Planned regeneration of Russian Agricultural Bank keys. Possible errors Service at Rosselkhozbank

What to do if error 2913 occurs in the client bank of Rosselkhozbank? Rosselkhozbank error 2913

There are times when you try to connect to a client bank or log into your account online on the website, and you are shown a warning message indicating Rosselkhozbank error 2913. Let's figure out what reasons can cause such a login problem and what to do to solve it and carry out the necessary operations.

What does error 2913 mean?

When logging into the client-bank system or personal account, a window pops up stating that it is impossible to recognize cryptographic elements due to the fact that the client’s electronic key or digital signature is missing in the prescribed manner. Until you fix the error, you will not be able to work in the system.

You need to try to correct the situation yourself, double-check the connection of the digital signature to the computer, perhaps it is simply a bad contact or the wrong medium was accidentally selected. If you cannot resolve error 2913 of Rosselkhozbank, call the bank’s technical support service.

Error text 2913:

Error 2913 Rosselkhozbank may appear due to the following most common reasons:

  • The validity period of the digital signature has expired.
  • The powers of the manager who is a signatory are not valid due to the expiration of the established period of validity.
  • The initial generation of digital signature has not been carried out.
  • The key registration procedure has not been completed; after the initial regeneration, the electronic key cannot yet be used; you need to take the document to receive it and come to the bank branch.

Rosselkhozbank employees will help you determine exactly why error 2913 appeared in your case and eliminate it.

What to do and how to fix the error?

You can try to remove Rosselkhozbank error 2913 on your own, to do this you need to do the following:

  • Recheck your digital drive. If the red or blue indicator is on, then the equipment is connected and ready to work, and the necessary drivers are installed correctly. If the light is missing, select Control Panel from the Start menu and click Device Manager in the window that opens. Next, select the Smart Card Reader tab and see if there are any objects that the computer cannot recognize or cards with an exclamation mark icon, which indicates problems with operation.
  • Make sure there is no informational message asking you to install or update settings.
  • Include the Rosselkhozbank website in trusted nodes. To do this, select Settings in the browser menu, then go to the Security tab in the browser properties, where you need to reduce the protection level to low and add the bank’s official website to the general list. On the same tab, find the Other button and click. In the new window that appears, select the ActiveX controls line and mark it with a checkmark.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

By trying the above methods for correcting Rosselkhozbank error 2913, you will be able to identify whether there are technical failures in the computer that affected the occurrence of the error.

In a situation where there are no technical problems, you should consult with bank employees. Apparently, the problem lies in the first or second reason.

Video instructions:

Let's sum it up

There is nothing wrong with the appearance of error message 2913 of Rosselkhozbank; this problem can be resolved. Use the listed methods to resolve the error, and you can fix it yourself. If none of the above reasons apply to your case, bank employees will help you cope with the situation.

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what to do if the client bank issued this code

Sometimes, when using the “Client-Bank” option or when logging into your personal account electronically, connection problems may arise, expressed as “error 2913 Rosselkhozbank”, what should you do in such cases? What steps should I take to get back into the system?

What does error 2913 mean?

To make transactions online, a bank user logs into his personal account or connects to the Client-Bank system. But there are situations when it is impossible to establish a connection. A message appears on the computer monitor stating that it is impossible to load cryptographic components due to the lack of a registered digital signature (user’s electronic key).

This means that you will not be able to log in until the cause of the conflict is resolved. Initially, for this purpose, it is recommended to independently check whether the digital key is installed correctly in the reading medium. It is likely that the electronic storage device is missing or another one was inserted by mistake. We also assume that the electronic key is not connected securely. In this case, it is enough to correct the situation by placing the media correctly. Error 2913 of Rosselkhozbank at login should be eliminated. If after the actions taken the situation has not changed, then you need to contact support.

Reasons for error 2913

If logging into the bank’s electronic services is limited by the error message 2913, then the reasons may be the following:

  1. The electronic key certificate has expired.
  2. The powers of the signatory (director, manager), the validity period of which is specified in the user’s bank card, have expired.
  3. The initial generation of the received electronic key was not performed.
  4. After the initial generation, the public key is not yet ready for use. You will need to print out the application for issuance and contact the bank that services the open account.

