Methods of mining bitcoins - the principle of operation, how to start earning cryptocurrency and the necessary equipment. What are Bitcoin generators New Bitcoin generator

There are so many rumors, conjectures and gossip surrounding the Bitcoin cryptocurrency that it is extremely difficult for an uninitiated person to understand all aspects of the existence of one single coin, let alone the industry as a whole.

We list the methods separately:

Each individual example does not protect the user 100%.

Even the most reliable services are companies in the same hands and are subject to political influences, and the capacities themselves can be destroyed by disasters or natural disasters.

In view of this, members of the crypto community came to the conclusion quite a long time ago that it is necessary to combine several sources of obtaining crypto coins, in particular Bitcoin, in order to protect themselves as much as possible.

On a separate line

Modern BTC mining, despite the critical price decline of the last year, is an industrial process.

Microprocessor-based equipment is not built into farms, but into hangars, the energy supply of which is provided by its own power plants.

For advanced countries this is green energy, for others it is classical energy.

Imagine the labor that goes into creating and maintaining such facilities, not to mention the money spent.

And now, someone offers to get a certain, adequate amount of coins without any cost or effort?

A fair conclusion arises that the concept of “Bitcoin generator” is a fraudulent scheme designed to rob gullible simpletons who believed in such a sweet and attractive freebie.

However, here the question arises - if no one demands anything to generate BTC, what is the fraud, because all reasonable people understand that any demands for payment for something in advance are a sure sign of fraud.

Let's look at one of the popular examples of the essence of the activities of BTC generator projects.

Bitcoin generator –

Until recently, the service was actively promoted, so much so that it reached the TOP 5 positions on Google for the main request.

Apparently in the past he “generated” quite a few coins.

The interface is not pretentious, exclusively in English, but the project itself is positioned as aimed at a Russian-speaking audience based on SEO data and what is returned for queries in Russian in the TOP, and in English, very far from the first pages.

The cryptocurrency generation buttons require special attention.

As you can see, no registration is required, just indicate the wallet and select the amount of BTC that will be generated.

All surveys consist of at least 30 questions and, judging by the waiting block at the bottom of the photo, completing the survey will become confirmation for the generator to transfer the specified amount of BTC to the address.

The site itself of quizzes and surveys positions itself as an exclusively entertainment portal, which, however, is crammed with advertising.

Choosing more BTC to generate means passing more tests successfully.

You must answer at least 80% of the questions correctly. For the test to be considered passed. Otherwise you will have to go through everything again.

Let's try to understand the algorithm

Apparently, the owner of the survey site and the Bitcoin generator is the same person or a second hired person whose task is to increase the popularity of the survey project among the audience by keeping their attention on the project.

Judging by the analytics of the project with a traffic of 27,000 unique visitors per day, the BTC generator works excellently, but only not in favor of visitors.

The survey service does not have a link mass or even indirect information about a well-thought-out promotion system through contextual advertising and/or social networks.

Consequently, the main stream of first visitors is generated by

Second example of a BTC generator

This project is one of the very first fraudulent algorithms, designed for those who have no idea about the principles of operation and BTC.

On the main page there is still a rate of $576 for 1 BTC, which indicates the categorical reluctance of the owner to have anything to do with the scam of clients.

On the other hand, the long renewal of domain and hosting services speaks in favor of the fact that the project is still working.

The project itself is not active; in fact, it is a landing page. The description of the principle of the project’s operation looks ridiculous by today’s standards.

For those who are represented as active users below on the site, this should be enough, but a person with the slightest understanding of the issue will immediately understand that the project is fraudulent and generates money for the creators.

The only button that works on the site introduces the client to a supposed test group that will test it for free before it is sold to everyone for cosmic money.

After clicking on the link, a fake analysis of the PC occurs, which, OH MIRACLE, turns out to be quite suitable for BTC mining, taking into account the fact that the new algorithm will ensure the operation of a low-performance processor at the supercomputer level.

Please note that each new “client” is registered under number 93 and the same password.

After going to your personal account, click the start generation button.

So far, everything is going more than interestingly, taking into account who the target audience of such projects is.

By the way, during the “generation” process on this site, the PC load increased slightly, but this suggests the presence of a script that works while a specific tab with the generator is open.

That is why the line stating that the tab/browser cannot be closed is highlighted in red.

