The best affiliate programs for making money: a list of profitable programs and tips for working with affiliates. Verified affiliate programs Affiliate programs without investment

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Almost every owner of a website on the Internet sooner or later thinks about monetizing it. It’s very nice when your brainchild, into which you invested a lot of time and effort, begins to generate income. One of the most common and popular ways to make money on your website is through affiliate programs or simply affiliates. The best affiliate programs for a website is the topic of today’s blog…

The most profitable affiliate programs

The main principle of participation in affiliate programs is to receive a certain percentage from the sale of any goods. In this case, the size of the partner’s commission can vary from one to twenty-five percent.

The most profitable affiliate programs are those that allow you to receive passive income by creating advertising material for them once, the webmaster receives money again and again, every time a site visitor decides to use the products or services of partners.

  • hosting affiliate program - will bring a profit of ten to twenty percent from the amount of orders of attracted customers and provides the opportunity to maintain the site for free;
  • affiliate programs for the sale of printed and various video products will allow you to receive about two to eight percent commissions;
  • Affiliate programs for the sale of information products provide chances for maximum profits of up to twenty-five percent of their proposed cost, and recently deductions for such programs have risen to 50%!

Let's look at an illustrative example related to the implementation of educational video courses on the Runet with an average price of $100. If you sell only one course during the week, you can get a monthly profit of at least $100. The size of this figure directly depends on the total number of potential buyers who went directly to the order pages for goods or services using the affiliate links you provided.

Affiliate links


Please note that in the first option, the partner’s login is used in the form of a ref insert “p369138”, and in the second, the system automatically generates the ref ending “?inv=kbqtj8”. Without them, potential buyers will end up on those same pages in any case, but with their help, they will be assigned directly to you. At the same time, it should be noted that when clicking on affiliate links with ref endings or inserts, the buyer may not purchase the product immediately, but after a certain time. However, the sale is usually retained by you for up to a year, thanks to the system of automatic recognition of individual client data from cookies saved by the browser. Affiliate sales will not be counted only in a few cases:

  • the purchase is made from another browser or computer;
  • cookies have been cleared;
  • re-entry was made using other ref links.

In the process of cooperation with such affiliate programs, your main task is correct registration, attracting potential buyers, as well as subsequent tracking of earnings and receipt of payments. When registering, you must provide your basic data (e-mail, mobile number), as well as your wallet number in an acceptable payment system (Yandex Money, WebMoney, QIWI, RBK Money). All other points depend mainly on the marketing activities of the company that organizes the affiliate program.
The main affiliate programs are divided into

  • single-level (Ozon) with payment only for attracted clients;
  • multi-level, where activities are carried out through a chain of partners;

Multi-level systems are also called referral systems (refer in translation - send, direct), when you organize a multi-level chain of partners, each of which attracts new ones. One of the largest existing multi-level systems consists of eight such levels. The founder and participants in such a chain receive profit from each lower level with a decreasing percentage.

The best affiliate programs for a website - how to make money on them

To earn money in most affiliate programs, there are many ways to distribute affiliate links, and you don’t have to have your own website. Sometimes special one-page sites can be used, designed to redirect all interested visitors to partner sites. This process is called “traffic arbitrage”. In addition, advertising is widely used in the process of attracting potential buyers, and the potential income should be higher than the cost of acquiring traffic. Such activities can be very profitable if you have sufficient skills and relevant experience.

The classification of existing affiliate programs can be displayed as follows:

  1. CPS (Cost-Per-Sale) – payments for sales;
  2. CPA (Cost-Per-Action) – payments for registration, filling out questionnaires;
  3. CPT (Cost-Per-Thousand) – payment per thousand impressions;
  4. CPC (Cost-Per-Click) – payment for clicks.

The designation and naming of affiliate programs can be done in different ways, and the most optimal options are usually related to the specific topic of an individual site. The best affiliate programs for the site:

  • Admitad is considered the most popular product affiliate program;
  • Among the pay-per-click affiliate programs, there are the Yandex (YAN) and Google (Adsense) advertising networks, which provide significant earnings for webmasters and make payments for ad impressions;
  • Affiliate programs with banner and teaser networks have good recommendations, many of which allow you to earn money from attracted partners.

The best types of affiliate programs include all multi-level options with the opportunity to receive passive income.

The list of affiliate programs with maximum popularity and quality is as follows:

  1. – the best opportunities for income from sites automatically. Affiliate programs of webinars and educational video courses will allow you to earn money in any thematic areas. Larger earnings are associated with traffic arbitrage and mailings, and more modest earnings without investments are associated with activities on various forums and social networks.
  2. – a convenient online resource with free tools for complete SEO analysis of various sites. Provides opportunities to clarify site positions for existing search queries and conduct content analysis. There is also an automatic website promotion service.
  3. – a popular service for promoting articles that are posted manually and are checked for uniqueness. Here you can select and purchase ready-made articles, as well as order new ones.
  4. – is considered the most popular affiliate program, which includes the largest online stores of electronics, household appliances and clothing, as well as various services.
  5. – website promotion with articles and links that are placed on different pages that have preferences in search engines. You can either buy links to promote your site or sell links from your site to make money.

