Main activities of a commercial bank. Commercial activities of the bank. Operations and transactions

CB is a credit institution that has the right to attract funds from legal entities and individuals, place them on its own behalf and at its own expense on the terms of repayment, payment and urgency, and carry out settlement transactions on behalf of clients.

The issues of creating a commercial bank are regulated by regulations of the Russian Federation, the main of which is the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”. It defines in general terms the range of operations performed by banks, the content of the Charter, requirements for the formation of authorized capital, and a list of documents required for registering a bank. In addition to this Federal Law, the Central Bank has issued many other regulatory documents that clarify and clarify the procedure for creating a commercial bank. In addition, since commercial banks are essentially joint-stock companies, the block of documents that determine the procedure for the functioning of joint-stock companies in Russia is of great importance. This entire documentary base is in constant change. This is primarily due to the improvement of the legislative framework and the need to clarify the directions of monetary policy.

An approximate list of controls could be as follows:

operational management

Automation and Communications Department

accounting department

legal management

security department

credit management

economic planning management

Department of Currency Transactions and International Settlements

investment and securities department

administrative and economic management

KB, unlike other enterprises, performs special operations, i.e. attracts temporarily available funds from depositor clients and places them for profit. The bank cannot make a profit through the production and sale of products or the resale of goods. The bank, working with borrowed (i.e., other people's) funds, bears double responsibility and risk: to the owners of the borrowed funds, to the owners (shareholders) of the bank. This increases the requirements for managing banking operations and complicates them.

Banking operations are:

attracting funds from legal entities and individuals into demand deposits and for a certain period;

providing loans on one's own behalf using one's own and borrowed funds;

opening and maintaining accounts (settlement, current, loan, deposit, currency, transit, special);

making payments on behalf of clients;

collection of money, bills, settlement and payment documents, cash services;

cash management;

transactions with currency (purchase and sale in cash and non-cash forms);

operations with precious metals;

issuance of bank guarantees;

Other types of operations:

issuance of guarantees for third parties;

acquisition of the right to claim the fulfillment of obligations from third parties;

providing consultations and issuing information;

rental of special premises and safes;

Main functions of the KB:

raising money capital

credit mediation

carrying out settlements and payments

creation of means of payment

organization of issue and placement of securities

customer information service

The bank's attraction of free funds allows clients to receive income from investing money in commercial banks and serves as the basis for the placement of loan resources, which is carried out in various areas of the economy and social sphere. Attracting money capital is of macroeconomic importance, since it contributes to the concentration of money on the scale of the economy and its functioning as capital, i.e. money. Bringing in new money.

Since money is most often attracted for a short term and placed for a longer period, the bank acts as a reliable intermediary between the owners of temporarily free funds and borrowers. The bank assumes responsibility for the rational and efficient allocation of resources and their return; the borrower receives the desired funds from the bank for a certain fee. In general, credit resources contribute to the expansion of production.

The stability of the economy, along with other factors, is ensured by a reliable system of settlements and payments. The bulk of settlements between enterprises are carried out in non-cash form; commercial banks keep records of all cash receipts and disbursements, therefore they are constantly working on organizing settlements. For this purpose, clearing centers are being created, settlements through correspondent bank accounts are being improved, the electronic payment system is being modernized, which reduces the costs of settlement transactions, increases the speed and reliability of payments, and hence the quality of customer service.

The creation of means of payment is directly related to the deposit and lending activities of banks. A deposit can be created either by the client depositing cash into the bank (in which the amount of money does not change) or by issuing a loan to the borrower (in this case the amount of money increases). When borrowers repay loans when money is written off from their deposit accounts, the money supply decreases.

CBs issue and place securities. Banks determine the size, conditions, terms of issue, type of securities, and undertake the responsibility for placement and organization of secondary circulation of shares and bonds of enterprises and organizations. They evaluate the prospects for issuing new shares and the reality of their placement.

Banks analyze the financial activities of enterprises and accounting, evaluate the development strategy and opportunities for increasing income, and provide recommendations for carrying out transactions in the money, commodity and stock markets.

CBs compete with non-bank credit institutions, which encourages them to search for new areas of activity, increase the number of services, improve the quality of customer service and the reliability of settlement transactions. Banks are actively introducing themselves into the sphere of financial entrepreneurship, and their role in the economy is growing.

Modern dictionaries define a BANK as “a social institution of economic life, a financial enterprise that concentrates funds (deposits) and provides them for temporary use in the form of credits (loans, advances) for a certain fee (interest) on the principles of repayment, urgency (for material assets , securities, bills). The Bank carries out intermediary functions in mutual payments and mutual settlements between enterprises, institutions and individuals; regulates monetary circulation in the country, including the release (issue) of new money and transactions with securities.

The main essence of most commercial banks today, their basis, can be considered the organization of the monetary process and high-quality service to the population.