What to do to troubleshoot

If you cannot contact bank employees, then to eliminate error 2913 on the client-bank website at Rosselkhozbank, you can take the following actions:

  1. Check the status of the root token (digital storage device). If the red or blue light is on, this means that the device is working and the drivers are installed correctly. If there is no working indicator light, you should go to the “Device Manager” in the operating system, find the “Smart Card Reader” tab and make sure that there are no unidentified cards or with an exclamation mark icon.
  2. You need to make sure that a message does not appear on your computer screen asking you to install or run a specific setting.
  3. Add the bank's website to trusted nodes. In the settings, you need to open the “Browser Options” panel, select the “Security” tab, set the protection level to low and add the required bank website to the proposed list. Under the “Enable Protected Mode” inscription, select the “Other” button, in the list that opens, find the line “ActiveX controls” and check it.

The steps listed above allow you to verify the presence or absence of technical failures. If no problems are found with the equipment, you will still have to turn to bank specialists for help. Most likely, in this case, error code 2913 of Rosselkhozbank indicates the expiration of the key itself or the powers of the responsible persons.

Error 2913. EDS profile settings available for use

Good afternoon, friends, today I’ll tell you how to solve error 2913. EDS profile settings available for use were not found. It pops up when you access the client bank The strangest thing is that before this everything worked and the EDS keys were visible, let's figure out what's wrong and restore the work of your financier or accountant, I assure you that you will not spend much time on this.

Error 2913 in IE

Let's take a closer look at this error. I would like to note that when I tried to view the contents of the root token in Crypto Pro, it just stupidly blinked constantly and did not show any information.

What to do with error 2913

I’ll describe my system, it’s Windows 8.1 x64 Professional, Internet Explore 11 on the computer.

  • The first thing you need to check is whether your rutoken is lit. If it does not light up, try removing it and inserting it again, or into other USB ports.
  • If it doesn’t light up, it means either it’s physically broken, or its drivers are buggy, go to the Windows Device Manager in the Smart Card Readers section, and make sure that you don’t have any unknown devices or ones with exclamation marks.

  • Look carefully to see if there are any messages on the page asking you to run or install the add-on. Run/install add-ons until the message disappears (in this case, the system may require you to enter your login and password several times)
  • Check that you are not running a 64x bit version of Internet Explore, the path should be like this

C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer

  • You can reset ActiveX, restart the browser, and then check whether this site has been added to trusted sites and whether ActiveX is enabled there. Go to Internet Explore Settings > Browser Options

We write the resource address and click add.

If it curses, then uncheck the box for all sites in this zone to require certificate verification.

Then click the other button, turn on everything that comes with a mention of ActiveX and set the level to Low. Then restart Internet Explore.

  • If all else fails, your key may have expired. Check the "Security Certificate" file (with a name made up of numbers and letters, with the extension .CER) in the folder with the keys and you need to contact the manager. in my case, the certificate was for two months.
Aug 5, 2016 17:16 Ivan Semin

Solving problems when working with the RBS system "Bank-Client" IBA-Moscow

System page is not displayed
  • Check the functionality of your Internet connection.
  • Check the version of your operating system. The Client-Bank system page will not be displayed on operating systems Windows XP Service Pack 2 and lower, as well as on Windows Server 2003 without the latest updates installed.
  • In Internet Explorer, go to Tools → Internet Options → Advanced. In the window that opens, check the boxes next to the items containing the abbreviation “TLS” in the name and uncheck the boxes next to the items containing “SSL”.
  • Press the key combination Ctrl+F5. The page will be refreshed and the cache will be cleared.
  • Check the correct spelling of the Client-Bank system page address. In the address bar, delete all information after .ru and press Enter.
The login/password is incorrect or the account is blocked

Check that your login and password are entered correctly. We recommend that you pay attention to the input parameters: the current input language and the Caps Lock key press. Try entering the password in a text document, check it visually and copy it into the password field in the system.