Other types of “passive income” are generated from numerous affiliate programs and have a large share of total income. Main topics: information products, hosting, software distribution and SEO promotion.

How to hide or disguise your referral or affiliate link

Some Internet users are reluctant to click on affiliate links, especially paying attention to the “referral ending”. There are several effective ways to help disguise a referral link:

  • Applying regular JavaScript using the following code:

target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>Link text

  • A method for hiding links if the hosting has PHP support.

A universal option, with a minimum number of disadvantages. The following file is created in any editor:



Disallow: /profit

In this case, search robots no longer index the contents of the “profit” folder.

The main disadvantage of this option is that when using Yandex Metrica traffic statistics and analogues, clicks on this link will not be reflected in the statistics.

  • A method similar to the previous one. An html file is created with the required head, html, body tags and a refresh meta tag:

  • The method is based on the use of “short link” services (,, which are used to encrypt the link that redirects to the required address. Some affiliate programs have their own scripts designed to generate such short links.


I hope this article will help you choose the best affiliate programs for your website. The list of affiliate programs on the Internet is simply huge, and is far from being exhausted by the affiliate programs that I noted in the article. Look for affiliate programs on the topic of your website or blog, try, experiment and earn more with your website. Good luck to everyone and see you again!

And finally, a very interesting video about how to make money as an affiliate of the world famous AliExpress store, I advise everyone to watch and understand!

You will learn what types of affiliate programs there are and how to make money from them without having your own website and without investments. How much can you earn this way and which affiliate programs will bring you the maximum income?

29.05.2018 Elena Zaitseva

Earning money from affiliate programs is a transparent and effective way to earn remote income on the Internet. Almost every owner of his own website sometimes or regularly posts referral links.

But, for example, I don’t have my own website. Does this mean that I won't be able to make money from affiliate programs? To answer this question unambiguously, I studied in detail the possibilities and prospects for generating income from referral programs without your own Internet portal. Read what I got - the information is the most reliable.

Is it possible to make money on affiliate programs without a website?

The essence of the affiliate program is simple - you need to advertise a third-party product or service so that a person wants to take advantage of your offer.

The terms of some affiliate services do not require the purchase of products. For example, registering on a website or subscribing to a blog is enough.

It seems like the best place to place a link is on your own website. But that's not true. The key role is played not so much by the platform as by the presentation of information and the attractiveness of the offer itself.

It’s possible to make money on affiliate programs without your own website. The main thing is to motivate the user to follow a link, purchase a product or use a service.

There are alternative ways to place an affiliate link outside of your own Internet portal. Attract users for free through social networks and forums, or invest your own funds in contextual advertising or recommendations from famous bloggers.

A visual diagram of the affiliate program:

Remember the main thing - the proposal must be unique and interesting in itself. Otherwise, all efforts to promote it will be in vain.

Which affiliate program to choose

When I became convinced that it was possible to promote affiliate programs without my own website, I began to study the second most important question - what exactly to offer.

Having analyzed the “market” of referral networks, I identified 2 main groups.


The potential for activity is enormous. Advertise clothes, shoes, children's products, home appliances, personal care products and any other items. Almost all product referral programs pay based on product sales as a percentage of the revenue generated.

It would be great if, before offering it to others, you were able to try the product yourself - so your story about the real advantages of the product will be sincere.


Such referral programs are aimed at selling original webinars, trainings or courses. Also, some companies, through a network of partners, invite you to conferences and seminars.

When choosing an information product to promote, give preference to unique offers that cannot be obtained for free or for less money.

Information referral networks are quite profitable. Companies often pay up to 70-90% of its cost for the sale of their information products.

How to make money on affiliate programs without a website - 6 ways that work

Having your own website does not guarantee effective promotion of affiliate links. I analyzed the reviews of people who make money on referral networks and came to the conclusion: it is possible to earn a good income through alternative channels.

Among all the options for making money on affiliate programs without a website, I have identified 6 of the most effective ones.

Method 1. Contextual advertising

Method 2. Teaser advertising

Method 3. Social networks

Every person, according to statistics, uses at least one social network. This means that the number of potential buyers of a service or product on the Russian market is at least 146 million people (data as of the end of 2017).

Use your own account for promotion or post a link in thematic public pages. You can do this either for free in the “Discussions” section or for money. In the second case, the advertisement will be published on the community wall, which will significantly increase audience coverage.

Method 4. Posting on thematic forums

Placing links in relevant sections of various forums is one of the most common ways to attract attention to your offer.

In this case it is necessary that:

  • the link looked natural - do not publish it immediately at the beginning of the conversation, it is better to do it after 2-3 messages;
  • advertising was not intrusive - too many similar messages will alienate forum members;
  • the comment did not contradict the rules of the site - for non-compliance with them, the administration will delete the message and block the profile.

It is also advisable to communicate on the forum and on abstract topics. This will increase the trust of forum users in the account owner, and therefore increase the number of clicks on the link and ordered goods or services.

Method 5. Buying advertising posts

Another option is to order an article from a popular information or entertainment site. Choose resources with identical or similar topics to your proposal. This way, the reach of the target audience of potential buyers will be wider.

