Currency code okv 643. Currency codes. What is a current account

Recently there has been a huge hype around the currency code of the Russian ruble: is it 810 or 643? Why is the number 810 used in abacus? Is this deception and fraud or is everything normal?

Currently, information about the largest scam in the banking system of the Russian Federation, which has been going on for many years, is being actively disseminated on the Internet. The Central Bank really does have a problem with this, but more on that later.

Let's start with the simplest thing in this relatively complex issue...

A personal bank account has 20 digits. Three of them indicate the currency code. The US dollar has a code of 840, and the euro has a code of 978. The official code of the Russian ruble is 643. But why is a different code used in personal accounts - 810? After all, this was the code that the ruble had before the redenomination and before the introduction of the new code?

In fact, at the moment the number 810 is officially used in accounts, but it is not a currency code, but a sign of the ruble. That is, this number means that the account is in rubles. There is no question that this is a currency code.

Why is the account number 810?

With the denomination of 643, it was “Russian ruble denominated”, and 810 was simply “Russian ruble”. Then code 810 was excluded from the classifier, and the only currency code became the new “Russian ruble” with code 643.

At the same time, this code was not changed in the invoices; it remained the same - 810, despite the fact that 810 was officially excluded from the classifier. The transition was frozen “until special instructions from the Central Bank” (document - Letter of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 1997 N 77-T). Then the transition was officially canceled (document - letter of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated December 4, 2000 N 176-T).

It turns out that code 810 was left for ruble accounts within the country, and code 643 is used only for accounts required for international trade (foreign economic activity).

But it is reasonable to ask why the 810 code is used, since it is excluded from the classifier and is invalid? Here you should already contact the Central Bank...

Code 810 and 643: clarification of the Central Bank

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the official response of the Central Bank.

You can view this file on the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Code 810 RUR and 643 RUR: judicial practice

We have already figured out that at the moment the designation 810 in the account number is a sign of the ruble, and not a currency code. Therefore, there can be no talk of any recalculations (loan obligations are 1000 times less, etc.).

At the moment, there have been several appeals to the court on this issue, but the cases, of course, have not been won.

Of course, such “negligence” on the part of the Central Bank cannot but sadden, but there is nothing scary about it, there is no smell of any “scam of the century” here.

You can delve into this issue and familiarize yourself with all the documents regarding currency codes, signs of the ruble, etc. You may learn a lot of new things, but you are unlikely to uncover the “scam of the century” in all of this. But new knowledge gained is always good.

The All-Russian Currency Classifier (OCC) contains information about generally accepted encodings for currencies around the world. For example, the ruble currency code is represented by a three-digit digital designation with a unique alphabetic counterpart. As a decoding, the ruble code contains the name of the currency and the country in which the circulation of a specific currency category is fixed at the legislative level.

All-Russian Classifier of Currencies - 2017

OKW was developed based on the international standards ISO 4217. It came into force in 1995 on July 1st. The currency classifier finds its application in the field of accounting with statistical reporting, the formation of operational reporting related to the reflection of international transactions. The digital currency code has a three-digit digit and is associated with a special letter designation of 3 characters.

The OKV currency code can be viewed in the main table block of the classifier and in its applications. In the Russian version of the classifier, unlike the international one, there are no currency codes for Antarctica, Palestine, the South Sandwich Islands, and South Georgia.

Currency codes: list of the main and most popular

The most used currencies according to the classifier are:

  • US dollar currency code;
  • Euro currency code used for EU countries;
  • pounds sterling, for which the currency code is 826 with the letter GBP;
  • Chinese yuan – currency code 156 and letter combination CNY;
  • Canadian dollars CAD, which has currency code 124;
  • Japanese yen, designated by the classifier as currency code 392 and JPY;
  • currency code 643 - Russian ruble, which should be designated as RUB; until 1998 it had other letter and number combinations.

Currency code dollar

In the classifier, the most popular dollar currency is American dollars - currency code 840. The letter combination for the designation is USD. The list of countries for which the US dollar currency code 840 is relevant includes not only the United States, but also the Virgin and Marshall Islands, Haiti, Ecuador and Panama and Puerto Rico.

Euro currency code 978

For the countries of the European Union, the currency code 978 is used. It corresponds to the letter combination EUR, this is the euro code 978. In the list of countries, the euro code is provided for 34 countries and islands.

Is the ruble code 810 or 643?