Each bank, while carrying out its activities, sets itself certain goals. The main ones are:

  • - ensuring reliable protection of clients’ money;
  • - high-quality service to all clients;
  • - development of banking services for individuals and legal entities. It is widely assumed that the driving motive

The bank's activity is to make a profit. All this, however, related to the activities of a capitalist bank, but quite recently we were able to step over one of our dogmas, and finally, after many years, we came to the realization of one of the essential aspects of banking activity. The profit indicator has officially become the main indicator of the bank's activities, and inevitably, thus, we have embarked on the path of reviving the bank as such. Profitability, profitability is something without which any bank cannot exist, without which the meaning of its economic services is lost.

A prerequisite for achieving the goals of banking activities is security. All other things being equal, the higher the bank's security and the lower the risk, the higher the bank's profit. Nevertheless, the bank is a risky enterprise. It is not without reason that they say that a commercial bank is a risk, then a waiting period, and after that a profit or loss. There are no longer 100% guarantees left in the world; no matter how much everyone insures themselves against losses, it is impossible to completely avoid losses. But the peculiarity of banking activity is that the bank, as an economic enterprise, can risk its capital, its profit, but not the client’s capital, his profit. The bank may suffer from unsuccessful (or inept) commerce, but the client, for whom, in fact, the credit institution exists, should never suffer.

Most commercial banks operate according to the principle: everything for the client. This means that the bank bears full responsibility for the client and ensures his profit. Everything must be in agreement: first of all, the client’s profit, and then the bank’s profit; however, it is also true that client profit is not the only goal, but the basis for obtaining banking profits. By ensuring profit for the client, the bank also realizes its own interest. As they say, “both the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe.”

Carrying out banking operations with a wide clientele is an important feature of modern banking in all countries of the world that have a developed credit system. Kazakh banks have accumulated considerable experience in the difficult conditions of a market economy. The banking services market, which in the late eighties and early nineties was a “market for banks,” in a very short period of 1996-1998. turned into a “market for clients” and transferred the banking business from a highly profitable and low-risk enterprise with a profit rate of 200-300% into a difficult and sometimes dangerous activity. It was from the mid-nineties that almost the entire arsenal of means of fighting for the client was gradually introduced into banking practice. It is known that leading commercial banks in Kazakhstan strive to perform a wide range of operations and services for their clients in order to expand their revenue base, increase profitability and competitiveness. It is important to keep in mind that the development of banking activities involves the provision of banking services with minimal costs for clients and the bank itself, and the use of reasonable prices for services required by clients.

Unfortunately, during the transition to a market economy, banks often understood the goal of profitable business as a goal that ensured exclusively their own economic interests. The bank's profit became, as it were, the first place in the activities of the credit institution. The effect was achieved in a straightforward way: to get the highest possible payment from the client. Now the general policy of any second-tier bank in the field of working with clients comes down to providing a maximum of services on terms acceptable to the client. Today, competition between second-tier banks has reached enormous proportions, so each bank strives to attract as many clients as possible, offering them all possible types of operations. It is this factor that is considered the most important today; it is the clients that the bank relies on.

Let's consider the main types of activities inherent in most commercial banks. This includes the following types of operations:

  • - accepting deposits from individuals;
  • - accepting deposits from legal entities;
  • - opening and maintaining correspondent and other accounts of banks and non-banking financial institutions;
  • - cash transactions: acceptance, counting, change, exchange, packaging and storage of banknotes and coins, sale of banknotes and coins to obtain non-cash equivalent;
  • - transfer operations;
  • - lending operations: provision of short-term and long-term loans to individuals and legal entities on the terms of repayment, payment and urgency;
  • - financing of capital investments on behalf of the owners or managers of invested funds;
  • - accounting operations: accounting (discount) of bills and other debt obligations of legal entities and individuals;
  • - trust (trust) operations: management of property, other types of assets and performance of other services in the interests and on behalf of clients as a trustee in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad;
  • - clearing operations: carrying out settlements between business entities by offsetting mutual claims;
  • - factoring operations: acquiring the rights to demand payment from the buyer of goods (works, services) with the assumption of the risk of non-payment;
  • - forfaiting operations: payment of a debt obligation of the buyer of goods (works, services) by purchasing a bill of exchange without recourse to the seller;
  • - safe operations: services for storing securities, documents and valuables of clients, including the rental of safe boxes, cabinets and premises;
  • - guarantee operations: issuance of sureties, guarantees and other obligations for third parties, providing for execution in cash, in order to generate income;
  • - leasing operations: provision of property under a property loan agreement with retention of the lessor's ownership of the leased property for the entire duration of the leasing agreement;
  • - issue of own securities;
  • - issue, acceptance for collection, purchase, sale, acceptance, payment and confirmation of own checks and other payment documents (financial instruments);
  • - acceptance for collection and collateral, purchase, sale, acceptance, payment, confirmation and other intermediary operations with securities and payment documents (financial instruments) of issuers - residents and non-residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • - collection and forwarding of banknotes, coins, valuables;
  • - operations with precious metals, numismatic operations;
  • - purchase and sale of foreign currency;
  • - purchase and sale of non-cash foreign currency on one’s own behalf, as well as at the expense and on behalf of clients;
  • - purchase and sale of foreign currency in foreign financial markets;
  • - investment operations on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and beyond its borders;
  • - performing the functions of a depositary and registrar of securities;
  • -providing consulting services related to banking activities and work in financial markets.