The disadvantage of this method is that you will have to pay for a post or article with a recommendation. Price range - 1-10 thousand rubles or more.

Method 6. Email newsletters

Sending proposals by mail is a labor-intensive and not always effective option. Letters often end up in the Spam folder, and the rest will only be of interest to certain users.

More information about affiliate programs is in this video:

Review of the TOP 3 affiliate programs for making money without a website or investments

There are thousands of referral programs. Choosing an affiliate program is not easy - you need to take into account the percentage of deductions, the conditions for receiving payment, the provision of promotional materials, etc.

To make it easier for you to start making money from referral programs, I analyzed the market and prepared a brief overview of 3 worthy affiliate programs.


The service has united companies and webmasters since March 1, 2010. At the time of publication, 1,595 affiliate programs were promoted through Admitad.

A personal manager, transparent statistics and much more are the undeniable advantages of admitad


  1. Various opportunities for promotion - promotional codes, banners, optimization codes and other effective tools.
  2. Exclusive programs - more than 150 advertisers do not cooperate with other services.
  3. Personal manager - each webmaster receives a personal consultant who will promptly provide the necessary assistance or give instructions.
  4. Transparent statistics - the analysis is presented in a clear and detailed form, thanks to which promotion becomes even more effective.

Payments are weekly. There are 4 ways to withdraw money - bank cards, WebMoney, PayPal and epayments.


The service makes it easier for webmasters and entrepreneurs to enter the E-commerce market. ApiShops helps create online stores that sell goods at a premium.

There is no need to register a legal entity, worry about accepting payments or delivering products. ApiShops deals with all these issues.

You don't need capital to create an online store. But to attract buyers, either material costs for advertising or time for promotion through free methods are required.

Where is the Elephant?

Affiliate network “Where is the Elephant?” brings together entrepreneurs and partners who are willing to advertise goods or services for a fee.

The service provides active assistance in promotion.

Partial list of tools to increase sales:

  • banners;
  • purchasing traffic;
  • deep links;
  • promotional codes;
  • shares, etc.

Earn money both by selling goods or services of advertisers, and by attracting users to the project.

The minimum amount for withdrawal is 500 rubles.

How much can you earn

Income from affiliate programs depends on your activity and effectiveness in submitting referral offers.

But not everyone has such a positive experience. Many people fail to effectively organize the presentation of information - they lack activity, knowledge, ingenuity or patience.

But with well-established work, monthly income is at the level of 50-70 thousand rubles. This is exactly the conclusion I made after analyzing reviews from experienced users of various affiliate programs.

Or maybe we should still make a website?

The effectiveness of alternative ways to promote referral programs does not exclude the benefits of your website.

Despite the opportunity to attract customers from social networks or thematic forums, your own Internet portal gives the highest percentage of clicks on the recommended link.

With effective promotion with your own website, the return will be higher, and the costs of its creation and maintenance will quickly pay off.

Owners of their own Internet resources themselves determine when and what links to publish, what text to surround them with, and how to present information. If you make your own Internet portal, you can continue to use alternative promotion channels or not do this - you will already have an incoming flow of potential clients.

You can make your own website from scratch for free - many design services offer ready-made templates. Be sure to think about this.


Is it possible to make money on affiliate programs without your own website? I can give a clear answer - yes. There are at least 6 options, all of them are effective and quite affordable.

(5 ratings, average: 4,80 out of 5)

Affiliate programs are like naked women behind glass:
in order to “sell” them you must constantly remember that
that they are behind glass, and forget that these are naked women.
Alexey Vostrov

Here are presented with a reliable reputation on the Internet. And only those affiliates with whom I myself have worked. And he didn’t just work, but made money with their help.

Therefore, you will not find a huge and comprehensive list of affiliate programs here. Because even to “touch” each affiliate program a little, it takes some time. Not to mention understanding the nuances of working with it.

I divided all affiliate program services into groups by type of activity. Choose the one that suits you and get to work. Yes, and, of course, you can ask questions (if any) about each of the affiliate programs presented below, but do not forget that they all have a help system, support service and forums.

Affiliate programs by category:

Affiliate program aggregators

And affiliate program aggregators are services that collect affiliate programs of a wide variety of resources: from to. In other words, these are places where advertisers and webmasters meet, which is very convenient, as it significantly saves time and money for both. In addition, affiliate program aggregators provide statistics and accounting services, which eliminates deception and misunderstanding.

  • SalesDoubler

    SalesDoubler is one of my favorite affiliate program aggregators. And although the majority of affiliate programs (offers) in SalesDabler are focused on Ukraine, there are enough affiliate programs that are tailored for the entire CIS.

    At a minimum, all the hits of the arbitration market and affiliate programs in SalesDabler work throughout the CIS. And the presence of unique offers, which are not found in any other aggregator, makes this service a fairy tale.

    With real money.

  • Admitad

    Admitad is one of the best aggregators of affiliate programs on the RuNet today. Many advertisers, a huge number of webmasters, convenient tools and high-quality advertising materials - what else is needed for comfortable and successful work? That's right - register with Admitad.