In the current version, the Russian ruble currency classifier uses code 643. Accordingly, the letter designation RUB has currency code 643. In the country of application column, only Russia is indicated. Confusion with the numbers arose due to the fact that the RUB currency code was previously designated as RUR. Until 1998, the digital code of the ruble currency was listed under a different number - code 810. Adjustments were made by Gosstandart Change 6/2003. In accordance with them, the 810 currency code was excluded, the 810 currency was replaced by a new letter and number combination.

The OKV 643 code must appear in documents created after the date of changes - the new Russian ruble code has been indicated since January 2004. The currency according to OKV 643 must be correctly entered in the invoice. The use of an outdated number may result in tax authorities not recognizing the legality of accepting VAT amounts for deduction.

Currency code and Russia code 643

In the all-Russian classifier of countries of the world - OKSM - code 643 corresponds to Russia. Russia's international code 643 is the same as the country's currency. RF code 643 must be indicated in documents submitted to social insurance authorities. OKSM 643, the decoding of which is the numerical designation of the country of citizenship of the taxpayer for whom the set of documents is being submitted.

So they sat down in the bank, apparently the real issue is the codes. Otherwise, what we carry with us is not money, but food stamps

Borovoj Osward

They won’t open it under any pretext! Otherwise, you will become rich like Arab sheikhs; this is not in the plans of you know who.

I tried to open an account. They don’t even know about code 643, their entire banking payment system works using code 810. At the first request, they answered such nonsense and without a seal. The second request was sent and indicated that the answer should be accompanied by a copy of the respondent’s power of attorney, certified by the seal of a legal entity indicating the OGRN and TIN, otherwise the answer is considered invalid since the respondent does not have the authority to write to me. I am waiting. You yourself also write about these swindlers. For failure to provide reliable information with answers to the prosecutor to initiate a criminal case. And submit a claim in the amount that you consider acceptable. Don’t go to court yourself, let the prosecutor’s office work. Good luck.

Anatoly Samoilenko

*Educational program for everyone*
SUR is also 810 RUR (transferable ruble) - legal RUBLE.
643 RUB - *Russian ruble* - not a legal counterfeit!!!
The thing is that Bank of Russia notes are not classified anywhere or in any way. These bank bills are backed by *RUBLE* What ruble?
Article 7
The Parties are the legal successors of the ruble of the former USSR and acknowledge full responsibility for claims and obligations related to the issue of the ruble made by the former State Bank of the USSR, as well as the national (central) banks of the Parties for the period before January 1, 1992.

But back in 2000, Putin decided to curtail the CIS project and began the process of breaking agreements with the fraternal republics. To finish off the USSR and all the memory of it. Therefore, RUR was abolished - the legal successor of SUR, but it is easy for Putin to order his lackeys, but not easy for sovereign republics. And the Pindos-Putan plan is stuck for now.

There at the bottom of the document is the dream of the bully about the destruction of the single ruble zone.
Decree on denomination No. 822 refers to the *Russian monetary unit, * and does not apply to the *RUBLE SUR and RUR*, so Eltsin writes about some OLD rubles. Since he DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to write about the ruble SUR and RUR, these RUBLES are in the jurisdiction of the CIS, and not the RSFSR.
As a result of this decree, Ukraine left the ruble zone, and in fact left the CIS on August 4, 1997, on the day of signing Eltsin Decree No. 822
Since January 1, 2001, the prostitute has violated the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 86, introduced by Amendment 8/2000, approved. Gosstandart of the Russian Federation. Enters 643 *Russian ruble.* This is a national (RSFSR) non-cash counterfeit that does not have the cash form RUB. RUB - Republican United Bank.
Until January 1, 2004, TWO different rubles, from different jurisdictions of the CIS and the RSFSR (RF) RUR and RUB, are used on non-cash account 810
Since January 1, 2004, the prostitute has committed a state crime. coup and cancels, in violation of the CRF Article 75, the circulation of the non-cash ruble RUR belonging to the CIS - USSR under code 810 (transferable ruble) and turns it into a *SIGN* of the ruble RUR from January 1, 2001, for the movement of 643 *Russian ruble* non-cash putan surrogate on accounts Citizens of the CIS - USSR, where the code is 810 (transferable ruble).
Now 643 RUB the Putian national surrogate illegally sets the exchange rate of 810 RUB for the CIS ruble. as the average value of the exchange rate difference between buying and selling RUB on international markets. It is illegal because according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 75, only the RUBLE has the right to circulate in the Russian Federation, and not the *Russian ruble*
Therefore, there are several types of crimes committed by Russian gangs.
1) The illegal lowering of the RUR of the ruble receiver SUR by the Central Bank Bank until 1997, the introduction of a special regime of non-cash payments from July 1, 1992 at once by 125 times and raising the key rate to 210% per annum, resulting in million-dollar inflation.
2) Uncoordinated denomination of RUR with the CIS countries by Tsar Eltsin in 1997. The gap in the ruble space with Ukraine.
3) Entering by a prostitute a non-cash counterfeit RUB 643 from January 1, 2001
4) Posting counterfeit RUB 643 to 810 RUR non-cash account.
5) State the coup of the prostitute on January 1, 2004, who abolished the non-cash RUR 810 ruble CIS - USSR and called the non-cash ruble CIS RUR 810 a SIGN of the ruble. (it’s not hard to guess which one - 643 RUB)
6) Systematic implementation of the Pindos-Putan program
(In those years they sang songs to us about the great nationalizer of the tank of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the prostitute)
*Protocol on the termination of multilateral treaties concluded within the Commonwealth of Independent States*
7) Throwing lies about the conversion of 1000 to 1 from code 643 to code 810 of the *Russian ruble* sign of counterfeit with the aim of the final exit of the Russian Federation from the SIGN of the CIS ruble by code 810 to the private accounts of bankers 643 and the final collapse of the CIS ruble zone 810.