After the incomprehensible work of the miracle service, the exciting moment of receiving payment comes.

Despite the fact that BTC is generated, the accrual occurs in rubles, and even at the rate of two years ago.

It is proposed to withdraw everything “honestly earned” to one of the payment systems that accept RUB.

And here lies the risk, since leaving payment details, especially for those who have little experience in Internet work and do not understand the methods of deception and hacking wallets.

Moreover, it is proposed to indicate your full name, by which it is enough to simply calculate postal addresses and use them to penetrate and steal funds available there.

But this method is not the main one when scamming gullible clients for free.

Please note that there are no options other than ordering a payment. This suggests that the project is not designed for repeated use even due to the client’s lack of experience.

So, the data has been entered, and the personal account page of the selected payment system is constantly updated in the hope of seeing the coveted replenishment of an impressive amount. But alas, this does not happen.

The service is ready for this again and offers us to “find payment”.

And this is the main essence of this entire project - in order for the system to skip an allegedly found payment, you need to pay a small commission in favor of the service.

It is understood that a client who senses money that was nevertheless sent to him, but for some reason did not arrive, will not particularly think about paying only 384 rubles, but receiving 10 times more without doing anything.

Please note that the entire resource is aimed at a single scenario, without options, secondary transitions, etc.

Its main task is to smoothly lead the visitor to the moment of transferring funds in favor of the scammers.

Miracle miners BTC

When the above-described service began to gain “popularity” and show off on the stands of “scammers” on most forums and blogs dedicated to crypto-themes, enterprising network users quickly realized that the topic of freebies was still alive and offered “unique” miners for download, increasing the value hundreds of times. .

Disguised as a unique miner downloaded regular virus software for coin mining(not always BTC, since it is useless to mine it using normal power), which was installed by the client.

The work was carried out from a day to several months in favor of the scammers. At the same time, the client was shown quite up-to-date information on the increased mining speed and accumulated coins in the fake pool.

To prevent it from jumping off ahead of time, the minimum withdrawal amount was set at 50 – 100 BTC, which were mined even at an accelerated pace for several weeks or months.

When ordering a withdrawal, the client was asked to download the updated software (), after which the account was blocked, as was the availability of support for all contacts.

In this case, the client, of course, did not lose anything except the equipment resource, but also acquired only a negative attitude towards the crypto industry as a whole.

Drawing conclusions

At the very beginning of the material, we considered many options for obtaining Bitcoin.

Some of them require minimal costs, but also bring very little profit.

Others, with fairly impressive productivity, require significant investments and constant monitoring of work and the market situation.

From all that has been said, the only Bitcoin generators are:

  • A crane disguised as a generator;
  • An openly fraudulent scheme designed to deceive the client;
  • Algorithms that mine cryptocurrency are hidden only in favor of scammers or with the participation of the user himself.

Today we will talk about Bitcoin generators.

The term “Bitcoin generator” usually means any software that allows you to mine cryptocurrency.

The maximum number of coins that can be mined by generators is 21 million. Since this is the number of coins that is the maximum emission volume. At the current time, users have mined approximately two-thirds of the amount mentioned above.

If the current pace of development of the Bitcoin market continues into the future, the system will exist at least until 2040. Many experts argue that the collapse of Bitcoin will not happen even after 2040, and this cryptocurrency will replace regular money.

Regardless of what happens in 2040, users have over twenty years to mine this digital money. If you are a beginner, you can use free cryptocurrency faucets, which allow you to get your first bitcoins without investing, and also understand the features of using this digital money. If you plan to receive serious income from Bitcoin, then after familiarizing yourself with the system you will have to invest a certain amount of savings in cryptocurrency mining, since free faucets are not able to provide you with a high income.

Bitcoin generators. Peculiarities

As mentioned above, to obtain fractional Bitcoin particles, you can use the services of specialized faucet sites. On these Internet resources you will be offered to solve a captcha or watch an advertisement in exchange for a certain amount of Satoshi. Depending on the policy of the selected Internet resource, you can receive payment every fifteen minutes or once a day.

It is important to note that even if you devote a lot of time to this work, you will not be able to earn an impressive amount of coins. You can earn a serious amount of Bitcoin on faucet sites only with the help of an affiliate program. To do this, you need to attract as many people as possible to the Internet resource using a referral link.