Error (code: 2913) Setup/Runtime Error This error may be displayed for the following reasons:

  • The electronic keys have expired.
  • The term of office of the director/general has expired. director indicated on the organization’s bank card.
  • You have not yet completed the initial generation of new keys.
  • You have just done the initial generation of new keys and clicked the “Next” button. At this moment the keys are not yet ready. To produce keys, you must print out an application for the production of a public key certificate and submit it to the Bank office servicing your accounts.

For more detailed information on this error, please contact technical support.

Login and password entry fields are shifted off the screen or crossed out

  • Make sure you are logged in using Internet Explorer.
  • Add the Client-Bank system website address to the list of sites operating in compatibility mode.
  • In the Internet Explorer browser, click on the “Tools” button in the top bar (if there are no buttons, then press the Alt key on your keyboard until a bar with the “File”, “Edit”, “View”, etc. buttons appears).
  • Next, select Compatibility View Options.
  • In the window that opens, enter the address of the website in the top line and click the “Add” and “Close” buttons.
There was a script error on this page
  • In Internet Explorer, press the key combination “Ctrl+Shift+Delete”. In the window that opens, check the boxes next to “Temporary Internet files” and “Cookies” and click the “Delete” button.
  • Perform a general reset of your browser settings.
  • Close all Internet Explorer windows and go to “Control Panel” → “Internet Options” (may be located in the “Networks and Internet” section).
Error on load file: Russian XML / Invalid XML

Windows Vista, Windows 7:

  • In the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab and click the “Reset” button.
  • In the window that opens, do not check the “Delete personal settings” checkbox and click the “Reset” button.
  • Once the reset is complete, restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
  • Select “Control Panel” → “Internet Options” (can be located in the “Networks and Internet” section).
  • In the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab and click the “Reset” button.
  • In the window that opens, do not check the “Delete personal settings” checkbox and click the “Reset” button.
  • Once the reset is complete, restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
Error on page (“Invalid XML”, “Error on load file”)

Windows Vista, Windows 7:

  • Close all Internet Explorer windows and go to the Start menu.
  • Select “Control Panel” → “Internet Options” (can be located in the “Networks and Internet” section).
  • In the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab and click the “Reset” button.
  • In the window that opens, do not check the “Delete personal settings” checkbox and click the “Reset” button.
  • Once the reset is complete, restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
  • Close all Internet Explorer windows and right-click the Start button.
  • Select “Control Panel” → “Internet Options” (can be located in the “Networks and Internet” section).
  • In the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab and click the “Reset” button.
  • In the window that opens, do not check the “Delete personal settings” checkbox and click the “Reset” button.
  • Once the reset is complete, restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
Error 163 when sending a signed document
  • Remove the signature from the document by clicking on the “Sign/remove signature from document” button.
  • Re-sign the document and click on the “Send document to the Bank” button.
  • If an error occurs when removing a signature, contact the Bank's technical support service.
When printing documents/extracts, the margins on the right are cut off
  • In the Internet Explorer browser, click on the “File” button in the top bar (if there are no buttons, then press the Alt key on your keyboard until a bar with the “File”, “Edit”, “View”, etc. buttons appears).
  • Select Page Setup.
  • In the window that opens, in the “Left”, “Right”, “Top”, “Bottom” fields, enter the value “1”.
  • Restart your browser for the changes to take effect.
Document status “Imported” after import from 1C

To send a document, you must change the payment order to the “New” status.

  • Select the document and click on “Edit Document”.
  • Click on "Save Document".
  • Correct errors, information about which will appear when saving the payment order.
  • After correction, click on “Save Document” again.
  • The payment order will remain in the “New” status and the opportunity to sign and send the document will be available.

Regeneration of keys Rosselkhozbank: instructions, planned, primary

Regeneration of Russian Agricultural Bank keys instructions: the procedure should be carried out on the same computer. It is recommended to use one account with local administrator rights.

Primary regeneration of keys Rosselkhozbank

Instructions: how to regenerate keys?