So the “restorers” of the USSR with their own hands are bringing closer the LEGISLATION of the fake 643 *Russian ruble*
Crucified chickens have already begun to be printed not only on coins, but also on Bank of Russia tickets.
Thus, moving further and further from SUR through RUR to RUB - a private banknote of the private bank of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Depriving oneself of ALL THE PROPERTY OF THE USSR - CIS.
Instead of DEMANDING that the Russian Federation supply goods to the People at the Bank of Russia exchange rate of 56 kopecks per dollar, posted on the Central Bank website. The exchange rate of the RUBLE SUR and its legal successor the RUBLE RUR. Established by *Agreement of the CIS countries dated 10/09/1992 On a single monetary system*
And also DEMAND that 643 RUB be stopped from circulating in the accounts of USSR Citizens

Dmitriy. throw the documents. and show me your application please. with whom you opened an account

Alex Obogrelov

Code 810 works legally because legally the USSR exists, but 643 is not legal

Cat Kotovsky

What if you open a ruble account in a foreign bank? What code will there be?

Money surrogates in all pockets of the country.

People, this is not true.
The thing is that the currency code 810 is excluded, but there is a sign of the ruble 810.
And the ruble code 643 is used for international payments, when the currency code is a separate detail of payment documents.
Therefore, the currency code 810 and the ruble sign 810 are different things, and conversion from the ruble sign 810 to the ruble code 643 is impossible.
Copy and open
"Explanation of the Bank of Russia dated November 9, 2017 on the issue related to the designation of the ruble sign in the personal account number."

Anatoly Speshilov

Has anyone actually opened an account with code 643?

Evgeniy Protasov

Nonsense...what difference does it make what code, do you think your salary will be increased because of this or something?

Mogamed Show

It turns out that a salary of 30,000 rubles becomes 30 rubles. Moreover, the funny thing is that all banks and ATMs accept money in 643 (RUB) and in accounts in 810 (RUR). The truth is that it’s reassuring that, according to the Central Bank’s statement, the money turnover on the territory of the Russian Federation is 810 (RUR) = 643 (RUB), but in international terms, not a damn thing, but here the question arises: how can our tugriks be easily accepted abroad 810 (RUR) heh confused(., Another interesting thing is that all new accounts opened after 2004 should be in 643 (RUB), but damn they are still opening tin at 810 (RUR).
PS - Damn, I’m losing paranoia to keep all my money in cash, and if I accumulate a lot, exchange it for currency

they came up with it on their knees - the exception is the old code is used - look at their seal and whether they have a power of attorney and the authority to write unsubscribes

Vasya Shkredov

The boy heard the ringing, but doesn’t know where it came from.)

Alexey Krasulin

I should have called the police and filed a fraud report against the bank!

Mikhail Boyarintsev

Yes, it’s all a “hat” with these codes, no one will prove or achieve anything. Everything will remain as it was! There is no sense in these videos (thousands of them, like people walking around and trying to prove something to someone), there is not a single result after such campaigns, if only stupid unsubscribes from banks.