Progress does not stand still, thanks to which special bots were created relatively recently that provide automatic collection of Bitcoin. With the help of these bots, you can automatically receive satoshi from various faucet sites.

Bots for automatic Bitcoin mining are a specialized application that automatically solves captchas for faucet sites. To use the bot, you need to install it on your personal computer and configure it correctly. Once the program starts functioning, you will only need to monitor your balance and periodically withdraw your profits. There are specialized online bots that continue to mine satoshi even when your personal computer is turned off.

Relatively recently, Bitcoin gaming generators have appeared, which periodically award users a reward in the form of a certain amount of Satoshi. It is important to remember that the income that game generators allow you to receive is significantly lower than that of similar services that operate on the principle of roulette or lottery. Such services do not allow you to count on receiving a stable income, since luck does not always smile on users.

Most coins can be obtained through mining. If previously very expensive personal computers, such as Nvidia Tesla, etc., were required to mine coins, today users with an average level of income can create their own farm for mining Bitcoin. The cost of creating a small Bitcoin mining farm is $2,700, and you can expect a profit of one Bitcoin per month.

Users who do not have the capital necessary to create their own farm can rent computing power from a specialized organization. You will need to pay for the rental of computing power that will mine Bitcoin for you. If you have a personal computer that is not powerful enough to mine Bitcoin on your own, then you can become a member of one of the pools that engage in joint mining of digital money.

Bitcoin mining strategies

Currently, there are various cryptocurrency mining strategies that have their own characteristics and advantages. The most effective methods of mining digital money are:

  1. Mining. You can use the power of your own computer to mine cryptocurrency or create your own mining farm. This method used to make it possible to mine quite a large amount of digital money, but today it is ineffective. From an economic point of view, cloud mining services or pooling for joint mining of cryptocurrencies are more effective.
  2. Bots for faucet sites or for trading on cryptocurrency exchanges. You can use software that must be installed on your personal computer or use specialized online applications. The main advantage of online applications is that they mine digital money even when your computer is turned off.

Features of online bots for cryptocurrency mining

As mentioned above, not all bots need to be installed on your computer. This is due to the fact that there are many services that allow you to use online bots. You can connect to such services both from a computer and from any mobile device. To gain access to such a bot, you just need to go through a fairly simple registration procedure. All Satoshi mined by the bot will be transferred to your Bitcoin wallet.

Among the huge number of services that provide access to online bots, the following deserve special attention:

As mentioned earlier, in addition to online bots, there are also regular bots designed to mine digital money. These bots are specialized applications that must be installed on a personal computer. They provide automatic collection of Satoshi from different faucet sites.

Among the most effective bots for collecting cryptocurrency, the following deserve special attention:

  1. Bitcoin generator hack. This application is constantly being improved. The software is compatible with various operating systems such as iOS, Windows and Android. An important advantage of the program is that it has a Russian-language interface, which significantly simplifies the process of its optimization. When withdrawing Satoshi earned through this application, you will be charged a small fee.
  2. BTC4GEN. This program is also created for Bitcoin mining and is popular among users. The bot has a unique algorithm that is constantly being improved. The level of income that this application provides is significantly higher than that of similar programs.
  3. Super Bit. This application operates in semi-automatic mode. It saves you from having to follow a huge number of links to faucet sites, but you will have to solve the captcha yourself.
  4. Bitcoin unlimited generator. This application gives you the opportunity to mine coins, as well as become an investor or node operator. In order to use this software, it must be installed on a personal computer.

Using any of the Bitcoin generators mentioned above is quite simple. All you need to do is install and run the downloaded software and watch your balance increase.

Bitcoin generators allow you to automate the extraction of Satoshi from faucet sites. Their only drawback is that they are not able to generate high income. This tool can be recommended to beginners who are just getting acquainted with cryptocurrencies. If you want to earn large sums on Bitcoin, then you should take up mining, which allows you to mine digital money more quickly.

It continues to develop, the difficulty of generating a block increases every time. Trading on the exchanges is already taking place for very significant amounts. But generating alone becomes almost impossible.
Today we will talk about generating coins collectively - in a common pool. In this case, the prize for generating a block is divided among all participants in the pool approximately in proportion to the contribution to the generation of the block.
Due to the large total computing power of the pool, blocks are generated much more often than if you work alone, but the prize for each participant is smaller. On a long-term average, it turns out to be about the same amount (minus the percentage of the pool owner), but more evenly.