  1. When you first visit the system, a window appears: “Attention, you have digital signature subscribers whose profiles have a critical status. You can perform operations with the profile using the program interface.”
  2. By clicking the “Next” button, you are taken to the main page. An item labeled “Service” will be displayed on the left. In the sub-items, select “Security” – “Key regeneration” – “Profiles”. On the right, information about the current profile status will be displayed with the inscription “primary key regeneration required.” Double-click on the inscription in the status.
  3. In the window that pops up, next to the text “Generate/Regenerate keys” there will be four buttons. Press the key on the far right.
  4. A window will appear with the words “Signature” and a button in the lower right corner “Sign”. By clicking on it, the user will see the Public Key Recognition Act. Press the “Print” button and keep 1 copy of the document. The act must be signed, stamped and the paper sent to the e-mail address for the electronic signature to be considered valid.
  5. After the manipulations have been completed, you should leave the system by pressing the appropriate key.
  6. The bank will process the request and send a message to the specified email about readiness. Then you should log back to the online banking website - “Internet Client”. On the main page there will be a window with the inscription: “Regenerating a set of keys - a new certificate has been registered.”
  7. By clicking the “Next” link, go to the subsection “Service” – “Security” – “Regeneration of a set of keys” – “Profiles”. In the lower right corner there will be new information about the profile status.
  8. Click on the inscription “Get certificate/key”. In the window that appears, click on the “Continue” link. If all steps are successfully completed, the following message will be received: “The bank has provided a new certificate for the subscriber “Your Full Name”. To complete the formation of the resulting set of keys and put them into operation, click on the “Continue” button.” Next, you will receive a message of the following nature: “You have been transferred to work with a new set of keys.”
  9. In the main menu of the system, go to the section “Service” - “Security” - “Regeneration of a set of keys” - “Profiles” - here you should select the desired profile from the list and click on the inscription “in operation”.

Next, you need to print the Public Key Recognition Certificate. The documentation must be in two copies. The acts must include the start date of the electronic signature and its expiration date.

Planned regeneration of keys Rosselkhozbank

To display the form correctly, you need to configure settings in your browser. You need to click on the link “File” - “Page Settings”. Delete the current header and footer values ​​and set the values: right, bottom, top - 10 mm each, the left margin remains unchanged.

Acts signed by the head of the organization and stamped should be brought to the bank.

It is now possible to sign payment orders and send them to a banking institution.

(!) Important! A month before the expiration date of the electronic signature, the service will notify you of the need for planned regeneration. Planned regeneration of Rosselkhozbank keys is similar to the method of primary regeneration.

If the validity period of the electronic signature has expired and the renewal has not been made, then work in the service will be impossible.

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what is this, instructions for planned and primary regeneration of keys

Regeneration of Rosselkhozbank keys, how to achieve the desired effect? The main advice is to carry out all manipulations on a single device. We also recommend using a single accounting entry that will have limited administrator rights.

Primary regeneration of Rosselkhozbank keys

  • If you are visiting the system for the first time, then a window will certainly appear in front of you: “Attention, there is an EDS client available, their profiles have been found in a critical state. The maneuver can be performed with the participation of the interface program.”

  • After which you should press the “Next” button and you will go to the main tab. A “Service” sign will appear in front of you on the left; after you go there, go to “Security” - “Key Regeneration” - “Profiles”. On the right side, a message about the current status of the profile will be displayed with the accompanying note “you need primary key regeneration.” After you click on the title in position a couple of times, the machine will start.

  • In the window that appears next to it, click on the line of the subscriber’s full name, and the signature parameters will open in front of you. Then you need to click on the “Create request” button (a shortcut with a white document at the top).

  • In the open “Regenerating a set of keys” window, you need to click on the button to send the document to the bank.

  • A window will appear with the definition “Signature” and a button at the bottom in the right corner with similar content. By clicking on it, you will see the Act - this is the fact of recognition of the public key. Click the “Print” function and do not forget to keep one copy of this document for yourself. This Act will need to be signed, sealed and the document sent by email for the electronic signature to become valid.