Maxim Tarasov

Hmmm, the Banks have “driven themselves”, that’s all. And if not “private” banks, then the Central Bank XD. Since 2004, whatever one may say, the account with the code “810” is insignificant, without any, as they report, “signs of the ruble” XD. In reality, not money, but pieces of paper. Here they answered someone that they say this was done to “protect” our money from “stuffing” using codes from abroad, as it was “illegally” done. Really, it looks like the scam of the century. Has anyone tried to change rubles abroad? According to international agreements, it seems that rubles should be changed there. In China for example. As it turns out, this is not the case. In China, we need to find out whether they accept our rubles or not? Is their money accepted for exchange abroad or not? What are they guided by, legally? How does the Central Bank purchase foreign currency, that is the question? And at what rate? Denominated or not? XD Look for information, share. I’ll look for it myself, even though there are no loans, but there are bank accounts. It became interesting, well, very much so XD Good luck to everyone!

Sergei Suvorov

To be honest, I’m already tired of such videos about the USSR, currency codes, etc. Where is the result??? Those. They show that they have made a payment, but where is the result of the payment? Did they send 3 letters or something???

Masa Channel 2018

The Russian ruble or ruble (Russian: rubl rubl", plural: rubli rubli, sign: ₽, ruble; code: RUB) is the currency of the Russian Federation, the two partially recognized republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and the two unrecognized republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The ruble is subdivided per 100 kopecks (sometimes written as kopecks or kopecks, Russian: kopeyka kopeyka, plural: kopecks kopecks).

The ruble was the currency of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union (as the Soviet ruble). Today, in addition to Russia, Belarus and Transnistria use currencies of the same name. The ruble was the first decimal currency in the world: it was ten-millized in 1704, when the ruble became legally equal to 100 kopecks.

In 1992, the Soviet ruble (code: SUR) was replaced by the Russian ruble (code: RUR) at a rate of 1 SUR = 1 ruble. In 1998, after the financial crisis, the Russian ruble was revalued with the new code "ruble" and was exchanged at 1 ruble. = 1000 rub. Information from English Wikipedia.

Now in banks, (RUR), there are still not denominated rubles. The papers were denominated, the “000” was removed from the accounts, and everything was put back into accounts without denominated rubles. That is, put in a million now, it will be 1000 (RUB) rubles if everything is done and brought into compliance with the law. "Citizens, keep your money in a savings bank" XD XD XD Something like that XD

Sergei Suvorov

Good day to all. There are a lot of different videos about accounts and codes “810” and “643”.

The majority of people consider this a scam and so on. So guys, I had a "loan" in
Oriental Express Bank shop. In 2016, the bank transferred the right to a third party, otherwise

To the collector. So, the collector, according to the agreement on the assignment of rights, paid the bank, there is

Payment certified by Uralsib Bank and amount ATTENTION: seventy-two million twenty

One thousand eight hundred eighty rubles 13 kopecks. (72,021,880 -13 kopecks is not subject to VAT).

This is despite my non-existent debt in the amount of 72 thousand 210 rubles. So who can tell me what

I'm chasing a blizzard. Who can boast that in 16 and even now had or has on hand such a sum in millions? When will people finally wake up? If anyone doesn’t take my word for it, write me and I’ll provide you with a document.


643 or 810

I have a question and would like you to answer it if possible. First, a little history.
I have a Sberbank savings book from 1990 (actually I have three old ones, but now about one).
I opened a ruble deposit in 1990, used it for a while and stopped, I remembered in 1998, I went to a Sberbank branch, where they printed the balance of the deposit in my savings book.
The result is something like this (fragment):

recalculated in a new price scale

And again I happily forgot about the book for several years. I recently remembered and went to the SBRF branch and asked to make an extract and print out the details, and also to make it so that I could use the savings book account through the Sberbankonline application. They did this, changed the old account number to a new one - 20 digits. Passbook account currency code 810. You probably know that the situation with currency codes 810 and 643 raises many questions.

As I showed above, I had 90 rubles, and after recalculation it became 9 kopecks. But the currency code has not changed: 90 rubles and 90 kopecks - all with one code. The situation is absurd, because after recalculation the currency code should already be 643. Of course, I should have first asked about this at the SBRF branch, but the situation there had turned so bad that I didn’t remember about it.
Question: what do I need to do to change the account currency code from 810 to 643. I assume that they will not do this right away, in violation of all related laws.

Sorry, I may have written it chaotically.