There are already articles on Habré about what Bitcoin is and how it works. But information about generation in the general pool is very scattered even in its native wiki. This article describes how pools work, available pools, client programs, and some results.

First some terminology

Block- a batch of bitcoin exchange transactions signed with the SHA-256 cryptographic hash function.
The block signature does not contain any key, anyone can generate and verify it, but the block signature must be less than some “target” (if we consider the signature and the target as 256-bit integers), roughly speaking, it must contain a certain number of zeros at the beginning bit. Thus, it is difficult to generate a correct signature - you need to select the block parameters for a long time so that the block hash is less than the target. Block example.

Difficulty- the relative complexity of generating a block signature. Complexity = 1 corresponds to a target in which the first 32 bits are zeros. Accordingly, to generate a block signature you need on average “2^32 * complexity” of attempts (block hashes). The difficulty is recalculated by all Bitcoin clients approximately once every 2 weeks, so that the block generation rate is approximately 6 blocks per hour. The current complexity is approximately 157416 (the first 49 bits of the hash must be zeros and then the 23 bits of the hash must be less than 6A93B3)

Mining– the process of selecting block signatures. It is the only source of increasing the “money supply” of bitcoins and at the same time serves to record all completed transactions.

Share- candidate block signature - a block and its hash containing the first 32 bits of zeros. The number of share pools is calculated by the contribution of each participant in the work of generating a block signature. With a complexity of one, each ball becomes a signature, with the current one - only every 157,416th on average.

Pool- a server engaged in distributed mining - using the computing power of the participants. The pool distributes the current block to the participants and waits for the ball to be received. As soon as one of the participants sends a share that turns out to be smaller than the current goal, the pool announces the generation of a block signature. The prize for generating a block (currently 50 BTC + voluntary taxes on transactions) is distributed among the participants, the owner of the pool takes a certain share. Distribution rules vary from pool to pool, which will be discussed below.

Stale share- a share that came from the participant too late, after the corresponding block had already been signed by someone. The client program searches for the block signature until it finds it or until it gets rejected. If the pool does not send a callback or the client program does not understand these calls, then some part of the share (as they say, 0.5% -1.5%) will be out of date. Support for “hang up” in pools is implemented through long polling.

Miner- client program for mining. To participate in the pool, you need a separate client program, because... a regular Bitcoin client does not support mining in a pool.
A miner is also an account for one participant’s client program on a pool. One participant can create several miners without additional registration on the pool in order to use several client programs (of different types and/or on different computers) and receive income from them in one wallet.

Accounting by points (score based system)- a system for evaluating the balls, depending on the time they were received by the pool. The cost of balls in points increases over time of work on one block, i.e. the very last balls will pay the most. This system is designed to counteract cheating - the strategy of disconnecting from the pool after working on a block for some time. If the balls are equal, then it turns out to be more profitable to switch off after the pool receives a total number of shares equal to 0.435 * complexity, and switch to single generation (or to PPS, see below). But this is considered cheating.

Now about the pools


The largest of the pools. The total computing power is 854 Ghash/s (gigahashes per second). According to, this pool generates almost half of the block signatures (see chart), which is already starting to cause concern.

There are two models for receiving your share:
1) Proportional. In this case, the participant receives a share proportional to the number of shares found, and all shares are counted (except for the stale share), and not just for the successfully signed block. Owner's share - 3%.
2) Fixed per share (Pay per share, PPS). The participant receives 0.00028584821460503 BTC for each (non-stale) share, regardless of the share in signing the block, etc.
It is not difficult to calculate that this price of the shares is almost exactly equal to 50 BTC * 0.9 / Difficulty. Those. on the long-term average, the participant will receive 90% of his share of the work of generating the signature. The owner's share is thus 10%.
The model is set for each participant's miner account, so you can use both models at once if you have several CPUs/GPUs.
You can get your share immediately, without waiting for block confirmation. In addition, the share is not taken away even if the block is invalid (a block will be invalid if a longer chain of blocks is generated somewhere that does not include this one).