  • Mixmarket

    Mixmarket is another aggregator of affiliate programs. Mixmarket has both product affiliate programs and affiliate programs for various services. Plus Mixmarket is a partner of Yandex.Direct - in general, there is plenty to choose from.

  • Where is the Elephant?

    “Where is the Elephant?” - one of the largest aggregators of affiliate programs. Of course, they chose a strange name for the service, but I assure you that this aggregator is more serious than ever. All the largest advertisers on the Runet are in “Where is the Elephant?” And this is not just like that, because all the largest suppliers of visitors are also here. At the same time, the presence of a layer between advertisers and suppliers of visitors eliminates deception on the part of both the former and the latter.

  • CityAds Cityads blown away

    CityAds is a service that has affiliate programs for online games, banks, online stores, etc. The list of affiliate programs in CityAds is quite impressive. There is plenty to choose from.

Ukrainian affiliate programs

This Ukrainian affiliate programs. That is, services that are “tailored” to work in Ukraine: with Ukrainian users, for sales in Ukraine, etc. They take into account the nuances and specifics of this segment of the Internet and are therefore more effective for it than “general profile” affiliate programs.

SEO affiliates

These are affiliate programs of various SEO services (services that are somehow related to website promotion). Since a significant part of my resource is about creating and promoting websites, my income from referral programs of these services is quite significant. If you have websites on approximately the same topics, then these affiliate programs are just right for you.

Promoter is a system for automated promotion of low-frequency queries in the regions (all except Moscow and St. Petersburg). They give 10% of the amount your referrals spend.

Working with texts

This article exchange affiliate programs and services where you can buy or sell your texts. Text content is an extremely popular thing on the Internet. Therefore, article and content exchanges are very profitable places from the point of view of attracting referrals.

Online stores

And online trading on the RuNet is at the very beginning of its rise. There will only be more of it in the future. At the same time, you need to understand that the largest online stores do not have their own affiliate programs. They work through . Therefore, if you decide to make money on affiliate programs of online stores, then you need to register there.

The same affiliate programs of online stores, which are collected in this section, work both through aggregators and using their own affiliate programs. There are few of them, but they exist.

Order flowers

These are affiliate programs for online flower shops. You send people to them, they order flowers there, you get your percentage.

Various services

These are referral programs for useful services: website exchanges, website management, website setup, etc. Good affiliate programs.

Dating service affiliates

Here are referral programs for dating sites. Of course, the best days of online dating are behind us, but . Here are the relevant affiliate programs to help you.

Online Games

This is a list of affiliate programs for online games. Casual and browser-based games are extremely popular on the Internet. Therefore, with the help of gaming affiliates you can make good money.

  • SalesDoubler

    SalesDoubler is a collection of gaming affiliate programs. I like him more than all the others. SalesDoubler, however, is “tailored” for Ukraine, but some of its affiliate programs receive traffic from all over the CIS.

    Sales has all the hits of the online gaming industry. Plus a bunch of unused offers. And new games are constantly being added.

    In short, for making money on gaming affiliates, Sales Doubler is a definite must-have.

  • Mixmarket

    Mixmarket is a service aggregator of affiliate programs. There are several dozen online games in the Mixmarket catalogue. Gaming affiliate programs in this network are “equipped” as they should be: advertising materials, statistics, transparent accounting. I recommend.

  • Admitad

    Admitad is an aggregator of affiliate programs. All popular online games add their affiliate programs here. There are now about a hundred affiliate programs in the games section. So there is plenty to choose from.

  • Alawar

    Alavar's best times were behind him. Now this affiliate program is in the stage of quiet fading. But you can try, whatever.

    Alavar is a company that produces games itself. A lot of games. Her affiliate program includes a bunch of ways and opportunities for cooperation: from regular links to creating your own gaming website based on the affiliate program from Alavar.

  • GameBoss GameBoss affiliate is closed

    GameBoss is one of the oldest affiliate programs in the whole list of online games. GameBoss has been around for many years and has a good reputation. A bunch of promotional materials and a high-quality statistics system make this gaming affiliate program one of the best in its segment.

Online casino

Both offline and online casinos are prohibited in Russia. This should be kept in mind when working with casino affiliates. Otherwise, online casinos still provide a huge percentage of profits.

And because of the constant blocking of websites and casinos and their affiliate programs by Roskomnadzor I recommend making money at the casino through. There, new links to working sites are indicated as quickly as possible and all the latest news is posted.

Information products

These are affiliate programs of information products. About my attitude towards information products. There are no fewer people wanting to purchase them, and you can make good money on information products.


These are affiliate programs for online airline ticket booking services. A lot of people buy tickets online. So affiliate programs of these services are a very good source of income.

Abstracts, diplomas, coursework

These are referral programs for services for writing essays, term papers and dissertations, solving problems, home and independent. You attract customers, you are paid a commission for their orders. It's simple.

Email mailing services

These are affiliate programs of services that provide the opportunity. You add your email address database to them and send your letters to them. A very necessary thing on the Internet.