Banking operations can be divided into specific and non-specific services. Specific operations are everything that follows from the specifics of the bank’s activities as a special enterprise. As M.M. Agarkov notes, the functions of the bank consist of:

  • - formation of funds (deposit operations);
  • - provision of credit (credit operations)
  • -promotion of payment turnover (settlement and cash transactions).

Deposit operations involve placing clients' funds in a bank on deposit for a certain period of time (deposits). Historically, this operation was preceded by a safekeeping operation, when people placed their valuables for safekeeping in banks that ensured the reliability and safety of their savings. Subsequently, the safety of funds began to develop into safety from depreciation. People began to place their monetary resources in the bank not only as the most convenient, safe place, but also in order to generate income and preserve them from depreciation and inflation. For placing money on deposit, bank clients receive a reward (interest).

Credit operation is the main operation of the bank. It is no coincidence that a bank is sometimes called a large credit institution. And this is true: in the total amount of bank assets, the main share is made up of credit operations. Most often, the bank receives most of its income through lending to customers.

One of the main activities of the bank is facilitating payment turnover. Operations to facilitate payment turnover include operations for which the bank undertakes various payment transactions: paying checks, making transfers, etc. Thanks to these operations, banks turn into universal cashiers. Currently, all over the world, including in Kazakhstan, such a function of banks as facilitating payment turnover is undergoing a significant, qualitative change due to the rapid development of computer and telecommunications, which is characterized by the acceleration of payments and money transfers.

The three types of banking operations considered are called traditional banking operations. They acquire a touch of tradition, first of all, in the sense that historically, over a long period of time, they pass as a legacy from one generation of banks to another. We can say that these operations are the most ancient: they were performed by the “old” banking houses, and are also performed by modern large and small banks. These operations also acquire a touch of traditionalism in the sense that they create conditions for maintaining the bank’s status. Banks are not generally those or other enterprises or organizations that accept deposits, issue loans, or make payments between various legal entities and individuals. In practice, you can often find funds that accept deposits for a certain period and at a certain percentage, but this does not make them banks. It is known, for example, that loans can also be provided by trade organizations, in general by all entities that have free funds, but this also does not turn them into banks, but retains their basic status (position). The post office makes payments on behalf of the client, but, despite the settlement operations that it performs, it remains a post office and does not turn into a bank. Additional operations occupy an intermediate position between traditional and non-traditional operations. They include:

  • -currency and foreign exchange transactions;
  • - transactions with securities;
  • - operations with gold, precious metals and bullion.

Non-traditional banking services include all other services. There are quite a lot of them, including:

  • -intermediary services,
  • -services aimed at the development of the enterprise (introduction to the stock exchange, placement of shares, legal assistance, information services);
  • - provision of guarantees and warranties;
  • -trust operations (including consultations and assistance in property management on behalf of the client);
  • -accounting assistance to enterprises;
  • -representation of client interests in judicial authorities;
  • - services for providing safes.

The evolution of the standard set of banking operations is such that gradually, under the influence of many factors (not only competition, but also the development of new technology, the invention of a new banking product, etc.), both their volume and their composition are expanding in the market. This is especially noticeable in the work of commercial banks. Just a few years ago, domestic banks did not work with certificates, bills, credit cards; in their professional vocabulary such concepts as factoring, leasing, option, ATM, etc. were not used. And this is understandable, since banks worked in a centralized distribution system when a number of services were simply not needed. The market presented new requirements for work: banks were forced to master the latest operations in which their clients were interested. It is also impossible not to take into account the fact that banks do not yet have the necessary knowledge about the latest services; they still have to train their staff in the techniques of providing them. Gradually, however, the latest technologies and new operations are becoming the property of banks. In addition to traditional banking operations, they are beginning to provide a wider range of their services. In general, we can say that in the banking sector of the economy there has been a tendency towards universal activities.

It should be noted that all types of banking activities are carried out in the presence of appropriate licenses from the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in accordance with them. The bank has the right to carry out banking operations in both national and foreign currency.

All intermediary operations in the securities market in the presence of a license from an authorized licensor, the issue of its own securities in the form of shares and bonds are carried out by the Bank with the consent of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In addition to banking operations, the Bank has the right to carry out any other types of activities not prohibited by current legislation.

Considering the activities of the bank, it should be noted that the bank guarantees the secrecy of transactions and deposits of its depositors, clients and correspondents, as well as the secrecy of property stored in the bank.

Bank secrecy can only be disclosed to the owner of the account (property), or to any third party on the basis of the written consent of the owner of the account (property) given at the time of his personal presence at the bank.