2) known as slush's pool)

The second pool in terms of power. The total computing power is 312 Ghash/s. Now this pool generates about a sixth of the block signatures (although in April it had a third of the total capacity).
The pool owner's share is 2% (1 BTC for a 50 BTC prize). Only those participants who sent balls for a successfully signed block receive a share of the prize. Accordingly, if a block was not signed by this pool, all shares sent to this pool for this block are useless.
The share of the prize is calculated by points (score based system), the author of the scoring system is slush, the owner of the pool.
Payment of the share is possible only after confirmation of the block - after 120 blocks signed after it (which is about 20 hours).


Power - 146 Ghash/s
Registration is open. Owner's share - 2%. Only those participants who sent shares for this block receive a share of the block.
The share of the prize is calculated by points. Payment of the share is possible only after the block is confirmed by 120 blocks.


Power - 34.3 Ghash/s
The owner's share is voluntary taxes only (no percentage of 50 BTC is taken). All participants who sent shares since the pool signed the previous block receive a share of the block.
The share of the prize is calculated in proportion to the number of balls. Payment of the share is possible only after the block is confirmed by 120 blocks.

5) Eligius

Power - 31.8 Ghash/s
A pool without the need for registration - just indicate your Bitcoin address and your share is transferred there, and immediately - right in the generated block (using Generated transaction).
Owner's share - voluntary taxes on transactions plus 0.00000001 BTC per second (about 0.0003%). The miner's share is proportional to the number of shares from the previous block created by the pool. If a block becomes invalid, the number of balls found is counted into the next block.
Interestingly, this pool was apparently the first to introduce additional rules for transactions that the pool includes in blocks - 0.00004096 BTC per 512 bytes of transaction.


Power - 1.8 Ghash/s
A fresh addition to the list of pools, it is positioned as a competitor to the PPS mode on deepbit.
The share for mining is fixed per share (Pay per share). The current value of the shares is 0.00029220039715181 BTC, i.e. the commission is 8%. In addition, the payment of the cost is promised immediately, without even waiting for the block to be generated.

(Pool capacities and rules are given at the time of writing)

Client programs (miners)

1) Ufasoft's SSE2 CPU miner - bitcoin-miner

Uses CPU, optimized for SSE. According to the author, one hash requires about 1000 processor cycles.
I get about 1100 clock cycles - on my Q9550 quad, the miner produces 12.5 Mhash/s if you give it all 4 cores (running it in 4 threads) and 9.5 Mhash/s if in 3 cores.
The processor heats up to 60 degrees when 4 cores are loaded, which bothered me a little (at idle the temperature is about 40), but it’s quite possible to work. When loading 3 cores, it heats up to 53 and you can even watch HD movies. Most of the time I generated balls this way.
For comparison, the official Bitcoin client (bitcoin- mines at a speed of 4.9 Mash/s if you give it all 4 Q9550 cores.

2) m0mchil's python miner - poclbm

Uses OpenCL. It didn’t want to work on my CPU, but on the 8600GT video card it produces 6.8 Mhash/s. Alas, the miner loads the GPU core by 95%-99% and the video heats up to 75 degrees. And it’s extremely difficult to do anything on a computer while the miner is running - windows are even dragged jerkily. Playing with the -f parameter did not yield anything.
Perhaps owners of more powerful video cards will be able to get better results and less lag. Judging by the wiki, you can get 802 Mhash/s on the ATI Radeon HD 5970.

There are also miners, but I haven’t tried them:

3) jgarzik's CPU miner
4) Diablo's java GPU/CPU miner

My results

The first time I mined was in April (when the difficulty was 82347) - about 26 hours. I mined 198 shares, 1 of which turned out to be outdated. It was calculated about 930 Ghash.
The first 17 shares were generated on the btcmine pool (in 1 hour 40 minutes), I did not receive anything for this, because... disconnected long before the end of block generation.
The remaining balls are on deepbit, 28 in PPS mode and 153 in proportional mode. I earned as much as 0.13430786 BTC from this.
If I generated everything in PPS, I would only earn 0.09891044 BTC, and if everything was in proportional, then 0.14083968 BTC.
The rate of ball generation (1 ball for 4.7 Ghash) coincides well with the theoretical one (1 ball for 4.295 Ghash).
If we take the then rates on the mtgox (1.04 USD/BTC) and MICEX (28.19 RUB/USD) exchanges, then my income was 3 rubles 81 kopecks.