Hosting and domains

List affiliate programs of hosting and domain registrars. Many people need it on the Internet. Therefore, affiliate programs of these services bring substantial income.

  • is one of the largest domain registrars on the Runet. It is also a popular hosting. The affiliate program from is quite well thought out. The conditions are more than attractive. I have been working with this affiliate program for a long time and am pleased with the results of cooperation.

  • Jino

    I have been working with an affiliate program from Gino hosting for a very long time. Everything there is without tediousness, simple and tasteful.

  • Eskhosting

    In the Eskhosting affiliate hosting program, you can earn 20% from each referral. These are pretty good conditions.

In almost every article I never tire of repeating that we live in a wonderful time of the post-industrial, information era. Which is also called digital. In the modern world, it is easier to start your own business. Not a classic, but an online business. Start working for yourself with virtually no investment of money. Get freedom and at the same time make a profit, not a salary. Moreover, the profit exceeds the salary several times. Today we will look at one of these methods - making money on affiliate programs. Also in the article there is a special bonus for you - the best affiliate programs of 2017-2018.

Stage 2. Obtaining an affiliate link. After registering in the affiliate program, you must receive your affiliate link. Typically, the affiliate link is placed in your account (account) of the Affiliate Program. If you have registered in an information business affiliate program, then usually this is not one link, but many links to different information products, including free ones. If a buyer clicks on your link, say, to download a free book, and then buys some paid product, then you will receive a good commission. For example, if a client bought training for 3,000 rubles, then you will receive a commission of 50% - more than 1,500 rubles.

Another example. If you have registered in an affiliate program of a useful service, say, an antivirus, then your account will contain many affiliate links for different antivirus products. There is also usually an affiliate link to the home page of the seller's website. If a client purchased one of the products, you will receive a percentage of its cost, for example 10-20%. If the product provides for monthly subscription payments, then you will receive a percentage of all these payments.

You don’t quite understand how the owner of the Affiliate program knows that the buyer came through your affiliate link?

In reality, it's simple. The computer, while using the Internet, records data into special cookies. This way the buyer's path to the seller is recorded. And if the transaction takes place, then you automatically receive the “commissions” specified in the Affiliate program for assistance in selling the product/service (recommendation).

You will see “Commissions” in your account (account) of the Affiliate Program. Withdrawals are usually made 1-2 times a month. There is often a minimum and maximum withdrawal amount limit. To withdraw funds most often webmoney wallet is used.

Usually, after the 5th of every month, I log into each of my affiliate programs and request a withdrawal of funds. For some affiliate programs you can set up automatic monthly withdrawal funds to your WebMoney wallet.

Stage 3. Registration of a webmoney wallet. To receive an affiliate reward, you need to open a webmoney wallet (website for registering a wallet

Important! When registering a Webmoney wallet You may have a question about which certificate to register? Answer: the minimum required certificate for calculations related to making money on the Internet is Initial certificate. But I recommend registering right away Personal certificate.

Firstly, a personal certificate increases your credibility when making payments. Secondly, you may need it to get a small start-up capital - profitable loan in Webmoney at a low interest rate.

Stage 4. Publishing an affiliate link. After receiving an affiliate link, you need to start advertising it. Where to place your affiliate link? This is the most important question for a webmaster, especially a beginner. Your future earnings depend on the correct placement of affiliate links.

In addition, you can set up teaser and contextual advertising (or one of them), which will be set up through your affiliate link to the course author’s website.

You can also create a separate website (landing), using advertising to “drive” traffic, and advertise directly on the landing.

Please note that if you use the option of advertising a link on a site (yours or someone else’s), then it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to use a semantic text liner!!! The lead (a passage intended to motivate a person to click on a link) should be short, intriguing and beneficial to the user. It is this that can increase the number of clicks on your link.

I think you understand that all of the above effective advertising methods require special knowledge. I will say from my experience that you should not waste your time independently studying all these methods of advertising and searching for information on the Internet. To get a quick start, I recommend immediately taking one of the courses from Affiliate program guruEvgenia Vergusa. The cost of the courses is relatively low and you will “recoup” it during the learning process.

With the help of video lessons, you will immediately learn and earn money at the same time, simply by repeating the actions of the pros in affiliate marketing. Here is the link to the Free Course. But I would recommend immediately going through the Automatic Learning System Affiliate sales matrix. I myself took courses from Evgeniy Vergus and now I’m successfully making money on affiliate programs. I regret that I didn’t immediately find out who the best affiliate expert is now and spent a lot of time searching for information on my own.

Stage 5. Accrual of commissions. Above, looking ahead a little, I said that your commissions will be awarded to you automatically at the time of purchase of a product or service by a client who went to the seller’s website using your affiliate link. You can see the commissions in your office (account) of the Affiliate program.

Stage 6. Withdrawal of commissions You will do it manually monthly or (if there is such functionality) set up a monthly automatic withdrawal of funds. To do this, you will indicate your WebMoney wallet number in your account.

3. CPA affiliate programs

CPA affiliate programs can be called one of the types of affiliate programs that are gaining popularity.