In order to ensure the financial stability of banks, protect the interests of their depositors, as well as maintain the stability of the monetary system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Bank regulates the activities of banks, these functions are carried out by the FSA (Agency for Regulation and Financial Supervision), including through:

  • 1. establishing prudential standards and other norms and limits that banks must comply with, including reserve requirements;
  • 2. issuing mandatory instructions and other regulations for banks;
  • 3. inspection of banks’ activities;
  • 4. issuing recommendations for improving the financial position of the bank;
  • 5. application of limited enforcement measures to banks;
  • 6. imposition of sanctions on banks.

Inspection of the activities of a commercial bank by other bodies and organizations is carried out by them within the limits of their competence in accordance with current legislation.

Internal bank control is carried out by the auditing structural divisions of the bank.

» Types of bank activities

Types of bank activities

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The main function of any bank is to provide financial services to both legal entities and individuals. Based on this, you can determine the type of activity of the bank.

A bank is a financial and credit organization. If we compare its activities with moneylenders, there is one significant difference - the bank does not use personal capital, it operates with other people's funds, and it itself exists and makes a profit from interest and payments for the services provided.

This is similar to the activities of entrepreneurs who move and distribute cash flows.

Previously, those who chose this type of activity were called money changers. They were in great demand as they exchanged money for foreign merchants. It was the money changers, who began expanding their activities, who formed the first banks, which constantly developed and improved, turning into the financial structures we know today.

The main activity of the bank can be defined as attracting finances from the population, in order to then distribute them and place them in various funds. Modern banks use this as their main source of income.

Another well-known type of bank activity is lending to the population. Providing loans at interest is already catching up with investment in terms of profitability, therefore for many banks this is turning into the main activity and the main income tool.

It should be noted that the entire banking system can be considered as a chain of financial organizations that are very closely connected with each other by a single financial and credit mechanism.

The banking system is one of the most important links in the successful development of a market economy, therefore it must have a clearly developed strategy (including the type of bank activity) and structure, which necessarily have a significant impact on the economic position of each state.

A commercial bank, like any other bank, performs the following functions:

Accumulation (attraction) of funds into deposits;

Their placement (investment function);

Settlement and cash services for clients.

Commercial banks act primarily as specific credit institutions, which, on the one hand, attract temporarily available funds from the economy; on the other hand, using these raised funds, they satisfy the various financial needs of enterprises, organizations and the population.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the main types of banking activities include:

Attracting funds from legal entities and individuals into deposits and demand deposits for a certain period;

Providing loans on one’s own behalf using one’s own and borrowed funds;

Opening and maintaining accounts for individuals and legal entities;

Carrying out settlements on behalf of clients, including correspondent banks;

Collection of funds, bills, payment and settlement documents (including in electronic form) and cash services for clients;

Management of funds under an agreement with the owner or manager of funds;

Purchase from legal entities and individuals and sale to them of foreign currency in cash and non-cash forms;

Carrying out transactions with precious metals in accordance with current legislation;

Issuance of bank guarantees.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the accepted abbreviated name of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or Central Bank. The Bank of Russia carries out monetary policy and regulates the activities of credit institutions.
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  • Course work

    Money, credit, banks

    Topic: Commercial banks, their types and main areas of activity

    Samsonova Maryana








    The foundation for the formation of market relations is not only the creation of commodity markets, but also financial markets necessary for the implementation of reproductive activities. The market is practically impossible under monopolism, the absence of counterparties, and competition. For the widespread introduction of market relations at the macro level, it was necessary to create an effective mechanism for the distribution and redistribution of financial resources. This is how new types of banks - commercial banks - became widespread. The first commercial banks in modern Russia arose in 1988, when 41 banks were registered primarily to serve cooperatives, individual private enterprises and other new forms of activity. In 1998, there were already 1,403 banks, whereas in 1997 there were 2,603. As of the fall of 2013, there were more than 950 commercial banks operating in Russia, representing the country’s banking system as a whole. Their total assets, according to the Bank of Russia, amount to 13.96 trillion. rubles, of which 1.69 trillion. - own funds. A total of more than 8 trillion in loans were issued across all segments. rubles Private deposits from individuals amounted to 3.8 trillion. Cash funds of legal entities in the accounts of commercial banks - 4.79 trillion. rubles

    The purpose of the course work is to study the types and areas of activity of commercial banks.

    To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: 1) show the place of commercial banks in the modern banking system;

    ) list the existing types of commercial banks;

    ) explain the areas of activity of commercial banks.


    The banking system of the Russian Federation includes the Bank of Russia, credit organizations (banks and non-profit organizations), as well as branches and representative offices of foreign banks. The authorized capital and all property of the Central Bank (Bank of Russia) are federal property, and making a profit is not the purpose of the Bank of Russia. All other banks in Russia are commercial.

    According to the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”, any credit organization is a legal entity that, in order to make a profit as the main goal of its activities, on the basis of a license issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, has the right to carry out banking operations provided for by law. Since the main goal of all banks is to make a profit, all banks received the prefix “commercial”. Non-profit companies are companies, unions, associations that do not set themselves the goal of making a profit.