Now let’s calculate the speed of receiving income from mining
1) Each Mhash/s mining speed gives about 20 shares per day,
2) Taking into account the current block prize, pool tax, and April difficulty, the income on Mhash/s will be 0.0119 BTC
3) In terms of exchange rates, it will be 35 kopecks per day
After this, you need to estimate how much energy is required for generation (very much depends on the equipment and its operating mode during the day) and how much this energy will cost.
I got it like this:
4) 3.3 rubles per day of income from mining (9.5 Mhash/s),
5) Processor consumption - 71.25 watts (we only count the addition for using 3 cores, I mine only when the computer is already running - 3/4 of the 95 watt processor), i.e. 1.17 kWh per day,
6) Which cost 4.55 rubles (tariff 2.66 rubles/kWh).
That is, there was no point in generating coins for me, because... energy costs are higher. Which is where I stopped then.

The second time I started mining was on May 15th, when the price of BTC on the mtgox exchange almost reached 9 US dollars.
Taking into account the current difficulty, income has dropped to 0.059 BTC per day, but now it costs 12.25 rubles (mtgox 7.4 USD/BTC, MICEX 28.1 RUR/USD). Those. mining gives 7.70 rubles per day or 32 kopecks per hour.


In the long term, there is no difference in which mode it is more profitable to participate in mining, proportional or PPS, by points or by shares, only for a signed block or for all blocks. Everything is determined by the “tax” of the pool owner (and the cheating of pool participants).
In the short term, it can be a shame to mine for several hours and get nothing. Actually, the same uniformity is needed, for the sake of which it is worth mining in a pool, and not alone.
My favorite mode on right now is proportional mode.

P.S. The total computing power spent on generation is now about 2023 GHash/s, which is approximately equal to 25.7 TeraFLOP/s, i.e. is already 4.5 times greater than the total capacity of the BOINC project.

This is an article in accessible language for non-specialists. If you consider yourself at least an “IT specialist”, you can safely read the PDF from Satoshi.

Where do these bitcoins even come from?

Bitcoin mining is a somewhat confusing phrase. Bitcoins are awarded for successfully solving a mathematical problem. The more such solutions, the more stable the network will be, because in order to bring down the network, hackers will need to spend the same amount of time as all the “miners” spent collectively. This will require incredible computing power, because even the most powerful supercomputer in the world is 14 times weaker than all the computers in the bitcoin network combined.

To understand what exactly happens when Bitcoins are generated, you need to understand some concepts.


This is a function that takes some sequence as input and outputs another sequence of fixed lengths, which is designed to be unique for each input sequence.

This is how, for example, the md5 hash of the word “hash” is calculated:

$ echo "hash" | md5sum

And this is the hash of the song “Fly Into The Night” by Darkseed:

$ md5sum "music/Darkseed/2003 - Astral Adventures/02 - Fly Into The Night.mp3"
music/Darkseed/2003 - Astral Adventures/02 - Fly Into The Night.mp3

Hash selection

But taking a hash and getting a song back from it won’t work. The thing is that hash functions are specially designed in such a way that you can quickly calculate the hash of the original sequence, but not the other way around. In the worst case, you will just have to go through all possible options. For example, it looks like this:

$ echo "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" | md5sum

$ echo "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab" | md5sum
$ echo "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabb" | md5sum
$ echo "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbb" | md5sum

And so on until we meet the hash we need. Very long and tiring.

Selection of bitcoin blocks

You can see the word “block” in the client program. A block is a set of data that includes:

  • hash of the previous block;
  • a certain number of new transactions;
  • “salt” (nonce) is a sequence of bits that can be freely changed.

And the main condition: the block hash must contain a specified number of zeros at the beginning.

Of course, not every block will contain a given number of zeros at the beginning of the hash. And since there is only one changeable part of the block - this is the “salt” - we will go through all possible variants of the “salt” until we get the desired hash. According to the rules of the network, for finding a new block the client is given 50 bitcoins (further less, every 4 years, the reward for the calculated block is reduced by 2 times).

This search is called “mining” - the generation of bitcoins.

And the complexity of generating bitcoins depends on the number of required zeros in the hash. Over time, more and more zeros are needed, and the difficulty of mining increases.

How to generate a lot of bitcoins. How long will it take?