  • After all these procedures, you can leave the system by pressing the necessary buttons.
  • Rosselkhozbank will process the request and, as a result, you will be sent a notification to the agreed e-mail about the consent of Rosselkhozbank. After this, log back into the online site – “Internet Client”. On the main page, a window will open labeled: “Regenerating a set of keys – the newest certificate has been registered.”
  • Click “Next”, go to the area “Service” - “Security” - “Regeneration of a set of keys” - “Profiles”. A notification about the status of the profile will appear at the very bottom in the corner on the right.

  • Click on the “Get Key” sign. Then follow the instructions and click “Continue”. If you have done everything correctly so far, you will receive the following notification: “Rosselkhozbank provides a certificate for the client’s full name. client." To complete the operation, click “Continue”. Then expect a similar notification: “You have been transferred to work with the latest keys.”

Receive an issued certificate
  • In the main menu of the system, go to the “Service” - “Security” - “Regeneration of a set of keys” - “Profiles” button - here we select the required profile from the proposed list and click on the “in operation” item.

Certificate Issued Status

The next step is to print out the Act that recognizes the key. Evidence of this type should be in the form of a pair. Both must be marked with the start date of the electronic signature and the end of its functionality.

Bank actions during regeneration

Rosselkhozbank employees process data on this request and automatically send a notification to a pre-specified email about a successful operation. You will have to visit the resource again, which will contain information regarding key regeneration.

After receiving the key is activated, click on “Continue”. If you have done everything exactly, you will receive a notification from Rosselkhozbank that it sees an updated certificate for a specific person.

To complete the work and start using the keys, you must click “Continue”. Expect a new notification that you have been successfully transferred to the updated data mode.

Next, in order to notify about the pre-opened key, you need to print out the official Act. Such a document will be required in two units. On both papers, it is necessary to indicate the date of entry of the already indicated electronic signatures and the time of decommissioning.

Scheduled key regeneration

In order to correctly reproduce the forms, you need to configure the settings in the browser itself. Click on the designation “File” - “Page Settings”. Next, the previous headers and footers are deleted, the value is set: on the right, below, above - 10 mm each, on the left the field is not changed.

Bring all copies of acts certified by the signatures of the head of the enterprise and seals to Rosselkhozbank.

Now you can easily prepare pay slips and send them to Rosselkhozbank.

One month before the functionality of the electronic signature ends, you will receive a corresponding notification that you need a Planned regeneration of keys; its actions are similar to the primary regeneration.

If you do not respond to the notification sent, then after the service life of the electronic signature expires, working in the service will no longer be possible.


If your keys fail verification, what does this mean? The failure occurred because error 2913 appeared. In this case, continuous blinking appears. To resolve this problem, make sure that the keys are installed correctly and contact the bank support service. The reason may be a configuration error. It will be extremely problematic to cancel such a problem yourself. Roselkhozbank specialists will explain how such problems are resolved.

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Service at Rosselkhozbank

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Regeneration of Rosselkhozbank keys - instructions for primary and planned regeneration of keys. Actions of Rosselkhozbank when regenerating keys in the Internet client.

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Good afternoon friends, today I’ll tell you how to solve error 2913. EDS profile settings available for use were not found. It pops up when you access the client bank The strangest thing is that before this everything worked and the EDS keys were visible, let's figure out what's wrong and restore the work of your financier or accountant, I assure you that you will not spend much time on this.

Error 2913 in IE

Let's take a closer look at this error. I would like to note that when I tried to view the contents of the root token in Crypto Pro, it just stupidly blinked constantly and did not show any information.

What to do with error 2913

I’ll describe my system, it’s Windows 8.1 x64 Professional, Internet Explore 11 on the computer.

  • The first thing you need to check is whether your rutoken is lit. If it does not light up, try removing it and inserting it again, or into other USB ports.
  • If it doesn’t light up, it means either it’s physically broken, or its drivers are buggy, go to the Windows Device Manager in the Smart Card Readers section, and make sure that you don’t have any unknown devices or ones with exclamation marks.

  • Look carefully to see if there are any messages on the page asking you to run or install the add-on. Run/install add-ons until the message disappears (in this case, the system may require you to enter your login and password several times)
  • Check that you are not running a 64x bit version of Internet Explore, the path should be like this

C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer

  • You can reset ActiveX, restart the browser, and then check whether this site has been added to trusted sites and whether ActiveX is enabled there. Go to Internet Explore Settings > Browser Options

We write the resource address and click add.