    The founders of commercial banks are, as a rule, large enterprises, associations, and organizations that have a stable financial position. To start operations, they are created on a share or joint stock basis.

    Commercial banks differ:

    to size;

    according to the ownership of the authorized capital and the method of its formation;

    by types of transactions performed;

    by territorial sphere of activity: republican, regional, municipal;

    by industry specialization (interaction with a specific industry).

    by the composition of participants (shareholders), that is, the owners of the bank.

    Rice. 1.1. Methods for classifying commercial banks

    Depending on their specialization, commercial banks can be universal and specialized. In the financial market, specialized banks include investment and mortgage banks, development banks, and foreign economic banks. These types of banks include the Moscow Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the St. Petersburg Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The type of bank is determined by the license issued by the Central Bank of Russia. In some cases, specialization depends on the composition of clients. We can highlight such industry banks as Energomashbank (St. Petersburg), Gazprom (Moscow), Neftekhimbank (Moscow), Metallinvestbank (Moscow), etc.

    Large banks can create their branches and representative offices on the territory of the Russian Federation, which are established in accordance with the general procedure. The credit institution notifies the Bank of Russia of the opening of branches or representative offices. She is obliged to provide the postal address of the branch (representative office), its powers, functions, information about the managers, the scale of the planned operations, provide seal impressions and signatures of the managers. For opening branches, a credit institution pays a fee in the amount of 1000 times the minimum wage; the fee goes to the federal budget.

    Commercial banks are within the sphere of economic influence of the Central Bank, which issues licenses for their opening, sets the minimum size of the authorized capital, required reserves, standards for the maximum ratio between its own and attracted assets, and standards for the liquidity of cash resources.

    The largest bank in the Russian Federation is Sberbank of Russia. As of September 13, 2012, 60.25% of the shares of Sberbank of the Russian Federation belong to the Bank of Russia, and the remaining 39.75% of the shares are in public circulation. Thus, Sberbank of Russia has a special position among all Russian banks: it is more than half owned by the controlling body in the banking system - the Bank of Russia. At the same time, Sberbank is a kind of Gulliver in the land of Lilliputians: it accounts for more than a quarter of the total size of the Russian banking system.

    State banks of Russia are commercial banks that are wholly or predominantly owned by the state. In addition to Sberbank, these are Rosselkhozbank, 100% of the shares of which belong to the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimushchestvo), and OJSC VTB Bank, 75.4978% of the shares of which belong to the Russian Federation represented by the same Rosimushchestvo. There is another state bank in Russia, unique in its kind: it does not have a banking license and operates on the basis of Law No. 82-FZ - this is the state corporation Vnesheconombank. Vnesheconombank, in turn, established a subsidiary bank with 100% share ownership - Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Bank for Support of Small and Medium Enterprises" (OJSC "SME Bank").

    Currently, Vnesheconombank also owns 100% of the shares of the State Specialized Russian Export-Import Bank (ROSEXIMBANK CJSC). In 2008, Vnesheconombank carried out the rehabilitation of OJSC AKB Svyaz-Bank and CJSC CB Globex, which were experiencing serious difficulties, as a result of which Vnesheconombank currently owns more than 99% of the shares of each of these two banks. Gazprombank also has a significant share of the state in its capital (through OJSC Gazprom, Vnesheconombank and NPF GAZFOND).

    The largest Russian banks have been consistently represented for several years by the following commercial banks: Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank, Rosselkhozbank, Bank of Moscow, VTB 24, Alfa-Bank, Unicredit Bank, Rosbank, Raiffeisenbank, Promsvyazbank, NOMOS-Bank, Transcreditbank, Uralsib, MDM Bank, Bank St. Petersburg, Citibank, Ak Bars. Among the large banks in Russia one can also highlight Svyaz-Bank, Nordea-Bank, Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, Russian Standard, Moscow Credit Bank. The top 10 banks in Russia account for 60% of all assets of the Russian banking system, and the top 20 banks account for 70% of the size of the banking system. As of September 12, 2012, there were 901 commercial banks operating in Russia. Thus, the remaining banks account for only 30% of the Russian banking system.

    Foreign banks in Russia have the opportunity to operate only through the creation of a legal entity under the laws of the Russian Federation and obtaining a banking license from the Central Bank, or by purchasing (a share in the authorized capital) of a bank operating in Russia.

    A complete list of operating commercial banks in Russia as of the beginning of 2013 is contained in Appendix A (the list of banks in Russia is arranged alphabetically). Banks are actively represented on the Internet; almost all banks in the Russian Federation have official websites, and some banks have several websites at the same time. However, 41 Russian banks do not have their own Internet resource. Russian banks often have similar names, while the most popular word for inclusion in the name of a bank is “credit”, “credit” and words formed on their basis: there are 50 such commercial banks in Russia. Banks that have in their under the name “investment” or “invest” (48 banks). 44 commercial banks use the word “industrial” or the abbreviation “industrial” in their names, 29 banks use the words “financial”, “finance” and 20 banks have the word “capital” in their names.

    commercial banks (32.4%) operate in the form of a Limited Liability Company, the remaining banks have chosen the most suitable organizational and legal form in the form of a joint stock company.