First, launch the client program and allow it to generate bitcoins. After a while it will show you the selection speed in hashes per second. Enter this speed into a special calculator. Do not forget that you need to enter mega-hashes per second, that is, the entered unit means a million hashes per second.

If the calculator gives you an acceptable time period, then congratulations - you have nothing to worry about. Just generate bitcoins as before. But most likely you simply forgot to convert kilohashes to megahashes.

If you can't wait that many years, read on.

Economic expediency

In general, the Bitcoin exchange rate at any given time is approximately equal to the energy consumption expended to generate it on a conventional processor. Who needs to buy bitcoins if they can be generated on a computer, of which there is no shortage in the modern world?

There are three ways to make Bitcoin generation economically feasible:

  • use more efficient processors for calculations;
  • generate in the hope that the rate will rise and the generation of bitcoins will pay off;
  • use computer downtime and treat bitcoins as little free money.

Today's miners have mastered the first one well and generate bitcoins mainly on graphics processors of video cards, in particular ATI video cards. Their “calculators” can calculate hashes faster than computer central processing units.

Bitcoin generation may also be of purely speculative value. What if tomorrow they give a million dollars for each? In general, in this case it is not necessary to generate them - you can simply buy them.

The third option seems to me the most reasonable. You use the idle power of your computer to maintain the stability of the network, and as a reward you get some bitcoins. Generation under this scheme will always be profitable, since generation costs will be zero. Well, if they are higher, then this is no longer “using idle capacity.”

Will I have to generate bitcoins for five years and immediately receive a pack of 50 pieces?

In general, yes.

In order not to be left with absolutely nothing, people unite in pools, for example, A pool is a set of clients, each of which selects blocks. But as soon as the block is found, the “prize” 50 bitcoins are divided among everyone who participated in its selection.

How can we know that the program is not guessing Pentagon passwords instead of blocks?

Well, all algorithms of the program are described in its source code. Before a program becomes an executable file that you can launch with a mouse click, the programmer must write it in some programming language. This code is then passed through a special compiler program and only then can it be run.

The Bitcoin client is written in C++, you can download the source code from You can show the source code to a programmer you know and ask him to figure out what the program does. Even if you are afraid that the executable file may be infected with a virus or something else, you can compile the program yourself and be sure that it does only what is described in its source code.


As of June 2011, the most powerful supercomputer in the world - the K computer - “squeezes out” 8,162 teraflops. The computing power of the bitcoin network is 114,445 teraflops (see “Network Hashrate, TeraFLOP/s” on

The digital money market continues to develop and expand. Cryptocurrencies have replaced conventional payment systems. More and more projects are appearing that offer to earn coins.

Users are already offered cloud mining, faucets and even generators; it is too difficult for beginners to figure out where the scams are and where the honest services are.

Free Bitcoin generator, is it really true? I recently came across an unusual project. Through it, it was possible to generate crypto money without doing anything at all.

You just launch a special program, and your balance gradually increases. Naturally, I was interested in this, and now I’ll tell you what came of it.

How does a Bitcoin generator work?

Before using any system, you need to thoroughly understand it. Surely you are also interested in how generators that can generate crypto money passively work. Developers usually hide behind various schemes, but do not offer anything intelligible.

It turns out that money comes out of thin air? Something is suspicious! You need to be extremely careful with offers of freebies; free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. I was convinced of this by my own example. It turns out that there are no bitcoin generators without investments.

This is another scam, and against the backdrop of the rapidly growing popularity of crypto money, scammers manage to attract huge audiences. Everyone wants to get coins without doing anything at all, so they fall for the trick. This article is a warning for beginners; we will reveal a new deception scheme.

How I was offered to download a Bitcoin generator

I’ve been doing this for a long time, many people know about it, I don’t hide my contacts. One fine day, a letter arrives in the mail with a link to a Bitcoin generator 2017, which works using an innovative method. I was interested in this, so I decided to look at their website:

The site looks nice, the main page presents various data, attractive texts, reviews of “real” people and other information.

Registration is free, and most importantly, you did not need to provide your system to use (as is the case with). In a couple of minutes I registered and, lo and behold, the bitcoin generator started working:

As you can see, they ask you to wait 5-10 minutes, depending on the power of the PC and after this time, we should receive a solid bonus. And so it happened, not even 10 minutes had passed before almost 3,500 rubles in BTC appeared in my account:

Did the automatic bitcoin generator really make a profit? Yes, but no one will let you withdraw money. This is not even a pyramid, just a simple scam. Surprisingly, many fall for such proposals; in my opinion, everything is obvious.

