and set default currencies for basic calculations. Use the Settings tab.

Currency Converter- a convenient tool for converting monetary units into the required currency at a given rate. He will always help you find out at what rate it is more profitable to make an exchange.

How does the currency converter work?

A currency converter (currency calculator) is designed to visually compare amounts in one currency with others, in accordance with the exchange rates for today and carry out transfers from one currency to another online. The converter is based on the exchange rates of the National Bank of Ukraine and other Ukrainian banks, the exchange rates of which are presented on the portal, data from the interbank market and non-bank exchange rates.

The currency converter allows you to calculate the amount of transfer of one currency to another when purchasing and selling currency in Ukrainian banks at the exchange rates established today (hryvnia exchange rate to the US dollar, euro or ruble, or make the reverse calculation); find out the average and optimal currency exchange rate, calculate the amount of currency exchange at the rate of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). To do this, select NBU in the "Bank" field.

The currency converter performs all conversions based on daily updated official data on international currency quotes. The currency calculator works with all major currencies of the world.

Which world currencies can be calculated in the converter?

The main currencies that can be converted in this currency calculator: hryvnia, dollar, euro, Russian ruble. The remaining currencies presented in the selection list have a static output, since the conversion is carried out directly at the international forex rate. Exchange at this rate is for informational purposes only and is not used in practice in Ukraine.

The currency converter works as follows: when you enter an amount in any of the fields, money is automatically transferred to other currencies at the exchange rate of the selected national bank, without reloading the page or pressing additional buttons (the converter converts exchange rates online).

Additional options in the currency converter

A special feature of the online currency converter is the ability to take into account the conversion commission at exchange offices if you enter a plus sign in the “Commission” field. Let us remind you that when purchasing currency in Ukraine now, a commission is charged to the Pension Fund in the amount of 2% of the purchase amount; when selling or purchasing currency, a “war tax” is charged in the amount of 1.5%. Note that since the currency calculator rounds the obtained values, the accuracy of the translation of the exchange rate of a particular currency may be approximate, but thereby adds realism to the calculations.

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