    Russian banks (that is, more than 50%) are registered in Moscow; moreover, many regional banks have their branches in Moscow. The most complete list of banking operations can be carried out by 152 banks (about 17%), this is how many commercial banks have a General License to carry out banking operations along with a License to attract deposits and place precious metals. A similar volume of transactions can be carried out by banks that have a License to carry out banking operations with funds in rubles and foreign currencies, a License to attract deposits from individuals in rubles and foreign currencies, and a License to attract deposits and place precious metals: such banks in the banking system of the Russian Federation there are 50. The narrowest license is held by 12 banks - such banks can carry out transactions only in rubles and do not have the right to attract funds from individuals. 208 banks have the right to work with precious metals.

    Commercial banks are not homogeneous in their activities; they can be grouped according to the nature of their economic activities:

    Issuing is a bank that issues banknotes and banknotes. It is the regulator and center of the banking system. Today the Central Bank acts as an issuing bank. commercial banks with their inherent activities. specialized banking institutions (savings, investment, mortgage, etc.) can carry out operations to issue loans for a specific type of activity, for example, foreign economic activity.

    In their activities, commercial banks rely on the following principles:

    Receiving a profit. A bank is a commercial enterprise based on making a profit (the difference is between interest on loans and deposits);

    the principle of speculativeness - the bank buys resources cheaper than it subsequently sells them, therefore, interest on deposits will always be lower than on loans, and the selling rate of currency is higher than its purchasing rate, also with securities: the selling rate of a security is higher than its purchasing rate ;

    effective return of all resources - in addition to its main operations, a commercial bank (lending and raising money), tries to increase profits by performing additional operations to maximize profits. In this case, the bank has the right to enter into an agreement with organizations to perform any work, for example, conducting factoring operations (organizational accounting), which will provide additional profit. - the principle of “everything for the client” - the wider the client service base, the more money the bank will be able to place, and, accordingly, receive more profit, therefore it regularly conducts advertising to attract clients.

    the principle of mutual interest with partners - banks, as commercial structures, maintain mutually beneficial relationships among themselves, this allows them to reduce costs and increase financial stability. An example is interbank lending, the creation of customer creditworthiness databases and the introduction of customer credit histories.

    The main goal of every commercial bank is to obtain and increase profits. It consists of the difference between interest on loans granted and interest on deposits. Naturally, interest rates on loans are significantly higher than interest rates on deposits. In addition, many commercial organizations charge banking commissions from clients, which are also components of banking profits. Also, a significant item of income for a commercial bank includes penalties and fines for late payments on loans provided.

    Credit banks can provide their clients with a number of services:

    -issuing loans to the population (consumer loans, housing loans, car loans), organizations and individual entrepreneurs;

    -carrying out operations on deposits and deposits of individuals and legal entities;

    -banking operations with foreign currency;

    -conducting operations with precious stones and metals, as well as with securities;

    -removal and exchange of damaged banknotes for new ones;

    -purchase and sale of foreign currencies;

    -operations for registration of leasing transactions;

    -and etc.

    Being part of the general banking system, commercial banks carry out functions and operations in many ways similar to the Central Bank, differing in sources of resources, clientele, and the nature of their activities.

    Commercial operations of banks are expressed:

    in mediation in the provision of credit resources to business entities;

    in the implementation of mediation in payments, in settlements between business entities;

    in connection with the formation of the stock market, they participate in transactions with securities, they are allowed to issue securities;

    Having extensive economic information, commercial banks advise clients on strategies for effective financial development;

    carry out the purchase and issuance of loans against bills of exchange.

    Commercial banks are systematically expanding the scope and forms of their economic activities. Recently, factoring, leasing, consulting, and trust operations have become widespread.

    In its most general form, factoring is the provision of commission and commercial settlements between counterparties. The bank pays the debt of its client, who subsequently pays the bank, which eliminates the gap in the resulting chain of non-payments. These can be deferred payments: for goods, works, services. This form of work allows some legal entities to receive goods with deferred payment, and others to accumulate working capital without freezing them for a long period. Immediately after the financial and economic crisis broke out in the world, the number of people wishing to enter into a factoring agreement decreased significantly. Banks, trying to protect themselves from insolvent debtors, set very high interest rates on the transaction amount, which sometimes reached 40 per year. Product suppliers were faced with a sharp collapse in prices, and therefore they did not want to give the lion's share of their meager profits to financial institutions.

    As for debtors, they simply faced an unprecedented tightening of working conditions. Therefore, only large institutions remained in business: banks, whose working capital allowed them to stay afloat during the financial storm. The more reputable the bank, the more profitable it will be to work with it and the stricter the conditions for starting cooperation. Many organizations preferred not to get involved in such complex relationships, intending to wait for better times. Now they have arrived, compared to the past, and in 2010 the volume of factoring operations became very significant.