If it curses, then uncheck the box for all sites in this zone to require certificate verification.

Regeneration of Russian Agricultural Bank keys instructions: the procedure should be carried out on the same computer. It is recommended to use one account with local administrator rights.

Instructions: how to regenerate keys?

  1. When you first visit the system, a window appears: “Attention, you have digital signature subscribers whose profiles have a critical status. You can perform operations with the profile using the program interface.”
  2. By clicking the “Next” button, you are taken to the main page. An item labeled “Service” will be displayed on the left. In the sub-items, select “Security” – “Key regeneration” – “Profiles”. On the right, information about the current profile status will be displayed with the inscription “primary key regeneration required.” Double-click on the inscription in the status.
  3. In the window that pops up, next to the text “Generate/Regenerate keys” there will be four buttons. Press the key on the far right.
  4. A window will appear with the words “Signature” and a button in the lower right corner “Sign”. By clicking on it, the user will see the Public Key Recognition Act. Press the “Print” button and keep 1 copy of the document. The act must be signed, stamped and the paper sent to the e-mail address for the electronic signature to be considered valid.
  5. After the manipulations have been completed, you should leave the system by pressing the appropriate key.
  6. The bank will process the request and send a message to the specified email about readiness. Then you should log back to the online banking website - “Internet Client”. On the main page there will be a window with the inscription: “Regenerating a set of keys - a new certificate has been registered.”
  7. By clicking the “Next” link, go to the subsection “Service” – “Security” – “Regeneration of a set of keys” – “Profiles”. In the lower right corner there will be new information about the profile status.
  8. Click on the inscription “Get certificate/key”. In the window that appears, click on the “Continue” link. If all steps are successfully completed, the following message will be received: “The bank has provided a new certificate for the subscriber “Your Full Name”. To complete the formation of the resulting set of keys and put them into operation, click on the “Continue” button.” Next, you will receive a message of the following nature: “You have been transferred to work with a new set of keys.”
  9. In the main menu of the system, go to the section “Service” - “Security” - “Regeneration of a set of keys” - “Profiles” - here you should select the desired profile from the list and click on the inscription “in operation”.

Next, you need to print the Public Key Recognition Certificate. The documentation must be in two copies. The acts must include the start date of the electronic signature and its expiration date.

Planned regeneration of keys Rosselkhozbank

To display the form correctly, you need to configure settings in your browser. You need to click on the link “File” - “Page Settings”. Delete the current header and footer values ​​and set the values: right, bottom, top - 10 mm each, the left margin remains unchanged.

Acts signed by the head of the organization and stamped should be brought to the bank.

It is now possible to sign payment orders and send them to a banking institution.

(!) Important! A month before the expiration date of the electronic signature, the service will notify you of the need for planned regeneration. Planned regeneration of Rosselkhozbank keys is similar to the method of primary regeneration.

If the validity period of the electronic signature has expired and the renewal has not been made, then work in the service will be impossible.

There are times when you try to connect to a client bank or log into your account online on the website, and you are shown a warning message indicating Rosselkhozbank error 2913. Let's figure out what reasons can cause such a login problem and what to do to solve it and carry out the necessary operations.

What does error 2913 mean?

When logging into the client-bank system or personal account, a window pops up stating that it is impossible to recognize cryptographic elements due to the fact that the client’s electronic key or digital signature is missing in the prescribed manner. Until you fix the error, you will not be able to work in the system.

You need to try to correct the situation yourself, double-check the connection of the digital signature to the computer, perhaps it is simply a bad contact or the wrong medium was accidentally selected. If you cannot resolve error 2913 of Rosselkhozbank, call the bank’s technical support service.

Reasons for error 2913

Error 2913 Rosselkhozbank may appear due to the following most common reasons:

  • The validity period of the digital signature has expired.
  • The powers of the manager who is a signatory are not valid due to the expiration of the established period of validity.
  • The initial generation of digital signature has not been carried out.
  • The key registration procedure has not been completed; after the initial regeneration, the electronic key cannot yet be used; you need to take the document to receive it and come to the bank branch.