If payments on the account will be made within the territory of the Russian Federation, then nothing needs to be done. Sberbank assigned the code correctly for your ruble account. In fact, the digital currency code “Ruble” has two meanings - “643 RUB” and, as an exception, “810 RUR”. The required code is applied depending on the purpose of opening the account.
In the Letter of the Bank of Russia dated December 4, 2000 N 176-T, the cancellation of which I have not found, the following explanation is given regarding the use of the ruble code:
“When numbering personal accounts in categories 6 - 8, the currency code is entered in accordance with the currency codes contained in the All-Russian Currency Classifier (OK-014-94) and amendments to it.
An exception is the use of the currency code of the Russian Federation - the Russian ruble. When making payments on the territory of the Russian Federation in Russian rubles and when numbering accounts, the “old” currency code “Russian ruble 810” is used. For international payments, when the currency code is a separate requisite of payment documents, the “new” code of the Russian ruble “643” is entered in these documents.

The Bank of Russia gave a more recent clarification on November 9, 2017 “On the issue related to the designation of the ruble sign in the personal account number,” which reads like this:
Question . Please provide clarification regarding the use of the ruble sign in the personal account number when carrying out transactions on accounts in the currency of the Russian Federation.

Answer. In accordance with the order of the Bank of Russia dated December 3, 2015 No. OD-3433 “On the use of all-Russian classifiers” (as amended), in order to ensure the mandatory use of all-Russian classifiers when creating information systems and information resources of the Bank of Russia, regulatory and other acts of the Bank of Russia establish requirements on the use of the following classification characteristics of the currency of the Russian Federation in the information-analytical and accounting-operational systems of the Bank of Russia: name of the currency - “Russian ruble”, digital code - “643”, letter code - “RUB”.
The digital code “810” and the letter code “RUR”, excluded from the All-Russian Classifier of Currencies by Amendment 6/2003 OKV from March 1, 2004, are not used in the information, analytical and accounting and operational systems of the Bank of Russia.
At the same time, in relation to the issue of establishing order numbering of personal accounts when carrying out transactions on accounts in the currency of the Russian Federation, the requirements for the use of classification characteristics of the currency of the Russian Federation are established by Bank of Russia Regulation No. 579-P dated February 27, 2017 “On the Chart of Accounts for Credit Institutions and the Procedure for its Application” (hereinafter referred to as Regulation No. 579 -P) and letter of the Bank of Russia dated December 4, 2000 No. 176-T (hereinafter referred to as letter No. 176-T).
In accordance with Appendix 1 to Regulation No. 579-P, when carrying out transactions on accounts in the currency of the Russian Federation, the ruble sign “810” is used. In this case, the ruble sign “810” is a mandatory component of the personal account number.
According to letter No. 176-T, the Russian ruble code “643” is used for international payments, when the currency code is a separate requisite of payment documents.
This clarification confirms that ruble accounts in Russia are issued using the digital code 810. When making payments:

  • If payments are made within Russia, then when filling out a payment document, the ruble sign 810 (000-00-810-0-0000-0000000) is used in the account number.
  • If payments from a ruble account are sent outside of Russia, then the Russian ruble currency code 643 is used, provided that it is a separate detail of payment documents.
This is essentially the question you asked.
But after reading your letter, I also had some thoughts of a completely different nature, which I decided, just in case, to comment on:
  • The account was opened by you before June 20, 1991 and is subject to compensation payments in accordance with Federal Law No. 73-FZ of May 10, 1995 “On the restoration and protection of savings of citizens of the Russian Federation.” What was the amount of funds in the account on this date? If 90 rubles, then you should have received three or two times compensation from the amount of the deposit balance. Did you receive it or not?? The amount is small (378 rubles or 252 rubles), but still.
  • Based on the balance of funds in your account as of March 1, 1991 (taking into account clause 1), in accordance with Decree of the President of the USSR dated March 22, 1991 N UP-1708, there should have been a one-time increase in the amount of savings by 40 percent of the deposit balance . This is 36 rubles. When visiting the bank in 1998, you first had to enter the amount of one-time compensation in the savings book according to UP-1708, and then make an entry for the change in the face value of the ruble (90 to 0.09) or 90 + 36 = 126 rubles / 1000 = 0, 13 rubles (12.6 kopecks after rounding 13 kopecks).
  • Now about your words “make it so that you can use your savings book account through the SberbankOnline application.” The bank did not change your old account number to a new one, but simply closed the old account and opened a new one for you with a full range of services, transferring the balance of the old deposit to it; in accordance with accounting, there is no other way to do this. In fact, these are two different accounts.