There are CPA affiliate programs for which commissions are charged for the sale of goods. And there are affiliate programs for which commissions are awarded not for the sale of goods, but for a certain action, for example, for confirming the order of goods, behind confirmation of application for a loan, registration in the game online.

For example, the well-known Tinkoff bank also uses a CPA affiliate program. Its conditions: 155 rubles for a loan application and 952.52 rubles for an application for investing funds in a deposit.

4) How can your website help you make money from affiliate programs?

If your site is well promoted and frequently visited, you have the opportunity to monetize your articles with affiliate programs.

As an option for passive income, in this case, an affiliate program from Yandex (YAN):

You submit your site to the network and, if accepted, advertisements will appear on your site. If site visitors click on advertising, you will receive money.

5) Is it possible to make money on affiliate programs if you don’t have your own website?

Absolutely yes. Use other people's sites, forums, groups and public pages on social networks, organizing advertising of your product (the topic should suit your “affiliate”!). Negative side: these methods will be paid. The advantage of your website is the possibility of free traffic (after its promotion with SEO articles). Lack of promotion leads to a lack of site visitors, and, consequently, to a lack of people willing to follow your link.

But don't despair! For example, I managed to earn 10 thousand rubles using Torrent. I posted a free information product from a well-known Internet entrepreneur, and inside there was a link to a paid one. Many people downloaded the free course, then, becoming interested, bought it using my link. In a way, it turned out to be passive income.

8. The best CPA affiliate programs

CPA affiliate programs are also called CPA networks or CPA affiliate program aggregators.

Below are the best, proven CPA networks, the most popular CPA affiliate programs that regularly pay commissions, have good technical support and work without failures:
  • Admitad
  • Apishops
  • Advertise
  • Gdeslon
  • Actionpay
  • Qnits

You can find a complete list of CPA networks, their descriptions and reviews of these CPA networks.

9. Best Affiliate Programs of 2018

I bring universal proven affiliate service programs, which will be easy for you to advertise and which will simply attract customers, because All services are for making money.

10. How would I act now if I started working with affiliate programs from scratch today?

Summary. I think you have a general impression of how to make money from affiliate programs your main income and earn from 50,000 to 200,000 rubles per month.

How would I act now:

1. For myself, I have identified 3 main directions:

  • Affiliate programs from well-known information businessmen(the product is educational information products), they are beneficial because the commission is very high (from 50 to 90%)
  • product CPA affiliates(registration in CPA networks is required), are beneficial in that these are WOW products that are in great demand among people, their cost is relatively low (about 1,500 rubles), but the commission is high (about 500 rubles)
  • Affiliate programs for useful services, are beneficial in that the client pays constantly for using the service, and you receive a percentage (from 5-10%) of these amounts constantly.
  • How to choose an affiliate program?
  • How to register?
  • How to conduct an advertising campaign (by all available means)?

Now I would act like this.

2) CPA product affiliates. Use catalogs (aggregators) of product affiliate programs of CPA networks CPAINFORM and SPA Daily. On them you will find products with the most favorable commissions. Don’t forget to check the demand for the product using the service Selection of words Yandex Wordstat. I also recommend paying attention to products in the Finance-Microloans category, they are in great demand among clients and you can receive a commission simply for a client’s application. After selecting a product, you register in the CPA network, receive an affiliate link for the product and begin promoting it. Start with free methods. At the same time, study paid, more effective ways to advertise affiliate links, which we discussed above in the article.

So, to the question, is it possible to make money using affiliate programs, I answer: definitely YES! Checked! For beginners, affiliate programs are the best option for making money on the Internet. Please note that you can do this both with and without your own website.

A serious approach to business is the key to success in all endeavors, incl. and making money from affiliate programs. So don’t hesitate and start taking action right now!

I wish you inspiration and perseverance!

I wish you to become a real webmaster!

Traditionally, at the end of the article there is a portion of interesting things - a video about INCREDIBLE space technologies of the future and the present


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Affiliate programs for earning money allow many users of personal computers and part-time owners of accounts on social networks and their own websites to ensure decent earnings on the Internet. At the same time, there is no need to invest your own funds in this or that project.

The essence of making money on affiliate programs is that a user, having registered on the official website of a project, enters into an agreement to attract other users to this project. The project, in turn, undertakes to pay a certain amount of remuneration for everyone who connects to the project through a partner’s link.

This is the essence of making money on affiliate programs. After all, there are many different projects on the Internet. And the same user has the opportunity to invite a large number of other users to various projects.

The Internet gives the following definition of an affiliate program - this is the interaction between the owner of a product or service and a partner who receives a reward or commission for a transaction that is carried out on his recommendation.

Our magazine’s expert Sofia Rick understood the intricacies of making money from affiliate programs.

Earning money from affiliate programs from scratch

In order to understand what the essence of making money on affiliate programs is, it is enough to consider a simple example from life. For example, a retail outlet, which is located in a specific locality, on a certain street and building, engaged in offline trade, needed to create an online store to sell its products through online trade.

A specialist was hired for this work, who completed the work assigned to him efficiently and on time. After this, the outlet began to recommend this specialist to other sellers for creating online stores.

Thus, the specialist was rewarded in the form of receiving new clients who also needed his services.