    However, almost all banks prefer recourse factoring, according to which they have the right to demand payment of the debt from the creditor if the debtor refuses to fulfill the obligations. On the one hand, this contradicts the spirit of pure factoring, because debt repayment is a risky undertaking. On the other hand, you don’t have to choose, and the risk of being left without money in such a scheme is much lower than in a classic lending agreement.

    Leasing operations - provision of means of production to user enterprises on a medium- and long-term lease basis. Unlike conventional rent, leasing, as a rule, involves the purchase of equipment at the end of the term at its residual value.

    Consulting (consulting) operations are professional research and development services in the field of economics and management provided by commercial banks and independent consulting firms to enterprises, organizations and government bodies. Consulting (from the English consulting - consulting) is an intellectual service, their task is to assist clients in a particular area of ​​activity. Moreover, consulting is not education, not mentoring, not training. The consultant's task is to assist the client in solving a specific problem at a given time and in a given area of ​​activity. Counseling does not involve active feedback between the counselor and the counselee. The consultant gives away his knowledge, but does not require the client to assimilate it. That is, the client, purchasing consulting services for a fee, uses the intellectual property of the consultant, his experience, analytical capabilities, and so on. Consulting services can also be provided in the field of attracting loans. In this case, consultants provide a full range of services to find a suitable source of financing before organizing the receipt of this investment. The client receives complete information about how best to provide for his financial needs, who would be an ideal investor for him, and how to organize the receipt of financing.

    The client can obtain all this information on his own, but in this case he will have to do a lot of work, in particular:

    -get acquainted with all possible lending methods in this region;

    -analyze the client’s financial condition, his needs and capabilities;

    -choose the optimal financing package. there may be several sources of financing;

    -prepare a package of documents necessary to receive investments and present it to investors.

    Obviously, the services of consultants in this case will help save a lot of time and, ultimately, money.

    Trust (trust) operations are reduced to the performance by commercial banks of services in the interests and on behalf of clients as a trustee. commercial banks issue shares and bonds, carry out their subsequent placement, and manage part of the funds received on this basis. In foreign practice, trust operations mean operations to manage property and perform other services on behalf of and in the interests of the client as his trustee.

    In the domestic literature, a trust is characterized as a special form of property management that determines the rights to transferred property, to the distribution of profits received as a result of this management, and is a relationship between the trust founder, manager and beneficiary. The founder of a trust (or its founder) is an individual or legal entity who founded the trust and (or) transferred certain property to it. The administrator of a trust is the person appointed by the founder to manage such property. “Property” can be not only property or property rights, but also cash, shares and other securities, which makes it possible to concentrate a large number of small deposits in order to invest them in the most profitable projects. The obligations and rights of the trust administrator are determined by law or the trust agreement. The person in whose favor the trust agreement is concluded is called the beneficiary. It can be either a third party or the founder himself.

    The functions of trust departments of commercial banks include three large groups of operations:

    disposing of clients' inheritance under a will;

    performing operations under a power of attorney and in connection with guardianship;

    agency services.

    If commercial banks were only involved in organizing cash transactions, storing savings and issuing loans, then they would not fulfill the key role that they play in the modern economy. Banks are able, without printing money, to increase the money supply and thereby regulate the economic life of the country. The meaning of the ongoing processes is that cash deposits from banks are not withdrawn simultaneously. If there is a certain, legally established reserve fund, the money in the bank is put into circulation, i.e. actually a credit issue is carried out.

    Credit emission consists of the bank increasing the money supply by creating new checking (current) accounts for those clients who received loans from it and do not take them in cash, agreeing to spend their future expenses in non-cash form. Types of credit money can be checks, bills, deposits, and electronic money. Credit emission does not have a negative impact on the economic life of the country, due to the fact that it has clear limits, which are determined by the amount of reserve requirements of the Central Bank. The entire diverse volume of active and passive operations of commercial banks is expressed in their income and expenses. The assets of commercial banks are any property of the bank that is at its direct and unlimited disposal and at the same time has a clear cash equivalent. Simply put, banks' assets usually refer to all their property that can be valued from a monetary point of view. There are four main types of assets of commercial banks:

    -cash (all funds available in the accounts of a banking institution);

    -bank loans (obligations that those of its clients have to the bank to whom loans were issued on certain conditions - that is, potential money, the rights to which belong to the bank, but at the moment do not have a specific cash expression);

    -investments (most often investments are made in securities of private and public companies, as well as in government securities);

    -real estate.

    The assets of commercial banks are usually divided based on several criteria. If we consider them from the point of view of liquidity (that is, the ability to quickly find a buyer and generate income), it turns out that cash has average liquidity, real estate can be classified as illiquid assets, and a high degree of liquidity is inherent in loans and investments. If assets are assessed by reliability, it will be found that loans and investments are high risk (may not bring income or lead to losses), while real estate and cash are practically devoid of risk. Finally, the assets of commercial banks can be distinguished as income-generating (investment transactions, loans, deposit transactions, and the like) and non-income-generating (cash and real estate).