You should have been given a new savings book for the new account, which, according to the new legislation, is now issued only at the request of the client.

Currency codes of individual countries of the world and their use when creating accounts in Banks of Russia

The most popular currencies that are used in Russia when making deposits or international payments are:
  • U.S. dollar;
  • EU Euro;
  • English Pound Sterling;
  • Japanese yen;
  • CNY.
  • Russian ruble

Currency codes of all countries were developed by the State Standard of Russia and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and included in the OKV (All-Russian Classifier of Currencies). The currency codes of the individual countries listed above are as follows:

The account number opened for an individual in a bank for certain needs (for placing a deposit, for receiving a salary or pension, for making other payments) always consists of 20 numbers that can be conventionally designated as follows - AAA BB BBB G DDDD EEEEE

When numbering accounts, the currency code is in digits 6 - 8, this is BBB

The currency code shows in what currency the account is opened and it must comply with the All-Russian Currency Classifier (OKV), with the exception of ruble accounts.

Credit organizations located on the territory of the Russian Federation carry out accounting in accordance with the rules given in the Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated February 27, 2017 No. 579-P “On the Chart of Accounts for Credit Institutions and the Procedure for its Application.”

So, for example, for ruble accounts of individuals the currency code is 810, for US dollar accounts - 840, for accounts in Euros - 978, for accounts in Chinese yuan - 156. This is, for example, how the formation of accounts opened in the section “ Other accounts of individuals" (Regulations of the Bank of Russia dated February 27, 2017 No. 579-P):

  • Ruble account - 408-17-810-0-0000-0000000 *
  • Dollar account - 408-17-840-0-0000-0000000
  • Account in RMB - 408-17-156-0-0000-0000000
*For international payments, when the currency code is a separate detail of payment documents, the “new” code of the Russian ruble “643” is entered in these documents. found out whether it is possible to take out a loan in full rubles and repay them in denominated ones thanks to code 810.

What are we talking about?

Previously, in the Central Bank's classifier, the ruble was designated by code 810. But at the end of the 1990s, the ruble was denominated (1 new one became equal to 1000 old ones), and the ruble began to be designated by code 643. And from January 1, 2004, the old encoding (810) was supposed to disappear. But she still appears in bank documents.

The Russians did not pay attention to this for a long time. But suddenly strange appeals began to come to the courts: people demanded that they be allowed to pay their bills (since the ruble appears in them as “810”), taking into account the denomination. They are trying to “crank out” conversion in banks (insisting that 1 ruble using code 643 is equal to 1000 rubles using code 810). They bombard the Central Bank with requests: explain the situation...

Various “experts” add fuel to the fire, assuring that a moment may come when banks suddenly use an outdated code to pay the depositor’s savings in a ratio of 1:1000.

What worries

In documents (both in bank agreements and in invoices for payment of services) both codes (both 810 and 643) are indeed found. So people come to the conclusion: since code 810 has been cancelled, but it still works, it’s not without reason.

The following explanations are put forward: the ruble is being prepared for redenomination; you can pay 1000 times less (conversion theory); code 643 is valid abroad, 810 - within the country, which means that “different” rubles are in circulation in Russia...

There are several more exotic versions. For example, code 643 is not legalized; it means “Bank of Russia ticket.” And our legal tender is rubles, not “tickets”. This means that everything that passes through code 643 is imaginary transactions...

There is no catch - In our legislation there is no concept of “currency 810” or “currency 643,” explained this confusing issue, the head of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market, Chairman of the Council of the Association of Banks of Russia Anatoly Aksakov. - Samples of banknotes (they are called “Bank of Russia tickets”) and coins that are used for cash payments are posted on the official website of the Central Bank.

Classification codes, the deputy continues, are enshrined in the All-Russian Currency Classifier (OKV), which is approved by a resolution of the State Standard of Russia. Codes are used for accounting and reporting purposes only. In accordance with the OKV (since January 1, 2004), the following are established for the currency of the Russian Federation: the name “Russian ruble”, digital code 643, letter code RUB.

The symbol 810, Aksakov dives into the intricacies, continues to be used as a sign of the ruble to indicate the account currency code (6th–8th digits) in personal accounts that financial organizations open to clients in Russian currency. This is done in accordance with the annexes to the regulations of the Bank of Russia (No. 57-II and No. 486-II). There are no conspiracy theories behind this. There is the ruble - the national currency, and there are various means and methods of accounting for it.

The material was published in the Sobesednik publication No. 17-2018 under the title “Ruble codes: myths or scam?”

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