The fishing rod is out, the fish has bitten, it’s time to reel in

There are a huge number of similar generators created, I don’t see the point in leaving a link to this one, besides, it deceives people. When you click on the button to withdraw funds, a form appears where you are asked to indicate the wallet number (one of the available ones):

Surely, someone who is inexperienced in using it will immediately enter their details and will eagerly wait for the transfer to arrive. However, this does not happen, and instead of payment, the system offers to search for payment. Allegedly, he came to the wrong account, for some unknown reason:

Well, suddenly something really happened, the money is stuck somewhere and you need to do a couple of steps to get it. We proceed to search for payment and see that we are being asked to pay a transfer fee, which is only 200 rubles. Kopecks, because after payment we will receive 53 dollars:

Naturally, I did not send any money, because this is an obvious scam. This is how scammers give you a “sniff” of money, and then it evaporates as soon as you send them even a few rubles. All crypto money generators are dummies, don’t fall for such tricks.

Why was I sure that the Bitcoin generator was a scam?

When I saw the letter in the mail, I already guessed that someone was trying to deceive me. Experience helps me quickly identify scammers, but beginners don’t have it. By what signs did this scam reveal itself?

  • You may have noticed in the image that I was assigned ID 0000093. Am I really the 93rd person to register? But the website says that he has been working for several years and has paid a lot of money;
  • The first argument is not the most serious, so let's move on to the second. The main page contains photographs of people who allegedly started generating Bitcoins. Does anyone upload real photos for this? I doubt;
  • the third bell is amount of funds generated. It was written that users receive 2 BTC per day without investing anything. Those. That’s half a million rubles a day, isn’t it too much? Obvious deception;
  • Online there is no information about what makes the generator work. Where does the money for distribution come from? There is no affiliate program or advertising. Maybe someone got generous and decided to give away billions, which smacks of fraud;
  • Well, the last thing that made me laugh was the size of the commission. Whatever method you choose to receive funds, you will still be told that the commission is 200 rubles. This does not happen; payment systems and banks have different commissions.

To confirm my guesses, I specifically went into the “working” bitcoin generator and repeated the procedure. Again, in a few minutes, I earned exactly the same amount. From this alone it becomes clear that there is no generation, these are empty promises.

Are there even online bitcoin generators?

It is impossible to generate money, even if it is digital. There are systems that distribute bonuses in cryptocurrencies, they are called faucets. They really work, but it is clear where the money comes from. They are introduced by advertisers, users see banners on websites or are offered to visit resources.

In terms of remuneration, everything is radically different. Bonuses are scanty, for example, Freebitcoin pays out 0.00000048 BTC every hour. This is a few kopecks, when converted to rubles, no one here promises a huge profit. There are a lot of similar services created, many money makers collect bonuses.

Search the web for collections of current faucets. New sites are constantly opening and old ones are being closed, so there is no point in recommending any specific projects.

The best way to earn Bitcoins on a slot machine

If you still want to generate cryptocurrency without your own efforts, then it is better to use mining. On the MinerGate website you can download a Russian bitcoin generator, but to put it correctly, this is a regular miner. Through a special utility, PC resources are used, and funds are awarded for this:

Users themselves choose which coins to collect; the most popular cryptocurrencies are offered to choose from. You can entrust the choice to the software, then it will mine the currency that is currently the most profitable (SmartMiner tab):

In fact, this is not a generator, but a proven, old and working program that automatically brings income to a huge audience of users. Such software is very popular, but not everyone pays well for using a PC, and the system must be really powerful for the income to be noticeable.

Where else can you earn Bitcoin?

Everything is clear with working Bitcoin generators; they bring nothing but promises. There are not many coins coming from the faucets, and for mining you have to constantly keep your computer on and the system must be powerful. Then how to earn a lot of bitcoins?

Use the following services:

  1. MinerGate – we are not repeating ourselves, it’s just that cloud mining is available on this site. Rent equipment, receive stable deposits.
  2. Fatfunds is an investment game for losing weight. Here you can invest BTC at 2.1% per day, giving up unhealthy food and bad habits.

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