And there are many such examples in everyday life. Every day, each of us not only shares with acquaintances, friends, neighbors about the product purchased or service received, but also recommends a specific product or service. At the same time, no one asks anything from others in return for themselves.

If we translate this into the language of an affiliate program, then the seller, dentist, car mechanic, lawyer who was recommended to others in need must give away a part of their profit that they received thanks to your recommendation.

To do this, in real life, you had to enter into a separate agreement with the seller, dentist, car mechanic, lawyer who originally sold you the product or provided the service.

On the Internet, this scheme works slightly differently. After all, in order to advertise a product or service and attract new consumers, you don't have to use it yourself.

So, how to make money on affiliate programs - step-by-step instructions

  • Working in affiliate programs begins with searching for well-known online stores and popular sites that are interested in increasing their customer base.
  • The next step is to carefully study the affiliate rules. At the same time, you should note that most affiliate programs prohibit attracting new users through spam mailings.
  • If the terms of cooperation and the amount of the user’s commission are satisfied, then he agrees with the Rules and, as a result, receives an affiliate link to promote a specific product or service to other Internet users.
  • Tracking which consumer came through a specific link is done using cookie technology. After making a profit the site shares it with her partner.

According to this scheme, goods, services, various training courses, e-books and everything that can be sold and for which there is demand are sold on the Internet.

Reward amount

The amount of earnings on an affiliate program depends on several factors that must always be taken into account. This:

  1. the cost of the product or service being sold;
  2. type of product, features of the service, rules for their acquisition and use;
  3. the amount of the seller's markup.

As practice shows, the most favorable interest rate commission offers information business. Its size can reach 70, 90, 100 or more percent.

Affiliates selling ordinary goods cannot afford such a reward. And more 10 percent income what they offer, they cannot give. Otherwise, they themselves will be at a loss.

The Internet user chooses which affiliate program to participate in and which not. However, this is one of the real ways to make money on the Internet without investing your own funds.

Participation in affiliate programs will allow you to consistently receive additional income. And if the work is done well, it can develop into the main type of activity.

Existing types of affiliate programs

Any sphere of human activity can be classified according to certain criteria. This approach also applies to affiliate programs. Therefore, their types will be considered depending on the method or type of payment.

  • Pay per click. The affiliate program pays for unique visitors to visit its website. That is, those who visited the resource using a partner’s referral link. This method allows you to significantly increase traffic to the Internet resource and, in the future, get new customers. However, the payment for the partner is small. Can fluctuate between one and three cents. After all, many who clicked on the link may never visit this site again in the future.
  • With payment for impressions. Participation in such a program is justified only for partners whose sites are visited by a huge number of unique visitors. For viewing advertisements of an affiliate program posted on the site, the latter pays a commission. Their size ranges from $5 per ten thousand views.
  • With payment for actions. The payment is an order of magnitude higher than in previous methods. However, it assumes that commissions will be paid only if the visitor who came through the referral link performs certain actions:
  1. be sure to register on the site;
  2. fill out a questionnaire or answer a special list of questions;
  3. download a file with information;
  4. watch the video;
  5. leave your comment;
  6. and so on.
  • With payment for sales. Statistics show that affiliate programs are willing to pay for attracting such visitors up to forty percent of the purchase amount made by a new buyer who came to the site through the partner’s referral link. At the same time, the partner will receive a commission every time the buyer makes a purchase. Therefore, the partner is primarily interested in attracting as many regular customers as possible to the site.

Real earnings from affiliate programs depend on each Internet user. He makes all decisions independently. However, it should be remembered that the higher the payment, the more effort you need to put into this.

Rules for working with affiliate programs

Analysis of participation in affiliate programs indicates that in order to receive guaranteed and constant profit, the following rules must be observed:

  • You should only post information about projects, products or services on thematic platforms. For example, advertising a men's tuxedo is not acceptable on a women's site. Conversely, women's cosmetics should not be advertised on a men's website. Violation of this rule will lead to an outflow of visitors and, accordingly, to a decrease in the number of unique visitors.
  • Before advertising any product or service, you should:
  1. go through the established registration procedure;
  2. buy a test sample;
  3. order service.
  • Do not rush to enter into a partnership agreement (a deal with an offer) without thoroughly studying the terms of the program, the reward system, and reviews of other partners. Often, behind the offer of a large reward there are almost impossible conditions of cooperation. This means you may not receive commissions.
  • To attract unique visitors to your partner resource, you need to use special landing pages landing pages or landing pages. With their help, you can provide a potential buyer with more information about a product and interest him in making a purchase or ordering a service on a specific online resource.
  • Income directly depends on the number of targeted visitors who were attracted to the contractor’s website, which in the Internet business is usually called an offer. That's why:
  1. the number of links placed should be optimal;
  2. You need to create several landing pages with similar themes.
  • Working with only one affiliate program is not justified. It is necessary to diversify sources of income. The more there are, the higher the commission amount. After all, the offer can terminate cooperation at any time and then the income will drop to zero. And if there are several of them, the level of income will only decrease.
  • Work with each offer should be constantly analyzed. This will reveal the effectiveness or lack of necessary traffic. And take timely measures to correct the situation or refuse to cooperate with a specific offer and find a new contractor.
  • The amount of earnings from affiliate programs directly depends on the base of your own target audience. Therefore, in order to earn more, you need to constantly increase it.