Rosselkhozbank employees will help you determine exactly why error 2913 appeared in your case and eliminate it.

What to do and how to fix the error?

You can try to remove Rosselkhozbank error 2913 on your own, to do this you need to do the following:

  • Recheck your digital storage. If the red or blue indicator is on, then the equipment is connected and ready to work, and the necessary drivers are installed correctly. If the light is missing, select Control Panel from the Start menu and click Device Manager in the window that opens. Next, select the Smart Card Reader tab and see if there are any objects that the computer cannot recognize or cards with an exclamation mark icon, which indicates problems with operation.
  • Make sure there is no information message in which you need to install or update settings.
  • Include the Rosselkhozbank website in trusted nodes. To do this, select Settings in the browser menu, then go to the Security tab in the browser properties, where you need to reduce the protection level to low and add the bank’s official website to the general list. On the same tab, find the Other button and click. In the new window that appears, select the ActiveX controls line and mark it with a checkmark.

By trying the above methods for correcting Rosselkhozbank error 2913, you will be able to identify whether there are technical failures in the computer that affected the occurrence of the error.

In a situation where there are no technical problems, you should consult with bank employees. Apparently, the problem lies in the first or second reason.

Video instructions:

Let's sum it up

There is nothing wrong with the appearance of error message 2913 of Rosselkhozbank; this problem can be resolved. Use the listed methods to resolve the error, and you can fix it yourself. If none of the above reasons apply to your case, bank employees will help you cope with the situation.

Sometimes, when using the “Client-Bank” option or when logging into your personal account electronically, connection problems may arise, expressed as “error 2913 Rosselkhozbank”, what should you do in such cases? What steps should I take to get back into the system?

To make transactions online, a bank user logs into his personal account or connects to the Client-Bank system. But there are situations when it is impossible to establish a connection. A message appears on the computer monitor stating that it is impossible to load cryptographic components due to the lack of a registered digital signature (user’s electronic key).

This means that you will not be able to log in until the cause of the conflict is resolved. Initially, for this purpose, it is recommended to independently check whether the digital key is installed correctly in the reading medium. It is likely that the electronic storage device is missing or another one was inserted by mistake. We also assume that the electronic key is not connected securely. In this case, it is enough to correct the situation by placing the media correctly. Error 2913 of Rosselkhozbank at login should be eliminated. If after the actions taken the situation has not changed, then you need to contact support.

Reasons for error 2913

If logging into the bank’s electronic services is limited by the error message 2913, then the reasons may be the following:

  1. The electronic key certificate has expired.
  2. The powers of the signatory (director, manager), the validity period of which is specified in the user’s bank card, have expired.
  3. The initial generation of the received electronic key was not performed.
  4. After the initial generation, the public key is not yet ready for use. You will need to print out the application for issuance and contact the bank that services the open account.

What to do to troubleshoot

If you cannot contact bank employees, then to eliminate error 2913 on the client-bank website at Rosselkhozbank, you can take the following actions:

  1. Check the status of the root token (digital storage device). If the red or blue light is on, this means that the device is working and the drivers are installed correctly. If there is no working indicator light, you should go to the “Device Manager” in the operating system, find the “Smart Card Reader” tab and make sure that there are no unidentified cards or with an exclamation mark icon.
  2. You need to make sure that a message does not appear on your computer screen asking you to install or run a specific setting.
  3. Add the bank's website to trusted nodes. In the settings, you need to open the “Browser Options” panel, select the “Security” tab, set the protection level to low and add the required bank website to the proposed list. Under the “Enable Protected Mode” inscription, select the “Other” button, in the list that opens, find the line “ActiveX controls” and check it.

The steps listed above allow you to verify the presence or absence of technical failures. If no problems are found with the equipment, you will still have to turn to bank specialists for help. Most likely, in this case, error code 2913 of Rosselkhozbank indicates the expiration of the key itself or the powers of the responsible persons.

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