    Bank liabilities play an equally important role in the implementation of banking activities. The fact is that the liabilities of commercial banks mean so-called passive operations, that is, operations that are aimed at generating bank resources in various ways from various sources. And in fairness, it is worth noting that, in general, assets in relation to liabilities in banking are of a secondary nature - initially, to organize a banking institution, it is necessary to carry out operations to attract funds from external sources (that is, liabilities) in order to create equity capital on their basis , having a monetary value (that is, those same assets). Passive operations of banks form the resources of banks and are divided into:

    -formation of the bank’s own capital through the primary issue (issue) of securities;

    -accepting deposits (bank deposits) from individuals and legal entities;

    -deductions from bank profits to increase equity capital and funds;

    -obtaining loans from other banking institutions and other credit structures, including government ones.

    Passive operations allow banks to attract funds in circulation and thus represent their credit potential, formed by their own and borrowed funds. Own funds consist of share capital (authorized fund formed through the issue and placement of securities), reserve capital (deductions from profits in case of unplanned losses and unfavorable changes in the stock market) and retained earnings (remaining after payment of dividends and replenishment of reserve capital) . Funds raised from various sources (deposits, loans, etc.) are valuable because they provide the vast majority (up to 90%) of active banking operations - in particular, almost all credit operations are carried out at their expense.

    The main income items of commercial banks are:

    -interest on loan;

    -dividends on shares and shares;

    -commission payments, etc.

    Banks' costs are reduced to accrued and paid interest, allocations for the maintenance of the administrative and managerial apparatus, depreciation charges, and operating expenses. The excess of income over expenses constitutes bank profit (spread), of which more than 55% is paid to the state. The bulk of the remaining profit is used to create reserve and other funds, as well as for current commercial activities.

    Commercial banks are also engaged in intermediary operations, conducting universal operations for enterprises of all industries and departments, at the expense of monetary resources and savings attracted into deposits. However, the functioning of a commercial bank does not end there, currently numbering up to 300 types of various operations.

    The relationship between the client and the banks is strictly formalized (contractual) in nature. Clients can independently decide on choosing a bank for service, both for credit and settlement, and cash. An enterprise has the right to be serviced for any type of banking operations either in one or several banks. All operations carried out in a commercial bank can be carried out both in rubles and in foreign currency. Commercial banks are prohibited from carrying out transactions involving trade or production of material assets, and banks are also prohibited from insuring any types of risk, with the exception of currency risks. When drawing up an interbank agreement, commercial banks can place and attract monetary resources among themselves in the form of loans or deposits, as well as conduct other mutually beneficial transactions provided for by the institution’s charters.

    Commercial banks independently decide on choosing a bank to carry out transactions or store funds; for this they open a correspondent account. In addition, commercial banks, if they lack capital to fulfill their obligations or provide loans to clients, can apply to the Central Bank for a loan.

    commercial bank credit trust


    Based on the above material, the following conclusions can be drawn.

    A commercial bank is a non-governmental organization whose main function is to meet the needs of legal entities and individuals of the country in order to obtain their own benefit.

    Promising directions for the development of the banking system in Russia, taking into account the experience of Western countries, may be: universalization of banking activities, simplification of its two-level organizational structure, centralization of the network, creation of an integrated automated system for managing banking operations.

    Overcoming negative processes in the economy will largely have to be determined by measures to resolve the current banking crisis. At the same time, urgent actions aimed at creating viable banking institutions, restoring confidence in the domestic and global banking system and attracting savings from the population on this basis are of particular importance.

    The active activities of commercial banks in our country are expanding; they are increasingly beginning to perform new functions for themselves, adopting mainly the experience of large foreign banks.

    During the course work, the place of commercial banks in the modern banking system was considered; the existing types of commercial banks are listed; The areas of activity of commercial banks have been studied.

    Thus, all the assigned tasks were completed and, as a result of their implementation, the types and areas of activity of commercial banks were investigated, which was the purpose of the course work.


    Consulting - consulting manufacturers, sellers, buyers in the field of technological, technical, expert activities.

    Leasing is a type of investment activity for the acquisition of property and its transfer on the basis of a leasing agreement to individuals or legal entities for a fee, for a period and under certain conditions, with the right to purchase the property by the lessee

    Leasing payments - amounts of payments to the lessor from the lessee for the possession and use of property provided/received under a leasing agreement

    Solvency - the ability (possibility) and readiness (desire) of a legal entity or individual to repay its monetary obligations (debts) in a timely manner and in full.

    Settlement - the process of determining the size of the buyer's obligation (debt) to the seller or the size of the mutual obligations of the parties to the transaction (transactions), including the settlement of claims arising during such a process

    Factoring operations - the bank purchases supplier invoices for shipped products and obtains the right to demand payment from the buyer of the products

    A check is a security document containing an unconditional order from the drawer to the bank to pay the amount specified in it to the bearer of the check (check holder)

    Issue of securities - the sequence of actions established by law of the issuer placing issue-grade securities

    List of sources used

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