Compliance with these simple rules in the format of cooperation “contractor (offer) - partner” will allow you to have a constant income on the Internet. In addition, you should not refuse to give out gifts for your visitors, thus forcing them to visit the site of the desired offer.

Selecting affiliate programs

Having decided to make money using the Internet, it is impossible to predict in advance which affiliate program will be the most profitable. Therefore, the Internet community has developed a number of criteria by which to select a program. They are as follows:

  1. Uniqueness. It is necessary to pay attention to new and original products offered for sale by the affiliate program. This will not only attract new visitors, but also, given less competition, reach the target audience. Which will ultimately lead to increased profits.
  2. Not available for free. No one wants to buy something that is available for free. This also includes affiliate programs that offer unpopular services. You won’t make money on them, but you will only waste your time.
  3. Give preference to master classes. All kinds of training programs are now popular among Internet users. In addition, the commission for their sale is significantly higher than for other products.
  4. Offering long-term cooperation. These offers include hosting, marketing services, and email newsletter programs. Engaging only in the segment of this niche will allow you to forget about searching for new offers.
  5. Subject. If you already have your own customer base, then you should look for offers for them with products and services that will be of interest to them.
  6. Amount of commission. Income from the affiliate program must cover the costs of the Internet, your website, creating landing pages and other necessary expenses.
  7. Offer potential buyers the best conditions. This is possible when you independently promote a product received from a manufacturer or wholesaler. Sending goods by cash on delivery, because not everyone will agree to transfer money in advance.
  8. Frequency of commission payment. If the offer offers payments once a month, then cooperation has no prospects. According to established practice, settlements with a partner should be made at least once every two weeks.
  9. Availability of promotional materials and various promotional offers. This increases the awareness of the promoted Internet product and allows you to quickly attract the target audience.

These criteria will allow you to make the right choice and additional income will not take long to arrive.

Earning money on affiliate programs without a website

Affiliate programs allow you to receive a stable income for a long time, if at the initial stage active work was carried out to attract potential visitors and create your own client base. As practice shows, for this type of earnings on the Internet it is not necessary to have your own website. After all, the most important principle of earning money is to attract customers to the offer’s website.

Currently, there are five alternative traffic sources that allow you to earn money without your own personal blog or full-fledged website. This:

  • Social media. All Internet users have their own pages on social networks. Or even several. So they can become the platform through which you can promote your product. And the ability to connect various automatic applications to the page will allow you to automate the maintenance of the page and send responses to incoming messages. Each social network allows the user to create a thematic group in which they can post links to the promoted product and other information necessary for this.
  • Guest posts. It consists in the fact that when you visit groups, pages or blogs of other users, in the comments or in a special section, text is posted with a link to the affiliate project. However, it should be borne in mind that the more popular someone else's page, blog or group, the stricter the requirements for placing third-party advertising will be.
  • Posting comments in communities, forums and blogs. You must follow the rules for posting comments. Spam is strictly prohibited. Otherwise the user will be blocked. In the content of the comment, it is recommended to leave your contact information or a link with the following content: “if interested, write.” This approach will intrigue potential clients and not scare them off with unnecessary advertising.
  • Use of contextual and teaser advertising. Despite the fact that this is the easiest way to promote a product, it is the most expensive. Therefore, before you spend a lot of money, you should evaluate the possibility of returning it through a commission. Besides, you still need to earn something.
  • Posting free press releases. The text itself must be SEO optimized. That is, according to his keywords, the necessary information should appear in the first lines of search engines.

Using these traffic sources, you can make good money on affiliate programs, even without having your own website.

Advantages and disadvantages of making money on affiliate programs

TO positive The properties of this type of income include the following:

  1. a permanent and effective way to earn money;
  2. accessible to every person who has a computer and access to the World Wide Web;
  3. the opportunity to start earning money without investing your own funds;
  4. Each partner works for himself and the level of income depends only on himself.

TO shortcomings can be attributed:

  1. instability of income, which depends directly on the relevance of the proposal that is being promoted;
  2. the use of paid resources to promote goods does not guarantee success in their sale;
  3. At the initial stage, you cannot do without certain investments, so using the trial and error method will take a lot of time.

Most common mistakes

As the practice of making money on affiliate programs shows, failures lead the following errors:

  • wrong choice of affiliate program;
  • attracting non-target visitors;
  • promoting a product that is unfamiliar to oneself;
  • inflated number of affiliate programs;
  • promoting a product only using your own website, without using other traffic;
  • low quality of advertising articles.

Helps you avoid mistakes constant self-learning, as well as paid training in various courses related to making money on the Internet.


It is absolutely possible and absolutely possible to make money on affiliate programs without investing your own money. After all, many offers provide assistance by providing their own systems for attracting new clients. However, to achieve quick results, you will need some investment in creating your own website and purchasing special programs to automate the process of promoting a product or service.

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